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AOTH Episode#13: Affairs of the Hearts



Kendall OR Greenlee...  

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    • Kendall
    • Greenlee

Salem University hospital.


“You kidnapped you own daughter? How, why?”


“Arianna’s parents were threatening to take her from me. They don’t like me for getting their daughter pregnant and blames me for her death. They want my daughter to replace the daughter they lost. But I am not going to let that happen. That’s why I took my baby girl and Destiny, being Arianna best friend helped us.”


“Son, you’ve committed a crime. Your daughter is now sick because of what you’ve done. Mike has already called the children service board and you have given Arianna parents’ more ammunition to use against you. Why didn’t you just come to me earlier?”


“Oh yea, the two most destructive parent’s on this planet. Lucas and Sami.”


“I resent that. I’m not perfect and neither is your mother. We both have made our mistakes and did our dirt but I did what I could do for you. I played the cards I was dealt with to the best of my ability. It’s hard being a parent. And you’re going to find out very soon.”


“One thing is for sure, I won’t be the father like you were. I’ll be better.”


“Please Will, this is not the time to go against Lucas. We need him right now. We need him on our side. You know for a fact The Galore’s will do everything in their power to snatch Arianna out from your hands and make sure you never see her again.”

Lucas, looking at Destiny

“You seem like a girl with a good head on her shoulders. You’re giving some good advice now but you couldn’t you tell Will not to go on the run when he did?. That’s some advice you should have given him. “


“Don’t talk to her like that. Destiny has done nothing but be a friend in my time of need. “


“”It’s ok Will, you don’t need to defend me.’ Destiny looks at Lucas

“You don’t know nothing. Arianna wanted to be a family with Will and their daughter no matter what. So yes I helped Will take baby Ari and runaway. We were trying to fulfill Arianna’s wishes. We lost her so suddenly. Our lives were turned upside down. I miss my best friend. She was a sister I never had. And I wanted to do something for her. I was helping keep her dream alive. Keeping her family alive.”


“I just don’t know what’s going to happen from here. Will you may lose your daughter anyway thanks to you actions.”

Will sighs as he looks into the room where his daughter is sleeping peacefully. He contemplates the fact he just may lose his whole family, first Arianna and now his daughter.



Episode: 13, Affairs of the Heart

Written by: ML Cooks

Mike walks into Jan’s room where Marlena, Anna and Tony are sitting by Jan’s bedside.


“DO you have the results Mike?”


“Anna sit down! You’re not the missing Dimera.”

Anna, sighs

“You’re right.” She looks at Tony.

“I know she is, I don’t need no test to tell me otherwise. Call me other later.”

Marlena, rolling her eyes

“Yes, bye Anna and take care. I think we can handle this.”


“Whatever’ And after that Anna walks out.


“I do have the paternity results.”


“Finally this whole thing can be over with once and for all.”

Mike opens the envelope and arches an eye brow

“Marlena and Tony, you are the parents of Jan Spears.” Marlena, and Jan are speech less as Tony gets up and hugs his new found daughter. Mike is then paged from the nurse’s station .


“If you will excuse me.” He walks out the room. He looks at the nurses station and is surprised to see Alexis. He walks over to her.


“What are you doing here?”


“We need to talk.”


“I don’t think we should be talking.”


“Oh yes we do.’ She says walking off in the direction of his office. Mike follows her as Jeremy walks into the hospital and sees his father escorting his girlfriend to his office.

“What the hell is going on? Jeremy says to himself.

Brandon runs into Carrie in the hospital lounge.




“Oh no it’s ok.”


“It’s been a long time Carrie. How are you?”


“I’m fine. Doing a lot of humanitarian work around the world. I didn’t know you were back in Salem.”


“Nicole was shot.”


“Oh my, is she ok?”


“She’ll live. I’m about to take her home, she’s being released today.’


Oh that’s good. “


“So what brings you back to Salem? The last time I saw you, you and Austin were going to ride off into the sunset. Is he here in Salem too?”


“Marlena called me and told me Sami was acting very strange and that she thinks I need to come home.”


“I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks Sami is not herself. She acts like she doesn’t even know me. She has a cold and empty look in her eyes.”


“I have notice the strangeness too. Something is definitely off about my half sister.”


“So where is Austin?”

Carrie, taking a deep breath

“Austin and I are no longer together.”

Salem Airport.

Anna buys a one way ticket to Los Angelos. After writing a check, her cell phone rings. She pulls it out from her purse.

“Hello?…. Tony, I am so happy for you. I knew Jan was your daughter. I hope everyone can see I was trying to do the right thing.”


“I do darling. I want to thank you for everything you’ve done and for opening my eyes to the truth.”


“I did it for you Tony. I’ll always love you.”


“You say that like you are leaving.”


“I am. There is nothing in Salem for me no more.”


“You’re wrong. Your daughter is here. Carrie is back in Salem.”


“My baby girl. Oh my good ness. I’ll talk to you later Tony.” Anna hangs up and rushes out of the airport.

Salem Inn

Stami walks into his hotel room. He walks into the bedroom where Sami is still tied up. He sits in front of her and lights up a cigarette

“Oh girlfriend, you won’t believe the latest drama. Your damn son Will has a baby of his own.”

Sami is in shock and tries to scream out and wiggle out of the grey masking tape she’s bounded by.


“Oh give it up. You’re not gonna break out of that hold. Oh and by the way, you’re big half sister is in town. That pretty Carrie. I can now see why you were so jealous of her growing up. She’s beautiful, intelligent and charming. You, your just a rusty butter knife. But soon, no one is going to have to deal with you. It’s almost time to do what I need to do. I already shot Nicole and framed you for it, now I need to shot some one else. This time I am going to kill. It’s going to be the most shocking death ever to hit this little wanna be town. Nothing or n one will be the same.”

Sami shakes her head back and forth, as if pleading for mercy.


“Who am I going to kill you ask? Well I should say, who will Sami Brady kill in just a few days? Get ready Samantha. This is for the record books. You are going to kill your own mother. You are going to kill Dr. Marlena Evans, Craig, Brady Black. Yes, Marlena is going to die. I am going to make sure of it. It’s a shame you’re going to kill your own mother.”

Back at the Hospital

Alexis and Mike are talking in his office

“What the hell were you doing the other night at Chez Rouge? Following me?”


“No, I had a long day at work and I wanted to unwind with a glass of wine and a nice dinner by my lonesome. This is a free country you know.”


“I can’t be running into you when I am with Jeremy. I can’t handle it.”


“You should have thought of that before you wanted to sleep with me. You need to be careful to whom you’re giving it up to.”


“Excuse me? Don’t you ever talk to me like that. You bastard. What about you? You slept with me. What does that say about you?”


“I am not in a relationship. You are so there is a difference. I think we need to tell Jeremy what happened between us. I am not going to keep on going through this. I don’t like to keep secrets from my own family especially my son. I am trying to build a relationship with my son who happens to hate me right now. I don’t think his girlfriend cheating on him with his father is something we can hide forever. So I think it’s time to tell him.”


“Never. Not on your sorry ass life. I’ll just deny it.”


“I won’t let my son be with a lair and a cheater. There’s no telling what other skeletons you’re hiding.”


“You tell Jeremy about our one night stand and you will be sorry.” She gets up and storms out of the office, as she opens the door, she sees Jeremy standing in the doorway with tears in his eyes. Alexis almost drops her purse as her heart stops.


“What tangled webs we weave.” He looks at Mike. “Some father you are. I can’t believe the two of you. You two deserve each other.” After saying that Jeremy walks out of the office. Alexis hollers after him, causing a scene as everyone on the nursing staff looks at her. Mike buries his face in his hands, as the pain of hurting his own son begins to set it.


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