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LIS Episode#264: The Beginning of the End



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Salem University Hospital

Maggie rushes into the hospital, overwhelmed with joy after her visit to the church and the signs she got from God and Mickey. She approaches the door into Abe’s room, and stops in nervousness for a moment, but then takes a deep breath, and walks in.


Hey, Maggie…


Abe….I’m so glad to see you.


What? Is something wrong?


No, no, Abe, everything’s right. Its all right…

Abe, looking confused

Maggie, what are you talking about?


I need to tell you something, Abe. Something very important.


Alright…then say it. I hope this isn’t bad news.


This may seem sudden…but then again, remember that..kiss we shared? And then the other kiss during the storm last Winter?




Well, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately, especially today, and…Abraham Carver, I…love you. I love you!



Episode: 264, The Beginning and The End

Written by Tara Smith

Marlena’s Penthouse

Nicholas is with Belle at her mother’s penthouse, and its only them, and Nicholas is about to tell Belle what Forrest told him back at the Alamain meeting.

Belle, walking out with a drink for Nicholas and herself

So, what is it you want to tell me?


Well, this…isn’t going to be easy. I just want you to stay calm, and be ready for what I’m about to say.


Nicholas, what is it?

Nicholas, slowly stroking her arm

Its my uncle, Forrest…he’s being a jackass about us being together.

Belle, rolling her eyes

Its because I’m the big Bella star, right?


Yeah. First we sorta went at it at the show, but then we did again earlier today.


I can see why Victor hates him.


Yeah, I almost regret helping him throw Vivian out. But…there was something else he said.


And what was that?


He told me that if I…didn’t break up with you, he’d kick me out of Alamain.

Salem Police Station

Down in the holding cells, a guard walks up to Vivian, Julie, and Hope’s cell. He begins to unlock it


Oh thank goodness, am I finally getting out of here?


No, I’m afraid not, I’m here for Miss Alamain.


Me? Am I getting let out?


Yes, your name has been cleared.

Julie, Hope at the same time



Well, you got a good lawyer assigned to your case, and he managed to somehow make it so that your case didn’t even go to trial. Personally, I think some strings were pulled behind the scenes, but whatever. You’re free to go.

Vivian, walking out happily

Wait, just one question, officer: Who is my lawyer? I didn’t even know I had one yet!


Ji’Min Kim, I think.


Stefano’s lawyer…ahh, thank you.

Vivian turns to Julie and Hope, her former cellmates.


Bye bye girls, enjoy life in prison! You know, you two are so ridiculous, they could make a show out of that, called “Life in Prison”, about two psycho women. Ah well, goodbye, I won’t miss you two.

Vivian happily leaves the police station, and laughs as she walks out.


Look out, Salem, Vivian Alamain is back and out for revenge. They thought they could keep me down, they were wrong! First stop, the DiMera Mansion!

The Cheatin’ Heart

Bo is sitting at the bar alone, as the Cheatin’ Heart is nearly empty, and Kristen has left. As he sits thinking, someone taps him on the shoulder. He turns to see Megan.


What do you want?


Is that anyway to greet me? Whats wrong, Bo?


I don’t think that’s really any of your business, now is it?


Come on Bo, its me, your one true love. Don’t you remember when we were together? How much fun we had? How much you loved me? In high school, we shared such a connection. And then all those years ago you called out my name whenever you were hurt. And you got back with me during the prism disaster!


Megan, high school was nearly thirty years ago. And you know that in 1984 when we got back together it was only so I could destroy the cartel, and you lied to me about Zack being my son.


But that was because Hope turned you against me. Can’t you see that? And now that she’s in jail we are free to be together!


Okay, I’ve had enough of all of these memories of when we were supposedly in love. You’re lucky enough I’m not turning you in to the police for a whole bunch of crimes, so just back off.

Bo stands and turns to leave, but Megan follows and tries to pull on his arm to stop him.


Bo, don’t go, we are meant for each other! We could raise Pamela and Addie together, and then have our own kids.

Bo shoves Megan off of him, and angrily leaves. Megan scowls and then starts throwing everything inside the Cheatin’ Heart around, trashing the place.


This is all Hope’s fault! Well, she’s out of the way, and with my new plan, Bo’s going to be mine.

Marlena’s Penthouse


Wh-what? You can’t be serious. Please tell me you’re joking.

Nicholas, shaking his head

Belle, I’m so sorry…I’m not, but…I won’t break up with you. I’m not going to cave that easily to Forrest’s demands. He can kick me out of Alamain, throw me out of the mansion, but I wouldn’t just abandon you like that.

Belle is silent for a moment, thinking, and Nicholas raises an eyebrow at her.


Belle…are you okay?


I’m just thinking…I don’t think I could let that happen to you, I mean, that’s your place, that should be your job for the rest of your life…and I don’t think I should let you lose it all just because of me.

DiMera Mansion

Peter and Ji’Min both sit in the living room on the computer, buying stock from both Titan and Alamain.


Thanks for helping me with this, Ji’Min, I’m glad my father got you to help because I don’t think even I could do all of this on my own.


Anytime. And it seems we are buying at an excellent time, I think slowly Alamain is making more and more of their stock available.


Yeah, Father should be pleased…I wasn’t sure of this plan at first but I think everything may just work out.


You should know by now that everything works out if Stefano wants it to.


True that.

Stefano then walks in.


Well, speak of the devil.


Father, we have some news about your plans to take over Titan.




We’ve been able to buy a good amount of stock from both Titan and even Alamain, especially Alamain, they seem to be starting to put up a lot of their most valuable stock. Its going easier than I thought it would.

Stefano, laughing

Yes…yes. Wonderful. Its all coming together.

Suddenly they all hear a bang on the door, and Stefano walks into the foyer and to the front door and opens it to see Vivian!

Salem University Hospital

Abe looks in shock at Maggie’s confession, not sure what to say.


Are you…sure? Are you serious?


Oh yes, Abe, I am. I think I’ve been avoiding it for months now. I mean we’ve grown so close this year, I haven’t loved anyone like this since Mickey.


Maggie, wow…I don’t know what to say…


You don’t have to say anything, I’m just so happy right now.


You know, Maggie, you’ve helped me a lot too…I’ve gone through so many issues this year with that big custody battle, losing Theo, and now this stroke, and I’ve been hospitalized all Summer. But you’ve always been there.


What…are you saying?


Maybe, Maggie, just maybe…I love you too.


Abe…oh my…ABE!!!!

Maggie throws her arms around Abe’s in happiness, and kisses him on the cheek.

DiMera Mansion

Stefano smirks at seeing Vivian on his doorstep.


Ahhh, Vivian…its been a long time.


So you’re alive…well I’m not surprised. But what did surprise me is that your lawyer got me out of jail before I could even stand trial.


Ah yes, I arranged that.


But why?


All in due time, my dear. Come inside, and meet with Ji’Min and myself.

Vivian walks in, and Stefano takes her into the living room, and Peter is shocked and terrified to see her!


What are you doing here?!

Vivian, grinning

Oh, Peter…thanks to your father, I’m free.

Peter, looking at Stefano

What is she talking about? You freed this nutcase?! She’s going to kill me!


Nothing will happen to you, my son. Now, I need you to leave so Vivian, Ji’Min, and I can talk.



Peter angrily walks out of the room, and Stefano shuts the doors.


So, what is this all about? Ji’Min, you were able to get me out of jail?


With a little help from Stefano, yes, I was. Originally I was going to wait until you stood trial, but I was able to get you out before then. Despite the taped confession that Valentine and Celeste played at the fashion show, all the witnesses during your crimes couldn’t be present. Chelsea Benson is still missing, Samantha Evans is classified insane and too unstable to testify, and your poisoning victim Kayla Brady is available, but the intended victim Caroline Brady is still in a coma. And the police were also unable to get ahold of Samantha Brady.

Vivian, laughing in triumph

Valentine and Celeste thought they could bring me down…they were wrong! But why would you, Stefano, want me out of jail?


Because ever since I woke up from my coma, I have been hatching a plan to take ahold of Salem. You are in this plan, and in it, you get everything you ever wanted. Valentine and Celeste, although it was unintentional on their part and they didn’t know of what I had in store, sped everything up when they revealed your misdeeds.


Ahhh…so what are you going to do?


Well, I will need your help, because I have something big for you to do for me…for both of us to do, and I promise you will be able to get revenge on ALL of your enemies, even Kate Roberts. Now, listen closely….

Marlena’s Penthouse

Nicholas puts both of his hands on Belle’s shoulders.


I’ll be fine, Belle. As long as I have you, I’ll be fine. Listen, you don’t need-


No, Nicholas, I know what I need to do.

Nicholas, getting nervous

What are you talking about? Belle, please, baby, don’t do anything you’re gonna regret.

Belle, tearing up

Nicholas, don’t try to talk me out of it.


No, Belle, you gotta be kidding! You’re gonna be hurting me more by doing this than Forrest ever could!

Belle cries, as she shrugs Nicholas’s hands off of her.


I won’t let you give up your future, I just won’t.


Dammit, Belle, NO! I won’t let you!

Belle, tears continuing to run down her cheeks

I’m sorry, Nicholas. Its been so fun, and the best time of my life that I’ve had since…I don’t know when. But, your job is on the line, so I have to do it. I have to leave you…goodbye, Nicholas. We’re through.

Belle stands up and runs out of the room a mess, as Nicholas stands up and punches some pillows on the couch in anger…


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