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Episode#224: The Beginning of Stefano's Funeral




Written by: Tara/Daysfan

Episode#224: The Beginning of Stefano’s Funeral

-A new day in Salem rises. It is the day of Stefano’s “funeral”, and at St.Luke’s, Celeste and Lexie walk into the empty church and all that is there is Stefano’s coffin and his picture. Celeste asks Lexie why Theodore could not come today, and Lexie says with a sigh that Abe still won’t let her see him. Lexie then says to Celeste:

Lexie: He wants to pursue custody of Theo, Mom. I don’t know what to do.

Celeste: If Abraham does not come around in time, then you must fight him for Theodore. A mother should be with her son.

Lexie: I know…its just all of this is so confusing right now…

Voice: Oh so you’re afraid to fight your puny little ex-husband but you’re not afraid to betray our father?

Lexie and Celeste turn to see Megan Hathaway standing in the doorway of the Church…

-Tony and Anna are getting ready to leave the DiMera Mansion, and Tony tells her he’s glad she was able to be released from the hospital so early. Anna agrees, and comments she wishes she could find that Kristen woman so she could give her a piece of her mind. Tony nods and says he wonders what is wrong with her, and Anna says they shouldn’t worry about her, they just need to concentrate on their lives. As Anna and Tony walk outside to their car, Anna asks:

Anna: So, how did your therapy session with Marlena go? We didn’t get much of a chance to talk last night after we got home.

Tony: Well enough…I suppose…we did make some good progress…

Anna: No other details?

Tony: Not really.

Anna raises an eyebrow at Tony but he assures her everything is fine as they get into the car and drive off…

-Maggie and Marlena are in Maggie’s car together, on their way to Bo and Hope’s house because they are riding with them to St.Luke’s for the funeral, and Maggie says that this funeral is really a landmark. Marlena says it could be, and Maggie says with a laugh that the infamous Stefano DiMera is dead and that this is definitely a landmark. There is a moment of silence and Maggie asks:

Maggie: How have you been since Roman went into that catatonic state? We haven’t gotten to talk much because I’ve been wrapped up with Chez Rouge and my family.

Marlena: Oh its fine, I’ve been busy with my psychiatrist job as well. Anyway, I am doing…as well as I can be. I have to be strong for my family, and I have faith that Roman will come back to us. He’s done more amazing things before.

Maggie: You definitely have a good point there, but are you absolutely sure he’ll come back this time? I don’t want to be negative but as your good friend, I don’t want you to get your hopes up too high.

Marlena: I will admit that in the back of my mind, part of me is afraid. Afraid that he’ll be like this for the rest of his life…but if I, his own wife, do not have faith then who will?

Maggie: Very true. But hopefully Roman can be at ease knowing his rival is dead.

Marlena: *If* he is dead.

-At Bo and Hope’s house, Hope asks Bo if they really need to go to this funeral, and Bo says while he may not want to, they probably should, also to make sure no one gets out of hand there. Hope points out that things could get even more out of hand with them there, and Bo tells her he’s going to try to keep his cool, and she should too. Hope then says:

Hope: Well Bo, I can’t exactly be the calmest person there after all that man put us through. Lets see, he blamed us for murdering Megan when we didn’t even do it, and then it turns out the bitch was never dead. He put your older brother through hell, he kidnapped me and made me think I was Gina. He stole your and Billie’s daughter, and if he hadn’t, Zack wouldn’t be dead right now. Not to mention how he toyed with our lives when he switched Zack and JT. And I have no doubt in my mind that if Gina hadn’t killed Shawn, Stefano would’ve.

Bo: Fancy Face, I know. I hate the bastard too but we can’t let our anger take control.

Hope: And you know what, Bo? I think mine already has!

*Life in Salem Opening*

-Celeste coldly snaps to Megan to stay out of this, and to get out of the church or go hide somewhere before she calls the police. Megan tells her not a chance, but before Celeste can say anything more, Lexie tells her to just go sit down and that she can handle this. Lexie looks at Megan and says:

Lexie: Now listen, we may be sisters, but you mind your own damn business. Our father deserved me turning my back on him, and he’s not the great man you make him out to be. And while I don’t love Abe anymore, he sure as hell is a great man.

Megan: Father is much better than him! If your ex was so clever he would’ve caught Father a long time ago. But you know, I hope he does keep that little son of yours, because there’s no way in hell that in twenty years or so that some little black boy is ruling the DiMera Empire.

Lexie’s eyes flare up in hatred and anger, and she curls her hand up into a fist and PUNCHES Megan, and tells Megan to next time keep her mouth shut. As Megan holds her face in pain, Lexie goes and sits down…

-Kristen sits outside St.Luke’s as people begin to arrive, and she sheds some tears as she flashes back to all that has transpired over the past month, specifically Stefano’s death and her rape. She tells herself to not think about the rape today, and just focus on her father and honoring him. Suddenly she hears a voice say “Kristen? Is that you?” and Kristen gasps and turns to see a face and says:

Kristen: Oh my…Peter?!?!?

Peter: Yes, Kristen, its me. I’m home.

Kristen rushes to hug her brother and they embrace, and Kristen tells him she’s so glad he’s back, and Peter assures her he’ll be back for a long, long time…

-Maggie tells Marlena that who knows anymore, but hopefully he’ll stay dead this time. Marlena agrees, and says that she has more to worry about than just Stefano DiMera. The car pulls up to Bo and Hope’s house, and both women get out and head inside…

-Bo tells Hope that what she’s been doing lately has been out of anger and pain, but he thinks it’ll pass in time. Hope tells him he didn’t have that attitude the other night, and Bo says “Exactly, because I was angry.” and Hope tells him that they just need to go, and right then Marlena and Maggie walk in, and Hope simply tells them that they’re just about to leave as she walks out the door. Bo sighs as Maggie frowns and Marlena looks at Hope with worry, and Maggie tells both of them they have to do something about her. Bo and Marlena both agree as they walk out the door.

-At St.Luke’s, people slowly arrive and gather inside the church, including Kristen, Peter, Tony, Anna, Marlena, Maggie, Bo, Hope, Victor, Vivian, Celeste, Lexie, Megan at the back of the church, and others. Father Jansen then arrives, and says its time to begin…

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BEAUTIFUL!!!! I LOVE IT!!! Celeste started to sound the way I wish she was on DAYS of OUR LIVES - Thank for giving her some JUICES!!!!! OH - Kristen and Peter together again.... WOW - MUST SEE!!!!! I miss these two !!!!


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