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LIS Episode#262: Mother and Son



Spears Mansion

Kate walks up to the doorway of the Spears Mansion, and looks around with a raised eyebrow at all of the tree branches lying every where.


Well, Victor told me I could find Lucas here…but why is he living with that psycho Jan Spears? I mean, at least he’s not with Sami, but who knows what that murderous lunatic could do to him…she locked Shawn in a cage, told him Belle pushed her down the stairs, stalked him, tried to kill Victor, and who knows what else.

Kate slowly and hesitantly knocks on the door, and for the first time since early Fall of 2007 Lucas and Kate come face to face as he opens the door!



Episode: 262, Mother and Son

Written by Tara Smith

DiMera Mansion

Ji’Min walks into the living room of the mansion, and smiles to see Stefano as they shake hands.


Wow, alive yet again! Though I shouldn’t be surprised since I’ve been working with you for several years now.


The Phoenix always rises again, my friend. Now, you don’t have to worry, I’ve already made sure I won’t be going to jail for my past crimes, this is about something entirely different.


Well then lets get down to business, but I think you need to know that your will has already been read and the possessions and money that you left behind when you died, er, “died”, are now legally in their hands.


My will mostly went to my children, we’ll discuss that later. Right now, I want you to get Vivian Alamain out of jail, and for you to represent her during her trial.


Vivian Alamain? She’s your ex-wife, and that one who constantly hounded everyone about your will from what I heard, and was present during the storm. I’ve also heard about her recent arresting, why do you want to get her out of jail?


Well, I have already pulled some strings so that her trial will be sooner rather than later. I need her for my ultimate plan to conquer this town, and she is part of one of the most powerful families besides my own, despite how despicable they have recently become. She’d be a powerful chess piece.


Well, I am still confused, but I’ll do what you need, however I’m going to need some time to study the case.


Certainly. She has quite a few crimes on her list, and proof that she did these crimes, but you can still get her out. If I was able to keep myself out of prison, she’ll be able to stay out too.


I’ll do my best, Mr.DiMera. Now, if you excuse me, I had better start my work on this right now.

Stefano nods, and he and Ji’Min say their goodbyes and Ji’Min leaves the mansion, as Stefano smirks to himself and walks off.

Salem University Hospital

Lexie walks into her office, getting her clipboard, and looks around, being nearly two years since she was even instated at the hospital, and she flashes back to shooting Tek inside, but she tries to shake it off.


Well, my first day back…I guess its time for me to get back in the swing of things.

Lexie walks through the halls of the hospital, and goes to her first patient’s room…and opens the door to see…Abe and Maggie kissing!


Oh my…not now…not today, please…

Abe and Maggie both pull back when they notice Lexie, and Maggie rolls her eyes.


Please don’t tell me you are the one treating him! I’ll have to talk to Mike about that…

Abe, sighing

No, Maggie, its fine. I am sick of all the fighting, its been going on for too long, ever since I tried to get custody of Theo. Now that’s over, and for his sake, we all need to get along and move on with our lives.


If you say so, but I’m going to keep a close eye on you, Dr.Brooks.


Alright, how are you doing, Abe?

As Lexie goes over to check Abe’s condition, all three in the room are quiet, and Lexie briefly glances at Abe as she gives him what he needs.


I think I’m feeling much better than I was when the stroke happened….I hope I can get released soon.


I’m not sure about that, but we’ll see. Okay, I think I’ve checked everything and you are doing well, but I’ll come back later to tell you for certain if you need to be kept In the hospital for too much longer or just for a little while. Thank you

Lexie leaves, and Maggie looks at Abe.


Maggie, as I said before, its fine. I’m not a friend of Lexie’s now by any means, but I just want the fighting to stop.


Well, as you wish, but with how she acted during the custody battle, I don’t trust her. Just be careful when she’s around.


Okay, okay.

Spears Mansion

Lucas(Bryan Dattillo) is astonished to see his mother alive before him!


I must be dreaming…first Will and now this….

Kate, grabbing his hand

No, no, honey…its me. Its mom. I’m alive


What?! This is impossible, it can’t be, I saw your body! Billie and I had your body put into a coffin and buried! This is a nightmare. A joke.


You know, I’m getting tired of hearing that. First Billie, then Victor, and now you. No, its Kate Roberts Reed Kiriakis Brady, I am alive. It was another DiMera trick pulled by a couple of Stefano’s children, I was barely alive after Tony shot me in Italy, and they saved my life but made it look like I was dead and whisked me off to the basement of the DiMera Mansion for me to recover. I did and put on that fashion show to make my grand return.


I almost want to believe you…but don’t know what to say. So much has happened in the past few days…


And Lucas, what are you doing at Jan Spears mansion?!

Lucas, hesitating for a moment

Jan…is my fiancee.


What?!!?! Are you insane?! You finally got away from Sami but went to Jan Spears?! She is insane! Do you remember that she tried to kill Victor for Nicole, locked Shawn in a cage, and what she did to get that baby of hers into her stomach?! She disguised as a surrogant, and then she switched Mimi’s eggs with her own! And you decide to marry the girl?!


Mom, all of that was a long time ago. She’s changed, we’ve been together for months now and we’re happy. I delivered her son, Bentley, and we’ve been a family.


And how does Will feel about this?


Will went missing right after you died, and we were searching for him for months but didn’t find anything, but now he’s back too, and he’s a lot more defiant than before. He hates the idea of me marrying Jan, and keeps trying to disown me. He stole her credit card and I feel like he’s keeping something from me.


Well, I can see why he ran away if you hooked up with Jan Spears!


Mom, stop! You’ve only been back for about five minutes and you’re already criticizing my decision on who to spend the rest of my life with?


Lucas, Jan is a little Sami. She is not a model citizen.


And you are?


Oh, this is useless. Fine, Lucas, but don’t think you and Jan have my blessing yet. But…it is great to see you.


This just feels so weird, you know? I mean, you’re alive and well…wow…I don’t know what else to say.


There is nothing else to say.

Lucas pulls Kate into a tight embrace as a few tears runs down both of their cheeks, glad to be reunited at last.

Kate, pulling back

Well, I don’t want to cry too much, so I better get going…I love you so much, Lucas, and its just so good to see you, and soon I’m going to see all my children again.


Yeah…I love you, too…I really do and you don’t know how good this makes me feel…

Kate smiles, and Lucas slowly kisses her on the cheek, before she turns and walks out the door and off of the grounds.

Salem Pier

Stefan walks down onto the docks near the Salem River, and his mother Helena emerges from the shadows.


Ahhh, my son, you need me?


Yes, I do. Its about our scheme.


Well, out with it. Whats the problem?


Whats the point of this? I’ve been impersonating that pirate for a few months now, and we’ve done basically nothing. And all her real husband has been doing is sitting in your little hideout watching us play house.


Patience, my son, patience…its all a very slow process, and I want that man to know what it feels like to lose someone…just like I lost EJ, its an eye for an eye, I lost my son, he loses his wife. But of course in a different way.


From what I’ve seen, this isn’t really getting to him too much now. Maybe at first, but not now.


Then perhaps it is time to up the ante…I’ll make him squirm.


What should we do?


Get much closer to Kayla. Be more romantic…make Steve jealous. All you’ve been doing so far is just kiss and hug her occasionally and impersonate Steve, but intensify your relationship with her. Give her a romantic dinner, or something, and I’ll make sure Steve watches.

Stefan, nodding


DiMera Mansion

Peter walks into the foyer of the mansion from outside, and Stefano walks down from the stairway.


Father, nice to see you…


And nice to see you, my son, how are you?


Better after a good nights sleep and a shower after all that happened yesterday.


I need to discuss something with you.


And that is?


I want to take over Titan Enterprises.

Peter, almost choking in shock

Wh-what? Titan? Why?


Because, as I discover more and more about what went on this town in my absence, its not hard to see that Victor is completely taking over the business side of Salem, which is a big portion of it as you should know. If the DiMera’s could perhaps take it from him, it would be a step forward in our quest.


Are you sure? It’d be awfully hard, maybe impossible.


We are the DiMera’s. Nothing is impossible, and also Victor is an old enemy of mine, I’d love to take his beloved business from him. It’ll be one more enemy down. Roman Brady is already out of my way, so is Helena, and next in line is Victor.

Peter, sighing

I can try to find out if there’s anything we can do to take it over, but it’ll be hard, you had better have some of your little helpers you have inserted help me or we’re going to get nowhere.


Oh of course. Remember, we have power. And we can do anything with power.

Peter again sighs and walks off to try to figure out a way to take over Titan, as Stefano walks over to a table with a chess board on it, and pushes one of the chess pieces forward.


Yet another piece in place…


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