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Episode 111: Poor No!

Matt P.


Kendall OR Greenlee...  

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  1. 1. Which Character Do You Prefer?

    • Kendall
    • Greenlee

- - -Carlos100.jpgJenny100.jpg

Carlos rushes over to the broken window and sees Jenny lying on top of the cold, white snow. He kept breathing heavier.


Oh my god. Agatha I need to call you back. Jenny just got into an accident.

While running down the stairs, Carlos frantically dials 911. A female operator answers on the first ring.


911 what’s your emergency?


My girlfriend just fell out of a two story window.


Where are you located caller?


I’m at 43 Palace Lane. Please hurry.


A dispatcher is already on their way. Please stay on the line with us so that I can some more information.

Carlos gets outside and leans down to pick up Jenny out of the snow. There were shards of broken glass around her and Jenny was unconscious.


Yeah…I’m outside with her now. She fell on her back in the snow.


Can you tell me more about you’re girlfriend’s state?


She’s unconscious. She seems to be bleeding.


I need you to do me a big favor. Move her out of the way of the glass.


That’s already been done.


Good. Now don’t move her anymore. Are the dispatchers there yet?

Carlos hears the sirens and sees the lights. He breathes easier.


Yes they are. Thank you so much.

Two male paramedics check Jenny’s pulse until putting her on a stretcher and wheeling her into the ambulance. One paramedic wraps Jenny in a blanket.

EMT #1:

She’s breathing. We need to get her to the ER immediately.

Carlos gets into the back of the warm ambulance and looks over Jenny.


I know you’re going to be okay Chica.

(to the EMT)

When we get to the hospital, I need to see Doctor Vexen. Immediately!

- - -


Episode 111:

Poor NO!

Executive Story Consultant & Series Creator:

Matt Politylo

Logo Designer:

Mary Zimmerman

- - -Nate100.jpgAva100.jpg

Nate stands in front of Ava’s apartment door. He looks at a note that he received earlier that evening. It read ‘Walk into my room, Ava.’ Nate crumples up the note but decided to go and see what was up.

When he opens the door, the room is dimly lit. Nate looks around for Ava but instead finds candles lit through out her living room. Ava stands seductively in the kitchen door frame dressed in sexy black lingerie.


Thank you for coming.


That’s what the note said to do but I’d suggest locking the door next time, you don’t know who would be crazy enough to break in here.


I want no one to say I’m sorry. I want you to just experience something with me.


Oh yeah? Judging by this romantic get up you have here, I would have thought you were trying to seduce me but that would mean you would have to be straight and I’m fallen one too many times.


Just shut up and listen to me because I’m only going to say this once. The reason why I wasn’t at the café was because a certain someone was in accident caused by me.


I’m sorry to hear that.


Yeah but had the situation been different, I would’ve been there.


Then what are you waiting for? I already stripped naked for you. Let’s see what you have.

Ava takes a rose from out of a vase and begins to rub it near her lower abdomen.


I’m not giving this up so easy to you. Tonight is all about being together in a sensual way.


Like tantric sex?


Well it’s not raunchy hardcore get off sex! Just close your eyes.


I’ve been tricked before by girls wanting me to kinky stuff so I don’t think so.


You’re ruining the mood. Just trust me.

Nate sighs hesitantly but does it. Ava walks up to him and slowly begins to blow on his lips. He uses his sense of smell to get a whiff of the minty flavor in her mouth. She then kisses him soft yet sensually. She lifts up his shirt and rubs the rose all around his stomach. His abs quivered as she kissed his stomach.


Now open your eyes.

Nate opens his eyes and swallows a lump in his throat.


See we can have so much fun when it’s not about sex.

Nate pulls Ava close to him and begins to kiss her passionately. He rips off his shirt and picks her up in his arms. He leads her to her bed where he lays her down gently. Taking a cue from her, Nate runs the upper part of his lip all the way down from her neck to the center of her chest. He then continues to kiss her.

All of a sudden Ava’s cell phone rang.


Don’t pick that up! I don’t want to ruin this moment.

Nate throws the phone across the room. It slides on the phone. The I.D. says ‘Sky Calling.’ In Sky’s room, she sits in her bed, and waits to leave Ava a message.


Hey it’s me. I’m kind of lonely at the moment and I really want to see you. So when you get this just hurry on over to my place. It’s good to know that your brakes were fixed and you’re free to drive over here. I’ll leave my door open for you. It doesn’t matter how late it is. I just really want to see you. Bye.

Sky smiles as she hangs up the phone.


Looks like my plan for vulnerability is working. I finally got my girl back and no one will take her away from me!


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The next day, Anna Lee makes herself some breakfast. Her toast pops up and with a quick swift of a butter knife, she jabs it onto her plate. All of a sudden, there’s a knock at the door.

Anna Lee:

(calling out)

Nan? Are you going to get that? NAN?! Okay then you can’t blame me for being polite.

Anna Lee opens it to find Bryan standing before her with a smile on his face.


Can I come in?

Anna Lee:

What’s wrong with your face?


I got into a public scuffle with Hammerhead. It was great. Lanoi and Benjamin are truly reconsidering who they have in office.

Anna Lee:



What’s with you today? You seem so flighty.

Anna Lee:

Nothing. So is that why you came by? To show off your bruises?


That and because I was thinking about you and it made me horny.

Anna Lee practically chokes on her food.

Anna Lee:

Excuse me?


Come on. Why don’t you give me what we both want.

Bryan forcefully grabs Anna Lee and begins to kiss her. Anna Lee pulls away and runs to the kitchen cabinet where Nan kept her gun. She grabs it and points it at Bryan. Bryan puts his hands up in the air.


What the hell is wrong with you?

Nan comes storming in with the latest issue of the Point Palace Inquiry.


What the hell were you thinking? I thought I told-

Nan notices that Anna Lee has Bryan held at gun point. She rushes over to her and grabs the gun out of her hand.


This is not a toy!



There’s two of you?


Bryan let me introduce to you my sister Anna Lee. This is Bryan Daniels.



I’m so sorry I thought you were Nan!

Anna Lee:

It’s okay pervert.


(to Nan)

Why didn’t you tell me your sister was in town?


Because she doesn’t exist. I need you keep her a secret.

Anna Lee:

Wait a minute, I have a message for you.



Anna Lee:

Some photographer freak told me to tell you that you owe him money or he’ll expose you.

Nan throws the paper onto the table with the picture of Anna Lee slapping Mark front and center.


Does that explain why you’re slapping the crap out of him?

Anna Lee:

Hey he insulted me. I mean you. I wasn’t going to allow him to sully our family name. You’re a great person Nan. I mean you do have your little tiffs but deep down inside, I truly love you. He was saying some pretty awful stuff. I think he compared you to Hitler.


That’s very sweet and very untrue.

(to Bryan)

We need to talk.


Your sister obviously doesn’t know the real you.


And that’s why I don’t want anyone know that she’s related to me. Can you imagine what would happen if Blake got wind of this? He would torture the poor girl. Anna Lee is fragile. I won’t let anyone break her so that’s why I don’t want you or anyone else knowing that she’s here! I can’t imagine what would happen if she found out who I really am.


What the hell do you want me to do about it?


I want you to pay off your little reporter friend and leave me be. This relationship can only go so far!

- - -Carrie100.jpgDylan100.jpg

Carrie helps Dylan back into his room after spending a few days from the hospital. Dylan is in excellent shape and when he looks around, all he can do is smile.


You sure seem happy.


That’s because I am.


It was a miracle that the surgery was such a success. I’ll admit that I had my doubts.


Me too but the good news is that my cancer is like the chicken pox and only the unfortunate ones get it once. At least that’s what Rebecca told me.


She would know. She is the medical expert after all. Listen why don’t you just sit back and relax. I’ll go and order us something from Azario’s.


I don’t want to relax!



What? You just went through surgery. You need to recover.


Carrie I just beat cancer! Do you know how good that feels? I…I want to shout it on top of the world!

Dylan runs to his window to open it.




Carrie rushes to the window to shut it and sees people who were walking to class actually heart him.


Seriously Carrie. I have a new outlook on life. I’m cured!

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Alley walks up to John’s door and knocks on it, hoping that she would find John. Instead she finds Marissa holding baby L.J.


Can I help you?


I’m here to see John.


So sorry that’s not happening.


Excuse me?


Yeah John’s in class and then he’s busy filming all evening. I don’t think he’ll have time to see you. Buh bye!

Marissa tries shutting the door in Alley’s face but Alley stops her and walks in anyway.


Last time I checked John kicked you out.


Don’t be ridiculous. I just need to grab a few things out of John’s bedroom.


Fine. Make it quick and when I get back I’ll be happy to find you gone. Forever would be great for me.

Alley smirks at Marissa who gets a phone call on her cell.


Yes. He has a really big photo shoot at eight o’clock. It’s at The Palace Hotel, room 445 I believe. Sounds good.

Alley grabs a few books out of John’s room and quickly runs out knowing full well she was going to see John later tonight. Marissa gets off the phone and looks at her baby niece.


See what we just did baby doll? We just set up Alley because she’s a dumb dumb.

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Blake walks over to Marli’s room to invite her for a lunch date. He gets a call from Dylan.


Tomorrow? Yeah that sounds good, we’ll get together then. Bye Dylan.

Blake hangs up but before he knocks on her door he can hear her talking on the phone.


You can hardly see me. I tried shielding my hands up from that jerk off. It’s not my fault that he’s a big wig here. You can’t always tell me what to do. What happened was out of control. In speaking of control, I don’t care how powerful you are, you can’t always control me. Bye!

Marli hangs up and opens the door. She is startled when she sees Blake.




You scared me.


Sorry. I was wondering if you wanted to go to an impromptu lunch. I can’t guarantee if some sort of brawl will break out.


Yeah that would be great.


Who were you talking to on the phone?


I’m sorry?


It seems like you were screaming at someone on the phone. I wasn’t eavesdropping-


It was no one.


Sure didn’t seem like no one.


Just some stuff is going on back home. That’s all.


You know that I’m here for you. Don’t be afraid to talk to me.


Thank you but honestly it’s nothing you have to worry about. I just have to grab my jacket and we can go.

Marli goes into her bedroom to retrieve her jacket.


How can I not worry when it involves me?

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During the early evening, Will sits alone at the bar of The Cue Ball. He notices Alicia by herself playing a game of pool. He waves to her and she walks over to him.


Can I buy you a drink?


(to the bartender)

Fosters please.


I never understood why the can was so big.


Because we’re Aussies and we know how to drink. That drink definitely reminds me of home and all of my neighbours.

The bartender hands her a can of Fosters. She begins to down it.


Slow down. Are you trying to match your boyfriend?


There’s no way that I could. He’d have two kegs to my five drinks.




Look I want to let you know that I feel really bad about the way he reacted the other night. Rena really does like you and it wasn’t Jace’s place to accuse you like that.


She’s a sweet girl.


Sweetness. That’s honestly what I’m longing for.

Alicia takes another swig and finishes her drink. She lets out a small belch which Will thought was cute.




Quite alright. Maybe I’m sticking my nose where it shouldn’t be but…if things are so bad with Jace, why don’t you just move on?


Because. I feel as if I have no choice when it comes to him. I just- I feel like I need to save him before he self destructs. Honestly though, you and Rena are going to be a cute couple. You’re a great guy for listening.

Will begins to blush. They look at each other and for a moment feel the attraction. Will begins to lean in for a kiss until Jace puts his hand on Will’s shoulder. Will turns around to find Jace with a beer in his hand.


Thanks for saving my seat pal.


Actually I was here first.


Settle down boys.


You can leave me and my girlfriend be. Where’s your girl at?


I don’t know.


Go find her then.


Jace stop being a prick. Are you drunk again?



Will accidentally on purpose spills his drink on Jace.


Look at that. You truly are a sloppy drunk.

Jace tries to go after Will but is stopped by Alicia. Will just walks away with a smile on his face.

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In Jenny’s room, she is resting, as is Carlos. Dr. Vexen taps Carlos on the shoulder to wake him up.

Dr. Vexen:

I need to speak with you outside.

Carlos and Dr. Vexen walk out of the room.


What’s going on with Jenny?

Dr. Vexen:

She’s going to be fine. She just suffered a few back pains but thankfully the snow really helped the fall.


Akim that’s not why I called you down here.

Dr. Vexen:

I got that report from her MRI doctor. They told me that she should be released very soon.


I know that Jenny’s health is fine but if I wanted to find out more information I would have gone to the nurse’s station or made my own assessment. I used to work here and study in a medical field.

Dr. Vexen:

Are you done venting?

Carlos lets out a deep breath.


Sorry for snapping.

Dr. Vexen:

It’s okay but yes I ran a few tests to see if she’s still pregnant.


Well does Jenny still have the baby?

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In Room 445 of The Palace Hotel, lights were being set up for the photo shoot. John loads film for his camera. Antonio walks in with two muscular male models and one fake breasted trim blond who were wearing white robes.


Are these my subjects?


Yes they are. You’re going to have a ball.


You never really told me what you're selling. What kind of look do you want?


We're selling sex. I’m venturing in a new line of DVD’s.


Really? That’s so cool.


Yeah and we’re just going to film some action shots.


Great. Are we doing this one model at a time?

Antonio notions for the models to get on the bed. They all disrobe and are wearing nothing but their birthday suits. John’s mouth drops. The female model begins to kiss one of the male models as the other caresses her thigh.


Go on. Start snapping away. Time is money!

Outside of the room Alley contemplates opening the door.


I need to see you John. You have to know my side of the story!



Recommended Comments

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BRAVO!!! BRAVO!!! BRAVO!!! - Jenn and Carlos is the supper Couple right now - I really hope the baby is okay, man if not, and she loses the baby... I do believe it will be the end of their relationship. No matter who the father was, the bond between mother and child is a lot stronger... SO I AM PRAYING THAT BOTH OF THEM COME OUT OK.

MAN - little by little more people are finding out about ANNE LEE, NAN's has hands full... and from the look of it; little Anne, isn't so little anymore.. we need to watch out for her. OOOOHHH; Alley have a surprise coming, can't wait to see she how she react to the scene of her boyfriend's new job is---"PRN" LOL.... Good times.

I am really enjoying the series man, I love it - the writing is so different than STEAM, and HHD... keeping the line up alive... hich we could see these show on air...

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This was a slower episdoe but we all got them.

I really hope that baby is ok.

I really like Anna lee. I loved her sceen with Bryan but was kinda of upset that she broke things off with Bryan. I love them as a couple.

Blake is so nosey. He is just not a favorite of mines no more. I used to like him when Laney was around. I don't know why I dont care for him

I am glad Dylan is ok. I guess his nuts dont hurt that bad if he ready to get it on.

I loved the scen with Jon I thought they were(the men) were going to stat kissing which would prolly make Jon flip it, lol but I wonder what Alley is going to say when she walks in. damn that Mariss. loved her dumb dumb comment.

I really miss Owen

LOVED WILL AND HACE"S scene. I love Alicia and Jace's relationship. I really hope we see more of them and their problems. I perfer Jace and Alicia together. I dont know why I like thse two so much but I do. from day one.

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I can't believe no one made a comment on the Ava & Nate love scene. It was so freakin' hot IMO! Ava will definitely have more issues when she has to deal with Sky and Sky's neediness.

This isn't the only time Alley has walked in or not walked in on something. I always call Alley the door dropper because in the pilot episode she walked in on Carrie kissing Will (when she was with Will at the time), she almost walked in on Carrie having sex with Dylan (when they were together at the time), and now she's being set up by Marissa. You also get to see John's reaction to the situation in the next episode too.

The reason Nan wants to break it off with Bryan is because she's used him for all he's worth to her. Since she's not going after Blake anymore, she's done with him. Also he now knows about Anna Lee and Anna Lee knows about Bryan so if the two start talking...trouble may be brewing.

Blake's always a hero but of his relationship with Marli will be very tedious especially since he knows she's hiding something. Not to mention that a certain someone is always lurking over him.

I was really iffy about Jace/Alicia/Will plot because I thought that I had just thrown a couple who already had problems into a love triangle for Will to move on to his life but I'm so glad that I did. The reason is because we get to see Will be bad again. In this episode we were able to find out why Alicia stays in such an abusive relationship.

The hardest plot to write has definitely been Jenny & Carlos's plot because of the situation at hand. She was raped by Nick, who's killed, but now has a baby that lives inside of her. That's some pretty heavy stuff to deal with.

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Wow matt my bad. It was nice , very sensul I have experienced some monets like that myself.lol so I know excatly how Nate felt when she was driving him crazy with the blowing. I was glad her breath was at least fresh. I dont know, mabe Nate neede Ava to settle him down. It could be she is really the one for him. It would be cool if james sprang back up I loved it, sorri I forgot to metioned it. And to this day the end of your sentences always gets cut off which pisses me off. And Yes jenny is going through some [!@#$%^&*] right now. I really am on the edge of my seat kuz i honestly dont know if your going to let her keep it or not.

I really lovr jace and Alicia and I really hope you really dig into each character and there relationship. I love that Will is bad again, But I like jace even better. I am team Jace and Alicia so far.

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LOLOLOLOLOL - Man I meant to comment on AVA and NATE - I read the episode early morning, and didn't got a chance to comment until late nite. It was nice man, hot - I really love these two together, bt I still think AVA is confuse... The longer they wait - they hotter they'll be as a couple... I am curiouse to see how it all play out with crazy sky...

I agree with you, the hardest - Jenny, Carlos have to be the hardest plot to write...And I sure it a lots of fun... I love drama, and there's so much you can do with these two... with the baby situation, lots of good twist - so I have my prediction, but I am keeping my fingers crossed.

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