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May 18, 2006



-Max and Abby continue to search for Chelsea and Josh. They finally decide to give up. He takes her home. They have a heart to heart about life and love and what her mom and his brother had and what her mom had with jack. They both agree they want that kind of love. They remark on how funny it would be if they hooked up given his brother and her mom. Frankie and Jennifer come downstairs and share the news of their engagement and wedding. Abby is excited. Jen and her talk about the plans. Max congratulates Frankie on landing Jennifer. Max and Abby continue to worry about Chelsea and Josh.

-Chelsea is a wreck after being battered and raped. She decides to remain in hiding until she is healed up. No one can know about what happened to her and to Josh or the men will come back. She thinks this is all punishment for what she did to everyone. She breaks down on the bed.

-Victor checks on the operation and hears it was completed. He then gets word of what happened with Josh and a young woman (Chelsea) and is furious. He said something like this would happen. Nico agrees and says he wanred Victor these men were scum. Victor gets a call from the mysterious caller again who praises him for following orders. Victor tells the person what happened on the pier but the caller just laughs and says its business and Victor hired the men so it's his fault. Victor throws his glass against the wall and demands to know where his son is. One person is dead and one young girl may be too and if not dead then scarred for life and he won't tolerate this any more. The caller says he will get what he wants in due time. Victor asks about those on Morgan Island and the caller ignores him and tells him to mind his own business. The caller hangs up. Victor thinks about the dead young man and young woman and is sickened by everything. He blames himself. Nico urges him to relax and have a drink. The people were just there at the wrong time. He leaves and Victor begins to drink heavily. He calls Nico back in and tells him to track down the people who worked the operation tonight. He wants to monitor them and find out what is going on with this caller. Nico agrees and walks out.

-Celeste continues to use her tarot cards to see what the future holds. She once again sees death for Salem and Morgan Island in addition to the death in Salem already and the young woman whose life was changed forever tonight. She tries to sleep and has a nightmare where she is in church and walking towards a casket. She opens it and screams. She then wakes up screaming and gets dressed. She decides to go out and warn people. She gets a neighbor to watch Theo and runs out. She bumps into Bonnie and informs Bonnie of her latest vibrations and visions. Bonnie is spooked and Celeste insists they need to warn everyone.

-On Morgan Island, Stefano continues to hold Lexie hostage as John holds a gun on him. They are at a standstill. Belle,Shawn, Mimi, Roman, Kate, Austin, Sami, Lucas, Carrie, Bo, and Billie all watch from below. Abe watches nearby and continues his trek up the side of the cliff to reach Lexie.

-Tek meets up with Patrick and says everything is all set and is going according to Stefano's plan. He just hopes what he did to Marlena doesn't backfire. Patrick insists that Stefano told them what to do so it's his problem. Tek worries that what he did to Marlena may make her out of control. Meanwhile, Marlena is walking around the island in a zombie-like state and is holding a gun. She keeps saying repeatedly, "It's time. Zero hour has arrived and the plan is ready to begin."

-Lexie asks her father while he holds her why he tortured her as Alex. He says he did it for her own good-he doesn't want her with Abe since he is a threat to the Dimera legacy just like John, which is why he went he planned all of this to get rid of John. He knew the only way to break up Lexie and Abe was to use her affair with Tek to his advantage by blackmailing her and trying to get her to go back to her Dimera roots and become like her father again. That would end her marriage to Abe. Lexie asks what he plans to do to Tek since he is a cop too and no doubt a threat to the Dimera legacy. Stefano says Tek is fine and that he is happy Tek was in Lexie's life while Abe was on the island. It set things up beautifully for his plans but now his plan for her is ruined since she knows but he may win anyway since Abe will leave her once the affair and other lies come out. Lexie is stunned that her father would put her through this. After what he put her through during the baby switch she should've turned her back on him but now she says she is finished with him. She wonders why he prefers Tek over Abe. She says she is through with him. John tries to hear what they are discussing but they are whispering. Hope arrives and Lexie breaks free of Stefano and that gives John the distraction to grab Stefano and his gun. The battle but Stefano almost flings John off the cliff. He runs away but asks Lexie to join him. Hope aims her gun prompting him to leave. Hope saves John. Lexie is left with alot of unanswered questions like why does her father seem to like Tek? She wonders where Tek is as Hope wonders where Patrick is.

-Everyone down below is told by John to break up and search for Stefano. Roman alerts the local police. Kate, Sami, Belle, and Roman think about killing Alex again and now that he is Stefano they are further convinced based on their past with him and their families. Kate remembers Billie has a gun and tricks her into giving her her purse. She sneaks the gun out and pockets it vowing to protect John and Marlena and her what lies in her past. Belle quietly sneaks the gun out of Bo's holster. She vows to get her family back together and keep them safe and protected for all their sakes, including her daughter's. The Dimera legacy ends here and no one will suspect her. Roman pulls his gun out and vows that Stefano's reign of terror will end now after all he has done to his family and everyone else in Salem, especially Marlena. Sami remembers Lucas has a gun from his days with Tony and asks if he still carries one for protection. He asks why she is curious and she says because they may need it if they bump into Stefano. Lucas says it's at the hotel room Carrie and him are in. Same remembers Carrie has the room key and pretends to bump into her knocking her purse off and everything falls out. Sami grabs the key and switches it with Austin and her's. Sami sneaks off and goes into the room and takes the gun. Meanwhile, the mysterious stranger continues to stalk Sami and Carrie and watches as Sami takes the gun. The stranger clenches their fist in rage watching Sami make off with the gun. Sami vows to her secrets buried and finally protect her family by putting an end to Stefano's reign after all the hurt he put them all through.

-Hope and Lexie look all over for Tek and Patrick and John. They hope everything turns out for the best and that no one they love gets hurt. They also hope Stefano's reign of terror ends as Lexie says its high time for her father to go down for what he has done.

-John vows to end Stefano's reign once he finds him and beleived it's time for the phoenix to finally meet his maker for good. He pulls out his gun and continues searching.

-A armed with a gun Abe still doesn't know Alex is Stefano and vows to make sure Alex pays for "raping" Lexie and for nearly killing her on the cliff.

-Sami, Belle, Kate, and Roman are all alone and going their separate ways determined to find Stefano and finally put an end to all his evil. They all have their guns in hand ready to take Stefano out. Bo notices his gun is gone and Carrie, who was feeling ill and wanted to go back to the room, goes through her purse to find the key and notices the room key is different and has a different number on it. Lucas says Sami must have switched it. Austin thinks its was accidental but Lucas thinks its more and worries that Sami took his gun after asking about it. They are worried about her and Kate after hearing about Bo's gun and Kate being missing. Roman is missing too and so is Belle. which worries everyone including Shawn and Mimi. Billie realizes her gun is gone too. Everyone worries about Belle, Sami, Kate, and Roman with four guns going missing the same time those four people went missing.

-Patrick and Tek comment that everything is on track. Tek worries something will go wrong now that all these people want to take out Stefano. Patrick says if Stefano gets killed it will only be better for them. If not, they followed instructions to the letter so they are in the clear. Tek worries about what he may have set off in Marlena given everything else she has been through.

-Marlena continues to walk around the island in her zombie-like state and now has started saying, 'It's time for the evil to die. It's Stefano's time to die. It's time for them all to die." Patrick and Tek see her and overhear her as she goes by and Tek is more convinced then ever that something is about to go wrong. They try to stop Marlena but she is gone and they can't find her. Tek wonders what he may have unleashed as Stefano's plan seems to be backfiring.

-Stefano makes his way to a dock and prepares to make off on a speedboat. He laughes and says no one will ever catch him

-In Salem, Celeste has a vision of Sami, Belle, Kate, John, Roman, Tek, Patrick, Abe, Marlena, and Alex that features two gun shots at the end . She yells out "Two of them will die tonight and it's only the beginning." Bonnie looks on terrified as Celeste shakes in fear and torment.


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