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Unsolved Mysteries! #103



Kendall OR Greenlee...  

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  1. 1. Which Character Do You Prefer?

    • Kendall
    • Greenlee

Lavender Hill, Sabryn's MansionIMG_0042.jpgPasadena.jpg

Ashley, Sabryn, Gilbert, and Bryan look at Natalia in shock.

3128734.jpgNatalia, looking At Ashley,

"I am here for my son Ashley. Diego and I had a very interesting conversation about you. Like for starters, you and him were in co-hoots to steal my baby. You paid him off to kidnap my child. You told him to tell me my son was dead, Diego gave my son to you so you can pass him off as your own with Bryan."


"This is absurd. Do you know how ridiculous you sound right now? And people call me crazy…."


"I don't understand any of this. First Ashley is dead, then she's not, now the wacko is alive with Bryan's child, Oh, wait, Ashley stole the child from Natalia. Give me a break. Gilbert call the police."


"Yes, do that. I have nothing to lose."


"This is my son and no one is going to take him away from me. I would watch my step if I were you Natalia. I know a lot more about you than you think."


"Ashley please. I am not afraid of you. I get down with the best of them. "

Ashley, looking at Sabryn,

"Sabryn, hang up that damn phone. This is my son!"


"Getting nervous aren't you Ashley? I would be too."


"This is getting out of hand. Either Ashley or Natalia are lying. It's time to get to the truth."


"And how are we going to do that?"


"Call Diego up, We can meet him at the hospital for paternity test on this child Ashley is holding."


"He's our son and don't refer to him like that again."


"We'll get a paternity test done on Bryan Jr."


"Hell No! My son's name is Bryan Jr. He will keep that name. I'll fight for it in courts."


"Every one shut the hell up! ……Then we'll get a DNA test on Ashley and once we have all these answers, we can take things from there."


"Don't say we. I have nothing to do with this. I am staying here with my son. I need time to myself to collect my thoughts."


"Gilbert isn't staying here with you."


"At Least I wont cheat on her!"


"Fine Bryan! Gilbert can you go with them to keep me posted?"


"I can keep you informed baby. I am still your fiancée. Nothing has changed for us."


"Not yet."


"Get these Bitches out my house before I kill one of them!"


"Ok lets go." Bryan escorts Ashley and the baby and Natalia out the house to get answers on who is the momma!


Episode: 103, Unsolved Mysteries!

Written By: ML Cooks, and Tara Smith

Downtown Pasadena, City HallPasadenastreet.jpgcityhall2.jpg

Mike walks into the Mayor's office after the receptionist tells Mike, Mayor Nagin is ready to see him. Upon entering the office, Ray stands up from his desk and walks over to Mike to shake his hand.


"Michael Dietz, it's great to see you again."


"Thank you sir."


"Please have a seat" The mayor says as he walks back behind his desk.


"So what brings me down here?" He says sitting down.


"I'm going to give you some straight talk Mike. Our city is falling through the cracks. We have a violent crime wave happening. We lost the Police Chief, Abe Williams due to his niece Mona."


" I was not aware of that."


"See that's why I need you right now Mike. I need you to restore public confidence in the police officers of this city and to solve of these crimes. Starting with who shot Natalia Cigulti. We still haven't figured that one out. I have a pregnant dead woman laying at the morgue at Huntington. You may know her, Lauren Roman? I don't know if Abe was a dirty cops or not but it seems a lot of things happened under his watch, and Mike you are the man to clean things up. I will also need you to help in the formal investigation of alleged allegations against the expired police chief. There's a nice compensation and benefits package. So I guess now it's up to you Mike. I trust no one else to handle these urgent matters in these trying times."


"Well when you put it like that, how can I say no? I'll accept the position of Police Chief sir. Thank you very much."


"Thank you sir. Welcome back to the police force. And please, clean this place up."


"That will be my sole mission. I'll have this city safe again in no time."


"I trust you will. Now if you will excuse me, I have a re-election campaign to get back to."

Mike takes this as a cue to leave and does so with a big smile on his face and with a big sense of pride that he is now the newest police chief of Pasadena.

Lavender Hill, Ty's Mansionsettings.jpg

Karl is sitting in his office , all alone in the mansion, and just finishes smoking a cigar as Jenn walks in.

Karl 3591827181.jpg

"Ahhh, Jenn, its about time you arrived. "

Jenn Alicia_Silverstone.jpg

"What the hell do you want? I'm a busy woman and don't have time for people like you. "


"Busy doing what? Cheating on my son with that Latin boy? Now now, is that really the way to talk to the man who holds your entire life in his hands? "

Jenn, rolling her eyes ,

"Shut up, I don't buy into your threats. If you only brought me here to taunt me with empty words then I'll be leaving. "

Jenn turns to leave but Karl stands and grabs her by the arm.


"Let go of me you a$$hole!"


"Sit down, Jennifer, we have a lot to discuss. "

Karl throws Jenn down into a chair forcefully, and she angrily looks up at him.


"Just wait until I tell Ty about this! If it wasn't for him you'd be out on the streets with that transgender Rufus."

Karl, laughing ,

"My son would never do such a thing. Especially not for you. Because I can throw you off that high horse of yours anytime I like. "


"Would you stop? I'm getting pretty damn sick of you in general. Just like Jodie. Well, guess what, Karl? I've WON! I won! I got Ty! I won! Get that through your skull! There's nothing anyone can do to stop me now! "


"I was never a huge Jodie fan, but she was better than you. "

Jenn shoots up and throws herself onto the desk, and begins to try to strangle Karl! Karl's eyes fill with anger and he grabs her arms and twists them, and tosses her to the ground. He stands and walks around his desk and looks at her lying on the ground, and grabs her and pulls her back up on her feet, but doesn't let go of her.


"You're certainly a feisty one. Its time you're knocked down a notch. "

Jenn, breathing heavily

"You can't do anything to me. "


"Oh yes I can, darling, oh yes I can. You see, I want my son away from the likes of you. And if you don't break up with Ty, I'll show him those lovely pictures I snapped of you sleeping with Santino!"

Westwood Park, Ria's HouseuntitSabynsfrontdoor.jpg

Patti is sitting in the living room, combing one of her wigs as Ria walks in the front door.


"Hey baby girl."




"Where you been? You left poor old miss Patti alone. I don't know nothing in this city."


"You're a superstar. Why should it matter if I am here or not. You know how to make friends don't you?"


"Don't talk to Patti Patti like that darling. I do not know where you got all this attitude from. But I surely didn't teach you nothing of the such. I've been here a few weeks now and we hardly have gotten the chance to sit down and talk or catch up."

Ria, sitting on the couch,

"Fine, let's get this out the way. All you want to do is be nosey and be all up in my business."

Patti, joining her daughter on the couch

"Tell me about Karim? Weren't you two engaged?"

Ria, rolling her eyes,

"No mother. We called off the engagement."


"Oh my, why?"


"Because I cheated on him."


"Say what?"


"Yea, that's right, I cheated on him."


"What is the matter with you? Is this why Sister Patterson dislikes you?"


"Yup Yup."


"Girl I done told you about this. You are a Labelle. You have to be careful with what you do. We have a reputation to uphold."


"I'm a Winters. You know I am not taking your last name. Besides, that's all I have left of my father."


"You have my blood in your veins., Labelle Blood. I can't believe you did this to that young man? My daughter. A loosey goosey. This makes my heart heavy."


"Well maybe you should just skip town then. I'm not that same sweet little innocent girl. I'm a grown woman now and I have needs. I can't be perfect like the super Great Patti Labelle. Why don't you go harass Jasmine or something?"


"You're my daughter too and I've missed you. I want to spend some time with you. It's obvious you need your mother back in your life. Ain't no daughter of mine is going to be a hussy. You better clean your act up girl, miss Patti is in town and Miss Patti don't play that."


"Give me a break" She says rolling her eyes and getting up off the couch and walking back in her bedroom.


"I have to get her out of town. I can't take much more of this. I'm frustrated, haven't had some d!ck in a while. I need help." She pulls out her cell phone and tries to call Kiko but it goes straight to voicemail. She sighs

"Kiko, you just don't know. I want some of you and I will have some."

Pasadena City Jailjailcell.jpg

Daniel walks towards Mona's cell.

He smiles at the sight of Mona behind bars.


"This is a sight I have been waiting to see for a long time. The craziest Bitch to ever hit the scene is finally getting her due justice."


"Oh please. Don't tell me you are here to gloat. I wouldn't advise that."


"And why is that?"


"I won't be in here very long at all."


"Are you kidding yourself? After everything you have done? Did you forget what you've done? Let's go over it shall we? You shot me, and made it look like an attemtpted suicide. While I was recovering in the hospital from that gunshot wound, you injected me with Meth and influenced me to do stupid things. Than you fake my death by using a clone of me then you held me hostage in your torture chamber. I highly doubt, you'll experience freedom any time soon. And even if you do, I swear to God I will kill you. I will not let you get away with the things you did to me and Sharan."


"You're boring me, are you almost done yet?"


"Don't you have any remorse for what you've done to me? The hell you've put me through?"


"On the contrary, it was quite fun. And If I had the chance to do it again, which I will by the way, I would ,..10 times worse."


"You need some serious help. You're father really did a number on you. I almost feel sorry for you."


"No need to. Like I said, I will be out of here soon, and when I do, rest assured I am coming for you."


"I just want to know why? Why did you do all those horrible things to me?"


"I've already told you Danny boy, I hate men. If it were up to me, the world would be nothing but beautiful woman. There be no more war, no more global warming, no more crime. No more shrinking economies, or recessions, no diseases. The world would be a peaceful place."


"So you took all the frustrations out on me that you had build up for you're father?"


"Abe was not my father. He was my step father slash uncle. So please stop saying that you damned dummy. Look, you double crossed me. You backed out of the deal that you had with Tyler, to help me get Sharan away from my brother and you backed out on me getting revenge on Abe. I could not have you walking the streets telling people who I was. I had too much riding on it. I could not have you exposing me until I was ready to be exposed. So in that regard, you left yourself wide open to a world of pain Danny Boy. That's why I did all those fun things to you. Remember my pet snake the Black mamba, you remember, the one I brought to the hospital to see you." Mona says chuckling.


"I don't know which fantasy world you are living in, but you will not be released from jail anytime soon. You will pay for what you did to me. I'll never stop, I'll never quit nor will I ever give up seeking revenge on you."


"You're boring me bitch. Get the hell out of here! You just watch you're back. I will be freed and I am coming for you again Danny boy."


"Crazy Bitch!" And with that, Daniel leaves the police station.

TC HotelPasadena.jpg

Ty is sitting in his office, smoking a cigar, watching his henchman, Santino, tie up Kiko to a chair.


"What the hell is going on here? Let me go. I didn't do nothing!"


"You're right pretty boy. But you're brother did."


"Dondre?! What do you mean? "


"You're brother doesn't know how to respect his boss. He was insubordinate a few days ago."


"My brother works for you? Doing what?"


"Dre didn't tell you? Well I am surprised" He says chuckling.


"I've heard a lot of bad things about you. You're nothing good."


"Do you have proof?"


"Just tell me why am I here?"


"It's very simple. You're collateral. How much does your brother really care about you?"

Kiko takes a minute to think about all the arguments he's had with his brother since he's arrived to Pasadena. Kiko realizes that he and Dre aren't on the best of terms right now.


"Collateral for what?"


"Dre needs to take care of something for me, and until it is done, you'll be looking at my face for awhile."

Kiko tries to break free of the ropes but Santino punches him in the face.


"Oooh, that gotta hurt huh pretty boy."

Then Dre walks in. He looks over to his left and sees his brother tied up to a chair. Ty pulls his gun out and aims it at Dre, while Santino take his out and aims it at Kiko.


"Dondre what is going on here? You work for Ty?"

ddcvdac.jpgDre, looking at Ty

"Let my brother go!"


"Remember that stunt you pulled the other day, pulling that gun out on me."


"Quite well."


"Paybacks are a bitch"


"Look Ty, my brother has nothing to do with this, Just let him go. I'm here now. You can have me."


"The only thing I wanted was Lauren dead. You came to me looking for work and I gave you what you asked for."


"Dondre, tell me this isn't true."


"Shut up pretty boy. You talk to much."


"Untie these damn ropes and I can show you a pretty boy ass kicking."


"Don't touch my brother Tino."

Ty jams the gun in Dre's temple,

"This is my show. I call the shots. I give the orders. You got that?"


"It' all good man. I did what you asked me to do. Lauren is dead." I killed Lauren.

Next Time on S.T.E.A.M.:

Miss Jenkins exposes another secret Sister Patterson is hiding!


Recommended Comments

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I still don't like the Bro Hoes and since Bro HO number two killed Lauren, give him the electric chair just like it was given to Chris! I really didn't know why Tyler was beating up Kiko. Was it to show Bro Ho that he's not to be messed with or to make it look like he's a touch motha in front of Santino?

At least he's not like his abusive father. I swear hitting Jenn isn't right. Yeah she's a bad person, inside and out, but she doesn't deserve that. She does deserve the blackmail that Karl is dealing.

If I were Diego I'd run and hide. He's in a boat load of trouble. For once we actually feel remorse for Natalia but then again the one I felt the most bad for was Gil. Go after Sab already. He really needs to make her see that Bryan cheated on her and he's the one for her. Grow a pair already.

Mona so had Daniel gloating in front of her. This scene was one of the best scenes ever written on STEAM. I was rooting for Danie this whole scene.

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No Bro Hoes huh Matt? Not even Kiko? he hasn't screwed anyone yet..

I know u r gung hoe for a Sabryn and Gilbert paring but I don't yet. I have some one else in mind For her. Let me kno what u think about that. But still watch for Gilly though

Ty was trying to teach Dre a lesson. Dre pulled a gun out on Dre toward the end of last season. Plus he didn't know Lauren was dead till this ep, something Ty wanted Dre to do.

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Sabryn and Ashley have a huge showdown coming up and it's BIG!!

Thank u for the kind comments. I picture this show on cable since it is so graphic. I really wih I could ee ome of these scenes on tv. I could see them play out esp the one with Sister Patterson flying in on the chandlier

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LOLOLOL!!! I have been missing a lot - I really need to get out of my closet and see what I;ve been missing... Fits of all, - I LOVE the baby drama! - To die for, Second Mona and Danny boy! was just beautiful... Poor Kiko, man I have to catch up with all of the episode so I can write one LOL - Now J have to go check on Novi!

Keep it up man!!!

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