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Episode 103: Release Her

Matt P.


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Carlos was both happy and confused to see Jenny come to his rescue. Jenny was upset with what was going on in front of her. C.C. gets off of Carlos to face her.


What did you say?


You heard me. Get your slutty, whorish paws off of my man or I will personally see to it that I throw you face first through that window. The law’s on my side bitch!

C.C. takes her whip and tries hitting her with it. Jenny grabs it and throws it across the room.


What are you doing here anyway?


Will someone please untie me?


Why don’t I let Detective Miltner explain that.

Jenny opens the door to let Detective Miltner into the room. He shoots Carlos a weird look. He then looks at C.C. dressed in her outfit.

Det. Miltner:

I’d suggest you put some clothes on.

(clearing his throat)

Both of you.


Why? Are you going to arrest me for playing dress up?

Det. Miltner:

No. I’m arresting you for the murder of Doctor Nicholas Quarr.



You! You were the one who did it.

C.C. didn’t know what to think. She just stood there, slowly shaking her head.


Go ahead C.C. Why don’t you let us all know why you resorted to cold hearted murder. This is why I’m released. So maybe I should be thanking you.


You all are the crazy ones. You have no proof.


Hello? Can someone please untie me so that I can get dressed?

Jenny unties Carlos and hugs him. He quickly begins to dress himself while waiting for C.C.’s response.

Det. Miltner:

Actually we do Miss Chastity. There was red hair found at the scene of the crime. The hair had traces of Nick’s blood on it.


I don’t mean to tell you how to play CSI but I’m a brunette.

(pointing to Jenny)

The red head’s over there.

Det. Miltner:

The hair was prosthetic. It hit me after Jenny’s long testimony about the, situation so to speak, I was able to see the video you made with Carlos. In that video you pretended to be Jenny with a red wig that was an exact match to the evidence that we found.


The tape that she practically raped me on. That’s a crime in itself!


If you want to watch a porno detective I suggest going to a dirty movie theater. Unless you’re that perverted that you want a live show. Carlos and I were having an interesting romp before you all broke in.

Jenny goes after C.C. but is stopped by Carlos. Detective Miltner handcuffs C.C. who begins to squirm.


Didn’t think you were that kinky detective!


You’re pathetic.


No you are! I was the only one who did what everyone else wanted to do but no one else could.

Det. Miltner:

Okay. Let’s go.


Let me speak.

Detective Miltner looks at Jenny and Carlos who motions for her to stay.


I couldn’t take anymore. Nick had raped Jenny and he threatened me. So I went to his office…

A flashback begins of C.C. going to Nick’s office during the wee hours of the night as she recalls the story.



I saw him doing work by himself. He noticed me, he was friendly, but that wasn’t what I wanted to be with him. Without thinking I strangled him but he broke free. Then I bashed him, I just kept hitting him over the head, with the phone. He was trying to say Charissa but he couldn’t because he was dead.

Det. Miltner:

I’ll take that as a confession.


There’s more though. He knew a secret of mine. Not everything was about them. He knew about my cocaine addiction and threatened to expose me so that’s the main reason why I killed him. He was so close to betraying me. I only tried helping you Carlos. I knew how much you hated him. With Jenny in jail, we could’ve been together, forever.


I don’t know who I loathe more, you or Nick. Take her away.






Detective Miltner stops.


(to C.C.)

I want you to know something…

Jenny spits in C.C.’s face.


I hope you rot in your cell!


Did you see that? She just assaulted me! Aren’t you going to do something?

Det. Miltner:

I didn’t see anything.



After C.C.’s screaming pleads fade into the police car. Jenny and Carlos watch as they haul C.C. off to jail. From the back of the police car, she mouths “I love you” to Carlos who could only look away in shame.

- - -


Episode 103:

Release Her

Executive Story Consultant & Creator:

Matt Politylo

Logo Designer:

Mary Zimmerman

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The next morning Ava collects her books for a class and gathers her things to leave. She looks at herself in the mirror and smiles. Even though the smile felt forced, she convinced herself that she’s still a good person. Ava opens the door and finds Nate about to knock on it.


Good timing.


Yeah I guess.


I grabbed you a Mocha Latte from the café.


You shouldn’t have.

Ava shuts her door to leave. Ava reluctantly grabs the drink and begins to sip on it. She begins to walk in a fast pace to class and Nate follows.


Is this your idea of leaving me alone?


Look I feel bad about what I did. It wasn’t my intention to come between you and Sky. I don’t know what you two had but a blind person could see that the girl was controlling. Forget about controlling, she was just down right mean.


I had no idea how you felt about me. Me falling for Sky was bound to happen. I had my heart broken so of course I was looking for someone else to go after. Hell it could’ve been you.


Look I didn’t come to judge you or to confess how I feel about you, I just wanted to apologize.


You have nothing to be sorry about. I’m glad that I came to the conclusion that I was forcing myself to be something that I wasn’t.




We started out as friends. Let’s just continue with that.


But I don’t know if I want a friendship with you.


No confessions. Remember what you said, you aren’t here to tell me how you feel.


I'm not confessing anything.


Well I’m just looking to be friends. When I’m ready to go back into a relationship, I’ll let you know.



Nate stops following her out of frustration. Ava notices it and turns around to face him.


Thank you though.


For what?


For the coffee. It was a nice, friendly gesture.

Nate smiles at her and Ava smiles back.

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A new girl walks into her new room at Point Palace. She looks around and is happy with what she has chosen. Marli Calloway makes her way to her computer screen.


Let’s see what I’ve been missing back home.


Oh my god. He’s been set free. How the hell could a jury set a murderer free?

Marli begins to have a flashback to when she was driving to a club in Reno, Nevada. She finds the club's parking lot but when she walks to the door she hears something from a far.



Marli shrugs it off as nothing until she hears a man screaming. Marli continues to walk away even faster. The screaming continues. Marli stops to investigate.


Anyone there?

She stops when she sees in another car; three men holding a gun up to another guy behind a truck. The guys were younger, close to her age, but were dressed up in normal college kid clothing. The guy on the other end of the gun had his hands in the air. Marli hides behind a car, trying to call for help. Her fingers were shaking too much.


(praying in a whisper)

Please…oh please don’t hurt him.

A gunshot goes off which scares Marli and makes her scream. Her scream makes the shooters aware that someone was watching them. They begin to look for witnesses. Until Marli’s eyes meet with the main shooter.

The flashback ends. Marli gets a call on her cell phone, which startles her. She picks it up.


Hi. I know that your number is blocked. Yeah I’m fine. I’ve settled into a small quaint little school.


I’m safe because I’m pretty sure that no one will know who I am. This school seems too quiet.

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In John’s room, John powers on his MAC computer. He starts to review some photos that he was planning on adding to his portfolio.


(talking to himself)

This one definitely will be added to the bunch.

Behind him, Marissa looks over his shoulder with a glass of red wine in her hand.


Oooh that one looks really cool. The way you blended the shadows work for this picture.

John is startled by Marissa.


You scared the crap out of me. I thought you were putting L.J. to bed.


I did and I wanted to treat myself to a little snack. I hope you don’t mind me raiding through your wine collection.

(taking a sip of her Merlot)

You are a true Snaldry.


Why is that? Because I have alcohol?


That and because we have class. In speaking of class, how are you balancing everything?


Fine I guess. The hardest part is having a relationship.


Oh that’s right you do have a girlfriend. Where is she? Why hasn’t she helped out with L.J.? Heck, I haven’t even heard her call.


Well mom, she is out of the country. Besides we’re not on the best terms right now.

John pulls up the first picture he ever took of Alley. It was the first time they met.


This is her.


She’s pretty.


Yeah but we’re just going through some stuff. Some of it has to do with my career and some of it has to do deal with other people.


Hopefully everything works out for the best. Don’t worry about the career, I’m working on looking for jobs for you. You’re talented and I have connections. Also, you know I have tons of girls who would just love to go out with you. That is if doesn’t work out with this one.



John hears L.J. crying from the other room.


Oh I guess someone’s awake. I’ll go get her. You’ve done enough.

Marissa looks at the picture of Alley smiling back at her from the screen. Marissa was thinking of every negative aspect she could pin point about her. Bad skin, horrible teeth, ugly hair.


(talking to the screen)

I don’t even know you and already I loathe you.

Marissa deletes the picture.

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Late afternoon in France, Fernec and Isabelle open their door to a very angry Blake. Behind him was Alley and behind her were two French police officers.


What’s going on? Qu'est-ce que c'est d'it?


Where is she? Where’s Nan?


Who’s Nan?


London or whomever she’s been scamming you all as.


Upstairs. Seriously why are the police here.

(to the police)

Monsieur, nous parlons dans private. Oui?

Blake shoots off for the staircase. Alley walks in to mediate but she can only talk to Isabelle since Fernec was talking to a police officer in French.


A very bad person has been impersonating London.

Isabelle is shocked. Upstairs, Nan heard all of the commotion. Her bags were already packed. Just in case something was to go wrong, which of course had happened, she was prepared.



You in here you little bitch? I know you are!

Blake violently knocks on the door.


Give it up. On the count of three I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll break this door down. One…Two…Three!

Blake busts into the room.

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Back in Point Palace, Will’s door is wide open as he chats with Lenvy. She walks closer to him. He smiles at her.


How’ve you been?


Let’s see. Your dear friend put a hit out on me with the girl I fell for. The same girl who got me over you.


You’re not completely over me though.


I never will be.


So she wasn’t the one. There are other fish in the sea.

Alicia notices Will talking to himself.



Will is embarrassed when he comes to.


I was rehearsing something for a play.


Oh so you’re a theater major?


Yeah. Something like that. What can I do for you?


I was bored and thought I’d say hello.


Bored? Isn’t Jace keeping you busy?


Jace is in the shower.

Jace pops up behind her wrapped up in a towel that displayed his toned midriff.


Actually I’m done.

(to Will)

What’s going on here?


Nothing. Just chilling.


I was actually trying to wrangle up a three way.


Well I’m up for it if Will is.



Jace begins to remove his towel before laughing.


She does that to all of the neighbors.


Wow you two had me going there.


Don’t look too much into it.


We came to tell you about a party that’s going on tomorrow night. At least that’s why I think Alicia was here to tell you. The whole place is going to be banging.


I’ll be there. Thanks for getting my hopes up you two.

Will watches as Jace and Alicia leave.


(thinking to himself)

If she turns around she likes me.

Alicia turns around and winks at him. He shuts his door and laughs. Meanwhile, Jace pulls Alicia aside to confront her.


What the hell was that?


Am I not allowed to have fun or be friendly? He seems like a cool guy.

Jace grabs her by her hips and pushes her into the wall of the common area.


I don’t ever want to see you flirting with another guy like that again! You know what it does to me.

Alicia shakes her head to agree. Jace begins to forcefully kiss her.

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Alley rushes into the bedroom to find it empty. All of Nan’s things, including herself, were gone. Blake begins to pace back and forth.


Why did you let her get away?


I wanted you to see it for yourself.


Of course. This makes sense. Nan wouldn’t be dead and London wouldn't be alive.


If it means anything I gave her a good fight. It was your idea to get the police involved and she deserves to go to jail, I just guess we were too late. I’m sorry.


I am too. I feel even sorrier for Nan because when I find her, I don’t know what I’ll do.

Outside of Fernec’s chateau, Nan had climbed her way out of the two story window, just in time to escape from Blake finding her. The fall was silent. She begins to walk away until she is stopped by a guard.


Excusez-moi mademoiselle.


(faking a southern accent)

I’m sorry I don’t parlez the French. Is there something going on in there?


Je ne’sais pas. Mon anglais est mal.


I best be going. Y’all have a beautiful country.

(butchering the French language)



Oui. Continuez.




Nan begins to hurry along with her bags in hand. She smiles and laughs along the way before turning around to face the chateau.


See you at home bitches!

Nan blows a kiss goodbye. She disappears into the crowd of people.

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In Dylan’s room, Carrie continues to bounce up and down under the sheets of his bed. The two hadn’t been able to be intimate for a while so their sexual rendezvous was in much need. Dylan begins to moan in ecstasy before climaxing.


Oh that was amazing.


(kissing his neck)

Tell me about it.


I don’t know about you but I need a shower.


Do you want me to join you?


You can if you want.


Actually I need to get going.


I see how it is. Hit and split.



Yeah that’s exactly what it is.

Dylan makes his way into the shower. He turns the water on and steps in.


I love you and I’ll call you later okay?





I love you.

Dylan stops the shower and gets out. He begins to towel off. Until he freezes with horror after noticing something on his body.

- - -

Join Us Next Time For Another Exciting Episode of Point Palace


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New Characters and sassiness is the words I would describe PP's season 5 so far. The dialog is much more aggressive, I love that, and I like now how the SONOP blogs now write a scene(opening act) then title and credits. Thas cute. Where do I begin, ( You know meImage23.gif)

I loved CC's dialog and was cracking up when she tried to hit Jenny with that whip. I also loved how Carlos was still tied up during all this madness. I was so mad at CC for confessing everything. What a dummy. Is this the end for her. I think CC could give Nan a run for her money. I could see CC in Pasadena.....

When I first read the name Marli I thought what the [!@#$%^&*], lol My name is Marlin, it's really tripping me out. Another newbie with a secret past. Like to see where this one goes. I do like her lighter hair.

I SO LOVE MARISSA and Kay's pic. I love when she looked at Alley's pic. I can tell she's going to be one of this chics who will say what ever she wants and not give a [!@#$%^&*]. A little like Ria. I can't wait till see and Alley meet.

And I had to laugh when Blake said Huff and Puff. Wow A good episode until the ending. I am on the fence on that one. Let's see where this one goes. ( I mean was it in his private area, his face, and how nasty of Carrie for not wash out that trap after she had sex. I hope she at least went home to so.)

I LOVE THE CASTING OF JACE!!!!! I thought they was fenna get down wit a 3 some for real. Word.

Great one Matt!!!

PS I didn't know alcohols was allowed on campus....

OH and I loved how you worked in Will's and Jon's backgrounds and such.

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OMG - That was AWESOME - ALL I have to say, can someone untied me, please? - MAN the opening scene - wow, C.C. was so real, I have flashback from all of the great daytime showdown from a vixen, right before her hopes and dreams come crash down in front her eyes, her world shatter ... with C.C.'s words, "Annie from Sunset Beach came to play, Annie Guiding Light, Tricia Y&R, Amber B&B and of course, the most popular love to HATE girls, SAMI BRADY and KRISTEN DAYS" - all merge to this great scene throught C.C.'s eyes, will done -

I actually hate, and yet feel sorry for her at the same time...

"LOLOLOLOLOLOL - Stupid Guard or "Si Je dis, garde stupide." - he lets Nan get away - didn't he sees the police.

AND Nice ended... DALYN, what's going going with him? -


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