Marlena sits down and starts telling Roman that she is bringing him out. She starts counting backwards from 10 to one once again and when she is finished......Roman opens his eyes and asks if he hurt her. She says no.....he just scared her a bit. He says how sorry he is for that. She asks him if he remembers anything and he says someone was trying to put him under anesthesia to perform some type of surgery. Marlena ask if he is sure and he says yes. She tells him it’s good that they are making some progress.
Roman hopes so. Next thing he knows, Roman says.......
Roman: You may tell me that I revealed I’m half Brady/half DiMera.
Marlena takes his hand gently, sits in front of him, looks lovingly into his eyes and in a very sweet, quiet, gentle voice, tells him....
Marlena: Roman.........my darling............I would never, EVER........tell you some stupid [!@#$%^&*] like that.
Roman thanks Marlena for that. He then wants to continue but she says no. He has been through a lot in the last day or so. Roman says he has nothing but time now and has nowhere to go. Marlena and he laugh and she says that, if he’s feeling up to it, she’ll come back tomorrow and they can continue then. He thanks her once again as they hug and part ways.
Once Roman is alone, he wonders what has happened to him.......and what Stefano did to him 2 decades ago.
Meanwhile, in front of Salem Place...
Anna is walking back through the shopping mall, coming from a business meeting, when she spots Carrie with Evan. They stop and Anna remarks how good Evan looks. Carrie thanks her and Anna says that she is sorry they haven’t seen much of each other. But, she understands with recent events. Carrie just tells her to take things slow, which Anna agrees with. Anna then asks to hold Evan for a moment.
Carrie agrees and Anna picks up and holds her grandson for the first time. Evan smiles at Anna and plays with her necklace as Carrie smiles as well......and is genuinely touched at how Anna is reacting. Anna then looks at Carrie and gives Evan back to her and thanks Carrie for this moment. She then says a quick good-bye......
Before running off and wiping the tears from her face. Carrie can see her from a short distance and tells Evan that he will like getting to know his other grandmother. As she puts him back in his stroller and they leave........

Mike walks into the family home, taking off his scarf and seeing everyone there. He starts to tell them about the meeting at the Pub and Julie wonders if Jack should send Abby away with what is about to happen. Mike says that he is already doing that. Alice remarks that she is really sick of all the threats to her loved ones. She wants to know why Stefano and the others just can’t let people live in peace. Doug would like to know that answer himself. Julie says it’s a good thing the fighting has stopped. Laura and Bill agree.
Julie then says that she and Laura need to go help Maggie get the club ready and the men volunteer to help. Alice also asks to go along and Mike says he will help her. She needs to get out of the house. As the Horton's start to get ready and leave........

Cassie sees Tony walking toward her in the park. They stop a moment and hug one another deeply, with her saying she misses him. Tony says that is why he wants her to come live with him......and away from her grandfather. She says that will not happen.......Stefano accepts her for who she is. Not who Tony demands her to be. Tony doesn’t agree with that but Cassie says would a good person commit a hit-and-run and not say a word?
Tony used to think there may be no hope for her......but knows differently. She ask why......because he turned out to be so soft? Tony is offended, saying that it takes a strong person to turn their back on what a man like Stefano has to offer......and he should know. Tony wants the DiMera name to stand for something other than kidnapping, brainwashing, terrorism and murder. Cassie stops and ask....
Cassie: Are you planning on removing Papa as head of the family?
Tony stares at Cassie and then looks away, trying to duck the question. She says she knew it. Well.....if he tries, she will join Stefano in stopping him. Tony can’t believe that she is so blind. Cassie says money and power will do that. Cassie turns and leaves and Tony says to her....
Tony: If you tell your grandfather........what happens will be on your shoulders, my darling. Can you live with that?
Cassie stops but doesn’t turn around......because she doesn’t want Tony to see her wiping the tear from her eye as she walks off.
Tony then turns his back and starts to walk away, wondering what did he do this time. The scene shows the two walking way from each other......and slowly faded to black.
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