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LIS Episode#260: Jailbirds



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Salem Police Station

Down in the holding cells, Hope is led down to them, and is put in the one with Julie! Julie’s eyes widen, and she automatically rushes Hope and hugs her! Hope embraces Julie, and both of them just stand in that position for a moment.


You came back…Hope, you came back!


Yeah, I-I did…I gave it all up, Julie. I gave up the crack, and I gave up the alcohol, and gave up being on the run. A very nice woman helped me realize that was what I needed to do.


Well, I’m…so glad. There’s no words to describe how amazed and happy I am right now.


Look, I want to apologize…you don’t deserve to be in here, and I didn’t mean to drag you into this.


Honey, I don’t mind! I am just glad you are alright! And believe me, I’ve been in here for so long, I don’t mind now, especially since you are back.


No, no, I never should have even mentioned anything to you. I’m so sorry.


Again, its fine.

Hope, tearing up

I feel so horrible for what I’ve done to everyone. You, Aunt Maggie, my baby daughters of all people, Bo, and even Gina. I regret it all so much.


Well, now, you can recover. Its all over now, Hope.


You’re right…it is…and so is my marriage with Bo.


What do you mean?


Julie, we’ve been trying to spend a little time together before he turned me in, but it didn’t feel the same. It felt like we lost that connection we’ve had for all these years…I don’t think Bo’s forgiven me, and I don’t think he even loves me anymore. Not after all I pulled.


Oh, Hope, I see why you would think like that, but you and Bo have gone through this so many times over the past twenty five years, and you’ve always reunited in the end.


But I never killed someone and then kept it from him while smoking and drinking, then leaving town entirely! This time, its not because someone like Billie, Patrick, Larry, Megan, or Gina manipulating everything. Its my fault, and solely my fault!


I wish you wouldn’t think like this…


I know its true…I really do, I’ve been thinking about it ever since he arrested me. I’ve lost Bo, we’re over.



Episode: 260, Jailbirds

Written by Tara Smith and ML Cooks

Downtown Salem,

Bo has Vivian in a holding room. He takes pictures of her.


“Smile pretty for the camera” Vivian puts her middle finger up and Bo snaps the shot.


“That’s gonna look real nice on the front page of the Spectator. The down fall of Vivian Alamain.”


“Oh go to hell Bo Brady. I am down for now but not out. I won’t be behind bars for long and I suggest you don’t make me your enemy.”


“A threat, in the police station, I’m going to have to report that.” He says gabbing her and escorting her to her cell.


“Take your damn hands off me. I know how to walks.”


“Not on your life, you’re a flight risk..” As they approach the cell, Vivian is astonished to see Hope Brady, and Julie Williams in jail.


“Well, Well, Look at how the mighty have fallen. Bo you didn’t tell your family was here. We can have a party.”


“Not in the mood for your jokes Vivian. You belong in here. You’re evil.”

Vivian, walking into the cell

“Ta Ta Jules. No need to be so touchy. We can have a girls night out, right here in this cell.”


“Bo get me out of here! I can’t be in here with this Looney woman.”


“No can do. You were complicit with my wife killing Gina.” After saying that, Bo walks off, unable to even look Hope in the eyes behind bars. Hope wipes a tear from her eye as Vivian looks at her

“Killer huh? Who would have guessed it.”

Julie, getting up in Vivian’s face

“You leave her the hell alone.”


“Or what?”


“I’ll teach you a lesson.”


“Please Julie, don’t flatter yourself. There’s nothing you can do to me in this hell hole, unless your willingly to spend more time in here then be my guest.”


“Will the both of just shut up. We might as well all get along.”


“I won’t take orders from you. I won’t be in here long. I didn’t kill anyone. I have a good lawyer working on my case. Too bad I can’t say the same for you.”

Julie then slaps Vivian

“Do you ever shut up?” Vivian is stunned

DiMera Mansion

After returning from the fashion show with Peter, Elvis slowly walks around the DiMera Mansion, and knocks on the door into Stefano’s office.


Come in.

Elvis, walking in

Father? I need to speak with you about something.


Yes, what is it?


You keep talking about how we are going to take over Salem…but so far, we haven’t done anything, except I helped Kate start that stupid fashion show. When are we going to stop talking about it and do something?


Ahhh, patience, my son…the time will soon be right, and you helped advance my plans with your fashion show more than I thought you would.

Elvis, raising an eyebrow

What exactly are you planning?


In due time, Elvis, in due time. Lets just say that it will be something that will tell this entire town that Stefano DiMera is back, and he means business this time.


I hope you’re right.


I am right. No more war with the Bradys or Helena. We will control this entire town, and we just need to take one more vital step on the way to victory.

Downstairs, Kristen walks into the living room after Megan leaves, and she stares in shock at the destroyed TV.


I’ve barely lived with her a couple months and I already am too creeped out at how freaky Megan is. Why father loves her so much I don’t think I’ll ever be able to figure out.

Kristen remembers overhearing what was on the news before Megan demolished the television about Hope being arrested.


Poor Bo…I mean, I haven’t ever known the guy too well, but I definitely remember him and somehow after having that drink with him that one time…I just feel much more bad for him now.

Peter, also walking in

Please tell me you aren’t falling for the cop, too. Megan’s enough.


Excuse me? I’m still not even remotely ready for another relationship after John and…T-Tony…


Okay lets not get into that. I’m just saying, it sounds like you are already starting to have the hots for Bo Brady.


And look who’s talking?! You slept with Vivian Alamain, VIVIAN ALAMAIN, and you didn’t tell any of us.


I guess news spreads fast?


That chaotic fashion show has been all over the news. Lets just hope father doesn’t kill you for that.


It was a one-time thing, trust me. She attacked me earlier, I don’t think either of us want a long-term relationship.


Good. I hope she rots in jail and none of us ever have to see her again.

Salem Police Station

Down in the holding cells, the three cellmates continue to fight.


Excuse me? I hope you know who you’re talking to.


Oh, I do. I’m talking to a piece of street trash that thinks she’s some rich and powerful queen.


Julie, please, just-


No, Hope, she interrupted something very important, and I won’t tolerate her for too long.


Awww, did I stop some type of sister/sister bonding moment? Oh please.


Back-off, Vivian!


Oh don’t worry, I’m sure your little Hope won’t have to take me for too much longer, not after she goes to death row anyway.

Hope has flashbacks to her nightmares of being executed and Gina and Alice watching, and Julie stares at Vivian angrily.


No one’s going to death row! This is your last warning, Vivian.


Oh fine, fine, it took enough out of me to take those traitors down back at the show. But don’t you dare, ever threaten me like that again. I may be down now, but not forever, remember that.

Vivian goes to the other side of the cell as Julie holds Hope, comforting her.

DiMera Mansion

Stefano and Elvis continue to talk inside Stefano’s office.


As long as you have a plan, I know it’ll be good. And will get us back to the top.


Oh, it will, I promise you. Now, go, I have much business to attend to.


Yes, father.

Elvis leaves Stefano’s office, shutting the door behind him, and Stefano grabs his phone on the desk and dials a number, contacting one of his servants still in Salem.


Hello? Yes, it is me, I’m back, and I trust you have stayed loyal to me throughout my absence. Ah, excellent…now, it is the time for me to take back this town as my own. I want you to make sure that Vivian Alamain, who was just arrested earlier today, stands trial soon. Very soon…there is no time to waste.


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