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S3 Episode 36



Actions are questioned in Springfield...




Marah and Edmund are making out in the back room.

They hear the crowd coming.




Ava swings the door open.

Josh, Reva, Annie, and Noah walk in.

Marah's furious family stares.

Marah jumps off him.

Reva stares, "No."

Annie lunges at them, "Get away from her! Get the hell away from her."

Josh grabs Edmund, "You bastard!"

Marah grabs her father, "Daddy stop it! Daddy please!"

Noah pulls Josh back, "Enough."

Reva walks over to Marah, "What happened?"

Edmund looks at Marah, "Marah?"

Marah sighs, "He wasn't forcing himself on me. You guys saw us. Did it look like he was hurting me?"

Annie sighs, "Marah just explain to everyone. We were all a little shocked at first-"

Reva sighs, "Shut up Annie. You don't even know half of it. Marah, this is the man who tried to kill Jonathan, me, Cassie, Richard, Dinah, and so many other people. He kidnaps people, he switches babies, he is a psychopath. You know that."

Edmund sighs, "I know I've made mistakes."

Josh turns to him, "Reva was not talking to you."

Marah sighs, "Stop it! All of you. I don't care what any of you say. I'm done hiding. I'm with Edmund now. I am with Edmund Winslow."

Marah's family stares in horror.

Ava smiles at Marah.




Stephanie and Susan sit with Sam.

Sam sighs, "I shouldn't have waited so long to decide who I wanted to be with between you two."

Stephanie sighs, "Sam, you and I have such a strong bond. You understand me. I love you."

Susan shakes her head, "No. Sam, we have been friends since we were teenagers. I think I always knew we'd end up together again. We are just one of those couples that gets back together every time. Stephanie is nothing but a tiny detour."

Stephanie looks at her, "Go to hell."

Sam sighs, "Stop it! How can I possibly be happy with either of you. Nothing will change. Whoever I choose, the other one will not move on. I'm starting to think you love the competition of this more than anything."

Stephanie shakes her head, "Not me. I love you."

Sam nods, "I can't handle this. I need my family. I need my sister."

Susan nods, "Olivia. She's hard to get ahold of. But I'll do everything I can to help you."

Sam sighs, "She already contacted me. She is getting some specialist together. It would mean flying me out once I'm able to."

Susan nods, "Well that's great. My semester if almost over-"

Sam sighs, "No. I need to do this on my own. I need to spend this summer recovering."

Stephanie sighs, "A whole summer?"

Sam nods, "Probably spend most of the fall in rehab."

Stephanie nods, "In Springfield?"

Sam sighs, "No. I can't."

Susan looks at him, "Okay. What are you saying?"

Sam looks at them, "I have to go away."

The two women worry.



Zach runs outside.

He throws his cell phone.

Leah runs out, "Zach!"

Zach turns away, "We'll talk later."

Leah sighs, "I'm sorry. I know it's tough."

He scoffs, "You don't know anything! Leah you have the perfect life. Your parents trust you, they respect you. They are letting you go to a Prom with seniors."

Leah nods, "Zach we all have problems. And if you want I can help you. You don't have to put on an act with me. No one else is out here."

Zach sighs, "Why? Why do you care? It's obvious why we were both here. You should hate me."

Leah kisses him.

He stares, "What was that for?"

Leah looks at him, "For the first time since I saw you on Spring Break, you are letting me see the real Zach."

Zach stares at her.

Inside the Prom.


RJ and Belinda sit with Clarissa.

Clarissa cries, "Everyone is talking about me! Everyone knows that I am pregnant."

RJ sighs, "I'm sorry. But it doesn't matter. We graduate soon and then it's all over."

Belinda nods, "I still got another year of this crap."

Clarissa sighs, "I just wanted one more fun kid thing before my whole life changes."

Jude walks over, "Clarissa, can I talk to you?"

Clarissa looks up at him.



Bauer Home:


Rick sits in the living room reading.

Mel walks in with Baby Clay, "Hey."

Rick looks over, "I think you got the wrong baby."

She laughs, "Very funny. Is Freddie sleeping?"

Rick nods, "Of course."

Mel smiles, "I'll take Clay up there soon."

Rick sighs, "I don't like this Mel. I don't like you getting involved in all this trouble."

Mel shakes her head, "What am I supposed to do? Let the Spauldings control everything?"

He sighs, "It's not your battle."

Mel nods, "I just want to be a good sister. I have to protect Remy he is my little brother."

Rick nods, "I know. If it were Michelle I would probably be doing the same thing you are."

Mel sighs, "I just hate Alan Spaulding. I mean I saw what he did to Alan Michael. I was Jonathan's lawyer when Alan was targeting him. And now Remy and Liz. I just can't stand that man. When he focuses in on one person it's like his main priority."

Rick nods, "It's scary. Unfortunately he usually gets what he wants or he stops someone else from getting what they want."

Mel shakes her head, "Not this time."




Remy lays in bed after making love with Liz.

He makes a phone call, "Hey... yeah about tomorrow.... yes good. Okay, thank you."

Remy hangs up.

Liz walks out of the bathroom in her robe, "Did I hear you talking to someone in here?"

He nods, "Just getting things ready for tomorrow. I think it's going to work out."

Liz sighs, "I still want to know more about your plan. We can't have anymore secrets."

Remy smiles, "I'm not letting you get your hopes up on anything. Just trust me okay?"

The two kiss.

Liz looks at him, "I called Mel a while ago and she said that she was almost home with Clay. I miss him already."

Remy nods, "So do I. But I know that very soon, you, me and our son will be living happily ever after."

Liz smiles, "Our own little family."

Remy nods, "I want to give you everything you want. I want to make you happy for the rest of my life."

She grins, "Remy..."

Remy pulls a small box out of his pants pocket.

Liz gasp, "Remy!"

He opens it, "Marry me Liz."


Spaulding Mansion:


Alan stands with Blake.

He smiles at her, "Marry me Blake."

Blake stares, "Alan where is this coming from?"

Alan grins, "When I want something I go out and get it. Right now this is what I want."

Blake nods, "Shouldn't a marriage be about love?"

He laughs, "Says who?"

She sighs, "Aren't you still technically married to Natalia?"

Alan nods, "You let me worry about that situation. She's been gone long enough for us to take care of it."

Blake sighs, "I don't know."

Alan smiles, "It won't be as much of a marriage as an engagement. I know you want Remy. This will certainly get his attention. When he sees you on the arm of Alan Spaulding."

Blake grins, "Now I like your thinking."

He laughs, "I knew you would."

She nods, "You got a ring?"

He nods, "I will."

She grins, "I have high expectations."

He smiles, "You should."

She laughs, "No more two word sentences."

He laughs, "Blake life is to short. This situation with Detective Boudreau and Elizabeth has gone on long enough."

Blake turns and looks in the mirror.

She sighs, "Mrs. Alan Spaulding."

Alan smiles at her.


Bauer Home:

Rick is now laying in his bed.

Mel walks into the room.

Rick looks up, "What do you have going on tomorrow? Breaking into banks? Going undercover?"

Mel laughs, "No. Just watching the boys. Then meeting Remy and Liz. What about you?"

Rick sighs, "Lunch with my Dad. But hey maybe I'll find a way to get involved in trouble too."

She shoves him, "Stop it. I know what I'm doing. I'm not afraid of Alan Spaulding."

He sighs, "Honey maybe you should be. I've gone toe to toe with Alan. As you remember. Probably one of the most stressful points of my entire life was when I was battling that man."

Mel sighs, "You think I don't know that? Alan Michael lost his mind trying to prove something to his father."

Rick nods, "Exactly."

She shakes her head, "I can't just sit and do nothing. I'm sorry. You know me better than that."

He sighs, "I know. I love you. That's why I'm worried."

She nods, "I know you are. But I have so much good in my life. I need to help Remy."

Rick smiles at her.

Mel kisses her husband.


RJ and Belinda are dancing again.

Belinda sighs, "I wish I didn't have curfew. Maybe tonight could have been the night for us."

He laughs, "Well maybe we shouldn't talk about it. Besides, I can wait. We have a lot of other stuff to look forward to."

The two kiss.

Across the room Jude is standing with Clarissa.

She wipes her tears.

He nods, "I'm sorry. I was a jerk."

She sighs, "I should have told you."

He nods, "Maybe. But this is your Senior Prom. I still have mine next year. So let's focus on making yours memorable."

She laughs, "You know I'm not sleeping with you right?"

He nods, "I figured that. But for you, I can turn off the whole teenage boy, horndog. At least for tonight."

Clarissa laughs.

The two go out to the dance floor.


Zach is with Leah.

Zach sighs, "Let's go back in."

Leah takes his arm, "Stop it."

Zach turns to her, "Okay I only wanted to sleep with you! Why can't you understand that?"

She sighs, "If that's all it was then you wouldn't be giving up right now. I think you like me more than you want to admit."

Zach shakes his head, "It would never work in the long run. I don't do the long run."

Leah sighs, "Well I am not about to sleep with someone who is not long term. I believe in love before sex."

Zach nods, "Not me."

Leah sighs, "We'll see."

Zach and Leah kiss again.


Sam looks up at Susan and Stephanie.

Stephanie looks at him, "So you're leaving town for good?"

Sam sighs, "No."

Susan looks at him, "Then what are you saying?"

Sam looks at them, "I need time. I just need more time to think about everything. Think about what I want. Who I want. You two need to do the same thing."

Stephanie scoffs, "Well I already know so I don't need to think about it at all."

Susan nods, "I love you Sam."

Sam sighs, "You two need to find out why you want to be with me. And why you hate each other so much."

Susan sighs, "How long? How long will you be gone?"

Sam sighs, "Give me a year."

Stephanie cries, "No!"

He nods, "If it's meant to be then it's meant to be. I just need time. Just give me that."

Nurse Lillian walks back in, "Time for you two to go."

Susan kisses Sam on one cheek.

Stephanie kisses the other.

The two walk out.

Sam looks at them, "Wait."

They turn.

He sighs, "If not for me, do this for yourselves."

The two walk out.

Stephanie turns to Susan, "This isn't over."

Susan nods, "Not even close."

The two ladies take separate exits.



Shayne walks Ava out of the room.

Shayne sighs, "I should have believed you."

She nods, "It's okay."

He nods, "I know you wouldn't lie to me."

He hugs her.

Ava starts to feel guilt.

Back in the room.

Josh looks at Marah who is dressed now, "You cannot possibly think that you want to be with Edmund Winslow."

Marah nods, "I know I do."

Josh sighs, "Darlin' you had a miscarriage. You are very scared and confused and upset right now."

Marah shakes her head, "Edmund understands me. I can't be perfect."

Reva sighs, "No one expects you to be."

Marah nods, "I'm not like you guys. I'm more like Edmund."

Reva shakes her head, "You are nothing like Edmund Winslow. He is a monster. A villain."

Marah sighs, "Maybe I am too."

Annie walks over, "Sweetheart no."

Reva looks at Marah, "You cannot let him into our lives."

Marah sighs, "You need to accept this."

Josh shakes his head, "It's not that simple."

Marah is confused, "What?"

Reva looks at Josh and then Marah, "I'm sorry Marah. I hope Edmund is worth it, because he will hurt you. I will not welcome him into my home. I will not welcome him into my family."

Marah looks at Josh, "Daddy?"

Josh sighs, "I agree with your mother. You are always welcome. But he will never be."

Annie sighs, "Josh just..."

Marah shakes her head, "No Annie. I don't care. I'm sorry if you don't want Edmund around. But wherever I am he is. So I guess I had better stay away too."

Josh walks over, "Marah no."

Marah takes Edmund's hand, "We're going."

The Lewis family stares in shock as Marah walks away holding Edmund Winslow's hand.

Spaulding Mansion:

Alan gets off the phone.

Blake smiles, "I am already informing everyone."

Alan grins, "Perfect. I just got our reservations. Our party will be tomorrow. The celebration will begin."

Blake looks at him, "We are really doing this?"

He nods, "Yes we are."

She sighs, "I'm getting officially engaged tomorrow."

He grins, "Everything is going to happen for us Blake."

Blake stands, "I'm finally taking control of my life again. I'm going to have power."

He smiles, "How does it feel?"

She grins, "Unexplainable."

He nods, "I know the feeling."

Blake kisses Alan.

Alan looks at her, "Well that was..."

She nods, "You better get used to it. We will be doing a lot of that stuff tomorrow."

He smiles, "Something to look forward too."

Blake nods, "I have to call my Mom now. And the kids."

Alan walks out to the hallway while Blake dials her phone.

Alan almost falls over in the hallway.

He holds his chest.

Alan sits down.

Alan looks up, "Not yet. I'm not ready."


Remy and Liz stand up.

Liz stares at Remy.

He smiles, "Marry me."

She grins, "Oh Remy."

He smiles, "I'm in love with you. I am completly in love with you. And I know we have had so many problems but I'm done with that. I want it to be like this all the time. I want a future. I want a house, a tire swing, family holidays, all of it. Please, let me grow old with you-"

She stops him, "Remy..."

He looks at her, "Please."

She smiles, "Yes. I would love nothing more than to let you make me happy every single day."

Remy kisses her.

Liz laughs and smiles.

Remy looks at her, "Just say the words. I have waited so long I need to hear you say it."

Liz grins, "Yes! I will marry you Remy!"

He puts the ring on her finger.

Remy picks up Liz and spins her around.

The two kiss.

Remy and Liz fall onto the bed.

Remy smiles, "I love you. I'm ready to give you our happily ever after."

The two begin to make love again.


Remy makes a life threatening decision!

Blake and Alan make an announcement

Kevin and Jason discuss their Mom.

Rafe helps Clarissa

Dinah kisses Mallet


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Rick is totally right about Alan. If doesn't get what he wants, he stops others. With that thought in mind, I hope Alan isn't placing Blake in his "controlling" sights. Because if he is, this is not going to be pretty. Just look at the Liz and Remy fiasco that is still going on. Of course, I think it would be interesting to see if/when Ross returns, how this will play out...

Speaking of Alan, is his heart about to go out or something?

Sam is right, Stephanie and Susan have this insatiable need to one-up one another, and with disastrous results! Yet, they plan on continuing this stupid thing. Kinda reminds me of Dinah/Cassie, Alan/Roger, and Alexandra/Mindy.

I have to agree with Marah, she is a lot like Edmund. Then again, so is Reva, Josh, and Cassie. I mean, HELLO! Reva, you didn't tell Liz that her child was alive! You let her think the baby was dead! The difference is, Edmund will admit his faults and does not give "excuses" for his deeds.

Still not sure what I think about the teen scene. At least on this show, the Marler kids still exist, and the continuity about Dinah's baby from back when makes more sense.

Jay, keep on, keeping on

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Yep if Alan can't be happy then no one can be.

Yes last month Alan was informed that his heart was starting to give out.

I'm glad you see that with Stephanie and Susan. It's more about the competition then about Sam.

Yep. Edmund is seen as a villain by everyone and no matter what he always will be. Marah is bonding with him over that label.

Right now there is not a lot to think about the teen scene because we are still being introduced to them. But the summer we'll see them get more interesting. :) But don't worry about them hogging the stories or anything.

Thanks so much!!! I REALLY think you will enjoy Episode 37!!!! REALLY!!! :)

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