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AOTH Episode#7: Greta and The Coon!




"Who the hell do you think you are? I am so tired of you and Nicole walking all around this town acting like you can stomp on everyone. Eric, Austin, Victor, Belle, Mimi, Shawn, and you still won't stop trying to get rid of me! I've had enough!"


" Who cares Greta? No one ones want you here. Leave it in the past. Let's move on. I am warning you Greta Von Hamburger! You better leave me and my family the hell alone or suffer the consequences." And with that Jan tries to walk into her house.

Greta, incredibly insulted, grabs Jan by the hair and throws her down onto her own front lawn, down the stairs of her porch in the process, and Greta then walks down the small set of stairs herself.


"Be careful, don't want to hit your head on another rock and go into a third coma."


"Stupid Bitch!" Jan stands ups, and charges after Greta. Jan's mighty push, causes them to fly off the porch and they fly on the lawn. Sitting on top of Greta, Jan begins to wail on Greta, punching her in the face with both hands!

Greta screams, and then tries to grab a hold of Jan's wrists, and tries to furiously kick Jan off of her. Greta leans up and pushes Jan back onto the grass, and shakily stands


"Just give it up Greta. You can't best me. Can't you see? Now I am going back inside to be with my family." She says once again trying to walk inside her house.

Greta jumps up at Jan, and grabs a hold of the back of Jan's shirt, causing her clothes to rip! Greta once again pulls Jan down to the ground, and grasps at her neck, and scratches it, and begins to choke Jan!

Jan's face red end’s as she gasps for air. She grabs Greta's arms and tries to force Greta’s hands from around her throat. Greta’s strong grip is no match for Jan. Seeing stars and unable to breath, Jan's rolls on her side, throwing Greta off of her. Jan sits up and begins to circulate oxygen to her brain, giving Greta time to gain an upper hand. Greta reaches up towards Jan's low hanging maple trees and tears of a branch,

and then charged towards Jan. Greta shoves Jan over with the branch by ramming the entire thing into her stomach, and then beats her over the head with it repeatedly.

Jan now then hollers out and crawls away from Greta. Jan stands up turns around and kicks Greta in the knee cap as she was approaching her, and Greta falls to the ground. Jan reaches up above her and grabs a tree branch to beat Greta with it, just like she did her, but as he pulls the branch down, a raccoon falls down next to her.


"Oh my god!" Greta who is still on the ground, holding her knee tries to get up. Jan, in an act of craziness, grabs the raccoon and flings it at Greta. The raccoon latches onto 's Greta's face hugging it with it's nails. Greta tries to scream out and before she can get the raccoon off her, and from all the commotion, scared and confused, the raccoon bites Greta's face!



Episode: 6, Greta and her Coon

Written by ML Cooks and Tara Smith

Downtown Salem

Marlena’s Penthouse,

After making some green herbal tea, Marlena sits on her white leather sofa and takes a sip of the tea and reflects on her daughter behavior the last few days. She puts her tea down and looks in her date book to look up a number. She picks up her phone and dials some numbers.

“Hello, Carrie, did I catch you at a bad time?”


“No Marlena, It’s so good to hear your voice.”


“Same here, how are you?”


“I’m fine. I’m in China on a humanitarian mission.”


“My, my those poor people. That earthquake was just awful.”


“It’s pretty horrible. Especially the middle school.”


“I am glad you to hear you are doing good things. How’s Austin?”

Carrie, pausing before she answers

“listen Marlena, I really have to go, is there anything wrong?”


“Nothing compares to what those poor people are going through over there.”


“I’ll take that as a yes. I’ll call you back.”


“Thank you Carrie. Take care.” They hang up. Marlena takes a sip of her tea and thinks to her self

“I have to figure out what is going on with Sami.”

The Cheatin Heart

Mike and Alexis continues to drink beers at the bar.


“You don’t take jokes very well I see.”


“Gotcha. I was just pulling your leg.”


“You’re a pretty sexy guy.”


“I’ve been told that once or twice.”


“By your girlfriend?”


“I’m single to mingle.”


“You call this mingling?”


“I do. “ They look into each other’s eyes seductively. She brushes his thigh with her hand then ends it with a caressing of the knee cap. He then smiles at her.


“Why don’t we get a room, and get more personal.”


“I would like that.” He pulls money out from his wallet and lays cash out on the bar. He then grabs Alexis’s hand and they walk out the bar together. As they walk out, Alexis’s cell phone rings. She pulls it our from her purse and sees its Jeremy calling. She hits ignore and tosses the phone back in her purse remembering the reason why she was drinking was because of him in the first place. She wasn’t about to ruin her buzz with drama from some one she’s barley dating.

Salem University Hospital

Nicole awakes from her coma and can’t believe she sees her brother and mother.


“Hi baby.”


“It’s about time you decided to wake up.”


“How do you feel?”


“What is going on? Where am I?”


“Wow, don’t tell me you're playing the amnesia trick.”


“No smart ass.”


“Come on, Nikki, watch your mouth in front of mom.”


“Right, like she’s a mother Theresa. Give me a break. What the hell are you two doing here?”


“You got shot. We didn’t know if you’d make it.”


“Well as you can see I am fine. Thanks for coming and see you later. “


“What’s that supposed to mean?”


“I don’t need you here right now. Your not supposed to be here?”


“We are family, your my daughter. Why wouldn’t we be here?”

They hear the door open and see “Sami” in the door way. Nicole panics as she realizes Sami just heard Faith say they are family, Nicole’s lie about being Tony and Marlena’s child is about to come out.

Spears Mansion

Greta pulls the crazed raccoon off from her face. Jan is laughing, cleaning herself off.


“I told you not to try me. You should have stayed put where ever you were. You’ve wasted your time coming back to Salem. I hope you die Bitch.” After saying that, Jan walks back into her house, leaving Greta, lying unconscious on the ground………


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