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Episode 184



The past comes back to bite you Springfield...


Spaulding Mansion:


Alan walks down to the living room.

Blake is standing there.

He smiles, "Well it's nice to see you again Blake."

Blake sighs, "Shut up Alan."

He grins, "Oh if you were angry at me you wouldn't have come here. Now what did you want."

She walks over to him, "I am here to tell you that you are not to tell anyone what happened between us."

He laughs, "Oh are you worried it's going to ruin your reputation? I'd say that's about 20 years to late."

Blake shakes her head, "We were drunk. We were angry and we were hurt. It didn't mean anything."

Alan sighs, "Of course it didn't. What do you think I wanted you to come over and ask me to go to dinner? What we had was nothing more than sex. No more, and no less."

She scoffs, "Much less."

He laughs, "Oh but the other day you were singing a different tune."

She shoves him, "You are sick!"

He takes her hands, "Don't you touch me like that again. And don't you dare play the victim. We both needed each other whether you like it or not. You wanted it too."

Blake shakes her head, "The only reason I started working with you in the first place is because I want Remy. I don't want anything else to do with you Alan."

Alan smiles, "Don't worry Blake. This won't get in the way of our partnership together."

Blake is so angry at herself.




Annie was meeting with business men.

She walks away, "It was wonderful meeting with you gentleman. I hope to see those papers soon."

Josh walks over to her, "Hi."

She smiles, "Josh! Hi, how are you?"

He grins, "I'm good. Congratulations Ms. CEO of Spaulding Enterprises. You took down all of the Spauldings huh?"

Annie smiles, "Yes I did."

Josh sighs, "Well I'm gonna warn you, Lewis Enterprises is new but we are more than capable of making a name for ourselves."

She grins, "Well with you working there I'm sure you're gonna give us a run for out money."

Josh laughs, "Well I have to say if someone has to be heading the Spaulding company, I'm kind of glad it's you."

She smiles, "Thank you Josh. We should do lunch sometime."

He nods, "I'd like that, I kind of need a break from everything going on with my family."

Annie gets concerned, "Is everything okay? Are Marah and Shayne okay?"

He nods, "Oh they are fine, they are just worried about their Mom."

Annie chuckles, "What's Reva done now?"

Josh realizes she doesn't know, "Reva has cancer."

Annie is stunned by this.




Reva walks into the hospital.

Lillian approaches her, "Hello honey. How are you feeling today?"

Reva grins, "I'm good. I got another appointment. I am feeling good about today."

Lillian smiles, "I am too. My family has had some rough times but I just think today will be relaxing and happy."

Reva grins, "I brought some pictures of my family to help me."

Lillian grins, "Let me see!"

Reva takes them out, "I got one of all the kids, and of course my lovely granddaughters."

Lillian smiles, "Oh."

Reva takes one, "This is the last one Jonathan took of Sarah before he left town again."

Lillian smiles, "There is our girl. She's got all of Jonathan's nice features and Lizzie's beautiful smile."

Reva sighs, "I miss them."

Lillian nods, "I know. One day we'll see them again I just know it. You have to have hope."

Reva nods, "That's one thing I do have. Hope that whatever my future holds is good, even if I'm not expecting it."

The two women hug.


Cross Creek:


Vanessa is getting ready for work.

Dinah lets herself in, "Mom."

Vanessa walks over, "Dinah? What a nice surprise honey."

Dinah shakes her head, "No it's not."

Vanessa looks at her, "Is everything okay?"

Dinah sighs, "No. My children have been kidnapped and so has Maureen."

Vanessa gasps, "Oh my God! What?"

Dinah nods, "Mallet left with them and I have absolutely no idea where they are now."

Vanessa gets angry, "Dinah!!! Don't you ever ever ever do that to me again! Don't you ever, do you understand me?"

Dinah looks at her, "This is serious Mom. Mallet has taken all of them and I don't know where they are!"

Vanessa sighs, "Maureen told me that she was going on a family trip Dinah. He didn't force her."

Dinah looks at her, "You knew about this?"

Vanessa shakes her head, "I assumed you were going with them. How could they have left without you knowing?"

Dinah sighs, "I was in a meeting! I've been really busy.'

Vanessa nods, "I'm well aware of how busy you've been sweetheart."

Dinah turns to her, "What is that supposed to mean?"

Vanessa sighs, "Honey, maybe Mallet did this to open your eyes. You are losing everything."

Dinah is stunned by her mother's words.




Michelle is back with Marah.

Marah is showing her the designs.

Michelle smiles, "It's perfect. Did you work on the bridesmaids dresses for me yet?"

Marah nods, "Oh yes here they are. Oh and I need to know who the maid of honor is before I finish that one. Just to help plan it."

Michelle looks at her, "I guess we haven't made it official then have we Marah?"

Marah is confused, "What?"

Michelle takes her hand, "Marah you are my best girlfriend. Will you be my maid of honor?"

Marah hugs her, "Of course! Oh my God! I'd be honored. Oh Michelle I'm so happy!"

Michelle grins, "Who else would I ask? Marah you have been my friend for so long. You're Bill's cousin. Of course."

Marah looks at her, "Well who will your bridesmaids be?"

Michelle sighs, "Well I was planning on having Bill's sisters. Dinah, Maureen, and Mindy if she is in town."

Marah grins, "This is going to be the most beautiful wedding ever."

Michelle smiles, "Well maybe it won't be long before we are planning your wedding."

Marah has a big smile on her face with that idea.


Harley's House:


Cyrus and Harley walk downstairs.

Harley kisses him, "I have to get going to work."

Cyrus grins, "Okay, I'm going to miss you."

She smiles, "Will you be here when I get back?"

He takes her hand, "Of course."

The two kiss.

Harley grabs her purse, "See ya."

Harley leaves.

Cyrus is very happy to be back with Harley.

Everything is going right.

A few minutes go by and there is a knock on the door.

He rushes, "Did you forget something?"

He opens it up and is stunned, "What are you doing here?"


Guillespie is standing there, "Hey big brother. I'm here."

Cyrus backs up, "What is going on? Did you run?"

He shakes his head, "No. I was released. They decided that I was mentally stable and able to rejoin the community."

Cyrus is in shock, "So you're out for good?"

Guillespie grins, "I'm back!"

Cyurs can't believe it, "I thought it would be years!"

He nods, "Where is Susan? I have to see her."

Cyrus is worried about what to tell him.


Cross Creek:

Dinah is upset with her mother.

Dinah looks at her, "How dare you. How dare you side with Mallet over me! I'm you're daughter!"

Vanessa shakes her head, "I'm not siding! There shouldn't even be sides, you two are married."

Dinah sighs, "Mallet is sneaking around behind my back. He is manipulating our children. My children! Belinda isn't his daughter!"

Vanessa shakes her head, "I can't believe you would say that. Mallet loves Belinda, he adopted her with you. I hope he never has to hear you say that to him."

Dinah laughs, "Oh poor Mallet right? He has to deal with your evil bitch of a daugther?"

Vanessa shakes her head, "I never said that."

Dinah looks at her "Why don't you just follow me around 24/7 that way you can walk up to every person I meet and apologize for what a horrible person I am? That would be great."

Vanessa sighs, "We have come so far Dinah let's not do this now. We need to talk like adults."

Dinah looks at her mother, "I can see it in your eyes. You helped them. You helped Mallet with this. I bet this was all your idea. You are trying to break up my marriage."

Vanessa gets angry, "Oh stop it Dinah!"

Dinah looks at her, "No! You stop it! You stay away from me and my family. No one is going to take my life from me. No one."

Dinah storms out leaving Vanessa shaken.



Marah and Michelle are still in the kitchen.

Jeffrey walks in, "Hey! You two having fun?"

Michelle hugs him, "Jeffrey. How have you been?"

He grins, "Great, how are the kids?"

She smiles, "Just great. I just came over to chat with my maid of honor over here."

Jeffrey smiles, "Well Michelle you picked the right woman."

Marah gets up, "Hey Baby!"

The two kiss.

Michelle gets her purse, "I have to get going I'll leave you two love birds alone."

Marah grins, "Thanks for coming. And hey I already promise that you will be the maid of honor at our wedding."

Jeffrey looks at Marah but doesn't say anything.

Michelle smiles, "I'm going to hold you to that."

Marah hugs her, "See ya."

Michelle walks to the door, "Bye. Bye Jeffrey."

Jeffrey gets the door, "Bye Michelle."

After she leaves Marah starts cleaning up.

Jeffrey walks over to her, "So you were talking about 'our' wedding?"

She sighs, "Oh we were just joking around, don't worry. I know we aren't there yet."

Jeffrey sighs, "Marah I'm not going to be there."

She looks at him, "Don't worry we don't have to talk about it right now."

He nods, "Yes we do. Marah I'm not going to marry you, ever."

Marah is very upset by what he is saying.



Noah is taking Reva through treatment.

She is laying down, "Oh I hate being so tired."

Noah looks at her, "Well someone like you needs to learn to settle down for a little bit."

She laughs, "Yeah right."

Noah looks at all the pictures, "I can't believe how grown up Marah and Shayne are now."

She nods, "My babies."

Noah picks up a picture, "Is this Jonathan?"

She smiles, "Yeah! I can't believe you recognized him."

Noah grins, "Of course, he looks a lot like Richard."

She laughs, "Well unfortunately he is not to much like Richard, more like me. More like me then any of my other children."

He smiles, "Well good for him."

She smiles, "You're sweet."

He pics up another, "Susan. Wow she sure grew up."

Reva nods, "Oh yes. That Susan is quite the little trouble maker. She kind of is like me too. Only she just can't stay out of trouble but I love my grandddaughter."

Noah pics up Sarah's picture, "Wow, she's adorable."

Reva grins, "That is Jonathan and Lizzie's baby."

Noah shakes his head, "I can't believe little Lizzie is a mother."

Reva nods, "She is a great mother."

Reva starts putting the pictures back in her purse.

Noah looks at her, "Is your ride on their way?"

She gasps, "Oh God! Oh I forgot all about that. Marah was supposed to pick me up but she had to meet with Michelle, and I was going to call someone else but I forgot."

Noah shakes his head, "Just get your stuff together. I'll give you a ride home."

Reva smiles at Noah.


Annie turns away from Josh.

Josh looks at her, "Reva has breast cancer."

Annie sighs, "It's just weird. I mean for years I thought that Reva Shayne would die at my hands. Now..."

Josh shakes his head, "Well she isn't dying. She's fighting and she's going to beat it. She's done it before."

Annie nods, "Reva had cancer before?"

He nods, "Yes. She got through it all on her own."

Annie sighs, "I'm sure you had something to do with it."

Josh shakes his head, "No. I wasn't there for Reva. The whole situation is complicated."

Annie nods, "Well I'm sure Reva Shayne will be able to handle it. If she can take on me then what chance does cancer have?"

Josh laughs, "None."

Annie nods, "I hope Marah and Shayne get through this okay. They grew up to be amazing adults."

Josh smiles, "Yes they did. And I know it's complicated now but you were good with them when they were young and you had a part in how they turned out Annie."

She wipes a tear and laughs, "Well don't tell them that."

Josh grins, "I'm glad to see you're... happy."

Annie nods, "Thank you. You too."

The two of them smile at each other.

Spaulding Mansion:

Blake walks over to Alan.

She looks at him, "Do you feel bad at all Alan? I mean I may be single right now but you, you're a married man."

Alan nods, "I'm well aware of my status thank you."

She shakes her head, "I thought you were so madly in love with Natalia."

He nods, "I have no idea where she and my baby boy are. I may never see them again."

Blake sighs, "Alan-"

He stops her, "I'm not going to discuss this now. We are supposed to be talking about Remy and Elizabeth."

Blake nods, "Okay. They aren't even dating so maybe we should slow things down a little."

Alan sighs, "Remy is pursuing Elizabeth. It's only a matter of time before he convinces her to turn her back on her family like they all do. I won't let that happen again."

Blake looks him in the eyes, "Alan I need you to promise me, promise me that Remy won't be hurt."

Alan shakes his head, "Oh stop it Blake."

She grabs him by the shirt, "Listen! I am not going to let you do this. I don't want this to be another Tammy Winslow. I want you to promise me that Remy won't get hurt."

Alan sighs, "Only emotionally."

Blake backs away from Alan.

Blake begins to wonder if this was a bad idea.

Harley's House:

Cyrus turns his back to his brother.

Guillespie looks at him, "What's going on with Susan?"

Cyrus sighs, "A lot has been going on with Susan. She got messed up in some bad drugs for a while."

G sighs, "Damn it! I knew that was going to happen. She swore to me that she had it under control."

Cyrus nods, "I helped her or at least I thought I did."

G looks at him, "So what? She is doing drugs again? Is that what you are telling me?"

Cyrus shakes his head, "No. She found something else to become addicted to in place of it."

Guillespie is confused, "What?"

Cyrus shakes his head, "Not what who."

G scoffs, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Cyrus turns to him, "Will you listen to me! She found someone else! There is another guy!"

G shakes his head, "No! Susan said she would wait for me."

Cyrus sighs, "I'm sorry."

G is confused, "Who? Who would she cheat with?"

Cyrus sighs, "Gus Aitoro. Detective Gus Aitoro. Her ex stepfather."

Guillespie is shocked by this.


Cyrus has to hide his brother!

Blake is worried about Kevin

Olivia confesses to Bill

Rick comforts Mel

Noah takes Reva home

Marah is not taking Jeffrey's information well


Recommended Comments

  • Members

I love those opening lines u use to open episodes

I lke how Annie really still cares for Josh. She has many layers

ha wait until G finds out what Susan did

Poor Dina, al urs mom tried to do is open ur eyes

Marah and Jefferey are couple? Yuck. Why don't he want to marry her

I woul not ind if Josh and Annie get back together. I reall like this softer side to her

I just know Alan and Blakes plan will go awry


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I'm glad you like the opening lines. But sometimes they take a while. lol

We are going to see so many layers of Annie.

So many plans for G.

Dinah is reverting to old behavior.

Jeffrey and Marah... let's just say that relationship isn't going in a good direction.

Josh and Annie do have a story coming up. But we'll have to wait and see if they are ready to be romantic together again.

Alan and Blake's plans will have huge effects on Springfield.

Thanks for reading!

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