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Episode#249: DiMera Dreams



In the underground bunker that hides below the Dimera Mansion

Lexie gives a worried look to her newly revived father

“The return of the Dimera’s? Father what are you talking about?”


“My god, how on earth you get your medical degree is beyond me.”


“Alexandra darling, it’s time this family takes it’s rightful place in Salem. All of my children are here. And now it’s time for us to take over Salem.”


“I am trying to get my son back. I don’t want any part of this.”


“It’s too late darling. You are already involved. You kept this secret of me being down here.”


“No father. I can’t do this.”


“Alexandra, you are my daughter. You have my blood running through your veins. Please don’t turn your back on me now. I need you. “


“Lexie please. Join us in the Dimera Dynasty. Take your place.”


“This is too much.”


“No it’s not. You’ve shown your Dimera roots once before. Baby JT ring a bell.”


“Enough with this. I need the three of you to get all my children together. I want to see everyone together. I have never seen all my kids together in one place.”


“Will do father.” She says leaving with Elvis. Lexie stays behind

Stefano looks into his daughter’s eyes

“Alexandra please, I need you now more than ever. Don’t turn your back on your family. We can help you get Theo. Soon we will take over Salem. Will you be a part of this? Are you going to join in on the Dimera Dream. Salem will be ours in no time. Are you with us?”



Episode: 249: Dimera Dreams

Written by: ML Cooks

Downtown Salem


Alexis walks into Victor’s office.

“Sorry I am late sir” She says sitting down in the chair in front of his desk with pen and paper


“Never mind that. I need you to find me some new talent. Organize a Titan Job Fair. If Titian is going to remain successful and competitive, we need new ideas.”


“I thought Justin was coming back to Salem to help with things.”


“He is on his way here. I don’t know what is taking so damn long.”

Then Belle walk into Victor’s office


“Oh, I’m so sorry, I didn’t see anyone at the receptionist desk.”


“It’s alright Belle, please come in.” He stands up and gives her a hug..


“I can’t believe I am going to be in a high profile fashion show. It’s such a big event. And Victor, I must say, thank you so much for having me at the center of this “Face of Bella” re launch campaign.”


“I couldn’t imagine anyone else in the role you’re in. I have every faith in you won’t let me down. Alexis here will take you upstairs to get fitted for the show pieces.”


“It’s every girl’s dream come true to be a model and try on fabulous designer clothes.” Belle walks out of Victor’s office with Alexis. Victor sits back down in his chair and begins to look over Philips’ court transcripts. He picks up the phone

“Get me Ji Min Kim over here.” Just as he says that, his nephew, Justin Kirakis walk in his office.

The Dimera Mansion,

Living Room

Stefano sits back in his wheel chair and takes in the sight of all his children in one place, one room at the same time, (Coughing a little)

“I don’t think I ever experienced this before. All my Children together in one room.” He says with a tear running down his face. He looks around and sees, Lexie, Peter, Kristen, Megan, Elvis and Renee.

“Where’s Anthony? Where’s Tony?”


“Father, A lot has happened since you have been in a coma.”


“What are you talking about? What happened to Tony?”

Kristen begins to have tears form in here eyes. Peter holds her as Lexie walks over to her father and holds him.

“Somebody please tell me what is going on here?”


“Tony is ok father, it’s just,…..”

“I raped Kristen” Everyone hear Tony’s voice from the entrance and are shocked to see him in the flesh.

“I raped my own sister.” Everyone in the room is stunned at the shocking revelation.

Alamain Building

Nicholas walks into Forrest’s office with some papers in his hand.

“Have you seen the latest numbers?”


“I’ve seen them. I am trying not to think about them.”


“We have to do something. We are almost bankrupt.”

Forrest throw’s his ink pen down in frustration.

“Something has to be done”


“Yes it does. Did you know Victor Kiarkis is trying a hostel take over of our company?”


“Does the board know about this?”


“Yes they do and from what I hear, they are seriously considering it.”


“Of all times why now? Well it doesn’t matter anyway. They don’t have enough votes.”


“They will if Aunt Vivian sides with the take over. You know she is in love with Victor.”


“Well we have to do what we should have done a long time ago.”


“Get Vivian out?”


“She’s the loose cannon. She already knows I want her out so she could side with the hostile take over and have us kicked out intead.”


“Than it must be done. Vivian Alamain has to leave this company.”

Valentine walks in on that last comment and smiles

“Such beautiful music to my ears. My sister getting the boot from Alamain.”


“I just had an idea. Valentine, you and Vivian don’t get along, you can help us out her from the board and we can seat you on the board and block the vote for a Kirakis take over.”


“It will be my pleasure to help take out my old sister from this company”

Back at the Dimera Mansion

Peter tries to rush toward Tony and attack him but Kristen and Elvis hold him back.


“You did what?”


“Tony had a split personality named Vince. Vince raped Kristen father.”

Stefano is stunned with tears forming in his eyes

“Dear God! This is madness. I wake up from a coma and the first thing I have to hear is that my son raped his own sister.” He looks over at Kristen

“My poor girl.” Kristen walks over to him and holds her father.


“How did you get out of jail?”


“Our good lawyer, Ji Min Kim.”


“I am going to kill you Anthony! Let go of me!” He says trying to break out of Elvis’s firm grip


“I can’t even look at you. Get the hell out of this house. You are upsetting my family.”


“SO I am no longer part of this family?”


“Get out now before I call security. Where is Bart?”


“No need to father. I am leaving.”


“And don’t you ever come back. I better never see you in the streets. It’s going to be me and you Count!”

Tony begins to laugh

“Good luck with that. Just make sure you keep your jungle madness under control.’


“Son of a Bitch!”


“Ta Ta.” He says leaving the mansion.

Stefano looks into Kristen’s eyes

“I am so sorry darling. Are you ok?”


“It’s been a little hard but Marlena is helping me through it.”


“Marlena? Your nemesis? The woman you held hostage in the secret room?”


“I know it’s pretty crazy. But it’ true. Marlena and I,….I guess we have buried the hatchet. She is counseling me through this hard time. I would not be here today with out her.”


“My god. Everyone is full of surprises. I won‘t be drinking any Salem water indeed. Because something strange is in it.”

Lexie, interrupting and looking at her watch

“Sorry but I have to go. I have to get back to court.”


“Court? Alexandra darling what is going on?”

Lexie, hugging her father

“I am sure Renee will fill you in.“ She says rushing out.


“Well Renee what the hell is going on? Why is your sister running off to court?”


“Abe is divorcing Lexie and suing for sole custody of Theo.”


“This is madness.”

Peter, calming down

“It’s ok father. Elvis and I are working on it. We have everything under control. In fact I need to get back to court too.” He says hugging Stefano and then leaving.


“Are there any more surprises? Wait minute something isn’t right here.” He looks around and sees Megan sitting in a corner by her self, cleaning her nails with a butcher knife.


“Megan, what are you doing?”


“How nice of you to finally acknowledge I am here.”


“What are you talking about?”


“Enough with the family reunion. I have a taste for blood. I am ready to take over Salem. I am ready to kill. Let’s get the show on the road” Everyone looks at her.

Midtown Salem,

Salem Place Apartments

Nicole gets a knock on her door. She puts her magazine down and gets up to answer. To her complete surprise, she sees her “father” Tony


“I hope I am not intruding.”


“Not at all. You’re my dad for goodness sake. Please come in.”

Tony walks in his daughter’s apartment and looks around.


“I am surprised to see you out of jail.”


“Do you think I should be behind bars for being a rapist?”


“Oh no, it’s not that. I didn’t think you would be out so soon. I am glad you are out” She gives him a hug.


“I thought we could go out and grab a bite to eat. Get to know one another more.”


“That’s a great idea dad.” Nicole grabs her purse and follows Tony out her apartment. She thinks to herself "I hope we talk about how much money I am going to be getting”

Downtown Salem,

5th Circuit Court

Judge Fitzpatrick walks into the courtroom

“You may be all seated.’

Lexie, Abe, Celeste, Maggie, Ji Min Kim and Peter Blake take their seats.


“I have had some time to review all the facts and I have come to some decisions’ regarding the matter of divorce and custody of Theo Carver. Now in the matter of divorce. I hereby grant the request and it is so ordered. Abe Carver is entitled to the house. And since both of you of work and make a decent amount of income, no other matters pertaining to money are needed to be discussed.”

Abe and Lexie both nod their heads in agreement as the Judge continues

“Now in the matter of Theo Carver.”

Lexie and Abe both take a deep breath, each hoping the judge rules their way. Peter looks deeply into the Judge’s eyes, trying to intimidate her based on his and Elvis's bribe of the judge

“In the matter of custody of The Carver, I hereby grant sole custody to...”


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