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S3 Episode 24



Spring Break continues...

Spring Break Party:


Toby and his guys are beating up James.

Zach jumps in and starts throwing punches.

James falls on the ground.

Zach is fighting with the other guys.

Security runs over and breaks up the fight.

Zach is pulled back by one officer while another examines James.


A more sober Leah gets up and goes over to Zach, "Are you okay?"

Zach nods, "Yeah I'm fine."

The officer looks at her, "You wanna tell us what happened ma'am?"

Leah nods, "Uh... that guy was trying to take advantage of me and... and Zach saved me."

Leah smiles at Zach.

James stares at the two of them.

By the street.


Maureen and Jason walk up to Kevin.

Kevin looks at them, "Hey deja vu huh?"

Jason hugs him, "Good to see you bro."

Maureen sighs, "Okay we have to find those kids."

Kevin nods, "Well my camera guy heard there was a fight so he is checking it out now. He's gonna let us know if the kids are over there."

Maureen sighs, "I can't get ahold of anyone. I just need to find them. I cannot believe they would do this."

Jason laughs, "That's what our parents were saying about us all those years ago."

Kevin and Jason smile at Maureen.


Country Club:



Phillip, Harley, Cassie and Jeffrey continue their meal.

Cassie is talking. "Well hopefully this summer we will be able to spend more time in San Cristobal. I really want to spend more time with Will. I'm trying to arrange something with Alonzo."

Harley smiles, "It's so weird that your son is training to become a prince, it's incredible."

Cassie smiles, "I know, I just miss him. I know RJ does too. Ever since Tammy... it's just good to feel like a Mom sometimes."

Harley nods, "Yeah. I mean Susan is usually to busy and Zach is off at boarding school. I feel like I'm smothering Jude and Angela sometimes but I'm just holding on to the time I have left."

Phillip nods, "Oh yeah. Alan has convinced Lizzie to stay away from me. James and Zach never want to come home. And Emma... I'm not even going to get into that. Penelope is the only child I have that I actually get to spend time with. When Beth isn't keeping her from me."

The four are enjoying their conversations.


Dinah walks over to the bar right across from them.

She turns, "Hello everyone."

Phillip waves at his cousin, "Hi Dinah."

Dinah smiles, "Hey Phillip, Harley, Jeffrey."

Cassie laughs, "Oh Dinah."

Dinah grins, "So is this the Jeffrey and Cassie romance part 4? You guys think it will work this time."

Jeffrey sighs, "Always a pleasure with you Dinah."

Dinah grins, "You used to get lots of pleasure with me didn't you Jeffrey?"

Cassie looks at her, "Wow Dinah. Ever since Mallet dumped your ass you seem to be back to your old self."

Dinah smiles, "You don't know the half of it."

Spring Break Party:


Clarissa sits with Rafe.

Rafe smiles, "What's up kid?"

She sighs, "What are you doing here?"

He sighs, "All the 20 something college kids up here blowing their trust funds. My new crowd I hang with."

She nods, "Sounds like you fit right in with the Spauldings."

He sighs, "So what's wrong with you?"

She shakes her head, "Why do you care? You hate me."

He looks at her, "Where did you get that idea?"

She sighs, "My mother slept with Alan when he was married to your mother."

Rafe nods, "Makes me hate your Mom. Not you."

She has tears in her eyes.

He puts his arm around her, "Whatever it is... who am I gonna tell? No one believes a word I say anyway."

She turns to him, "I'm pregnant."

He pauses, "Uh... well that's not the worst thing. I mean my Mom had me when she was in high school."

She shakes her head, "I'm not this girl. I'm not the girl that ends up like this."

Rafe puts his hand on hers, "From where I'm sitting you still look like an amazing girl."

Clarissa smiles at him.

Down the beach.


Jude and Robbie run over.

James has an ice pack on his face.

Jude looks at him, "What happened dude?"

James sighs, "You should check on Leah."

Jude sees her and runs over.

Jude looks at his sister, "What happened?"

Leah sighs, "This creep was bugging me but Zach saved me."

Jude nods, "Sounds like Zach."

Robbie sighs, "Dude your sister is wasted."

Zach sighs, "Sorry to say the cops are taking names."

Jude and Robbie realize they are screwed.

By the water.


Belinda is with RJ.

She looks at him, "Most people just look at me and see me as the school bad girl."

He laughs, "People just see me is the good boy prep. But I see you as someone who's smart, funny, strong, and beautiful."

Belinda turns away, "Did you hear that on a reality show?"

He takes her hand, "Nope."

RJ and Belinda kiss.

Suddenly they are interrupted.

Belinda and RJ turn.

Maureen is standing in front of them.


Bauer Home:


Rick, Mel and Michelle sit at the table.

Michelle looks at Mel, "So what is going on with Remy and the baby? I mean have you figured it out yet?"

Mel shakes her head, "Nope. Remy claims it's his choice to stay out of Clayton's life but still not his choice at the same time. I just know there is something big he's keeping from us."

Rick sighs, "I'm sure Alan is controlling everything. I'm telling you that man is scary powerful. I mean just the control he had over Beth even years after she left him was shocking."

Mel nods, "Alan Michael went crazy trying to prove something to his father and to himself."

Michelle sighs, "Well I know I was out of town for years but from what I hear... Alan should be in prison for life."

Mel sighs, "It's scary. The man can murder Cassie's daughter and get away with it. It just scares me that Remy is attached to that family and that my nephew is... a Spaulding. I mean Jonathan has a daughter with Lizzie and he had to go on the run to get away from Alan."

Rick sighs, "Well let's hope for Remy's sake that Lizzie can find a way to cut Alan out of her life for good."

Mel nods, "Amen to that."

Spring Break Party:

Belinda and RJ look at Maureen.

She is furious, "What the hell do you think you're doing here?"

Belinda sighs, "Maureen how did you find us?"

Maureen scoffs, "That's you're response?"

Belinda sighs, "Where's Mom and Dad?"

Maureen shakes her head, "I haven't been able to get ahold of them. Or Cassie."

Belinda looks at her, "Please don't tell them."

Maureen scoffs, "Of course I'm telling them. But first I think there's a few more Springfield kids that have to be checked on."

Up the beach.

Clarissa sits with Rafe.

Rafe looks at her, "So where's the father of your kid?"

She sighs, "Off hooking up with the first girl he sees."

Rafe nods, "Ouch."

She sighs, "Yeah. I don't know what I'm going to do. But all I know is it doesn't involve him."

He nods, "It'll be tough."

She nods, "I see those girls on TV. Those trashy girls who walk around with pregnant bellies and back packs. Trying on prom dresses, graduating, everything that kids do. Everyone always stares at the pregnant teens. Now I'm one of them."

Rafe sighs, "I know we don't know each other well... but if you need anything you can ask me. I have money so don't be afraid to ask. Even things that don't involve money."

She smiles, "I guess it's not true about all Spauldings being bad."

The two smile at each other.


Spring Break Party:

Leah sits with Zach.

Leah looks at him, "I don't know what to say."

He sighs, "It was nothing. A girl like you deserves better than to be taken advantage of by losers like Toby."

James watches as once again his older brother wins everything.

Jude stands with Robbie, "I told you man my brother is awesome."

Robbie nods, "Classic Zach."

James just rolls his eyes.

Kevin is talking with some of the police about what happened.

He walks over to the kids, "Looks like some of Springfield's local teens. What's going on guys?"

Jude sighs, "Kevin man... you can't tell my Dad about this, he would kill me for bringing Leah here."

Kevin sighs, "Dude I've been here before. I'm no snitch. But you're Uncle Rocky would not be happy to hear that I kept this from him and he's bound to tell your Mom."

Jude sighs, "Crap."

Robbie shakes his head, "My Mom is going to kill me."

The kids all start to worry.

Country Club:

Dinah sits at the bar.

Cassie turns back to her friends, "Just ignore Dinah."

Dinah laughs, "Oh come on Cassie we both know you couldn't ignore me if you tried."

Cassie turns to her, "Oh really?"

Dinah grins, "You just proved my point."

Harley sighs, "Guys come on let's just be adults."

Dinah nods, "See Cassie. Harley used to be my friend. Back in high school I remember Harley getting me into trouble a few times."

Cassie nods, "You certainly don't need help now. And from what I hear neither does your daughter."

Jeffrey sighs, "Cassie..."

Dinah looks at her, "You keep your mouth shut about my daughter."

Harley gets a phone call.

Cassie sighs, "You know what Dinah I'm just going sit here and ignore you for the rest of my meal."

Harley hangs up, "We have to go. Apparently our boys went to Florida for Spring Break. And Cassie I think RJ might be there too."

Cassie is confused, "RJ? Are you serious?"

Dinah laughs, "Wow what timing huh Cassie?"

Cassie scoffs, "Go to hell Dinah."

The couples leave.

Dinah remembers she hasn't turned her phone on since her meeting ended.

She sees she has 10 missed calls from Maureen.

Dinah sighs, "Son of a bitch."

Spring Break Party:

Maureen is with Belinda.

Maureen shakes her head, "I cannot believe you. I really thought we could trust you but clearly I was wrong."

Belinda scoffs, "Would you stop it? God I have one Mom I don't need another."

Maureen sighs, "I'm not trying to be your Mom."

Belinda nods, "No you're just screwing my Dad."

Maureen stares, "What?"

Belinda scoffs, "You think I'm stupid? I know you and Mallet have something going on! I live in the same house."

Maureen sighs, "Belinda it's..."

Belinda walks away.

Up the beach.

Kevin sits by Leah.

Jude sighs, "How does she look?"

Kevin looks at her, "Hey Leah?"

She smiles, "Kevin you're gay."

He sighs, "Wow you got your 15 year old sister smashed. That's great guys wow. You should be proud."

Robbie sighs, "We didn't want her to come."

Kevin nods, "Well anyone mind telling me where my sister is?"

Zach is confused, "Clarissa is here?"

Kevin nods, "Yeah. Belinda, Clarissa and RJ Winslow. They are all here too. Obviously you all weren't here together."

Over by the hotel.

Rafe and Clarissa smile at each other.

Clarissa sighs, "I cannot believe I told you..."

He nods, "You're secret is safe with me. But how long do you plan on hiding this?"

She sighs, "Until I know what I'm doing."

Rafe looks at her, "You're not thinking about-"

Jason walks up, "Hello."

Clarissa gasps, "Jason? Oh my God!"

He smiles, "Oh nice to see you too sis. Rafe Spaulding? Wow what a crazy coincidence. Or did you bring my little sister here?"

Rafe shakes his head, "Nope. Just ran into her. How you been Justin?"

He nods, "It's Jason. And I'll be great once I find out what the hell my sister is doing here."

Clarissa sighs, "I had a rough day. Look can I just go home?"

He nods, "That's exactly where you're going."

Jason walks Clarissa away.

Bauer Home:

Mel and Rick are sitting on the couch.

Mel is holding baby Freddie.

Rick smiles, "I'm the luckiest man in the world."

Mel smiles, "Looking at this little guy just reminds me how far we've come. You, me, Jude, Leah and now Freddie. I think I am a part of the best family in the world."

Michelle runs into the room, "Oh my God."

Rick looks at her, "What's up Sis?"

She sighs, "I just got off the phone with Kevin Marler. Apparently while he was down in Florida doing a story on Spring Break he noticed that Jude, Robbie, and Leah were down there with a bunch of their friends partying it up for Spring Break."

Mel's jaw drops, "What!?!?"

Rick stands up, "Is he sure?"

Michelle nods, "He's with them now. They are coming home with him."

Mel sighs, "I can't believe they lied to us. I mean Leah has never lied to me before."

Michelle sighs, "Well apparently there was a fight and the kids were involved but he said everything is okay now."

Rick shakes his head, "I have to call Harley."

Michelle and Mel just stare at each other.

Spring Break Party:

Maureen is on her phone.

Jason walks over, "How's it going?"

She sighs, "Trying to get plane tickets for over 10 people is not an easy thing to do."

Kevin nods, "Well maybe I can take some people up in my van. But it's not going to get us there soon."

Rafe walks up, "Maybe I can help."

Maureen looks at him, "Rafe?"

He smiles, "Long time no see huh guys?"

Kevin scoffs, "What do you want Rafe?"

He smiles, "Well I have the Spaulding Jet. So if you guys want to go home I could help you out?"

Maureen sighs, "You'd really do that?"

He nods, "I know the Spauldings get a bad rap but we aren't all so bad. My Mom was a good influence on me."

Maureen sighs, "Uh... I would really appreciate that Rafe."

He nods, "Good. I'll just make a call."

Rafe turns away.

He stares at Clarissa who is taking to her friends.

Zach looks at James, "Apparently Dad wants us back in Springfield for the rest of Spring Break."

James sighs, "I have a bad feeling about this."

Leah is still staring at Zach.

Clarissa walks over to Belinda and RJ, "What were you guys up to?"

They look at each other, "Nothing."

Clarissa sighs, "Well I have a lot of thinking to do. But I think it should wait until I get home."

Belinda hugs her.

The teens get ready to go home and face the music.


Zach and James get punished

RJ and Belinda are caught

Sam gets a surprise

Ava confronts Marah

Ashlee wakes up!

Mel questions Liz


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