Episode 143
Deceit happens in Springfield.....

Marina's House:

Marina is resting on the couch.
Shayne has gone off to work.
The doorbell rings.
Marina gets herself up to answer it.

She is surprised to find an emotional Aubrey at her door.
Aubrey is crying, "I'm sorry I didn't want to bother you."
Marina takes her hand, "Not at all. What's wrong honey. Is everything okay with the baby?"
Aubrey nods, "No that's fine. It's.... I went home and I was going to see my husband but I saw him with her."
Marina looks at her, "Liz?"
Aubrey cries, "He was all over her in the kitchen. With little Sarah sleeping in the other room."
Marina sighs, "I am so sorry honey. I'm sorry."
Aubrey sits down, "I just didn't know where else to go. I mean I know you are doing this whole thing with Jonathan's brother."
Marina sighs, "Not exactly."
Aubrey turns to her, "What do you mean?"
Marina looks at her, "I haven't told a lot of people yet but I decided not to give my child to Shayne and Rocky."
Aubrey nods, "So you aren't giving the baby to them?"
Marina sighs, "No I am not."
Aubrey puts her hand on Marina's belly, "Maybe that's for the best."
Aubrey keeps staring at the pregnant belly.


Kevin and Rocky are kissing by the pond.
They are laying in the grass.
Rocky looks into Kevin's eyes, "I want to be with you."
Kevin smiles, "I want to be with you too."
Rocky grins, "We deserve this."
Kevin kisses his neck, "You finally understand."
Rocky smiles, "This is perfect. We can be together. We can even spend the whole day together. Then we can both finally move on. It's what's best for everyone I can't believe I didn't see it before."
Kevin moves away, "What the hell did you just say?"
Rocky sits up, "I thought this was what you wanted?"
Kevin shakes his head, "No. This isn't what I want. This is not what I wanted from you."
Rocky looks at him, "What are you talking about? Every time we're a lone you kiss me and..."
Kevin backs up, "No! I don't want to just sleep with you and then shake hands and swear to keep it a secret! I'm not that kind of person anymore. You are the reason I'm not that kind of person anymore."
Rocky is confused, "What do you mean?"
Kevin stands up, "I'm not some mistake that you can just use and then forget about! I wanted you to say that you want me to be with you. That you want to spend the rest of your life with me! That you don't care what your friends and family think! But you are to afraid Rocky!"
Rocky stares at Kevin.


Marah walks up to Jeffrey's office.
She's outside the door.
She is remembering what Rue told her.
Cassie has feelings for Jeffrey.
Should she worried that her comatose Aunt wants her boyfriend?
Marah opens the door.
Jeffrey is putting on his coat, "Hey! What brings you by?"
Marah sighs, "I wanted to talk with you. It's about this whole RJ thing with Cassie."
Jeffrey nods, "I was thinking about that too."
Marah looks at him, "What about it?"
He picks up the newspaper, "Well I was thinking about us maybe considering buying a house."
Marah is confused, "You told me that you liked living at the Beacon. I was going to move in with you."
Jeffrey nods, "I know. But RJ has been through a lot. I think it might be good for him to have a house to come home too. I'm not sure where but I think there are a few places we could check out."
Marah walks towards him, "We?"
He nods, "Marah I want us to get a house together. You were right RJ is bringing us closer together."
Marah smiles, "Yeah I guess this is."
Marah declines from telling Jeffrey about Cassie.

Mallet and Dinah's:

Mallet is getting ready for work.
Dinah can tell something is wrong, "What's going on Babe?"
Mallet turns to her, "Oh nothing. I was just thinking that it's going to be a little awkward at work today."
Dinah is confused, "Why is that?"
Mallet sighs, "It's Harley first day back."
She nods, "Well that makes sense. It's going to be a little weird. But she made the right decision giving us Belinda. It was the right thing for everyone. You know that."
He nods, "I know. I know. But there is other stuff too. Now that Rusty is gone they are trying to find the new Police Chief."
Dinah smiles, "Well I know the perfect guy for the job!"
He laughs, "I'm not sure about that. I think it's going to be a woman this time around."
Dinah is confused, "Who?"
He turns to her, "Harley. I think she is going to be running for Chief and she will probably get it."
She shakes her head, "I don't think so. I mean you've worked longer than she has. In fact you helped her get where she is today right? So you would be the obvious choice."
Mallet gets his jacket on, "Babe I think Harley deserves it after all that she has gone through. I'm running late. I love you."
Mallet kisses his wife before he leaves.
Dinah decides to make a phone call.


Olivia and Gus step out of the elevator.
Gus sighs, "Wow it feels like it's been ages since I was last here. Even though it wasn't."
Olivia nods, "Well a lot has changed since then. You have had a real break through."
Gus turns to her, "Thanks to you. Olivia I really appreciate everything you've done for me."
She smiles, "That's what friends are for right?"
He sighs, "But not a lot of friends would do that. You did a lot to get me off the pills."
Olivia sighs, "Well Gus.... I wasn't sure you'd be happy with me. I basically kidnapped you and kept you locked up in a cabin the whole time. I figured you'd be angry at me."
Gus nods, "I was. But after the first 24 hours I started to understand how important it was for you to do what you did. It helped me by being there. It was the right thing to do."
She hugs him, "I'm glad that you are better Gus. I really just wanted to repay you. You saved my life Gus."
Gus nods, "Now you have saved mine."
Gus kisses Olivia.

Springfield High:

Vi is walking to the cafeteria.
Maureen walks over, "Hey! How are you?"
Vi turns, "I'm great Maureen. How are you?"
Maureen smiles, "I'm good. I just was worried about you."
Vi is confused, "Why are you worried about me?"
Maureen sighs, "Well Jason was over at our house the other day. He told me that you guys broke up. I didn't ask questions but I was a worried about you. You two seemed happy together."
Vi nods, "We were. It was nice while it lasted but I felt that it was time to move on."
Maureen nods, "Oh so you broke up with him?"
Vi sighs, "Yeah. It was difficult. I didn't want to hurt him but I felt he deserved to know the truth."
Maureen smiles, "Well you seem to be pretty happy with yourself. Does that mean there is a new guy in your life?"
Vi sighs, "I guess you could say that there is a new man in my life. Possibly the love of my life."
Vi sees Mr. Bradshaw's room in the corner of her eye.

Marah and Jeffrey are walking.
Jeffrey looks around, "There are some houses in the next neighborhood but they aren't that nice."
Marah turns to him, "Do we know anyone who is moving or selling a house. Something?"
Jeffrey nods, "I think Blake is still working in real estate. But I'm not sure. I can ask her."
Marah smiles, "That would be perfect. I am really excited right now. We are actually going to have a house. Like a real couple. Almost like a married couple."
Jeffrey turns to her, "Marah I haven't given you the wrong idea about all of this have I?"
She shakes her head, "No of course not. I remember what you said before I just was in the moment."
He sighs, "You know that I don't believe in marriage. I don't want to get married."
She nods, "Well you said you didn't want the family life in a house with a kid but here we are."
Jeffrey sighs, "I'm not going to change my mind about this. Please don't get your hopes up."
Marah shakes her head, "I won't Jeffrey."
Jeffrey takes her hand the two continue on their walk.
Mallet and Dinah's:
Dinah is putting Baby Anthony down for his nap.
The doorbell rings.
Dinah walks downstairs to answer the door.

Annie is there, "Hey sweetie. I came as fast as I could you said it was very important."
Dinah nods, "It is. I need you to prove to me how our partnership is going to benefit me and my loved ones."
Annie nods, "What do you need me to do?"
Dinah sighs, "It's Mallet. He wants to run for Chief of Police. Which he should because he's the best."
Annie nods, "I'm sure he is but what do you need?"
Dinah sighs, "Okay. Now he is obviously the top choice. But next to him would be Harley. Now Mallet feels guilty but really he's the one who deserves to be the Chief."
Annie smiles, "And you want to make sure that happens correct?"
Dinah grins, "I knew you'd understand. So I just need you to help me influence that Mallet should be the chief."
Annie nods, "I will pull some strings and I will make sure that Mallet is named Chief of Police for the Springfield Police Department."
Dinah hugs her, "I knew this partnership was going to pay off!"
The two women grin.
Springfield High:
Maureen and Vi are walking to lunch.
Maureen looks at her, "So who is this mysterious man who you are dating now that you broke up with Jason?"
Vi sighs, "I'm not dating him. We just have been flirting and I think it's only a matter of time."
Maureen nods, "That's great. Do I know him?"
Vi smiles, "Yes you do."
Maureen gets excited, "Ooh! Okay so does that mean he goes to school here with us?"
Vi nods, "Kind of. I don't know how to explain it."
Maureen smiles, "Oh you are so cute. I've never seen you this happy about some guy before."
Vi turns to her, "Honestly Maureen. I don't think I ever have. I think this guy might be the one."
Maureen grins, "The one. You mean the one you first..."
Vi shakes her head, "I didn't mean that. Well not exactly. But he is my one true love."
Maureen nods, "You think you've fallen in love with him?"
Vi smiles, "And I think the feeling is really mutual. You'll see."
Maureen goes to her lunch table.
Vi stares at the teachers lounge knowing Mr. Bradshaw is inside.
Marina's House:
Aubrey is sitting with Marina.
She is very surprised, "Oh my God. So Shayne slept with you at the masquerade ball? And used you?"
Marina nods, "Yes. Now I've told him that he and Rocky need to move out and I'm not giving him my child."
Aubrey turns to her, "How did Rocky take it?"
Marina sighs, "That's the worst part. Shayne is keeping all of this from Rocky. He wants him to have the ceremony first before he tells him anything about this."
Aubrey turns, "Wow. I can't believe that. Those two really don't belong together. They are getting together just because they want to raise your baby together. Just like Jonathan and Liz. I think they want to raise my baby and Sarah."
Marina sighs, "We won't let them do that. Why don't you move in here after Rocky and Shayne move out?"
Aubrey smiles, "Do you mean it?"
Marina grins, "Yeah! I think it might be fun. Us two pregnant ladies living together."
Aubrey looks down, "I'll think about it. Liz and Jonathan don't even know that I know yet. But I'll tell you one thing. I'll be damned if I let anyone take Jonathan or Sarah away from me."
Marina nods, "And your baby?
Aubrey smiles, "I will do whatever I have to in order to keep my baby close to me."
Aubrey continues to look at Marina's pregnant stomach.
Rocky and Kevin are arguing.
Rocky gets up, "You are a real piece of work. You tell me all of these things about how I'm a coward! How I'm afraid to tell people the truth! But your the one who hasn't even come out yet!"
Kevin yells, "There is no point! If I'm not going to be with you then I won't be with anyone. So why tell anyone?"
Rocky sighs, "We can be together! Right now!"
Kevin shakes his head, "I don't want you now! I want you forever Rocky. Forever. Do you get it?"
Rocky looks at him, "Do you expect me to believe that we will spend the rest of our lives together. We'll ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after?"
Kevin shakes his head, "No! Because I can't give you that. People will look down on us! Your family will think I'm hurting you! My family will think I'm hurting you! Shayne will never forgive you. Everyone will think we're nuts. They won't expect us to make it. But I don't give a damn what those ingorant freaks think. All I care about is you and I. We know who we are even if no one else does."
Rocky sighs, "Kevin I..."
Kevin looks at him, "Do you choose me Rocky? Or not? If you choose him. Don't even bother coming back to me."
Rocky doesn't say anything.
Kevin sighs, "Goodbye Rocky."
Kevin walks away.
Rocky fall to his knees crying.
Olivia walks Gus back into his room.
Gus looks around, "This place looks really clean. But is it clean? You know what I mean?"
Olivia nods, "I hired some maids to search and clean. They are sworn to secrecy. Not even Natalia will know. This place is dry Gus. I made sure of that before we got here."
Gus smiles, "You don't stop giving do you?"
She laughs, "I bet you never imagined yourself saying that to me. Olivia Spencer."
The two share a laugh.
Olivia looks at her watch, "I have to get going. I'll see you later Gus."
Olivia leaves.
Gus sits on his bed.
Suddenly there is a noise outside his balcony.
Gus opens the doors.

Susan has climbed up from the balcony, "I'm like freaking Spider Man."
Gus smiles, "It took you long enough."
Susan gets up, "I had to wait until Cyrus was distracted. He wouldn't understand."
Gus nods, "I don't want to hurt anyone. But we are addictive people. We need something to be addicted too."
She looks at him, "We sure do."
She jumps on him.
The two kiss.
Gus takes her back to his bed.
Shayne and Rocky have their ceremony!!!
Liz makes her announcement
Beth goes to Edmund
Rue leaves Springfield

Marina's House:

Marina is resting on the couch.
Shayne has gone off to work.
The doorbell rings.
Marina gets herself up to answer it.

She is surprised to find an emotional Aubrey at her door.
Aubrey is crying, "I'm sorry I didn't want to bother you."
Marina takes her hand, "Not at all. What's wrong honey. Is everything okay with the baby?"
Aubrey nods, "No that's fine. It's.... I went home and I was going to see my husband but I saw him with her."
Marina looks at her, "Liz?"
Aubrey cries, "He was all over her in the kitchen. With little Sarah sleeping in the other room."
Marina sighs, "I am so sorry honey. I'm sorry."
Aubrey sits down, "I just didn't know where else to go. I mean I know you are doing this whole thing with Jonathan's brother."
Marina sighs, "Not exactly."
Aubrey turns to her, "What do you mean?"
Marina looks at her, "I haven't told a lot of people yet but I decided not to give my child to Shayne and Rocky."
Aubrey nods, "So you aren't giving the baby to them?"
Marina sighs, "No I am not."
Aubrey puts her hand on Marina's belly, "Maybe that's for the best."
Aubrey keeps staring at the pregnant belly.


Kevin and Rocky are kissing by the pond.
They are laying in the grass.
Rocky looks into Kevin's eyes, "I want to be with you."
Kevin smiles, "I want to be with you too."
Rocky grins, "We deserve this."
Kevin kisses his neck, "You finally understand."
Rocky smiles, "This is perfect. We can be together. We can even spend the whole day together. Then we can both finally move on. It's what's best for everyone I can't believe I didn't see it before."
Kevin moves away, "What the hell did you just say?"
Rocky sits up, "I thought this was what you wanted?"
Kevin shakes his head, "No. This isn't what I want. This is not what I wanted from you."
Rocky looks at him, "What are you talking about? Every time we're a lone you kiss me and..."
Kevin backs up, "No! I don't want to just sleep with you and then shake hands and swear to keep it a secret! I'm not that kind of person anymore. You are the reason I'm not that kind of person anymore."
Rocky is confused, "What do you mean?"
Kevin stands up, "I'm not some mistake that you can just use and then forget about! I wanted you to say that you want me to be with you. That you want to spend the rest of your life with me! That you don't care what your friends and family think! But you are to afraid Rocky!"
Rocky stares at Kevin.


Marah walks up to Jeffrey's office.
She's outside the door.
She is remembering what Rue told her.
Cassie has feelings for Jeffrey.
Should she worried that her comatose Aunt wants her boyfriend?
Marah opens the door.
Jeffrey is putting on his coat, "Hey! What brings you by?"
Marah sighs, "I wanted to talk with you. It's about this whole RJ thing with Cassie."
Jeffrey nods, "I was thinking about that too."
Marah looks at him, "What about it?"
He picks up the newspaper, "Well I was thinking about us maybe considering buying a house."
Marah is confused, "You told me that you liked living at the Beacon. I was going to move in with you."
Jeffrey nods, "I know. But RJ has been through a lot. I think it might be good for him to have a house to come home too. I'm not sure where but I think there are a few places we could check out."
Marah walks towards him, "We?"
He nods, "Marah I want us to get a house together. You were right RJ is bringing us closer together."
Marah smiles, "Yeah I guess this is."
Marah declines from telling Jeffrey about Cassie.

Mallet and Dinah's:

Mallet is getting ready for work.
Dinah can tell something is wrong, "What's going on Babe?"
Mallet turns to her, "Oh nothing. I was just thinking that it's going to be a little awkward at work today."
Dinah is confused, "Why is that?"
Mallet sighs, "It's Harley first day back."
She nods, "Well that makes sense. It's going to be a little weird. But she made the right decision giving us Belinda. It was the right thing for everyone. You know that."
He nods, "I know. I know. But there is other stuff too. Now that Rusty is gone they are trying to find the new Police Chief."
Dinah smiles, "Well I know the perfect guy for the job!"
He laughs, "I'm not sure about that. I think it's going to be a woman this time around."
Dinah is confused, "Who?"
He turns to her, "Harley. I think she is going to be running for Chief and she will probably get it."
She shakes her head, "I don't think so. I mean you've worked longer than she has. In fact you helped her get where she is today right? So you would be the obvious choice."
Mallet gets his jacket on, "Babe I think Harley deserves it after all that she has gone through. I'm running late. I love you."
Mallet kisses his wife before he leaves.
Dinah decides to make a phone call.


Olivia and Gus step out of the elevator.
Gus sighs, "Wow it feels like it's been ages since I was last here. Even though it wasn't."
Olivia nods, "Well a lot has changed since then. You have had a real break through."
Gus turns to her, "Thanks to you. Olivia I really appreciate everything you've done for me."
She smiles, "That's what friends are for right?"
He sighs, "But not a lot of friends would do that. You did a lot to get me off the pills."
Olivia sighs, "Well Gus.... I wasn't sure you'd be happy with me. I basically kidnapped you and kept you locked up in a cabin the whole time. I figured you'd be angry at me."
Gus nods, "I was. But after the first 24 hours I started to understand how important it was for you to do what you did. It helped me by being there. It was the right thing to do."
She hugs him, "I'm glad that you are better Gus. I really just wanted to repay you. You saved my life Gus."
Gus nods, "Now you have saved mine."
Gus kisses Olivia.

Springfield High:

Vi is walking to the cafeteria.
Maureen walks over, "Hey! How are you?"
Vi turns, "I'm great Maureen. How are you?"
Maureen smiles, "I'm good. I just was worried about you."
Vi is confused, "Why are you worried about me?"
Maureen sighs, "Well Jason was over at our house the other day. He told me that you guys broke up. I didn't ask questions but I was a worried about you. You two seemed happy together."
Vi nods, "We were. It was nice while it lasted but I felt that it was time to move on."
Maureen nods, "Oh so you broke up with him?"
Vi sighs, "Yeah. It was difficult. I didn't want to hurt him but I felt he deserved to know the truth."
Maureen smiles, "Well you seem to be pretty happy with yourself. Does that mean there is a new guy in your life?"
Vi sighs, "I guess you could say that there is a new man in my life. Possibly the love of my life."
Vi sees Mr. Bradshaw's room in the corner of her eye.

Marah and Jeffrey are walking.
Jeffrey looks around, "There are some houses in the next neighborhood but they aren't that nice."
Marah turns to him, "Do we know anyone who is moving or selling a house. Something?"
Jeffrey nods, "I think Blake is still working in real estate. But I'm not sure. I can ask her."
Marah smiles, "That would be perfect. I am really excited right now. We are actually going to have a house. Like a real couple. Almost like a married couple."
Jeffrey turns to her, "Marah I haven't given you the wrong idea about all of this have I?"
She shakes her head, "No of course not. I remember what you said before I just was in the moment."
He sighs, "You know that I don't believe in marriage. I don't want to get married."
She nods, "Well you said you didn't want the family life in a house with a kid but here we are."
Jeffrey sighs, "I'm not going to change my mind about this. Please don't get your hopes up."
Marah shakes her head, "I won't Jeffrey."
Jeffrey takes her hand the two continue on their walk.
Mallet and Dinah's:
Dinah is putting Baby Anthony down for his nap.
The doorbell rings.
Dinah walks downstairs to answer the door.

Annie is there, "Hey sweetie. I came as fast as I could you said it was very important."
Dinah nods, "It is. I need you to prove to me how our partnership is going to benefit me and my loved ones."
Annie nods, "What do you need me to do?"
Dinah sighs, "It's Mallet. He wants to run for Chief of Police. Which he should because he's the best."
Annie nods, "I'm sure he is but what do you need?"
Dinah sighs, "Okay. Now he is obviously the top choice. But next to him would be Harley. Now Mallet feels guilty but really he's the one who deserves to be the Chief."
Annie smiles, "And you want to make sure that happens correct?"
Dinah grins, "I knew you'd understand. So I just need you to help me influence that Mallet should be the chief."
Annie nods, "I will pull some strings and I will make sure that Mallet is named Chief of Police for the Springfield Police Department."
Dinah hugs her, "I knew this partnership was going to pay off!"
The two women grin.
Springfield High:
Maureen and Vi are walking to lunch.
Maureen looks at her, "So who is this mysterious man who you are dating now that you broke up with Jason?"
Vi sighs, "I'm not dating him. We just have been flirting and I think it's only a matter of time."
Maureen nods, "That's great. Do I know him?"
Vi smiles, "Yes you do."
Maureen gets excited, "Ooh! Okay so does that mean he goes to school here with us?"
Vi nods, "Kind of. I don't know how to explain it."
Maureen smiles, "Oh you are so cute. I've never seen you this happy about some guy before."
Vi turns to her, "Honestly Maureen. I don't think I ever have. I think this guy might be the one."
Maureen grins, "The one. You mean the one you first..."
Vi shakes her head, "I didn't mean that. Well not exactly. But he is my one true love."
Maureen nods, "You think you've fallen in love with him?"
Vi smiles, "And I think the feeling is really mutual. You'll see."
Maureen goes to her lunch table.
Vi stares at the teachers lounge knowing Mr. Bradshaw is inside.
Marina's House:
Aubrey is sitting with Marina.
She is very surprised, "Oh my God. So Shayne slept with you at the masquerade ball? And used you?"
Marina nods, "Yes. Now I've told him that he and Rocky need to move out and I'm not giving him my child."
Aubrey turns to her, "How did Rocky take it?"
Marina sighs, "That's the worst part. Shayne is keeping all of this from Rocky. He wants him to have the ceremony first before he tells him anything about this."
Aubrey turns, "Wow. I can't believe that. Those two really don't belong together. They are getting together just because they want to raise your baby together. Just like Jonathan and Liz. I think they want to raise my baby and Sarah."
Marina sighs, "We won't let them do that. Why don't you move in here after Rocky and Shayne move out?"
Aubrey smiles, "Do you mean it?"
Marina grins, "Yeah! I think it might be fun. Us two pregnant ladies living together."
Aubrey looks down, "I'll think about it. Liz and Jonathan don't even know that I know yet. But I'll tell you one thing. I'll be damned if I let anyone take Jonathan or Sarah away from me."
Marina nods, "And your baby?
Aubrey smiles, "I will do whatever I have to in order to keep my baby close to me."
Aubrey continues to look at Marina's pregnant stomach.
Rocky and Kevin are arguing.
Rocky gets up, "You are a real piece of work. You tell me all of these things about how I'm a coward! How I'm afraid to tell people the truth! But your the one who hasn't even come out yet!"
Kevin yells, "There is no point! If I'm not going to be with you then I won't be with anyone. So why tell anyone?"
Rocky sighs, "We can be together! Right now!"
Kevin shakes his head, "I don't want you now! I want you forever Rocky. Forever. Do you get it?"
Rocky looks at him, "Do you expect me to believe that we will spend the rest of our lives together. We'll ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after?"
Kevin shakes his head, "No! Because I can't give you that. People will look down on us! Your family will think I'm hurting you! My family will think I'm hurting you! Shayne will never forgive you. Everyone will think we're nuts. They won't expect us to make it. But I don't give a damn what those ingorant freaks think. All I care about is you and I. We know who we are even if no one else does."
Rocky sighs, "Kevin I..."
Kevin looks at him, "Do you choose me Rocky? Or not? If you choose him. Don't even bother coming back to me."
Rocky doesn't say anything.
Kevin sighs, "Goodbye Rocky."
Kevin walks away.
Rocky fall to his knees crying.
Olivia walks Gus back into his room.
Gus looks around, "This place looks really clean. But is it clean? You know what I mean?"
Olivia nods, "I hired some maids to search and clean. They are sworn to secrecy. Not even Natalia will know. This place is dry Gus. I made sure of that before we got here."
Gus smiles, "You don't stop giving do you?"
She laughs, "I bet you never imagined yourself saying that to me. Olivia Spencer."
The two share a laugh.
Olivia looks at her watch, "I have to get going. I'll see you later Gus."
Olivia leaves.
Gus sits on his bed.
Suddenly there is a noise outside his balcony.
Gus opens the doors.

Susan has climbed up from the balcony, "I'm like freaking Spider Man."
Gus smiles, "It took you long enough."
Susan gets up, "I had to wait until Cyrus was distracted. He wouldn't understand."
Gus nods, "I don't want to hurt anyone. But we are addictive people. We need something to be addicted too."
She looks at him, "We sure do."
She jumps on him.
The two kiss.
Gus takes her back to his bed.
Shayne and Rocky have their ceremony!!!
Liz makes her announcement
Beth goes to Edmund
Rue leaves Springfield
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