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Trista scurries inside when she notices Kevin sluggishly moving down the hallway. Trista slows down watching Kevin. Kevin peeks through a classroom window, a lab. Trista approaches Kevin and taps him on the shoulder. Kevin jumps up in fear.
Kevin: God you scared me!
Trista: What are you doing? I thought you had constitutional law now.
Kevin: I do.
Trista: And you're standing here because...?
Kevin: I wanted to skip class ok?
Kevin starts to walk away. Trista peers into the window Kevin was looking into and then follows him down the hallway.
Trista: Then why were you looking inside the medical lab?
Kevin stops, forming a grin on his face.
Kevin: Are you always so nosey, Nancy Drew?
Trista: Ha. Ha. Funny. Nancy Drew has nothing on me. But seriously, what were you looking at?
Kevin: Nothing. I was seeing if my friend was in class.
Trista: (not convinced) Mmm hmm. Yeah.
Kevin: You don't believe me?
Trista: Nope. My journalistic and womanly intuitions are telling me otherwise.
Kevin: Then you might want to have them checked out.
Kevin takes off down the hall again.
Trista: By who? You?
Kevin stops and turns to Trista.
Kevin: What is that suppose to mean?
Trista: For some odd reason, I am getting this feeling that you aren't happy or satisfied with your major.
Kevin: Guess what? You're wrong. I happen to love studying law.
Kevin takes off.
Trista: (hollering down the hall) Then why are you skipping class?
Kevin: Goodbye, Trista.
Trista stands alone not convinced, and
Jeffrey sits on the couch reading the paper as Reva, carrying Colin, comes down the stairs. Jeffrey looks away from his paper at Reva, who apparently is ignoring him.
Jeff: So are we still not talking to each other?
Reva ignores Jeffrey and places Colin in his play pen.
Jeff: So that is how it is going to be for now on?
Reva cuts a mean glare at Jeffrey and goes into the kitchen.
Jeff: Fine, Reva. Fine. Two can play that game.
Jeffrey tosses the paper on the floor and grabs his briefcase.
Jeff: I am going to the office where I know I am appreciated.
Jeffrey goes over to the play pen where he leans over and watches Colin teething on his teething ring.
Jeff: You love me. Don't you, sonny boy?
Jeffrey winks at Colin and heads to the door. Jeffrey opens the door reveal Hawk and Rusty standing in the doorway in their cowboy attire.
Jeff: Hawk? Rusty?
Hawk: O'Neill!
Hawk hugs Jeffrey, who is astonished to see them.
Reva: (O.C) Pa! Pa is that you?
Hawk: Sister! Sister, where are you?
Reva runs to the door pushing Jeffrey out the way. She rushes into Hawk's arms.
Reva: Aww, Daddy! I am so glad to see you.
Rusty waves at Reva.
Reva: (breaking free of Hawk) Rusty!!
Reva hugs Rusty tightly.
Reva: What are you two doing here?
Rusty and Hawk look at each other and then their bags on the ground nearby. Reva follows their glances, placing the pieces together.
Reva: No…
Hawk: Yep. We are--
Reva: You guys are moving back to Springfield?!
Rusty: (holding his arms out) We're back.
Reva: Thank you, God!!
Reva hugs Rusty and Hawk, and we
-Reva, Rusty, and Hawk reunion continues
-Mel & Harley discuss Cyrus with Rick getting annoyed
-James and Trista argue (with a hint of flirtation) over the school paper
-Rusty meets someone that will affect his future forever
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