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ORPHEUS SECRET PALATIAL HOME(on the outskirts of Salem)

Joey is still asleep as Nicole checks on him and then goes back to Orpheus' secret surveillance room. Nicole looks through some tapes and can't believe all the footage Orpheus has of so many Salemites she knows. She realizes he really did have cameras all over and was able to get a hold of so much in the way of security footage from many places in Salem. She then says he had dirt on so many people and she then wonders how she could use some of this to her advantage. She pops one of the tapes in she finds most interesting. The tape is of Philip outside the Kiriakis Mansion, back when he considered leaving town so Victor did not learn of how he helped Orpheus kidnap Victor, which nearly killed Victor. Nicole listens to Philip talk about the situation and smiles, saying this may come in handy indeed....


Sami and Kate continue to search Joelle's apartment. Sami is now looking through Joelle's address book, thinking they may find someone to help them in there. Kate wonders if they should call everyone on the list. Sami thinks they should and just say their are cops investigating the case. It's the only thing left she can think of since the rest of the apartment has turned up nothing. Kate suggests they split up the list. Sami agrees. They both take out their cell phones and begin calling...


Alyson enters her suite with Sam and is shocked to see Jean there. Jean reminds Alyson she was released today and admits she wondered if she should get another room or not. Alyson says she doesn't have to...providing she tells her what she wants to know about her father's death. Jean wishes Alyson would drop that. Alyson tells Jean she can't and she shouldn't. It involves her father and she thinks Jean owes it to her after keeping her in the dark for years about her father's death, making her think he ran off. Jean thinks it's best if they leave it alone. She assures Alyson there is nothing hidden. She knows everything now and Jean apologizes for not telling her but she felt it was best. Alyson tells Jean she hates when she says that and says that's fine. She will just find out on her own. She then tells Jean she doesn't have to leave. Sam and her will. Alyson then heads into the bedroom, saying she is going to pack and then calling down for her and Sam's own room.

Jean begs her to reconsider. Alyson tells Jean she will reconsider when Jean gives her what she wants. Until then, she doesn't want to see her. Jean asks about Sam. Alyson is silent and says she has work to do and tells Jean to reconsider her stance if she wants to stop this. Jean turns away and walks off and then leaves the suite in frustration. Alyson closes her bedroom door and says she knows Jean is hiding something. Meanwhile, out in the hall of the Inn, Jean privately wishes Alyson would back off...if she knows what is good for her...


Marlena thinks Roman has had enough for the night but he tells her the sooner he deals with his memories, the better. Marlena says she is putting her foot down and he will have to wait until tomorrow. She reminds him she is the expert and, besides, she doesn't want to abuse the privileges she is getting in being allowed to come in and treat him. Roman reluctantly agrees and asks her to please come back tomorrow. Marlena says she will be back back first thing in the morning and will make sure her schedule is cleared. Roman thanks her and pledges his love to Marlena, promising her they will overcome all this. Marlena says she knows and tells him she loves him too. They kiss and she bids him goodbye as he does the same and she leaves.

After Marlena leaves, Roman holds his head in frustration, wondering what the hell is going on with him and what some of these memories could mean. A guard then comes in to take Roman back to his cell. The guard pulls Roman to his feet as Roman looks on, lost in his own thoughts, as the scene shifts back to...


Sami and Kate are continuing to make calls. Sami is on the phone with a man who refuses to let her talk to the woman named Silvana Vargas, who is listed in Joelle's contacts. The man is the owner at a strip club called "Lookers" and Sami fights with him, saying it's an important matter and she needs to talk to Silvana. Just as she is about to lie and say she is with the police, the owner says that Silvana is working and can't be disturbed. The owner hangs up, angering Sami. Kate asks what happened. Sami fills her in and says that Silvana was the last of the people she had to call. Kate says she is finished too and nothing. Sami points out Silvana is the only person they couldn't reach and thinks they need to talk to her in case she knows something.

Kate recommends going in person since it looks like calling will be hard and they don't have another number for Silvana but what appears to be her work number. Sami agrees and wonders why Joelle was associating with a stripper. Kate isn't sure but says they will find out. Sami then points out they will have to go undercover. There is no way they will be able to do what they have to in that strip club without making themselves part of the environment. Kate refuses, saying that it could backfire. Sami reminds her she is experienced at matters such as these from her previous line of work. Kate sarcastically points out she has talents that qualify her for this line of work as well.

Sami finally ends their back and forth and tells Kate they will be better able to find and talk to Silvana undercover as strippers. Kate, realizing Sami is right, reluctantly agrees but then asks Sami what if they have to go out on stage and strip. Sami says they will just have to take the risk. She will do anything for Lucas. Kate says she will as well and just hopes this doesn't backfire. Sami says she does as well as the scene shifts to...


Alex enters the office area off the elevators and sees a light on in the editor's office. He walks over and enters the office and is shocked to see Greta, on her computer. Greta jumps at the sight of Alex, saying he scared the hell out of her. Alex asks what she is doing there. Greta says it's her office. Alex points out she hasn't been released from the hospital yet. Greta reveals she checked herself out, saying she has too much to do. Alex tells her the newspaper is doing fine. Greta says it's not that...it's Nicole. Alex looks on with worry. Greta then adds that getting revenge on Nicole is the only thing helping her to go on. It's her drive right now and why she is there trying to use Jack's sources and her own as an editor, princess, and Kiriakis to find her. She points out how Nicole screwed with Eric's life and her own but also has hurt so many other people. Carrie, Austin, Lucas, and now she has caused the Brady's and herself so much suffering with exposing Hope and Steve the way she did and Frankie's death, which she is responsible for. Alex then says:

Alex: From what I hear, Nicole should take some blame but not all. Correct me if I'm wrong but all she did was push you toward where Steve and Bo were fighting. Between those two fighting and those trying to stop them, they pushed you toward the skylight and then you had no balance and fell. Frankie grabbed you and you both fell through. Isn't that how it happened?
Greta: Yes but Nicole should've been up there in the first place. Security was in place to keep her out. She sneaked in with a disguise and an intent on ruining lives. She wanted Steve and Hope exposed because they wouldn't help her. She put herself in a position that led to all this. She kept digging the knife deeper for Bo. She wanted a fight to start. The more pain, the better.
Alex: Maybe so but that's all circumstantial. She didn't actually push you and Bo and Steve could've stopped themselves.
Greta: Alex, emotions were high. That is asking a bit much. Why are you defending her?
Alex: I'm not. You have reason to hate Nicole and she is to blame. But...she isn't the only one. Hope and Steve kept that secret. Bo or Steve could've ended the fight before it went too far. You and Frankie didn't have to be up there.

Greta becomes angry.

Greta: We were up there to help!
Alex: Greta, the point is it was meant to be. I'm a believer in that. I think that is why everything fell how it did with my mother and me coming here and my mother finally telling me about Jack being my father. I think it was so I would have someone when...she died.
Greta: Maybe it was but he died saving me. It should have been me. I was falling. He didn't have to reach out and fall with me.
Alex: He wanted to. He loved you. Look, I blamed my father for my mother's death right after she died because the pain was fresh. That and the fact that I never knew him. I suppose alot of my anger was directed toward my mother for not telling me about Jack but I deflected that on Jack. I was mourning my mother. I was also angry with myself for not protecting her. For not doing more. I deflected that toward Jack too and it took reading my mother's letter in Switzerland to get me to realize how wrong I was.
Greta: You think I am doing that with Nicole because I blame myself for what happened to Frankie, don't you?
Alex: Yes. In a way.
Greta: Well, I'm not denying that. But this is about much more. Nicole has been screwing with people's lives for as long as I can remember and, especially in the past few months. She was involved with Orpheus and I don't even have to run down her list of crimes to you again.
Alex: No, you don't. I get it. I'm sure others feel the same. I just don't think Frankie would want this. I don't think he would want you to lose yourself.

Greta is confused.

Greta: Lose myself?
Alex: From what I know and have seen, your not this type of person. You don't hate. You don't hold grudges, even when you have a right to.
Greta: Yeah. I'm a doormat. I probably always will be in many cases. It's something Nicole has exploited for too long though. I don't believe in hate. I don't believe in violence but, in her case, I'll make an exception. Also, remember who my father is. I'm a Kiriakis too, Alex. You know what I may have in me. Deep down. We are who we are and sometimes there are things we don't even know about ourselves. Things happen and then we learn we are capable of things we never thought possible.
Alex: Perhaps but that side hasn't been apparent so far from what I know. Like you said, we are who we are. People can change but, I also believe there are some who are who they are, right down to their soul. You can't change that. Hell, even those that do change often fall back into old habits. Look, it's your choice how to deal with this. How to live. I know where you are coming from. All I want is for you to think about this before you make a mistake you'll regret. Before you lose yourself and are never able to go back.
Greta: Thanks, Alex. I'm fine and I know what I'm doing. Now, I really do need to get back to work.
Alex: Just think about what I said. That's all I ask. And be careful.

Greta nods, saying she will. Alex wishes her luck and says he has some work to do so he will be outside if she needs him. He then advises her to take it easy, pointing out she should still be at the hospital. Greta thanks him and says she will be fine. Alex nods and walks off, looking back at her once more before leaving. Greta then thinks for a moment and looks at a picture of Frankie on her desk. She caresses it lovingly and turns back to the computer, saying she knows what she has to do and it's past time Nicole gets what is coming to her. The scene then shifts back to...

ORPHEUS SECRET PALATIAL HOME(on the outskirts of Salem)

Nicole is now watching the surveillance cameras in Orpheus' secret room and is shocked by what she sees. The camera she is looking at shows Jean at the Salem Inn, outside of her and Alyson's suite, talking about her husband's death. Nicole is smiling as she listens in, saying:

Nicole: Interesting...so Jean is keeping something from her beloved daughter, Alyson. Juicy, indeed. I'm sure I can use this too at some point. I can't thank you enough for all these resources, Orpheus. And thank you for dying so I can use them. They may be just what I need to get the hell out of dodge.

Nicole smiles as she continues to watch the surveillance cameras and then the scene fades to black.




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Maybe Orpheus has so much video that he could make a touching Salem/DAYS montage to put youtube. That was such an amazing episode because Nicole's going to have so much power now that she knows what Orpheus knows. (Which is basically everything.)

I'm also digging the Sami/Kate team up plot. I wonder if one of them will pose as a stripper to get some info. on Silvana. Could you imagine Kate as a stripper?

Although I was always for John and Marlena, SL has made me reconsider the supercouple. Maybe it would be best for Marlena to move on to the man she first fell in love with.

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