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S3 Episode 21



People should be worried in Springfield...


Police Station:


Shayne sits with Ava.

Jeffrey walks out, "Hey."

Ava looks at him, "What's the news?"

Jeffrey sighs, "You get to go home for now. There is still a lot of investigating that needs to be done."

Ava hugs him, "Thank you Jeffrey."

Jeffrey nods, "If it's any consolation, I believe you. I know you're not that kind of person."

She smiles, "Thank you."

Shayne stands up, "So what now?"

Jeffrey sighs, "Well Shayne, we have to wait for more time to past before your sister gives an official statement."

Ava shakes her head, "There has to be some way I can prove to everyone that I didn't do this."

Shayne nods, "We'll find something."

Jeffrey looks at him, "I'm sorry Shayne, but I think a lot of this may be up to you. It's obvious that I can't get much more involved in this case. This is hard for me too."

Ava sighs, "I'm sorry Jeffrey. I know you believed that baby was yours and now it's gone."

He nods, "Well I could get through finding out I wasn't your father so... I'll be okay. I just want Marah to get better."

Shayne sighs, "Me too. I know she's doing horrible things. But I love my sister and I know she's just sick right now."

Ava nods, "Well for my sake I hope someone can get through to her."

Ava is very worried.




Johnny walks down the hall.

Roxie approaches him, "You have to tell me. How does it look? What's going on with Ashlee?"

He shakes his head, "I'm not supposed to be discussing this case with just anyone."

She scoffs, "Just anyone? Johnny we are her parents."

Johnny stops, "Roxie, we are not her parents anymore. Doris Wolfe is her mother. We had to give her away in order to-"

Roxie shakes her head, "No! I had no say in what happened. There is no way you can justify what you did to me. But you can make things better by saving our daughter."

Johnny pulls her aside, "Roxie enough! Do you want the whole hospital to hear this?"

She scoffs, "Hear what a monster you are?"

He shakes his head, "Obviously you haven't told anyone, so why don't you explain that."

She sighs, "I want Ashlee to be the first to know. I have to find the right way to tell her."

Johnny shakes his head, "You are going to ruin her life. She is happy with Doris. Why can't you just think about her for once instead of being selfish about this."

She shoves him, "Shut up! You don't get to talk to me like that after what you did to me. I am Ashlee's mother."

Doris walks up, "Excuse me?"

Johnny looks at her, "Ms. Wolfe."

She scoffs, "You two have some nerve."

Doris stares at the two of them.





Sam Spencer is on one of his walks.

Sam likes to go on walks to clear his head.


Mark Guillespie sees him.

He starts jogging.

Guillespie bumps into Sam, "Oh sorry mate."

Sam turns to him, "It's cool man."

He looks at him, "I've seen you before. Do you work at the diner by the hospital?"

Sam laughs, "Well once upon a time. But no, I'm a reporter for the Springfield Journal."

Guillespie nods, "Oh yeah? I've checked that out. What's your name mate?"

He smiles, "Sam, Sam Spencer."

G grins, "Oh yeah? I've read your work before. Wow you are an amazing journalist."

Sam smiles, "Well thank you. It's always good to hear that from people. I appreciate it."

Guillespie sighs, "I know I must seem like a total weirdo right now but I would love to talk about your writing if you don't mind. I mean if you have the time."

Sam looks around, "Uh... sure why not? I got some time to kill right now anyway."

G grins, "Great."

The two men start walking down the sidewalk.




Dinah and Blake are in hair and make up.

Blake smiles, "The reviews for the Valentine's Day episode were great! And CBS showed the clip of Kevin and Rocky. Oh this was such a good decision for the show."

Dinah sighs, "Well Blake not that I don't love hearing you praise yourself but I have some things to do real quick."

Dinah gets up and leaves.

The make up artist Gina shakes her head, "Don't worry about her. She's just bitter. You did great."

Blake smiles, "Thanks. I really felt good about it."

Gina nods, "I think it was just what you needed to show the network what you're made of."

Blake is confused, "What do you mean?"

Gina shakes her head, "Oh nothing."

Blake looks at her, "What is going on?"

Gina looks around, "Okay you didn't hear this from me. I'm only telling you because you're a good friend."

Blake nods, "Yeah?"

Gina sighs, "Well there have been some rumors for a while. After the whole scandal over your affair with Alan Spaulding... people think the reason they brought Dinah on was to boot you out of the show."

Blake shakes her head, "What? Are you serious? The show started because of me. They said they just thought Dinah would help balance things out."

Gina sighs, "I heard that Dinah had a meeting two months ago where they told her that she'd be the host of 'Light Talk' by the end of the year."

Blake can't believe what she's hearing.


Carriage House:


Clarissa sits in the living room with Belinda and RJ.

Clarissa rubs her stomach, "You know every morning I wake up and I forget I'm pregnant. Then I get dressed and see how chubby I'm starting to get and I remember."

Belinda shakes her head, "You're not chubby."

Clarissa sighs, "A few months ago I was a virgin, looking at colleges, dating Micky. Now I'm a pregnant teen."

RJ turns to her, "You're still the same person. You just have a lot more going on now."

Clarissa sighs, "I really thought Micky was better than this."

RJ looks at her, "I still say we should find the bastard. He can't just do this and run away."

Belinda looks at him, "Honestly, Micky was a loser. Clarissa doesn't need him in her life."

RJ nods, "But he is the baby's father. He shouldn't be allowed to just wash his hands with this and leave Clarissa to deal with it all on her own, it's not right."

Belinda nods, "And what do you suggest we do? Go chasing after him and bring him back to Springfield?"

RJ nods, "That's actually not a bad idea."

Clarissa looks at him, "What?"

RJ sighs, "I think we need to find Micky and confront him. All three off us can go."

The three of them look at each other.


Main Street:


Cyrus and Marina are walking around.

Marina is holding her son.

He's gotten used to going by Daniel.

She smiles, "Daniel do you like your toys?"

Cyrus grins, "I think we're spoiling the poor guy."

Marina sighs, "I know I'm terrible. But I just want to give this guy everything he deserves."

Cyrus smiles, "Well he deserves a great mother and you are certainly giving him that."

She smiles, "You are such a charmer."

The two kiss.

Daniel looks at Marina, "Mommy."

Marina smiles, "I love you. I love it every time I hear him say that."

The two keep walking with Daniel.

Daniel speaks again, "Mommy."

Only this time he isn't looking at Marina.


Marina and Cyrus look to see Lucy standing a few feet away.

Lucy starts to walk over, "Hi."

Marina backs up.

Cyrus walks over, "Lucy you need to go."

Lucy sighs, "I was just doing some shopping. How is he doing? He looks great from where I'm standing."

Cyrus nods, "He is doing well. Marina's a great mother."

Lucy waves at him.

A confused Daniel turns his head and lays it against Marina's chest.

Marina just stares at Lucy and shakes her head.



Guillespie and Sam are walking.

Guillespie smiles, "Wow, this is so fascinating. You have traveled all over the world."

Sam nods, "Yeah it's a great part of my job."

Guillespie nods, "Wow. I mean you must be busy all the time. I bet you don't have much time for women."

Sam sighs, "Well buddy you gotta make time."

G smiles, "Ooh nice. You got a lot of ladies?"

Sam shakes his head, "Not really just one right now. We've been together for a while. A lot different than my last relationship?"

Guillespie nods, "Oh yeah?"

Sam sighs, "Yep. My last girlfriend was real great. She's a cop, smart, sophisticated. But she got clingy. I guess she had some relationships end badly before."

Guillespie nods, "And your new girlfriend, she's not like that at all? She's different?"

Sam nods, "Oh yeah. Susan is really down to earth. She has a dark past but that's what makes her humble. She's really mature, intelligent, and we've known each other since we were young."

Guillespie, "Sounds a bit like my ex. Only she was a total bad girl. She had a bit of a drug problem and a desire for crime and action. Always getting into trouble."

Sam laughs, "Yikes sorry to hear that."

Guillespie nods, "Yeah but I think I'll always have a place in my heart for that girl."

Sam has no idea they are talking about the same person.


Blake sits in her chair.

Gina sighs, "I'm sorry Blake. I wasn't trying to upset you. I just thought you should know."

Blake nods, "No. Thank you. I appreciate you telling me that and I won't say a word."

Gina nods, "Well if it's any consolation, you are 'Light Talk' to me. The show is nothing without you."

Blake sighs, "I wish everyone thought that."

Gina nods, "They will. I mean that episode on Valentine's Day was great. You totally worked well under pressure. And your son Kevin really seems to take after you."

Blake smiles, "Not sure if that's a good thing."

Gina grins, "Anyone would be lucky to be compared to you. You are very good at what you do."

Blake smiles, "Thanks Gina."

Gina steps out of the room.

Blake looks in the mirror, "Look at you. Sometimes I forget just how old you've gotten."

Blake has lost a lot, with Ross and now Remy.

Blake sighs, "I'm going to get what I want. I'm going to keep my show, my children, and get Remy back. I'm going to get everything I want if it's the last thing I do."


Doris looks at Johnny and Roxie.

Johnny sighs, "Ms. Wolfe-"

She stops him, "No. I don't want to hear it. Let me guess you're going to give me some speech on how you're just hear to help Ashlee then leave town again. Then the next thing I know you two are telling her everything and making her life a thousand times more complicated."

Johnny shakes his head, "I promise you Doris, I would never do that. That's what I was just saying to Roxie."

Roxie scoffs, "You two. You act like I'm the bad guy when you are the ones who kept my daughter away from me all of these years. I can't believe you can justify yourselves so easily."

Doris scoffs, "The only justification I need is Ashlee's well being. That is all I worry about."

Roxie shakes her head, "You just spent two years in prison away from Ashlee, were you thinking of her when you were risking your freedom? I'm sure you must be a great Mom."

Doris shakes her head, "Do you really think Ashlee will want you? Ashlee hates you, she's afraid of you. Now you've put her in a coma. And just because Johnny can wake her up, doesn't mean she'll forgive you."

Doris walks away.

Roxie and Johnny stare at each other.

Police Station:

Shayne and Ava walk outside.

Ava looks around, "I have a really bad feeling Shayne."

Shayne sighs, "I know you're worried. But I really think that my sister will come to her sense."

Ava shakes her head, "That's because she is your sister. You have to believe that."

He sighs, "I'm sorry. I wish I could just make all of this go away. It's so complicated."

She takes his hand, "I'm sorry too. I know this must be killing you to see this happen to me and Marah. Your sister and your fiance becoming sworn enemies."

He shakes his head, "I don't know what to do."

She nods, "We're going to figure this out okay? And we're going to do it together."

Shayne smiles, "I love you."

She grins, "I love you too."

He nods, "And I can't wait for the day you become Mrs. Ava Lewis."

She nods, "Me either."

The two kiss.

Shayne looks at her, "I love how we are honest with each other. No secrets between you and I."

Ava pauses, "I... I feel the same way."

Shayne hugs Ava.

Main Street:

Marina and Cyrus stand together with Daniel.

Lucy stares at them.

Marina turns to Cyrus, "Will you take Daniel please?"

Cyrus holds him, "Sure. You okay?"

She nods, "Yeah, just take him over there I'll just be a minute."

He sighs, "You sure?"

She nods, "Yeah."

Cyrus walks away with Daniel.

Marina walks over to Lucy.

Lucy sighs, "Marina-"

Marina stops her, "Save it. I'm not in the mood to hear whatever it is you want to say. You are my Aunt. We are family. We're the Coopers, not the Spauldings. We don't do these kind of things to each other. I will never understand."

Lucy has tears in her eyes, "I'm starting to understand myself. I'm so sorry Marina. My head just hasn't been right for a long time. I will never forgive myself for what I did to you."

Marina shakes her head, "My son and I have a lot of catching up to do. Because of you."

Lucy sighs, "I know."

Marina looks at her, "The only reason you are not in prison is because I couldn't do that to Grandpa. And because I know that you and David hired Cyrus to find Daniel. Even if it led to you not returning him."

Lucy nods, "Marina I'm sorry."

Marina shakes her head, "We will never be okay. So quit trying."

Marina walks away leaving Lucy upset.

Carriage House:

Clarissa, RJ and Belinda all sit in the living room.

Clarissa looks at RJ, "So you think it's a good idea to find Micky and talk to him?"

RJ scoffs, "I really want to do more than just talk to him."

Clarissa sighs, "Me too."

Belinda laughs, "You two can't be serious. Spring Break is coming up, don't let him ruin it for us."

RJ nods, "That's it! Spring Break. We'll be out of school, we'll have an excuse to go out of town. It's perfect."

Belinda sighs, "I wanted to go to Florida for Spring Break. I already made up a story for my parents so I could sneak down there."

RJ nods, "I was supposed to go on a college visit. I will just tell my Mom that. Clarissa you can tell your Mom you're going with me. See it all works out."

Clarissa sighs, "I don't know guys."

RJ sighs, "Didn't you say you thought Micky might be staying in Florida with his cousin?"

Clarissa nods, "Yeah."

Belinda looks at them, "Well as long as I can still party while I'm down there."

RJ nods, "Well you'll be doing it without us since I don't drink and Clarissa can't."

Clarissa nods, "So next week, we go to Florida."

The three all smile at each other.


The teens get ready for Spring Break!

Lucy almost gets run over

Michelle runs into Jesse

Drew and Gus discuss their relationship

Jeffrey visits Cassie

Cyrus confesses to Marina


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