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S3 Episode 12



Lives are changed FOREVER in Springfield...




Eden is outside with Coop.

She sighs, "My name isn't Mary..."

Coop hears the noise inside and stops to check on things.


Marina is holding a gun on Cyrus.

The rest of the family watches.

Marina shouts, "Tell me where my son is!"


Eleni sighs, "Marina, Daniel is dead."

Marina looks at Cyrus, "Tell them it's true!"

Cyrus nods, "It's true."


Frank turns to him, "What?"

Cyrus nods, "Your son is over there. Davey."

Everyone is confused.

Cyrus sighs, "Davey is Daniel. Daniel is Davey. That little boy is your son Marina."

Marina stares at Davey.

Eleni looks at Cyrus, "What the hell are you talking about?"

Cyrus sighs, "Aubrey took Marina's baby then set the house on fire to make it look like the baby had died. She then took Daniel when she went on the run for shooting Lizzie Spaulding."

Frank shakes his head, "It can't be true."

Buzz looks at Cyrus, "How does that make Davey into Daniel?"

Cyrus sighs, "I was able to locate Aubrey and baby Daniel, I brought him back to town. Shortly before Lucy and David got married then introduced you to their adopted child."

All eyes are on David and Lucy who are holding their son close.





Roxie pushes Doris away.

Doris scoffs, "The truth hurts?"

Roxie shakes her head, "No. No she can't be my daughter."

Doris nods, "Believe it or not, it's true."

Roxie scoffs, "I know Ashlee. I've spent lots of time with Ashlee. There is no way in hell that she is my daughter."

Doris holds up a picture of Ashlee, "Look at her."

Roxie stares at the picture, "What?"

Doris shouts, "Look at that hair, the face. Look at those eyes Roxie. I've seen those eyes. Your whole damn family has those eyes. Marah has those eyes, Tammy had those eyes. Those are Reva and Cassie's eyes. Those are your eyes, Ashlee's eyes."

Roxie shouts, "No!"

Doris walks to the door, "You look at that face, I can't believe you've never seen the similarities."

Roxie walks over and sits by Ashlee.

Doris steps out to pull herself together.

Roxie looks up, "Oh Mama. Tell me this isn't... Tell me I didn't do this to my daughter?"

Roxie looks at Ashlee.

She's never really looked at her this closely.

She looks so much like her and her sisters and nieces.

Roxie remembers hearing her baby's cry and hearing Ashlee's.

Roxie jumps up.

She is sobbing, "Oh my God.... What have I done? No!"

Roxie collapses.


Reva Bend:


The whole family looks at Marah.

Marah holds Jeffrey's hand, "Jeffrey and I have decided to make it official and get married!"


After a moment of awkward silence Reva walks over.

She hugs them, "Congratulations. Wow. This is all happening kind of fast, don't you think?"

Marah sighs, "Mom, you're the one who taught me when you want something you have to go after it and give it all you got."

Reva nods, "That's right honey."

Reva hugs her daughter.


Josh smiles, "Um... that's great honey. Whatever makes you happy will make all of us happy."

Reva walks over to Shayne, "You okay?"


Shayne sighs, "I just don't want my engagement to pressure her to get married. This is happening really fast."

Reva sighs, "I know. But I guess we'll have to accept it. I mean Jeffrey wouldn't propose to Marah if he didn't want to marry her. So I guess Jeffrey really wants this."

Jeffrey pulls Marah aside, "What is going on?"

She looks at him, "Sorry maybe we should have waited to tell people. But I got so excited."

Jeffrey shakes his head, "Marah what exactly did you hear me say?"

She sighs, "Didn't you say you were going to prove to me that we were going to be together forever?"

Jeffrey sighs, "Marah I..."

She backs away, "Oh my God. Do you not want to marry me?"

Jeffrey feels so trapped.


Marina is holding the gun on Cyrus.

Marina shouts, "Is it true?"

Lucy picks up Davey, "Let's go."

David takes her arm, "Lucy no."

Buzz walks over, "David, Lucy..."

David sighs, "It wasn't supposed to go this way."

Frank stares at them, "Oh my God!"

Marina has tears in her eyes.

She walks over, "I knew he was alive. I could feel it in my heart that my son was alive."


Harley walks over, "Marina give me the gun baby."

Harley takes the gun.

Marina looks at them, "Give me my son."

Lucy backs away, "No."

Frank shakes his head, "No, don't blame Lucy. It was Foley wasn't it? He did this. He somehow tricked you into adopting Marina's baby?"

Cyrus shouts, "Shut up Frank!"

Lucy shakes her head, "Both of you shut up! This wasn't Cyrus or David's fault. It was my decision."

Marina stares, "What?"

Lucy sighs, "And I'm not sorry."

All of the Coopers stare in shock.




Rocky and Kevin hug.

Rocky sighs, "I really have to get to Company. Text me later and I can have your new number okay?"

Kevin nods, "Okay."

Rocky leaves.

Kevin hangs out for a minute.

He turns around to see a car parked out.

He recognizes it.


Blake gets out and walks over.

Kevin scoffs, "Damn it!"

Blake starts walking over to him, "Kevin..."

Kevin starts walking away.

Blake chases after him, "Kevin honey! Please wait! I'm not mad or anything. I'm so happy for you."

He turns to her, "I didn't do anything!"

She sighs, "I just mean... this explains so much. I was so worried about what was going on with you."

Kevin sighs, "Wrong?"

She shakes her head, "You know me better than that. Why didn't you tell me? Me. Of all people, you knew I would understand that when it comes to love... this is love isn't it?"

Kevin walks away, "I don't want to be another one of the books you write about. This isn't like that."

Blake follows him, "Oh honey there is nothing to be ashamed of. I saw you and Rocky. The way you guys look at each other. Even from all the way over there I could see your connection. Love is such a beautiful thing. And it's something I actually understand."

Kevin shouts, "You don't get it! The fact that Rocky is a guy is not even an issue anymore! It's so much more complicated. And I can't even begin to explain things to you."

Kevin leaves.

But Blake keeps following him.


Carriage House:


Clarissa sits in the living room.

The doorbell rings.

Clarissa runs over to open the door, "Finally."


Belinda walks in, "I hurried. But it took a while for me to decide which one to buy. Why couldn't you buy it yourself?"

Clarissa sighs, "People talk in this town. My Mom would have found out before I got home."

Belinda nods, "Well I just can't wait until my parents find out that I was buying it."

Belinda hands Clarissa the bag.

Clarissa sighs, "To think a few weeks ago all I had to worry about was finding a dress for homecoming."

Belinda sighs, "Well you got a lot more to worry about now."

Clarissa dumps the bag.

A pregnancy test falls out.

Clarissa picks it up, "Have you ever done this?"

Belinda shakes her head, "No. I use protection. I'm not stupid. No offense though."

Clarissa sighs, "It was spur of the moment. And Micky said that usually the first time..."

Belinda scoffs, "Tell me you didn't fall for that line Clarissa. You can't be that dumb."

Clarissa sighs, "I just didn't want to disappoint him. He's going to be so mad if he finds out... if it's true."

Belinda goes into the living room, "Well I'm going to watch TV. You can take it from here."

A nervous Clarissa goes into the bathroom.



Coop steps outside for a moment.

His wife is gone.

Coop turns back into the diner.

Lucy looks at Cyrus, "You bastard. I told you to stay away from all of us. Look what you've done. But you know what? It does not change anything. All that matters is keeping him safe."

Marina shakes her head, "How dare you."

Lucy sighs, "When we found him we were going to bring him to you. But Marina you chose to get involved in drugs, in thugs, and start taking off your clothes for money. How am I supposed to know what else you did for money? All I did was give that little boy a home where he could be happy and healthy. And I'd do it again."

Marina stares at her, "I will never forgive you."

Lucy sighs, "I don't give a crap anymore Marina. I'm tired of feeling sorry for you."

Buzz stares at his daughter, "My God Lucy."

Lucy shouts, "Stop it! Stop putting Marina's needs before ours, before Davey's. Marina has ruined her own life and I'll be damned if I'm going to let her ruin my son's."

Eleni shouts, "You monster! Who do you think you are?"

David sighs, "We never intended for it to end like this. We always planned on giving him to Marina."

Harley puts the gun down, "I think we all need to calm down and try to understand exactly what happened."

Frank nods, "Yeah I'm still a little confused. What the hell does any of this have to do with you Cyrus? How did you get involved huh?"

Cyrus scoffs, "You are such a judgmental bastard."

Frank walks over to him, "I'm going to send you back on the next flight to Australia buddy."

Harley and Marina try to break them up.

While everyone's distracted.

Lucy walks over and grabs the gun Harley left on the table.

David shakes his head at her.

Lucy knows she has to do something.

Reva Bend:

Marah looks at Jeffrey.

Jeffrey sighs, "I think you completly misunderstood me and jumped the gun on this."

Marah shakes her head, "No. You can't do this to me. You can't humiliate me in front of my family. Why do you keep hurting me Jeffrey? Why do you keep hurting our baby?"

Jeffrey stares at her, "What?"

Marah grabs her stomach, "Ow!"

Jeffrey holds her, "Marah!"

Reva runs over, "Honey!"

Jeffrey sits her on the couch, "What's wrong?"

Marah sighs, "I just can't...."

Reva looks at Jeffrey, "What happened?"

Jeffrey watches Marah.

She looks so fragile right now.

A very upset Cassie just watches.

Jeffrey nods, "I guess she's just stressing about the wedding. But don't worry. We'll take care of everything Marah."

Marah smiles, "Oh Jeffrey. You always know how to make me feel better. I love you."

Marah pulls Jeffrey into a kiss.

Josh walks over to Cassie, "Are you okay?"

Cassie grabs her coat, "I have to get some air."

Cassie goes outside.

Josh and Reva look at each other.

Both are worried about the family.



Kevin is walking.

Blake is right behind him, "Please stop this Kevin. Clarissa won't talk to me, Jason never calls anymore. Please don't do this. I can't handle another child shutting me out."

Kevin turns to her, "Mom stop pushing me! If you think I'm afraid to tell people I'm in love with a guy you are dead wrong. I gave up caring what people think a long time ago. I gave up the macho crap. When I realized how far I was willing to go to prove I was a man."

Blake sighs, "When you jumped Rocky."

Kevin shakes his head, "No matter what I do people will always remember me as the guy who beat up poor gay Rocky."

Blake follows him, "But maybe more people will understand."

Kevin laughs, "Right! The typical straight guy who's so insecure he goes and beats up a gay guy. Guys like me are a dime a dozen. But imagine what people will think of Rocky. Rocky will have to explain to his family that he fell in love with me!"

Blake sighs, "Buzz is a lot like me. He understands love and how powerful it can be. He fell in love with a criminal."

He scoffs, "Mom, Rocky gave up his relationship with Shayne for me! That's why he ran out on their ceremony two years ago. He gave up a happy uncomplicated life for me."

Blake nods, "I understand. Your father was always sacrificing to me with me. And it was such a guilty feeling. I pushed him away so many times. But we were in love. Ross was the love of my life. And look, even now he gave up his whole life just so we would be safe. But you and Rocky are young. You still have so much to look forward too."

Kevin shakes his head, "Just stay out of it!"

Kevin leaves.

Blake knows she can't stay out of it.

Carriage House:

Belinda is laying on the couch watching TV.

She is perfectly relaxed.

Clarissa is tense in her seat, "It's almost time."

Belinda pauses and then laughs, "Oh! Believe it or not I actually forgot what we were doing."

Clarissa looks at her, "Thanks."

Belinda sits up, "Sorry. But you've been so quiet."

Clarissa nods, "I have a lot to think about. I haven't even been able to do my homework."

Belinda shakes her head, "Well neither have I but at least you have an excuse now."

Clarissa sighs, "I feel like my life is turning into a TV show."

Belinda laughs, "Blake does look like the Mom on that one show."

Clarissa's alarm on her phone goes off.

Clarissa gets up, "It's time."

Belinda is still on the couch.

Clarissa sighs, "Come on."

Belinda gets up, "Okay, but I really think it's gross I have to go look at the stick you peed on."

Clarissa and Belinda open the door.

Clarissa turns, "I can't look at it. Just tell me."

Belinda smiles, "You're not pregnant!"

Clarissa grins, "Seriously?"

Belinda nods, "Yeah it's not blue."

Clarissa hugs her, "Thank God. I wasn't ready for that at all."

Belinda smiles, "So I guess Blue means pregnant and Pink means not pregnant right?"

Clarissa pulls away, "What?"

Belinda nods, "It's pink."

Clarissa pulls the box out of the trash.

Belinda sighs, "Maybe I misunderstood."

Clarissa looks at her, "I'm pregnant."


Roxie is flashing back again.

She is in a hospital bed strapped down.

All of the doctors won't respond when she asks about her son.

Roxie wakes up.

Now she is really laying in a hospital bed.

She jumps up.


Michelle walks in, "How are you feeling Roxie?"

Roxie looks at her, "What happened?"

Michelle sighs, "We found you lying on the floor of Ashlee's room. You must have passed out."

Roxie tries to get out of bed, "Oh God! Ashlee! Ashlee, I have to see her right now."

Michelle stops her, "Ashlee is hurt. And you are probably the last person who should see her. Why were you even in her room?"

Roxie looks at Michelle, "Just tell me she is going to be okay. Please tell me she will be okay."

Michelle sighs, "We'll have to see. She took a really bad fall. So we have to wait."

Roxie looks at her, "You have to save Ashlee. Okay? This was all a big mistake."

Michelle shakes her head, "Since when do you of all people care about Ashlee Wolfe's life?"

Roxie shakes her head, "No! I didn't want her to die. I wanted to scare her, make Doris pay, get her to leave me alone, I never wanted something like this to happen to her."

Michelle sighs, "Well you know what Roxie, be careful what you wish for."

Michelle leaves.

Roxie is sobbing in her bed.


Frank has his hands on Cyrus.

Eleni pulls him off, "Frankie that's enough."

Harley pushes Cyrus back, "Just calm down."

Buzz walks over, "You guys need to stop fighting. This isn't about you or the past. This is about Marina and Davey."

Marina shouts, "Daniel!"

Coop gets their attention, "Guys."

They all turn around.

David, Lucy, and Davey are gone.

Buzz goes outside, "Lucy!"

Harley looks in the kitchen.

Marina cries, "Where did they take him?"

Buzz walks back in, "They aren't outside."

Coop looks out the window, "Their car is gone."

Marina shouts, "We need to call the cops! Harley, get the station and tell them what's going on!"

Buzz stops them all, "No! Listen, we know that Lucy and David would never hurt him."

Marina cries, "Stop protecting her."

Buzz looks at her, "She's my daughter."

Harley sighs, "Okay, we will wait 24 hours and if we don't find them by then, then we will have to go to the police."

Marina walks over to Cyrus, "Cyrus please! You have to find my son! You did it before you can do it again! Please."

Cyrus looks into Marina's eyes.

All of the Coopers can't believe what has happened to the family.


David and Lucy are caught!

Roxie vows to help Ashlee

Cassie has to let go of Jeffrey

Clarissa confesses to her boyfriend

Ava begins to question her own actions


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I think Clarissa is going to have to speak with her mother now. Clarissa must not be as smart as she thinks. Somehow, I think her mother would explain that you can become pregnant your first time. Micky better not flake on her...somehow, I think he will.

Lucy is now, in my mind, an ass. God, let's take your baby, raise it as our own, not tell you, and expect you to be nice about the whole situation when the truth is out. Yep, I think she was married to a Spaulding for too long...

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Yes, Clarissa certaintly needs to talk to her Mom. but will she?

And yeah we'll see how Micky reacts soon.

Lucy has definatly gone off the deep end. The next episodes are very big!

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