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#73 Monday, July 7th



Kendall OR Greenlee...  

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#73 Monday, July 7th

At Number 37, John is talking with Sterling.


John: Thanks for lending me a few minutes of your time, I'm sure you are very busy.


Sterling: I'd like to know what this is about.

John: You led the shareholders revolt against the board of M.I. (McGregor Inc.), I'm

curious to know why.

Sterling: Myself and some other shareholders felt the board was getting dangerously

close to mismanagement.

John: That's what I don't get, the company has done well the past few quarters and the

projected revenue for the next quarter is unprecedented.

Sterling: Private study of M.I's plan for expansion proved that it could lead to loss.

John: Why hasn't anyone been made privy to that study?

Sterling: Shareholders have obtained copies.

John: But shouldn't the board of M.I. at least been given the chance to review said study, just

so they would know why they were being voted out?

Sterling: It was a simple miscommunication that prevented M.I. from reviewing the study.

John: I would like to have a look at it, do you have a copy I could review?

Sterling: Uh, not with me, but I can fax one to you later.

John: That'll be fine. You can understand my curiosity, especially after the takeovers at Northrup/Western and

Jefferson you were involved in.

Sterling: I was never proven guilty of any wrongdoing.

John: I know, just giving you a reason for my curiosity.

John leaves.

Sterling: (thinking) Crap, how I'm going to get out of this one?



Jim is at Guido's waiting to pick up an order. Greg walks in, he sees Jim and goes over to him.


Greg: I've got to say something.


Jim: Do I look like I want to hear it?

Greg: I feel like I need to apologize, although I know it won't do any good.

Jim: Of all the conversations I want to have, one with my wife's lover isn't one of them.

Greg: I tried to support your wife when she needed it, but it ended up turning into something else.

Jim: Yeah, we know what that something else was. Tell me, is it common practice for shrinks to go around boning their

patients? I bet that would make a fun tabloid headline, what do you think?

Greg: You wouldn't?

Jim: I'm capable of it right now, I've got nothing else to lose.

Greg: Humiliating the mother of children isn't going to help. She didn't set out to hurt you.

Jim: You don't think I was humiliated? Lynette made a damn fool out of me. I'm sitting around

thinking things will right with her and she's with you. Did she put you up to trying and justify her actions to me

some more?

Greg: No, I'm saying this on my own. Lynette's a good person who just did the wrong thing, she didn't do it on


Jim: Whatever, I've heard it before. Anyway, I have a question.

Greg: What?

Jim: Does she love you?

Greg: What?

Jim: Does she love you or was this just some fling?

Greg: I can't answer that, you'd have to ask her.

Jim: So it is true. I suppose I knew it deep down inside, it's not like it makes it hurt anymore than it

already does though. It also makes me know what I've already done was the right thing to do.

Greg: What's that?

Jim: The only thing possible.

The cashier gives Jim his bag and Jim leaves.


At Number 37, a man walks in holding an envelope. He goes over to the hostess desk.

Man: Are you Lynette Craig?


Lynette: Yes.

Man: You've been served.

The man hands her the envelope and leaves. She opens and finds divorce papers filed by J


Edmund is at the McGregor Estate with Anna in the kitchen.


Edmund: I just had to stop by and tell you the great news.


Anna: I could use some good news.

Edmund: Leigh and I worked out the final agreement for joint custody.

Anna: That's wonderful, I'm so happy.

Edmund: Oh, me too. It's like a huge burden was lifted from my shoulders. Best of all, Leigh's going to be

staying in Novi, so the boys will have both parents close and won't have to take long trips back and forth.

Anna: That's one less thing for you to worry about.

Edmund: Something else good for me happened too.

Anna: What?

Edmund: Christina is back in town, we had dinner the other night and coffee this morning.

Anna: Well, you've really hit the jackpot. I know Christina being around will be really.

nice for you.

Edmund: I'm feeling much better than I have in months. It seems like everything is looking up.

Anna: I wish I could say the same for the company.

Edmund: Hey, were going to get M.I. back, we're all determined and ready. You taught me how not to give up.

Anna: You're right, I should follow my own advice and look at this positively.

Edmund: If things can turn around for me, they can turn around for the company.

Anna: It's going to take a miracle.


Meanwhile, at a clinic in Detroit.


Aaron: Man, I don't know why you won't tell your wife you're alive, but it's past due.

A man steps out from the terrace.


Andrew: It's been too long, Anna's already grievied. Besides, she knows about Cassandra and George, she'd never

forgive me now.

Off Andrew's face, fade to black.




Recommended Comments

  • Members

Again, I was waiting for that scene with Greg and Jim. VERY GOOD!! I don't know what the connection is with Jon Amos but I am so glad you casted him.

Again the dialog was great as always. I love Novi beacsue of it's simplicty and the slow pace. Slower paced plots are the best

Your cast has really grown lately. You have so many great characters, I hope we get to see them a little more

When ever you want me to write some scenes get at me. I would really like too

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  • Members
Again, I was waiting for that scene with Greg and Jim. VERY GOOD!! I don't know what the connection is with Jon Amos but I am so glad you casted him.

Again the dialog was great as always. I love Novi beacsue of it's simplicty and the slow pace. Slower paced plots are the best

Your cast has really grown lately. You have so many great characters, I hope we get to see them a little more

When ever you want me to write some scenes get at me. I would really like too

I cast John Amos as Andrew MrGregor, the McGregor patriarch and Anna's husband who everyone in Novi thinks died. This element of the story is going to become more and more clear over the next couple of episodes and when Anna eventually finds out he's alive, it's going to get even more interesting.

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