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S3 Episode 39



Tragedy rocks Springfield...





The hospital is busy.

Phillip sits with Liz who is still holding Baby Clay.

Mel sits with her parents.


Rick walks into the room.

Everyone jumps up.

Mel sighs, "Rick how did the surgery go."

Rick sighs, "We are able to stop the bleeding for now. But he has severe brain swelling and internal injuries."

Felicia wipes her tears, "Just please tell us what is going to happen to our son."

Rick shakes his head, "We did everything we could. But unfortunately Remy is very weak. He is in a lot of pain right now. We are doing everything we can for him I promise you."

Clayton holds his wife, "Rick we are not just a couple of patients. We are your family. Please be honest with us."

Rick sighs, "I'm sorry. For now he is holding on but that's all I can say for now."

Felicia turns and cries on her husband.

Mel hugs Rick.

Phillip puts his arm around Liz.

Liz has no emotion on her face.

She just stares off into space.

In Alan's room.


Natalia holds AJ and sits by Alan.

Alan looks at her, "You left me."

She nods, "I had to protect our son. Alan you became dangerous."

He sighs, "Things only got worse after you left. I did some horrible things. Now..."

Natalia nods, "I know you were with Blake again."

He stops her, "No. Blake means nothing to me. You are everything Natalia. Everything."

Natalia sighs, "Alan I never stopped loving you. I never stopped being your wife in my heart."

She shows him her wedding ring.

He stares, "You're wearing it?"

She nods, "I never took it off. You may be the big villain in Springfield's eyes, but you are still the love of my life."

Natalia kisses Alan.


Carriage House:


Jason walks into the house.

He hollers, "Hello?.... No one is here."

Jason steps aside and Ross walks in.

Ross looks around, "I can't believe I'm back here."

Jason sighs, "I can't believe you are back in Springfield. I mean are you really back?"

Ross nods, "Of course. Jason I left to protect you, your mother and your siblings. I love you."

Jason sighs, "Did Mom or Dinah tell you anything? About Kevin or Clarissa?"

Ross shakes his head, "No but they certainly worried me. What is going on with my family?"

The door opens up.


Kevin and Rocky walk in.

Kevin walks to the room, "Did you hear anything about-"

Ross smiles.

Rocky stares, "Oh my God."

Kevin backs away, "What the hell is he doing here?"

Ross sighs, "I'm back in-"

Kevin shouts, "I wasn't talking to you!"

Ross looks at him, "I'm not here to cause problems for anyone. I know it's been a long time. But I know that my family needs me now. I am not going to abandon you."

Kevin shouts, "You already have! And you have the worst timing."

Ross shakes his head, "I was not abandoning you! I had no other choice. Would you please let me explain Son? Just us."

Kevin scoffs, "Anything you can say to me you can say in front of Rocky."

Ross turns to him, "Rocky? Are you Buzz and Jenna's son? Wow it's been a long time. I'm glad to see you two are such good friends."

Kevin laughs, "Friends?"

Rocky sighs, "Maybe we should go?"

Kevin shakes his head, "No he should go, we have nothing to be ashamed of."

Jason looks at him, "Now is not the time."

Kevin nods, "Now is the time!"

Ross is confused, "What are you talking about?"

Kevin grabs Rocky and kisses him.

A very surprised Ross stares.


Natalia is out in the hall with Ed.

Natalia looks at him, "I'm the only family member here for Alan."


Ed sighs, "I saw that. I'm sorry."

Natalia nods, "Just tell me... how long does Alan have?"

Ed shakes his head, "If we had more preparation and more information on Alan... it was bad enough he skipped appointments but when he was diagnosed he should have taken better care of himself. I'm sorry but I'm not sure how long Alan's heart will make it."

Natalia wipes her tears, "Well then I need to make his last moments special. Because despite what everyone thinks... he's not a monster."

Ed nods, "I know."

Natalia goes back into Alan's room.

Inside Remy's room.


Blake sneaks in.

Remy opens his eyes.

She looks down at him, "Hey..."

He sighs, "Blake."

She looks at him, "Oh Remy... I am so sorry. I can't believe this is happening to you."

He sighs, "Promise me.... promise me that you will get Alan out of your life before it's to late."

She nods, "I already have. I am done with him and the rest of the Spaulding family. I will never make that mistake again."

He sighs, "I'm glad to hear that."

She cries, "I know you won't believe it. But I love you Remy. When you get out of here I will still fight for you. Even if I have to play fair. Because I love you."

He looks at her, "I will always care about you Blake."

She grins, "You saved my life a hundred times. You are like my superhero. I have this box full of stuff I saved from when we were together. I should have brought it."

He sighs, "You can go get it."

She nods, "I will. I will, I'll go real quick and I'll bring it right back. I promise."

She kisses his head.

Blake rushes out of the room.

A very weak Remy feels a tear run down his face.

He is in a great deal of pain.


Spaulding Enterprises:


Alexandra sits at the conference table looking through documents.

Vicky walks in, "Well it's all over the news. Rumors and speculation all over are that the Spaulding family is somehow responsible for what happened to Detective Boudreau."


Nick sits down, "Of course. Even if it weren't the family name would be drug through the dirt. Alan certainly has made this family popular hasn't he?"

Amanda enters the room, "Well the entire staff here is relaxed for now. Though if things get worse I'm sure we'll see a bunch of our employees jumping out the windows."

Alex nods, "Well my brother has done it this time. Soon he will be on bed rest for a while and then probably thrown behind bars and it will be up to us to take this company over."

Nick looks at her, "You do realize there is a possibility that Alan won't make it."

Alex scoffs, "Of course he will. It's Alan. I wouldn't be surprised if he was faking it again."

Amanda nods, "If that is true then why are you here? I mean you haven't been back in Springfield since Alan turned on you for helping Natalia get away from him. If you are so sure that Alan is going to make it then do you no longer fear his wrath?"

Alex turns to Amanda, "Have I told you how happy I am that you are back in Springfield?"

Amanda shakes her head, "No."

Alex nods, "Ah."

Nick sighs, "What happened to working together? You guys are already sharpening your claws."

Vicky nods, "Let's bond over being the only Spauldings who are mentally stable."

Nick sighs, "I am just sick of every Spaulding being labeled as a horrible person. Things are only going to get worse from here."

Vicky nods, "Which is also bad news for the company."

Alexandra knows her brother will be okay.


Mel enters Remy's room.

He requested to see her first.

Mel sits by him, "Hey Buddy. How are you feeling?"

He sighs, "Like crap."

She looks at him, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten involved in your problems. I only wanted to help you..."

He looks at her, "You did. My family will be safe now... I owe that to you. You are the best sister and I love you."

Mel cries, "I wanted to protect you."

He sighs, "I know."

Mel tries to pull herself together.

Remy looks at her, "I heard some of the nurses talking. I need to ask you a favor.

Mel nods, "Anything."

Remy sighs, "I mean it Mel. I know you will be upset. But I need you to do this for me."

Mel is very confused.

Out in the waiting room.

Liz holds baby Clay.

Phillip looks at her, "Honey maybe we should let someone take him home."

Liz shakes her head, "No. I don't... nope. We are waiting for Remy to come home with us. Home is where Remy is."

Phillip is very worried for his daughter.

Inside Alan's room.

Alan is feeling very weak.

Alan opens his eyes, "Natalia..."

She takes his hand, "I'm here. I'm here Alan."

He looks at her, "I'm sorry Natalia. I'm sorry for everything. For being a bad influence on Raphael. For putting the company first. For cheating on you with Blake. For trying to hold you captive at the house. I hope you still love me."

Natalia has tears in her eyes, "I will always love you Alan. And no matter what happens we will end up together. Even if it's when we are reunited in heaven together."

Natalia kisses her husband.




Ashlee walks to the bar.

The bartender looks at her in her scrubs, "You look like you just got off work."

She sighs, "I got to get back in a minute. I'm just picking up some orders and I'm waiting here. Can I get a water?"


A man sitting a few seats away laughs, "A water? Nice."

She turns to him, "Sounds like you should switch to water."

He scoffs, "Everyone thinks they know what they are talking about."

She sighs, "How many have you had?"

He laughs, "I've lost count. But it's cool. Because I have enough reasons."

She nods, "Well I recently found out that the woman who has made my life hell this past year is my biological mother. You don't see me getting trashed."

He sighs, "Sucks for you then."

She looks at him, "What's up with you?"

He sighs, "A woman... she hurt me. She used me is more of a way to put it. Probably the one woman I thought I could count on. She totally just let down, failed me."

Ashlee sighs, "I'm sorry."

He turns to her, "See why do you say that? You don't know me, you will never see me again. Yet you feel bad for me?"

She nods, "We might see each other again."

He shakes his head, "Nope. I'm just visiting someone. Then I'm out of this town, boringfield."

Ashlee gets off her chair, "Well stick around. You'll see this place is far from boring."

She grabs her order.

The man watches as she leaves.





Susan is getting some lunch.

Stephanie walks over, "What are you hiding from me?"

Susan scoffs, "Go away Stephanie. I am not even close to being in the mood for your crap today."

Stephanie nods, "When did Sam leave?"

Susan turns to her, "What?"

Stephanie sighs, "I know that Sam left Cedars to another hospital and no one told me. So just tell me so I don't have to go digging by myself. Because I'll find out."

Susan is confused, "Sam left? He didn't even say goodbye?"

Stephanie stares, "You really didn't know?"

Susan sighs, "Damn it!"

Stephanie sits down, "I can't believe he is really gone. I mean... I know he is upset with us. But he didn't even say goodbye or anything. I had stuff to tell him."

Susan turns to her, "God you are so selfish."

Stephanie scoffs, "You don't understand. Sam is in a hospital. Remy is in the hospital. So far I think Coop is the only ex boyfriend of mine who isn't in the hospital, yet!"

Susan nods, "Well I'm sure they are all in less pain than when they were with you."

Stephanie stares, "Why do you hate me so much?"

Susan turns to her, "You helped Guillespie take advantage of me."

Stephanie shakes her head, "You hated me long before that."

Susan shakes her head, "I hate everything about you. First off you're a pig so that makes me already angry with you."

Stephanie is confused, "Half of your family is cops."

Susan nods, "And when you are a cop you are held to a high standard. People like you make me sick."

Stephanie looks at her, "At least I know deep down inside that I'm a good person. And you aren't even sure about yourself."

A frustrated Susan storms out of the diner.


Clayton holds his wife's hand.

Felicia takes a deep breath.

The two walk into Remy's room.

Remy lays still.

Felicia hates seeing him like that.

They walk over to him.

Remy sees them, "Mom..."

Felicia nods, "I'm here."

Clayton clears his throat, "We are here for you son."

Felicia puts her hand on him, "We are here for you. We love you and we want to take care of you."

Remy sighs, "I love you too Mom."

Felicia is fighting tears.

Clayton whispers in her ear, "It's okay."

Felicia is trying to speak but cannot get the words out.

Clayton looks at his son, "Is there anything we can do son?"

Remy looks away, "Take care of Liz... don't let her feel like she is alone after..."

Felicia shakes her head as she cries.

Clayton looks at him, "I want to hear you be more hopeful. You are a strong man. You are the strongest man I have ever known. I am so proud to call you my son."

Remy has tears in his eyes, "I learned everything from you guys. I love you both."

Clayton nods, "We love you too son."

Felicia wipes tears, "We love you so much Baby."

Across the hospital inside Alan's room.

Alan looks at Natalia, "Did you bring your bible?"

She laughs, "Of course. You know me."

He sighs, "Will you read something from it while I try to sleep?"

She nods, "Of course."

A tearful Natalia grabs her bible from her purse.

Alan can feel his heart getting weaker.

Spaulding Enterprises:

Amanda gets off her phone.

Nick looks at her, "Any news?"

Amanda sighs, "Unfortunately it sounds like Detective Boudreau is not going to make it."

Alex sighs, "Damn it Alan."

Amanda nods, "And I guess the same goes for Alan."

Vicky and Nick both look at Alexandra.

Alex shakes her head, "Well your sources are mistaken. Alan is not going to... he's not."

Everyone stares at her.

Alex gets up, "He can't."

Vicky clears her throat, "Well let's keep our minds on the company. What are our investors saying? What are the people of Springfield saying? It can't be good."

Amanda sighs, "It's not good. Lewis Enterprises has basically made a clean name for themselves. And coming from the same area, odds are a lot of our business is going straight over there."

Nick shakes his head, "We can't let that happen."

Vicky nods, "What can we do? Even doing something in Detective Boudreau's name would still just seem like a business move."

Amanda sighs, "This is going to come out wrong and sound heartless.... but the only thing that could possibly save the company would be... the death of Alan Spaulding."

A cold silence goes over the room.

Alexandra walks over to the window.

She looks down at the town of Springfield.


Clayton, Felicia and Mel are all in the room.

Mel stands by Remy.

Remy whispers to her, "Remember what I said?"

Mel shakes her head, "You can't ask me to do that."

He sighs, "Mel... please."

She cries and eventually nods in agreement.

He sighs, "I have another favor. When I... don't let Mom watch. I don't want to see her face when I-"

Mel stops him, "No. Don't think like that."

Liz stands outside the room.

She holds her son close and takes a deep breathe."

Liz walks into Remy's room.

Remy sees her in the corner of his eye, "You're here."

She walks in, "Where else would I be? I was telling my Dad earlier. There is no home without you."

Remy looks at her and his son, "But you need to know that even when I'm gone I'm still in your heart."

She shushes him, "We don't have to worry about that. You'll be fine. You can't leave."

Remy sighs, "Liz... you need to remember. You're strong enough to do this on your own."

She cries, "No. I'm not. So stop it. You can't leave me alone."

Remy sighs, "You'll never be alone. I'll always be with you. I promise."

Remy closes his eyes.

Liz looks at him, "Remy? Remy, Remy, Remy..."

Clayton, Felicia and Mel all look over.

Over in Alan's room.

Alan takes Natalia's hand, "Natalia... I want forgiveness for my sins. I want to say sorry for everything."

She nods, "God is loving."

He sighs, "If I make it through this I'll be a better husband and father, and person.... Natalia if I make it through this I swear, I promise... I will confess to everything. I'll pay for what I did... I love you."

Alan's machine goes off.

He passes out.

Natalia cries, "Alan? Alan? Somebody please!!!"

Nurses rush into Alan's room.

Carriage House:

Ross stares at Kevin and Rocky.

Kevin smiles, "Got something to say."

Ross sighs, "I didn't know..."

Kevin nods, "Well now you do! The big screw up son is also a fag. Go figure. Sorry to disappoint you."

Rocky sighs, "Kevin..."

Ross shakes his head, "I didn't say that! Stop putting words into my mouth Kevin. You need to let me explain."

Kevin shakes his head, "No! You don't get to do this! You don't get to put us through hell thinking you are dead and then just come back and expect us to jump with joy! We moved on!"

Ross shakes his head, "I didn't. I think about every day Kevin. Every single day."

Kevin looks at Rocky, "Let's get out of here."

Ross sighs, "Kevin-"

Kevin turns to him, "You stay here with the good twin. I'm done with you."

Kevin leaves.

Blake walks inside, "What's wrong with Kevin?"

She stops and stares at Ross.

Jason sighs, "Mom..."

Blake shakes her head, "What are you doing here? Why are you doing this? The kids are dealing with enough!"

Ross sighs, "Blake... I'm so sorry. But you know why I did what I did."

Blake shakes her head, "I have to get back to the hospital. I just came to get some stuff. I have to get to the man I love."

Ross nods, "Alan Spaulding?"

Blake shakes her head, "No. Remy Boudreau."

A surprised Ross stares at Blake.


Remy opens his eyes.

He sees his Mom and Dad sitting together.

Mel stands by them.

He looks to the other side of the room.

Liz is standing by his bedside holding baby Clay.

Remy looks at her, "Can I see him?"

She nods, "Of course."

Liz holds Clay close to Remy.

Remy kisses him on the head, "I love you son."

Liz looks at Remy, "You saved me."

He sighs, "You saved me too. You are a good person... so good."

She nods, "Because of you."

He sighs, "No... you are good. I love you Liz."

She has tears in her eyes, "Please... don't give up. You're the love of my life"

Remy whispers, "You are the love of my life..."

Suddenly the sound of Remy's machine flatlining fills the room.

Liz cries, "No, no, no, no please, no!!!!"

Felicia screams, "Oh God no!!!!!"

Clayton holds to his wife as his tears flow down his cheeks.

Mel sobs as she buries her face in her hands.

Liz falls to her knees holding baby Clay.

Liz sobs, "No... please no!!!"

Baby Clay starts crying too.

Liz continues crying at Remy's bedside.

Detective Remy Boudreau is dead.


Remy's death ROCKS Springfield!!!

Natalia hopes for a miracle

Alexandra takes control


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