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Episode 173



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The Bauer BBQ Continues in Springfield...


Bauer Home:


Jesse Blue walks up to the Bauer BBQ.

Michelle walks to him, "Jesse?"

He smiles, "Oh Michelle. Oh my God. I'm so happy to see you."

The two hug.


Bill walks up, "Jesse."

Jesse hugs him, "Bill how are you man?"

Bill nods, "I'm good. It's good to see you. You look great."

Jesse grins, "Thanks."

Michelle looks around, "Is Drew coming?"

Jesse shakes his head, "No. Just me. I'm glad to be back in Springfield. Feels like it's been forever."


Ed walks up and shakes his hand, "Welcome home Jesse."

Jesse grins, "Thanks Dr. Bauer."

Jesse turns to Michelle, "I'm so sorry to hear about Danny. I know how much you loved him."

Michelle nods, "Yeah. But it's been a rough year and I'm stronger. I miss Danny every day. But my kids help me."

Bill walks up and takes Michelle's hand, "We're doing great. Things are much better now."

Jesse looks at them and realizes they are a couple.


Over on the other side of the BBQ.

Reva is wiping tears.

Josh sighs, "So your cancer is back?"

Reva nods, "That's why Noah is here. He is my doctor now and he's going to try and save my life."

Josh looks at her, "When did you find out?"

She sighs, "When I was in the hospital. I know I can't do this again. I can't keep this secret from my family. I'm sorry I didn't want to ruin your 4Th of July."

He shakes his head, "You aren't. I'm so sorry Reva. But thank you for coming to me and telling me."

She nods, "Seeing you and Cassie together I..."

He sighs, "I'm so sorry. That must have been hard for you especially right now."

Noah is confused but doesn't say anything.

Reva sighs, "I'm going to tell the kids. But I'm waiting until the holiday is over."

Josh nods, "I understand. And I'll help you. We can tell them together. We'll get through this."

Noah puts his arm around Reva, "Did you hear that Reva. We are going to get through this. I promise."

Josh stares at Noah.


Cassie is chasing RJ.

Cassie shouts, "RJ! RJ please wait."

Marah walks in front of Cassie, "Stop! Stop right there."

RJ is gone.

Cassie looks at her, "Marah I don't have time I have to talk to RJ he must be so confused."

Marah nods, "I'm going to take care of it. Why did you even bother coming here Cassie?"

Cassie sighs, "Listen I know you must hate me Marah. And you have every right too. But RJ is my son. I have to have a chance to talk to him and make him understand."

Marah shakes her head, "I'm not going to let you hurt him again. You have caused him enough pain."

Cassie sighs, "I know you are trying to be a good cousin and I love you for that Marah-"

Marah scoffs, "Cut the crap. I don't want to look at you so just go. Let Springfield be happy on this day."

Cassie shakes her head, "I'm sorry if this bothers you but I have to go see my son."

Cassie walks away.

Marah grabs her arm, "Over my dead body."


Shayne and Rocky are together.

Rocky sighs, "Hey Shayne."

Shayne can't stop staring at a shirtless Rocky, "I'm great. Thank you. How are you?"

Rocky shakes his head, "I'm okay."

Shayne sighs, "There's been a lot of crap going on in Springfield huh? I mean a lot."

Rocky nods, "And we aren't really involved in it so that's a relief."

Shayne laughs, "Yeah I guess so."

Rocky sighs, "I never really got a chance to apologize for real. I guess I just didn't."

Shayne nods, "Well I didn't either. I treated you like crap and I'm so sorry Rocky."

Rocky sighs, "I'm sorry about everything with Kevin. I mean I'm not saying I chose him by mistake. I was in love with him. But that is a decision I should have made before our ceremony."

Shayne nods, "Yeah you should have."

Rocky nods, "Well I'm gonna let you enjoy your BBQ. Happy 4Th."

Rocky begins to walk away.

Shayne turns, "Was?"

Rocky stops, "What?"

Shayne says, "You said 'I was in love with him' are you still with Kevin?"

Rocky turns and looks at Shayne.


Olivia and Mel walk in to see Phillip with the girls.

Olivia runs over, "Get out of here! Get the hell out of here."

Phillip jumps up, "Olivia I just ran into them here. I had no idea that they would be here."

Olivia grabs him by the shirt, "You son of a bitch. The judge is gonna here about this and you will never see her ever again. You'll be lucky if you see the outside of a jail cell."

Mel tries to calm her down, "Olivia."

Olivia looks into Phillip's eyes, "I don't care if Beth and Harley forgive you. I remember you kidnapped our children. You are a monster and I will kill you before I let you back into her life."

Emma runs out of the room crying.

Leah chases after her.

Olivia follows.

Mel looks at Phillip, "We thought you'd still be on your honeymoon. I talked her into bringing Emma."

Phillip sighs, "Beth is at the house. I thought I'd stop by and see Rick. I didn't know. But Emma is my daughter. It's bad enough I never get to see her. Can't I just talk to her?"

Mel sighs, "I'm Olivia's lawyer Phillip. I wish I could say something else but she's not going to forget about this."

Mel walks to find Olivia.


Alan is chatting with Blake.

Blake looks at him, "Why are you trying to start drama for me Alan?"

Alan shakes his head, "I'm not Blake. I'm just trying to understand why a woman who seemed so smitten by Remy Boudreau one minute is just so over him the next."

She shakes her head, "Who says I'm over him?"

Alan grins, "That's what I thought. But why would Blake Thorpe of all people allow a little girl like Elizabeth go after her man? Come on. Have you gone soft?"

She scoffs, "I'm never going to go soft."

He nods, "I hope so. Because it's getting sad to watch."

She sighs, "What's in this for you?"

He smiles, "You know me so well. I just want Elizabeth to be free of losers like Coop Bradshaw, Jonathan Randall, and Remy Boudreau. She deserves so much better."

Blake nods, "So who is good enough for your family Alan? Anyone? Or are you going to have to inbreed?"

Alan scoffs, "We aren't the Lewises."

Blake laughs, "You haven't changed a bit Alan."

Alan nods, "Nope. But have you?"

Blake turns and stares at Remy who is talking with Liz.


Jesse looks at Michelle and Bill.

Jesse realizes, "Oh. So you two are a couple now?"

Bill nods, "Yeah. After everything that happened to us each we leaned on each other."

Michelle nods, "Bill has been great for me. And my kids."

Jesse sighs, "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't surprised. But you two seem happy together."

Bill smiles, "Well we are. Very happy."

Jesse looks at Michelle, "You look just as beautiful as ever Michelle."

She laughs, "Look at you. Oh my goodness."

Bill jokes, "And look at me."

Jesse laughs, "It's great having the old gang back together."

Michelle nods, "Well get Drew to come down here and then we'll really have the gang back together."

Jesse nods, "Yeah."

Michelle knows there is something he's not telling her but doesn't know what it is.

Rocky walks towards Shayne.

He looks at him, "You wanna talk about Kevin and I?"

Shayne sighs, "I just was wondering if you two were still together."

Rocky sighs, "Right now we're taking a break. But we're not over. Not by a long shot."

Shayne smiles, "You sure about that?"

Rocky nods, "I'm in love with him. I can't explain it."

Shayne sighs, "Of all the people you could have picked."

Rocky shakes his head, "You don't get to pick who you fall in love with. Or you know I would have picked you."

Shayne sighs, "Is that supposed to make me happy?"

Rocky shakes his head, "I don't know. You were my first love Shayne and that will always be special."

Shayne changes the subject, "Happy 4Th."

Rocky nods, "Happy 4Th."

He walks away.


Cassie and Marah are arguing still.

Jeffrey walks over, "Hey hey. What's going on?"

Cassie sighs, "I'm just trying to talk to my son."

Jeffrey turns to her, "You were looking for RJ?"

She shakes her head, "No. I ran into him. I was in shock so I hesitated and he ran off before I could say anything."

Marah nods, "Thank God for that. Because you would have probably broken his little heart."

Cassie shakes her head, "You are getting on my last nerve Marah. I know I made mistakes but RJ is still my son."

Marah nods, "Then do what's best for him and leave him the hell alone okay Cassie."

Cassie doesn't know what to say.

Marah takes Jeffrey's hand, "Let's go check on RJ."

Jeffrey turns to Cassie, "I'm sorry."

Marah and Jeffrey leave.

Cassie begins to cry in frustration.

Olivia sits in the living room.

Mel sits with her, "Are you okay?"

Olivia wipes tears, "I ruined my daughter's holiday."

Mel shakes her head, "No you didn't. She'll be okay. Leah will cheer her up then they'll run out to do fireworks."

Olivia turns to Mel, "I looked crazy didn't I?"

Mel sighs, "You had a right to."

Olivia nods, "I don't care if he acts nice, and smiles, and says he's changed because I remember. He tortured me, he threatened me, the threatened to take everything from me. He was gonna take my daughter and I was never going to see her again."

Mel sighs, "That's not going to happen again."

Olivia nods, "You bet your ass it won't. I swear that if he comes near her again I will pull out a gun and blow his brains out. Bill is Emma's father. Not Phillip!"

Olivia walks away.

Mel follows her.


Liz gets into the hot tub.

Remy looks at her, "Is it okay for you to be in here?"

She nods, "It's good for me. I can relax. I need to avoid stress in my life right now."

He sighs, "Well good luck. You're still a Spaulding."

She nods, "Don't remind me."

Remy can't keep his eyes off of Liz's smoking body.

Liz has sunglasses on which are hiding her staring back at him.

Blake watches from over by the house.

Alan sighs, "Wow this is getting sad Blake. The old Blake would never just sit and mope while another girl goes after her man."

Blake sighs, "If you shut up now then we have a deal."

Alan grins, "You mean that?"

She turns to him, "I lost Ross. I won't lose Remy."

Alan shakes Blake's hand.

Josh looks at Reva and Noah.

He clears his throat, "You came all the way back here to help Reva with her cancer?"

Noah nods, "Yes. I'm a doctor and Reva's friend."

Josh nods, "And that's all?"

Noah sighs, "Do you have a problem Josh?"

Josh shakes his head, "No. I'm sorry but this is just a sensitive subject for all of us."

Reva nods, "It'll take getting used to but it's going to be okay. I'm not giving up."

Noah looks at Reva, "Neither am I."

Josh sighs, "And neither am I."

Noah hugs Reva, "Hey I'm gonna go say hi to a few people."

Noah walks away.

Josh looks at her, "You're gonna be okay Reva."

She nods, "I know."

Josh and Reva walk back to the party.


Rick and Michelle walk over to Ed.

Rick puts his arm around his Dad, "Speech time."

Ed shakes his head, "No. I'm not going to hog it. It's your turn this year Rick."

Michelle shakes her head, "No Daddy. I'm not gonna listen to Rick brag about winning games. I wanna here from you."

Ed shakes his head, "No."


Alexandra walks over, "I'd like to hear it."

Ed turns, "You're here."

Alex grins, "Go on Ed."

Ed walks up, "Can I have every one's attention please? I just wanted to take a moment to say a few things. Thank you all for being here. Today we celebrate our country and what is stands for. How lucky we are to live in this country. Also to live in this town. No matter how much we curse it something keeps us here. We all look up at our lighthouse as our guiding light. Leading us all to our future. We think of our loved ones who left us. We look and Springfield and remember our memories good and bad. For one day or even for one moment we all look into the sky and forget our drama, our loss, our problems, and we are just people. There is a destiny that makes us brothers. None goes his way alone. All that we send into the lives of others, Comes back into our own. Thank you everyone."

Michelle and Rick, "Thank you!"

Everyone claps.

Fireworks go off.

Shayne sits with his parents.

Cassie watches while Marah sits with Jeffrey and RJ.

Alan and Blake both head to their cars.

Michelle smiles, "It's beautiful."

She turns to see Bill holding out a ring, "Will you marry me?"

Michelle smiles, "Yes."

Bill stands up and the two kiss.

In this moment all is okay in Springfield.


Michelle questions Jesse

Reva and Josh talk with the kids

Olivia visits Ava

Lorelei plots

Rafe comes home

Mallet confronts Dinah!


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