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AOTH Episode#14: Swan Song



Kendall OR Greenlee...  

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    • Greenlee

The Horton House

Maggie is pulling some fresh donuts out from the over as Mike walks in.


“MMM, smells like old times. SO many great memories of great grandma.”


“Oh I know. We all miss Alice dearly.” Maggie sits the donuts on the counter and then gives Mike a hug. She then pulls back after she realizes is something is wrong with her nephew.

“What’s the matter Michael?”

Mike takes a seat at the table as Maggie does the same.


“Is it Jeremy? You two still haven’t been getting along?”


“Not at all and I’m afraid it’s worse than that.”


“Oh dear.”


“I really messed up. Aunt Maggie, I don’t think things can ever be repaired between my son and I.”


“What’s going on?”


“I had a one night stand with his girlfriend.”


“Michael William Horton.”


“I know, it’s bad. It was an honest mistake.”


“How could something like this happen? How do you sleep with your son’s girlfriend?”

Cheatin Heart

Jeremy is sitting at the bar, drinking beer after beer, as he keeps thinking of the conversation he over heard his dad and girlfriend having.


“You tell Jeremy about our one night stand and you will be sorry.” She gets up and storms out of the office, as she opens the door, she sees Jeremy standing in the doorway with tears in his eyes. Alexis almost drops her purse as her heart stops


“How could I be so damned stupid. My own sorry ass father and my slutty girlfriend.” He tries not to think about it by drinking more beer until he hears a,

“Can we talk?” He turns around, realizing that familiar voice is none other then Alexis herself.


“Talk about what? How you were going to lie to me and you wanted my dad to lie with you? Or we can talk about all the nasty things you and my father did to each other.”


“Jeremy I am sorry.”


“It’s too late for all of that. DO you think sorry is supposed to make it better. Is sorry going to make me forget that my girlfriend, had a one night stand with a man I despise, my own father. A man who doesn’t even know how to be a father. It seems his only purpose is to prey on woman.”


“Let me explain. I was drunk after our argument. Mike walked in the bar and we started talking and-”


“Let me guess, one thing led to another. I’ve heard that same story so many times before, just by watching TV. Come on, at least come up with a better excuse. No no wait, there is no excuse for sleeping with my dad. What did I really do to deserve you two back stabbing me like that?”


“I am so sorry.” She says wiping a tear from her eye. “I really did not set out to hurt you. Neither did you father.”


“Don’t do that. Don’t you dare make excuse or defend Mike Horton. I have been listening to his excuses for years. I’ve heard them all and I don’t want to hear them no more.”


“I didn’t know Mike was your father until after we had-…” She pauses, knowing the word sex will be like a knife going through Jeremy’s heart.


“After you and my dad had sex. You can say it. It still doesn’t matter how it happened or who didn’t know what, you knew I loved you but you till slept with some one else anyway. So that tells me you don’t give a damn about me. It’s over Alexis. Stay the hell away from me. I never want to see your slutty face again. Go be with my dad!” After saying that, Jeremy leaves the bar as everyone looks at Alexis.



Episode14: Swan Song

Written by ML Cooks

The Spears Mansion

Lucas is busying himself in the kitchen by making breakfast for his full house which now includes, Jan, her son Bentley, Will and Destiny. Jan comes down the stairs with Bentley. She walks over and kisses Lucas and lays Bentley down in a stroller.


“You’re up early. Good morning.”


“Good morning baby. I had a lot on my mind. My life has been turn upside down in one day.”


“Why don’t you let the maids cook for you.”


“No it’s ok. Cooking really is relaxing for me. “


“Well it smells really good.”


“SO tell me, how does it feel to be the missing Dimera daughter with Marlena?”


“YOU know, it really hasn’t set in yet. It’s all so overwhelming. I still think this is all a dream. I always wanted to meet my birth parent but I had no idea my father was a Dimera and Marlena is my mother. That means Sami, is my half sister. And Belle is to.”


“Wow you’re right. I never intended to keep it in the family.”


“Well we didn’t know you did until last night. Are you coming with me to Marlena’s for the gathering she and my father are throwing for me? I didn’t know with all the drama that you are going through with Will. And that reminds me, did you get back my credit card?”


“Yes I did. I’m sorry he took it.”


“It’s ok. So what are you going to with this whole situation?”


“I don’t even know.”

Jan kisses him on the lips.

“I’m going to get ready for the party. I’ll be back down for breakfast. Can you watch Bentley for me?”


“Sure babe. I’m glad you are better after your catfight with Greta. What made you two act like that?”


“Greta had some misconceptions about a past situation. But everything is fine now.” She smiles at him and walks back upstairs, just as Will walks down into the kitchen.


“Good morning dad.”


“Good morning Will. Where’s Destiny?”


“She’s still sleeping.”


“I made breakfast.” He says retrieving plates from the cabinet. They both help them selves to the food.


“How did you sleep?”


“Like a baby. It’s been a long time since I slept in a safe place and for that matter a nice bed.”


“Well you don’t have to go through none of that no more. I am going to help Will.”


“Thank you, and that really means a lot to me. And I want to apologize for how I have been acting since I came to Salem.”


“Don’t worry about it man. It’s all water under the bridge. Besides, we have bigger fish to fry. Mike called this morning.”


“Is something wrong with Arianna?”


“Nothing like that. She’s fine, and getting better. Children service board wants you to go down to their office and talk with them.”


“Hell no! They’re not going to help me. They’re going to keep my daughter away from me or arrest me.”


“Son, in life when you take actions, you have to be liable for them. You broke the law by kidnapping your daughter. But I am going to do everything I can to keep you out of jail.”


“I hope so. Wait until you meet Arianna’s parents. The Galore’s”


“Galore huh? That sounds really familiar. Why don’t you go get dressed and I’ll go down to CSB with you.”


“Thanks dad. What about Mom?”


“We are not going to worry about your crazy mother at this time. There is something really wrong with her.”

Chez Rouge

Brandon and Carrie are looking over dinner menus.


“It’s a real shame your sister lied to my entire family. She reminds me of Sami.”


“In some respects I guess you could say that. SO how does it feel to be back in Salem?”


“Well, I have mixed feelings. I’ve been through a lot here. How about you?”


“It’s ok. I can see my father. He’s had a stroke and I would like to be there for him and maybe build a good relationship with him. It’s a shame it takes tragedies like this to make you realize what we really have.”


“I know what you mean.”


“So tell me why did you and Austin split?”


“I guess now is as good as time as any. Everyone is going to know eventually. Austin and I broke up over a year ago because he cheated on me. I don’t know where he is now.”


“Wow, I can’t believe that. I find that really hard to believe. You two were like a super couple from a soap opera.”


“And like every super couple on a soap opera, they usually never stay together.”


“I guess so.”


“So tell me more about what you think is going on with Sami.”


“One things is for sure. Samantha is not herself. She seems like a whole nother person.” Then out of no where they hear a woman scream. They both turn around and see Anna. Carrie smiles and gives her mother a big hug.

Salem Inn

Stami is pointing a gun at Sami.

“Very soon Sami Brady, you are going to kill your own mother. It will be the crime of the century. We’ve seen your poor mother possessed by the devil, held captive in a cage by Stefano, and she was even a serial killer. But this time, The great Dr. Marlena Evans will sing her swan song. Her last hurrah.” Then Sami’s phone ring. Stami looks at the caller id.

“Well speak of the devil, literally” Stami answers the phone

“Hello Marlena”


“Hello Sami, how are you feeling?”


“I’m fine.”


“Well I don’t know. You haven’t been yourself for weeks.”


“I know mom. I have been doing some soul searching. What’s going on?”


“I am having a family gathering here at the pent house. I would like for you to be there.”


“Sounds splendid. I’ll be there and I’ll be on my best behavior. I promise. When is it?”


“In a few hours.”


“See you soon.” He says hanging up the phone. Stami walks over to Sami and caresses her face with the gun.

“Looks like your going to kill your mom in a few hours”…….


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