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AOTH Episode#8: No Strings!



Inside the Spears Mansion,

Lucas walks up to his fiancé after hearing the front door close. He notices her face is scratched up, she has bruises on her arms, and her hair is disheveled.

“What the hell happened to you?”


“Oh, nothing, I had a little fight with a raccoon.”


“What? Are you ok? A raccoon really did all this to you?”


“Look honey, I’m going to get cleaned up.” she says trying to walk up the stairs. He stops her by grabbing her,

“I think you should go get checked out?”


“Oh I’m fine, nothing but a good nights rest is all that is needed.” She says walking up the stairs.

Lucas, stands there baffled then he hears some moans coming from out side. He opens the door and sees a woman laying on the ground. He rushes out to her and kneels down and is shocked to see Greta Von Amberg

“Oh my God Greta, what happened? Are you ok?” Greta just rolls her head back and forth and makes odd noises as she is foaming at the mouth. Lucas pulls out his cell phone and dials 911.

Meanwhile, inside the Mansion, Will hops on the phone and after a few rings he begins to speak

“How is Arianna?”

Woman’s Voice on the Phone

“She’s ok? She misses you. What is going on? How… did it go with you parents?”


“Not so great. I don’t think they will be able to help us?”

“You have to try. We are running out of time. We need their help! We can’t do this forever!”

“Destiny I’m sorry. I’ll be over soon, just as soon as I leave my dad’s crazy fiancée’s house. I am going to get some money so we can eat.”


“Good, I’m hungry and I know Arianna is too.”


“I hear ambulances, I have to go.” Will hangs up the phone and sees Jan’s purse sitting next to it on the telephone stand. He looks around to make sure no one is watching. Once he figures the coast is clear, he reaches in and grabs a credit card. He shoves it in his pocket and runs out the back door as the sirens approach the mansion.



Episode 8: No Strings

Written by ML Cooks

Downtown Salem

Marlena’s Penthouse

Marlena grabs her purse and is about to walk out the door until her phone rings. She pauses for a moment and debates whether she should let the machine get it. With Sami acting out of control and Nicole in the hospital, she decides that’s a bad idea. She picks it up

“Hello…Carrie , no no,, I am not busy. I am glad I caught your call.”


“Earlier when we talked, I could really tell you had something on your mind. I know you Marlena, tell me what’s going on?”

Marlena, taking a deep sigh

“It’s your half sister”


“Oh God, what is she up to now?”


“I am very worried for her Carrie. She is acing very strangely. I have never seen her behave this way.”


“What is she doing? What’s going on?”


“She’s acting as if she is possessed.”


“I think we’ve been down that road before Marlena.”


“Well maybe not that serious, but something is definately wrong. And that’s not all?”


“What else?”


“You’re mother. She has done something really foul.”


“I didn’t even know Anna was in Salem.”


“She is and she’s causing a lot of trouble. Carrie I really think you should come home.”


“I know you wouldn’t ask if it was not serious Marlena, I’ll hop on the earliest flight that I can.”


“Oh, thank you Carrie. Will Austin be coming with you?”

Carrie, pausing, again not wanting to talk about Austin for some reason makes up a quick white lie

“Marlena I have to go, now, I’ll see you soon” Then Carrie hangs up. Marlena hangs up her phone too and wonders why every time she brings up Austin, Carrie rushes off the phone. She brushes it off and figures she’ll know more when Carrie lands in Salem from China. She grabs her purse again and heads out the door.

Salem University Hospital

Nicole watches “Sami” who just over heard Faye telling Nicole that She is her mother.


“What the hell are you doing here Samantha?”

Brandon smiles once he lays eyes on “Sami”

“You look different Samantha”


“Who are you?”


“What are you talking about? You’re joking right?”


“Just leave now! Everyone.”


“I don’t think so. It seems I came right on time.” She says brushing right past Brandon. Brandon can’t believe Sami is acting so cold towards him.

“SO what is going on here Nikki? Who’s your momma?”


“Nicole, what is going on here? Why is she asking you that?”


“Oh didn’t Nicole tell you? She’s the missing DiMera daughter with Marlena.”


“Marlena? What the hell is going Nicole? Are you up old to your schemes again? Is this the reason why you want us to leave?”


“Yeah sister is it?”


“Why can’t every one leave me the hell alone!? If you won’t leave then I will.” She tries to get up but flinches in pain. Nicole fakes it even more, trying to gain pity and sympathy. She is stalling for time to think on how to turn the tables around and keep her lies from being exposed.

Salem Athletic Club

Jeremy throws his cell phone back into his gym bag as Nick walks up to him.


“Having a bad day cousin?”

Jeremy, looking up at Nick

“Alexis is avoiding my phone calls. And it’s a good thing you caught me here. I’ll have to teach you how to work out to get buff.”


“What makes you think I need you’re help?”


“I mean come on man.. Have you looked in the mirror lately?”


“Yeah and…?”


“Your nothing but a skeleton. I know you’ve never worked out before so I’ll just help you out.”


“Well I wasn’t looking for a personal trainer but I guess I could use a few tips.”


“Sweet, lets warm up. Just do what I do.” He says stretching his arms and legs.”


“So why is Alexis avoiding your phone calls?”


“Well we had a little spat and now she’s blowing it all out of proportion. You know how women are.”


“I guess so. Most girls just blow me off.”


“Well you get some muscles, I am sure the ladies will be flocking to you.”


“I don’t want a woman who’s only interest in my looks. But I am not here to talk about my non existent love life. How’s Mike doing? You two getting along?”


“We don’t talk any more and that’s how I want to keep it.”


Salem Inn,

Mike and Alexis continue to kiss passionately as they begin to undress each other. Alexis lays back onto the bed and looks into Mike’s eyes. She then admires his nice cut chest and abs. She scoots on the side of the bed and runs her finger down his chest and he smiles at her.


“Are you sure you want to do this? We both had quite a bit to drink? “


“I am sure. Just one thing though..”


“Sure what is it?”


“This is only for one night. This is no strings attached sex.”


“A one night stand?


“DO you think I’m a whore?”


“Do you think you are?”


“Why answer my question with one of your own?”


“No I don’t. We all have needs. I’m not looking for a long term relationship anyway.”

She smiles and licks his abs.

“Make love to me daddy.”

Mike leans down and kisses her, pushing her body back against the bed. She wraps her arms around him and rolls her eyes in the back of her head and moans as Mike inserts his love tool. Feeling good from sexual pleasures and also from drinking beers at the bar, she gets caught up and loses control of her thoughts when she whispers

“Oh Jeremy….”

Mike immediately stops.

“What did you call me?”

Then Alexis’s cell phone rings. She grabs it off the night stand and the caller id says Jeremy.


“Did you say Jeremy?”

Alexis, hits ignore on the phone and takes a deep breath to get her answer ready.

“I’m drunk I’m guess, I apologize.” She says looking away from him unable to look him in the eyes.”


“Jeremy who?”


“Does it matter? Look I think you should get your things and leave.”


“No, not until you tell me who this Jeremy is?”


“Why is it so important to you? Are you dating some one named Jeremy too?”


“Hardly. I have a son named Jeremy.”

Alexis, eyes widening

“Jeremy Horton?”


“That’s my son. Damn it. I just slept with my son’s girlfriend.”


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