1/30/08: SPACED OUT!
Kendall OR Greenlee...
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Kate is using the computer is Lucas's office, trying to find any info she can on Joelle in hopes it can lead to something. Later on, Kate has nothing and realizes she has no idea what she is doing. She decides she could really use Billie's help as she is a P.I. and has ISA training. Kate isn't so sure she will help as Billie seems to be a wreck since learning about Orpheus being her father and everything else that has happened. Kate grabs her coat and purse and decides it's worth a shot. She walks out and locks up the office as the scene shifts to...

A disheveled Billie walks down the street, drunk and lost in her own thoughts. She keeps playing out the images of the past few months in her head...Jack siding with Elizabeth, Elizabeth's death and Jack blaming her for it, learning Orpheus was her father and that she is a Dimera along with the fact that Kate never told her anything about it, learning Chelsea isn't hers and that her real daughter is likely dead, Frankie's death...it's all just too much. Billie lets out a cry of anguish and clutches her head and falls to the ground. She tells herself she is no good to anyone. She was trash before and now it's even worse...she is a Dimera. All she will end up doing is hurting the people she cares about most. She lifts her head up and sees a liquor store nearby. She is no longer hesitating or resisting the urge. She decides right away the store has what she wants so she gets up and walks quickly down the block, checking her pockets to make sure she has enough money as the scene shifts to...

Max and Abby arrive. Jack greets them, saying they have been trying to reach them for hours. Abby apologizes, saying they both had their phones off and were trying to just enjoy each other and forget about everything. Abby is shocked to see that Forrest is back and says it's good to see him. Forrest echoes that sentiment but tells Abby they have bad news. Forrest then fills Abby and Max in on the meeting, Lawrence, and the info Carly has given about him. Abby is shocked to see Carly, saying she has heard so much about her. Carly smiles, saying she is sure. Jack tells Abby the danger is real and her and JJ need protection. Shane chimes in, saying he recommends a safehouse. Abby, JJ, and Carly can go since they are the ones in the most immediate danger. Abby says absolutely not to the suggestion outright. Carly seconds that motion.
Jack, Bo and Shane remind both woman of the danger they are in. Max tells Abby they are right, reminding Abby of how she almost had to marry Forrest as a way of protecting herself. Abby knows that but thinks running is not the answer. Carly agrees, saying Lawrence is smart and no safehouse will stop him. Bo tries to convince Carly to go but she tells Bo she is not going. Bo tells her it's not safe for her. Hope watches and sees the concern in Bo's eyes for Carly. Steve asks if she is alright. Hope nods. Mike then chimes in and tells Abby that her mother would want her protected. Jack agrees, saying JJ needs to be protected too and he will need his big sister with him. Abby says she is not leaving Max right now. He is going through alot and needs her. Max says it's fine and tells her he would feel better knowing she were safe.
Shane suggests Max go with Abby. Max says he is willing to. Abby tells him his family needs him. Caroline yells out it would be alright. They would know he is taking care of a friend. Max smiles at Caroline, who is standing next to Kim. Max asks Abby if she would go if he went with her. Jack approaches Abby and urges her to do this for her brother too. He needs her and he needs to be protected. After a few moments, Abby agrees, as long as Max comes to. Shane thinks they have a deal. Now all attention turns to Carly as Shane suggests again that Carly go too and even thinks Stephanie and Kayla should go given Steve and Lawrence's past. Steve agrees. Kayla tells him to butt out and says she isn't going anywhere. Stephanie says she isn't going anywhere without her mom.
Kim points out Kayla is still recovering so it really isn't a good idea. Bo agrees. Shane nods in agreement and says they will put guards on everyone here not going to a safehouse and order extra man power to patrol Salem. Marlena, looking at Sami and Belle and also ate Carrie, thinks that is a good idea as there is no telling who Lawrence will target. Shane then tells Carly she really should go as she is in as much danger, if not more, then Abby. Carly defiantly says she is not going as the scene shifts to...

ORPHEUS SECRET PALATIAL HOME(on the outskirts of Salem)
Nicole sits in the dark, watching late night TV. Joey walks in to the room, startling Nicole. She asks him what he is doing up. Joey says he couldn't sleep, pointing out he has had a hard time since that first night where he was so tired he couldn't help but sleep. Joey asks what she is watching. Nicole says nothing really. She just couldn't sleep herself. Joey asks if she is worried. Nicole shakes her head, saying she has learned to deal with whatever is thrown her way by now. Joey tells Nicole he had fun playing video games with her tonight. He tells her how he never thought he would laugh and have fun again after his mother and grandmother died. Nicole admits she knows how that feels and thinks she still hasn't overcome that feeling and probably never will. Joey thinks she did tonight as she was having fun and that was not an act. Nicole says that was only temporary and it was right back into the gutter right after they stopped playing and reality became present again.
Joey thinks she just needs to loosen up more. Nicole isn't sure she can or that she ever will. Joey asks if it's because there are people after her. Nicole thinks he is a little too nosy and then says it's her turn to ask about him. Joey says there isn't much to tell. She knows everything. Nicole doesn't think that is the case and points out that he acted like he was hiding something earlier when she asked about his apartment being ransacked. Nicole then says she hates to ask this, knowing how hard it is, but how did his mother die? Joey doesn't answer and says he is feeling tired now. He bids her good night. Nicole tells him to wait and apologizes for asking. She can't relate as she hated both her father and mother but she can tell it's hurting him, losing his mother and grandmother. Joey says it's ok and he will see her in the morning.
Joey goes into one of the bedrooms as Nicole sits back down. She then grabs her purse and digs into it, pulling out a picture of Eric.
Nicole: So, I guess you brought him into my life but why? I mean, am I supposed to help him deal with losing his mom or something? I'm confused and I have enough problems. This kid needs someone better off then me to help him so if your thinking I can help, then you must be sipping some strong stuff up there, honey.
Nicole then thinks for a moment and gets up, with the picture in hand, she walks into the bedroom Joey entered and can hear him crying under his breath. Nicole seems unsure of what to do as she can tell he doesn't want her knowing he is crying. She hesitates and looks at him, listening to the faint sound of his cries. After a few moments, her resolve breaks then and she walks into the room, asking Joey if he is ok. Joey says he is fine and doesn't turn around. Nicole says she knows he isn't ok and turns him around to see his tear-stained face, Joey looks at her and breaks down in tears again. Nicole hesitates a bit but then takes him in her arms, dropping her photo of Eric on the ground, embracing Joey warmly as he cries out:
Joey: Why did she have to leave me? Why?!
Nicole: I wish I knew, Joey. I wish I knew. Sometimes it just happens. Sometimes we lose people we love and feel it's unfair. But, I guess, there is no way to ever know. We just have to deal with it the best we can.
Joey: I don't think I can deal with this. Especially not alone!
Nicole: You can. You will. And you are not alone.
Joey: I have no family, no friends...
Nicole: You have me, remember? I'm right here, Joey. I'm not going nowhere.
Joey: Your not.
Nicole: No. I'm not.
Joey hugs her tightly, telling her thank you repeatedly as Nicole lets out a deep breath and looks inquisitively at the picture of Eric laying on the floor as the scene shifts back to...

The meeting is now over and Victor is on his way out. He tells Bo he will see him at home and to tell Shane he will report anything uncovered to him by his people. Bo thanks Victor, who walks out. Bo turns and sees Hope. Bo says nothing and simply walks back over to Carly. Hope watches Bo and Carly together as Steve walks up, telling Hope not to think anything of it. Hope says it's hard not to as she thinks Bo and her may really be through. Steve thinks the same of him and Kayla. Hope says she just doesn't think they can get back what they lost.
Caroline tells Kim she is going upstairs to check on Kayla and Stephanie and to lock up the Pub once everyone leaves. Kim agrees. Bo tells Carly he wishes she would reconsider about the safehouse. Carly says she isn't going and no one is going to convince her other. Besides, staying with him and Victor is much safer to her then a safehouse. Shane thinks Carly is making a mistake. Carly says then she will just learn the hard way if that is the case. Bo, Shane, and Miranda look at each other with worry. Jack goes over to Abby and says she is making the right decision. She tells Jack she is doing it for him, JJ, and for Max. She doesn't want them to worry. He thanks her, saying it's the right decision. Forrest comes over and agrees, saying they will move her, JJ, and Max out early in the morning. Meanwhile, outside, a mysterious figure lurks...

Kate is knocking on the door and there is no answer. It's late and the halls are dark so she decides to just leave and try to think of something else to help Lucas for now. She will just call Billie later. Kate walks off, gets on the elevator, and, as it closes, Billie comes out of the other elevator and heads for her office, clearly off balance. She goes inside, throws her coat off, and immediately opens one of the bottles of liquor she purchased. She sits down and pours and immediately starts drinking, saying:
Billie: Here's to you, Billie Re...Billie DiMera. Bottoms up...
The scene then pans upward on an overheard shot of Billie and then fades to black.
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