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AOTH Episode#6: The True DiMera Child



Spears Mansion

Lucas looks at his son and Jan in confusion.


“I wonder what flew up Sami’s ass.”

Lucas, looking at Jan with his infamous frowned head

“Please don’t talk about my son’s mother that way.”


“Oh no it’s ok. She’s not my mother any more. You can talk about her all day long. I don’t care. And by the way, Lucas, you’re not my dad and don’t call me son.”


“You’ve have grown a mighty pair of big ones for a 16 year old. Is this what being in the streets taught you? To be disrespectful and dis own your family. You’re acting like you’re crazy mother.”


“It must be something in the water.” Just then the door bell rings.

“I think that will be my cue to make my exit.”

Lucas just roll his eyes at Jan. Jan opens the door and almost urinates on herself when she sees Greta Von Amberg!



Episode: 6, The True DiMera Child

Written by: ML Cooks and Tara Smith

Spears Mansion

Jan sees Greta standing there! Her eyes widen, remembering how she forced her out of town for Nicole.


What are you doing back in town?!


I came back to take care of you and Nicole once and for all. You both can’t keep me out of here forever.


Oh please. Those issues are between you and Nicole, not me.


You were the one who barged into my hotel room, and escorted me to the airport! And believe me, Nicole will get what’s coming to her, but right now she’s recovering from a gunshot wound.


You shot her?


No!!! I have no idea who did, but they did the world a big favor. But forget about Nicole, right now I am dealing with you, and don’t think that I am not going to make sure you fall as well.


Oh, little Princess Greta is going to try to hurt me??? You’ll end up just like your mother!


How dare you!


And what do you think you can do to me, huh??


Well, you are the infamous psycho Jan Spears. I’m sure there is something you have hidden that I could reveal. You may have gotten off the hook for locking Shawn in a cage and your whole surrogate scheme, but I have a feeling you are hiding something else.

Jan flashes back to throwing Cassie out the window of Belle’s loft and her and Cassie framing Mimi, but then snaps back into reality.


Sorry, no, I’m a different person now. Stop picking at straws. Now, I have bigger things to deal with. Goodbye.

Jan tries to shut the door, but Greta pushes it back open!


Not so fast missy…

The Salem Inn.

Marlena continues to pound on "Sami's door, while inside the motel room, Sami is trying to muster up enough strength to make a sound, a hoot, a holler, any sound at all, so her mother can save her from her demented look alike.


"Open this door now Samantha Jean Brady. I want to have a few words with you."

Stami(opening the door)

"Marlena, what a surprise."


"I am your mother. How dare you call me by my first name? What has gotten into you? Slapping me across the face, bad mouthing your new sister when she is on her death bed. I didn't raise you to behave this way."


"Nicole will never be no sister of mine. She's a loser, and I meant every word I said at the hospital."


"I will not believe it. I am not listening to this., this has to be a dream."


"No at all. I hope that bitch Nicole dies, screw you and your new daughter with Tony. I don't need none of you guys. So take Nikki and get on with your new happy family."


"I can't believe all these horrible things that are coming out of you mouth young lady. When did you become so vial? What is happening Sami? Talk to me, I want answers!"


"Sure, I'll talk to you. I got one thing to say...get the hell out of my apartment you old hag!"

Stami walks over to the door and opens it, signaling to Marlena her time there is up. Marlena is absolutely speechless and walks out of her daughters house with tears in her eyes from listening to Sami's stinging words. Stami slams the door shut and walks into the other room to taunt Sami once more.

“All this fuss about Nicole. I think it’s time Sami goes to see how big sister is doing. I’ll tell her you said hello.” He says laughing. Sami still continues to try and break free of the ropes that ties to a bed.

Spears Mansion


“You better get your hands off me Greta!”


“You are in no place to shout out orders. This is my time. This is my game and you will play it as I see fit. Now do we understand each other ?”


“In your dreams bitch. You need to go find Nicole. She’s the one that wanted you out of town. She was controlling me. I only did what she asked. You can’t possibly blame me. I have a fiancée and a new born son now. I don’t want to trouble.”


“You should have thought of that before you started working with Nicole.”


“I didn’t have a choice.”


“That’s the way the cookie crumbles my dear. What goes around comes back around and I am here to tell you will get yours. I am going to make sure you lose everything. Your baby, your fiancee, your money, this house…”


“Earth to Greta. Are you deaf and or blind? TAKE THIS UP WITH NICOLE.”


“I got plans for her too. Far more worse than what coming to you. But there’s no need to worry about that. The only thing you should worry about is me taking everything away from you.”


“Just try. I’m not scared by the likes of you. Now get the hell off my property!”


“That’s ok. I think I will pull up a chair and watch the final moments of your happy family.” Looking past her and into the living room window, she sees Lucas holding Bentley and Will on the phone.

“Nice family, you better go back inside and enjoy while you can. Like the say, you don’t know what you got till it’s gone.”


“You’re flipping crazy if you think I am going to stand by and let you destroy my family.” And with that Jan shoves Greta so hard, she loses her balance and falls on the ground.



Chez Rouge

Tony takes a sip of wine after hearing what Anna just said.

“You think Jan Spears is my daughter?”




“It’s absurd. Why do you think this?”


“Your alternate personality told me on the island. Vince told me that Jan Spears was your daughter.”


“Vince? The same man who raped Kristen? The mad man who killed Kate, told you Jan was my daughter and you believed him?”


“Well it was worth trying to find out for you. That’s the reason why I haven’t told know one what I knew. I wanted to be sure before I just drop some major bombshell on you like that. “

Tony, intrigued even more by the idea of Jan being his daughter, takes a moment of silence.


“What do you have to lose? “


“You’re right. I have nothing to lose. “


“Yes, finally, we will get proof that Nicole is not your daughter.”


“You’re really adamant about this..”


“I just know Nicole is a liar and phony and I got a little surprise for everyone.”


“Anna…..What are you going to do? She is still my daughter until proven other wise.”

Anna has a gleaming smile on her face.

Univesity Hospital

Nicole, slowly opens her eyes, hoping she doesn’t see Greta standing over her, but maybe she wishes it was Greta as her heart rate and blood pressure go up as she sees her real mother Faith and brother Brandon, smiling down on her.


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