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AOTH FINALE: Death of an Icon!



Kendall OR Greenlee...  

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  1. 1. Which Character Do You Prefer?

    • Kendall
    • Greenlee

Downtown Salem,

Marlena gets a knock on her door. She opens it and smiles when she sees her son Eric Brady. They hug each other.


“It’s so good to see you Eric.”


“It’s good to see you too. I’ve missed you so much.” He walks into the apartment and sees his half sister Carrie, Tony Dimera, and Anna. He walks over to Carrie and hugs her.


“Long time no see.”


“Indeed. You’re looking good.”


“Thank you. Where’s Austin?”


“Now that is something I have been waiting to know. Every time I ask Carrie, she seems to change the subject.”


“You’re right and with good reason. This is not my day. It’s Jan’s day so I don’t want a big fuss over this, and besides I am not ready to talk about it. Austin and I are no longer together. I don’t know where he is and that’s how I would like to keep it.”


“Are you ok?”


“Oh I’m fine Marlena. Seeing my family is the medicine that I need. I just wish dad could be here.”


“Why don’t we all go over to the hospital after this gathering. I am sure Roman would like that.”


“Sounds great. Where’s my twin sister?”


“Yes where is she? Eric, you have got to see her. Sami is really acting strange. She’s not acting like herself. I know you are the person better than anyone to figure out what is going on.”


“I will try my best.”

Then the door bell rings. Marlena goes to open it up and the wo “man” of the hour arrives. Stami smiles at Marlena, as she holds the gun with a firmer grip in her pocket wondering if she should shoot Marlena right here and now. Stami decides too. He pulls his gun out and aims it right at Marlena. Marlena is appalled. Before she can even say anything, Stami shoots her in the chest!



Created by : ML Cooks

Executive Producer: ML Cooks

Episode 15: Death of an Icon! (FINALE)

Written by: ML Cooks and Tara Smith

Downtown, Salem Children Service Board

Lucas with Will walks inside the building. Will gets butterflies in his stomach, looking at all the case workers, talking with other people and pounding away on their computers. Lucas grabs a number and waits to be called as Lucas and Will have a seat.


“Dad, I am really nervous about this.”


“It’s going to be ok Will. I am here to support you through this. “


“Dad I can’t lose my daughter. She’s all I got left in this world. I’ll die if they take her from me.”


“Don’t even think about it.” Their conversation is interrupted when their number is called. Lucas and Will stand up and walks over to their assigned case worker. They are escorted to an office. The trio have a seat.

Caseworker, looking at Will

“I’m Sharon Newman. I have been assigned to your case. And I assume you are Will Roberts?”


“I am.”

Sharon flips through some notes while intermittingly looking up at Will.


“You do know you have a warrant out for your arrest right?”


“I was not aware of that.”


“I think kidnapping is a crime. You have kidnapped a,… Arianna Roberts.”


“I did not kidnap her. I did the right thing. I took my daughter away from her insane grandparents. I was making us a family.”


“If you don’t mind my saying, how can you be a family when your still a child? It’s nothing but a case of a child raising a child.”


“Will has a loving and supportive family. He would not be in this alone.”


“You’re right. Upon reviewing the case, I was obligated to put in some calls to the right people. I have two visitors here……You can come in now.” Lucas and Will turn around to see Crystal Galore and Bernard Galore walking into Sharon’s office.


“Who is this?”


“We are Arianna’s grandparents and we are here to bring our precious granddaughter back home.”


“And out of the hands of this young thieving punk.”


“You’re not going to talk about my son like that.”


“And would you look at that. I can see where William gets his bitchassness from.”


“Everyone calm down. We are here for the sake of this baby. And speaking of I have one more visitor.” Just then the Salem PD walks in. Will and Lucas are shocked.


“William Roberts, you are under arrest for the kidnapping of Arianna Roberts.”

Bernard and Crystal are smiling as Lucas stands their shell shocked.

Salem University Hospital

Nicole is lying on her hospital bed, thinking about how she almost had everything, but then lost it all because of “Sami”. She flashes back to getting shot at the fashion show after pulling off Stami’s wig…


Who the hell was that, anyway? Oh well, I’ll let everyone figure it out for themselves.

Suddenly, Jan barges into Nicole’s room!


What do you want, Jan? I’m getting tired of sudden visitors.


You bitch! You stole my life! You knew I was the hidden DiMera child, but you took the title for yourself!


Yes, yes I did. Thank you for stating the obvious.


After everything I did for you! I tried to kill Victor, I stole the evidence that you tried to kill Colin, I helped cover your sorry ass when you and Crystal Galore set up Marlena to die, and I threw Greta Von Amberg out of town for you!

Nicole, frustrated

And if you haven’t forgotten, you didn’t succeed in any of those! Victor turned up alive, Colin turned up alive and you’ve been blackmailing me for years with that evidence, and Greta’s back! And she wants to kill me! Hell, I helped you more than you helped me! I helped build you that cage and if it wasn’t for me, little baby Bentley wouldn’t exist! I deserved something for once, damnit! You are already rich, with all the Spears money and power. And would you really want to be the daughter of a DiMera and some psychiatrist, and not to mention, the sister of Belle Black and Sami Brady?


Well, I’d prefer that over you completely keeping it from me and taking everything that was supposed to be mine!


What was yours?! A title?! I didn’t even get any money out of it, which is what I wanted! Tony got thrown out of the DiMera Mansion and the entire Empire once Stefano found out that he raped Kristen Blake! You’re making a big deal out of nothing, and I have other things to worry about, like recovering and that nut job Greta. Something must have happened to her while she was out of Salem because she’s much more crazier than I remember.


Yeah, Greta came to my doorstep the other day, pretty much attacked me, and we got into a fight out in my yard. Got rid of her though by throwing a raccoon on top of her, scratched up her face and everything, and I think it had rabies.

Nicole pauses for a moment and starts to think, then scowls and looks up at Jan.



Nicole, starting to try to slap Jan

You brought this on me! She’s probably so crazy and hell-bent on killing me because you infected her!


Uh, no, the raccoon did. Duh.

Nicole, yelling in anger and continuing hitting Jan

You keep talking about what I did to you, you’ve brought all hell on my life! Now I’m just lying on a hospital bed waiting for Miss Rabies to come and kill me!

Before Jan can respond, suddenly, they here a crash, and Greta comes out of nowhere, with a knife in hand!


Hello, ladies!

Nicole and Jan both scream as they see Greta’s scratched features, and the insane, blood-thirsty look on her face!

Nicole, looking at Jan as she tries to stand up

Don’t just stand there you idiot, run! We’ve got to get out of here!


Oh no you don’t! Its time for some bitches to pay!

Greta runs forward as Jan tries to run out, and she grabs the weak Nicole and throws her to the ground, and Nicole bangs her head against the wall as she does, and falls unconscious! Greta grabs Jan by the hair just as she tries to leave the room, and Jan screams!


Get your hands off of me! You saw what happened last time!


Sorry, Jan, no raccoons around to save you this time!

Greta whirls Jan around and throws her onto Nicole’s bed, and then puts her knife down as she grabs a syringe, and stabs it into Jan’s arm! Jan tries to keep screaming, but the drug knocks her out quickly, as Greta laughs maniacally….

The Horton House

Mike steps out of the shower after hearing an ignorant pounding at the door. With a towel wrapped around him, chest exposed, he opens the door to see a fuming Alexis. She storms in with out being invited.


“You son of a Bitch. How could you let this happen?”


“Whoa, little lady, I think you need to calm down. You can’t barge into the Horton house like this. What is the matter with you? I am not the only one here. My Aunt Maggie is up stairs.”


“I don’t give a damn. I wouldn’t care if the Pope himself was here. I want to know why did you let Jeremy find out about our one night stand.”


“Oh so now this is my fault? I let Jeremy find out? How about he over heard us talking about it?”


“I can’t believe this is happening. This has ruined any chance of us being together.”


“Is that all you care about? How about I have a son who thinks I’m dead. I have a son that wants nothing to do with me.”


“I have nothing to do with that. That’s your fault. You left him fatherless to be raised by his mother while you were doing what? Having affairs with Carrie Brady? Thought I didn’t know? Yea I do…Jeremy told me all about it. How much of a bad father you were to him.”


“You know nothing about me. there are two sides to every story. Don’t you dare judge me and don’t blame me solely for our escapade. It takes two to tangle deary so don’t go playing miss innocent now. You wanted me really bad that night. In fact, you couldn’t get enough of me.” Alexis then slaps him.


“That’s enough little girl.” He grabs her and begins to drag her towards the door. He opens the door only to be shocked to see Robin, at the front door!

Marlena’s Penthouse

Marlena collapses to the ground after taking a bullet to the chest point blank. Carrie, Eric, Tony, and Anna are speechless. Stami then takes off.


“Mom!” He runs over to her and kneels down and begins to wail out his eyes. He is confused, having just saw his “Twin sister” shoot his mother.


“I’ll call an ambulance.”

Tony then walks over to Marlena and begins to comfort as well.

Eric, looking up at Carrie

“What the hell just happened?”


“I don’t know. I’m going to find Sami.” Carrie grabs her purse and leaves.

Meanwhile, downstairs, Stami, has ditched his Sami wig and now is Stan. He smiles as his mission was accomplished. Making Sami’s life a living hell just like she did to everyone else’s. Stan sees Carrie outside as well looking around for Sami. He laughs and heads to the airport, leaving Salem and Sami to deal with the fact she shot Nicole and just killed her own mother.

Just as,

Back at The Salem Inn,

Sami breaks free of the ropes she was bound too. She then takes the gag out her mouth and breathes deeply.

“Thank God. I have to stop Stan. I hope it’s not to late. I have to save my mother!” Sami then runs out the Hotel.

Back at the Penthouse. Paramedics arrive on the scene and are even shocked themselves to see the iconic Dr. Marlena Evans laying on the floor, looking life less with a bullet to the chest. Eric and Tony get up to give the life savers room to work. One paramedic kneels down and takes a pulse. He looks up at the other paramedic and says

“She has no pulse.” Then He looks at Eric and Tony.

“I’m sorry, Dr Evans took a bullet straight through the heart. Marlena is dead!”


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