Wednesday November 26 2008
All the Days of Our Lives
Kristen brings coffee in Marleana's room at the cabin.
Marleana: Is it poisioned?
Kristen: Yes, actually. I knew the plane was going to crash, and we were going to be in a cabin, so I came prepared with some poison.
She hands Marleana the mug.
Kristen: What happened last night, with John?
Marleana: We talked. And no, don't think that he has chosen you.
Kristen: Here we go. How is it posssible that he remembers you, he remembers his life, but he doesn't want to be with you.
Marleana: He doesn't remember everything. The things he does remember are sketchy, and there isn't much feeling attached.
Kristen: I can't imagine what he's going through.
John is walking outside, in the forest with Isaella.
John: It's a beautiful day, Izzy B.
Isabella: Are you going to ignore what you did?
John: What did I do? Tell Marleana I don't think it's right to be with her?
Isabella: Because you want to be with a dead woman?
John: I love you, Isabella. I lost you once, I'm not going to leave you now that I have you back.
Isabella: John, you don't understand!
Steve and Kayla are in the forest, where John's plane went down.
Steve: They should be here somewhere.
Kayla: I hope were not too late.
Steve: Don't worry. We've looked all around the plane. They probaly jumped out before it went down.
Kayla: I hope so.
Eric, Brady, and Carrie are at the airport in Lensk, Russia.
Carrie: Ok, we should go to the location Bo sent us, right?
Eric: I guess so. Sami told him she wouldn't move.
Brady: Ok, let's get to it.
Jennifer wakes up in the hospital, with Jack next to her.
Jennifer: Is our baby ok?
Jack: Yes, honey.
He kisses her.
Jennifer: Thank G-
She jumps forward in pain.
Jennifer: Ahh! Jack! It's hurting!
Nicole comes in the room with water.
Nicole: Oh my God! I'll get a doctor!
Nicole goes in the hall, and sees Hope and Mike talking.
Nicole: Mike, theres something wrong with Jennifer.
Hope and Mike rush to Jennifer's room, and see her getting up.
Mike: Jenn, lied back down!
She looks at the bed, and sees blood on the blanket.
Jennifer: Oh my God.
Carly, Kimberly, Alex, and Scotty are in an apartment in Paris.
Kimberly: Carly, sweetie, are you sure this is what you want to do?
Carly: I have to do this. For Alex, for this baby.
She holds her stomach. Somebody knocks at the door. Carly opens it, and EJ is standing outside.
Marleana goes into the living room of the cabin.
Marleana: I can't believe there is not a phone in here.
Kristen: I know, eh?
Marleana: I just want to get home.
Kristen: I know how you feel.
Marleana: I'm sure someone is looking for us.
Steve and Kayla see somebody walking in the forest.
Steve: Hey!
John sees them.
John: Steve! Kayla!
He hugs them.
Kayla: Hi John.
John: I remember you guys.
He smiles.
Kayla: Oh my God! You remember!
John: Yes.
Steve: Good! So, how are you and Marleana?
John: We aren't together.
Kayla: What do you mean?
John: Come on, I'll bring you to the cabin, and we could bring Marleana and Kristen home.
Steve: Kristen?
Carrie, Brady, and Eric knock on the door of a hotel room. Sami opens it.
Sami: Oh thank God!
She hugs them.
Carrie: Thank God your ok!
Eric: Where the hell are Andre and Lucas?
Dora and Valeri come into the room.
Dora: They are dead.
Brady: What are they doing here?
Sami: They helped me. It's ok.
Eric: How are they dead?
Valeri: We blew up the warehouse, with them in it.
They are no longer a threat.
Dora: Well, we should go now, shall we?
They leave the hotel.
Jennifer yells on pain. Mike and Jack help her back onto the bed. Hope goes to her bedside.
Hope: It's going to be ok, Jen.
Diane comes in with the ultrasound equitment.
Diane: Ok, I need everyone out of here who isn't a docotor.
Jack: Jennifer, we'll be right outside.
Jennifer yells in pain. Nicole comes in the room, and puts something in Jennifer's IV.
Diane: Jenn, I'm going to need you to try and rest and be calm. Nicole is giving you something that will help you.
Jennifer: Please don't let anything happen to my baby.
Diane looks at Mike.
Diane: She's going into preterm labour.
Jennifer: No! Please!
Diane: Jenn, were going to give you some drugs to delay the labour.
Diane goes outside.
Hope: Is she going to be ok?
Diane: She's going into preterm labour.
Hope: Oh my God.
She puts her hand on Jack's shoulder.
EJ walks into the hotel room.
Carly: EJ, please don't make this harder than it already is.
EJ: I'm not. I just wanted to say goodbye.
Kimberly: We'll leave you two alone.
Kimberly, Scotty, and Alex leave the room.
Carly: EJ, I'm sorry. I don't want to do this, but I have to.
EJ: I understand.
Carly: I'm sorry your not going to be part of your baby's life.
EJ: I understand why I can't.
Carly: What about Stefano? Will he still search for the baby?
EJ: I'll tell him you miscarried.
Carly: Thank you.
They hug, and they both cry.
Carly: I love you, EJ.
EJ: I love you too.
Diane, Hope, and Jack are outside Jennifer's hospital room.
Jack: Is there a way to stop this?
Diane: Were giving her some drugs. They will delay the labour.
Hope: For how long?
Diane: It will either be delayed for a few weeks, or it might be only a couple of hours, and she will give birth early.
Jack: What does it look like?
Diane: I honestly can't answer that. I can only hope it is delayed for a few weeks.
Hope: If the baby is born early, will it have a chance to survive?
Diane: At this stage of the pregnancy, it is too early for the baby to be out of the womb.
Hope hugs Jack.
Diane: You guys will be able to go in soon.
Next on All the Days of Our Lives:
Hope is at the Cheatin' Heart, with Paul.
Paul: Why don't I bring you home?
Hope: Only if you stay with me.
She kisses him.
Anna and Tony are at Chez Rouge.
Anna: Tony, theres something I should tell you.
Tony: What?
Anna: It's about my daughter.
Alexandra walks into the DiMera mansion.
Alexandra: Your in the clear, Stefano.
Stefano: Thank you, my dear. I might have another job for you.
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