Episode 102: The Return (Season 5 Premiere)
- Sky forces Ava to choose between her and Nate.
- Carrie asks Dylan if they could relocate to Lexington
- Alexia and Tanisha found out that Owen was kidnapped by their mother and Alexia decided to stay home but Tanisha wants a long distance relationship.
- Agatha acts strange when she vists Jenny in jail, making Carlos think that she might be a suspect.
- John is informed that his sister is coming to town.
- Detective Miltner got a valuable piece of evidence and knows who killed Nick.
- Alley went to confront London about her leaving only to find that someone has been impersonating her.
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Alley walks into what was supposedly the rented bedroom belonging to London. Alley had to do a double take because she was in shock. Standing before her was Nan Sheridan, dressed up in parts as London.
Well don’t you know how to make a lovely entrance.
Alley it’s always so nice to see a bitch like you. Please note the sarcasm in my voice.
This makes sense. In some sick and twisted way, this was what I knew would happen all along. There’s no way that London could be alive. But you…you’re just full of endless possibilities.
Really? How do you know that? How the hell are you so sure of everything?
You’re still screwed up and what’s even better is that you’re dead. Everyone back at Point Palace thought you died.
Everyone back at Point Palace, are stupid lowlifes. Just like yourself.
After what you did you’re the one stupid enough to get caught. You’re even stupider for showing up alive.
You’re the only one who knows that but I’m sure you’ll go and run that big mouth of yours. Just like you had to go and tell Blake that Will was the father of my baby. Since we’re dwelling on the past, Will did cheat on you and impregnated me right?
And if we’re digging even further. I remember that I kicked your ass then.
You’d like to think that. Why couldn’t you be a part of my explosion? It certainly caused a few sparks so to speak.
Somehow fate has just brought me to you.
Nan laughs at Alley’s comeback. Nan looks at herself in the mirror, away from Alley, smiling as she continues to peel the fake skin off of her face.
It’s so real isn’t it? Money can buy such nice things. Like the life of your ex’s lover. It certainly fooled Blake.
Well it didn’t fool me.
You’re always coming to Blake’s defense. When will you two realize that you mean so much more to each other than you really let on. Seriously, you want to talk about fate? You two deadbeats deserve each other, always have and you always will. This is like freshmen year all over again.
If that’s the case, then I’ll kick your ass again!
Alley forcefully pulls Nan’s hair and begins to shake her back and forth. Nan turns around and slaps Alley across the face, not once, but twice with a backhand. Nan grabs onto Alley’s hair as the two begin to struggle. Alley throws Nan into a dresser drawer. Alley grabs onto Nan’s shirt and spins her around the room. When she let’s go, the shirt rips, and Nan falls into her “London” makeup. Nan pulls the “London” wig and whips Alley across the face with it. Alley shields her face before kicking Nan in her shin. When she goes to kick Nan again, Nan grabs onto her leg, and throws her into a dresser. Alley stands up and throws a few of the small makeup kits that were on a shelf. Nan retaliates by picking up a small wooden chair and hitting Alley in the back making her go down.
While the action was unfolding upstairs, Fernec and Isabelle wait patiently downstairs.
Qu’est-ce que c’est d’it?
Mes amis, London has a friend over.
Oh la la. I guess it’s a reunion.
The couple continue to sit on their couch reading a medical journal. After hearing a loud crash from upstairs they both look at each other.
I’ll go see what’s going on.
Back upstairs the girls roll across the bed, pulling each other’s hair. Alley grabs a pillow and whacks Nan in the head with it. She then tries smothering Nan with the pillow. Nan bites her hand and kicks her off of the bed but Alley grabs her hair to take her with down with her. When they both fall to the ground, Nan sits on top of Alley, strangling her.
Why won’t you die?
Alley gasps for air while Alley is on top of her, strangling her. Blindly, she looks for something to hit Nan with. She feels a wire from another dresser drawer. Alley tugs the wire and an electric alarm clock hits Nan in the head. The girls stop fighting, Alley coughs and Nan tries consoling her head. Just then, Fernec comes into the room.
What the fu-
She did it!
Alley tries attacking Nan again but Nan hides her true face from Fernec.
Don’t worry the police and especially Blake will know about everything you did. I’ll make sure of it.
(to Fernec)
Sorry about your home.
Alley exits. Still not getting a good look at Nan, Fernec begins to clean up.
Are you okay madame?
(in London’s voice)
Please…just leave me alone. I need some time to myself.
Fernec exits. Nan laughs at what had just happened.
Just wait Point Palace…the big bad bitch is back!
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The Return (Season 5 Finale)
Executive Story Consultant & Creator:
Matt Politylo
Logo Designer:
Mary Zimmerman
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Back at Point Palace University, Ava paces back and forth in her own room. Sky has her hands on her hips, waiting for an answer, and Nate was just as curious. Ava was speechless, until opening her mouth.
I don’t know. I can’t choose.
What? The answer should be easy babe. You want me and only me!
Maybe she doesn’t want to be bossed around anymore. In that case she would be better if she were with me.
(to Nate)
Maybe we were doing just fine until you barged in.
Stop. Seriously just stop. When I say I don’t know I truly mean it. Maybe I don’t want to be a-
Ava stops herself from what she was about to say.
Be a what…a lesbian?
That’s not what I was going to say.
It sure sounded like it.
Why don’t you give her room to speak Sky? It’s always what you want and what you feel that counts.
Shut your mouth.
(to Ava)
Go on babe. Whatever you have to say I’m here for you.
Ava looks away from Sky.
I’ve been doing so much thinking lately and I don’t think that I can go on like this any longer. Sky I’m not a lesbian. I was just someone who was confused and I felt obligated to go out with you. Who wouldn’t want to? You helped me out with so much. You were the one who got me over James and you saved my life.
Where is this all coming from? I don’t get it.
I’m sorry Sky. I don’t want to be with you.
What? But…
I think I should go.
No stay.
You’re seriously leaving me for him? A man? Someone who can’t treat you like I can. I know what you need and what you want. Do you think he can do that for you? Have fun worrying about what kind of herpes you might be infested with.
I was going to tell Nate that I only like him as a friend. I’m not in love or in like with anyone.
I understand.
I don’t! I really did fall for you.
Please…I’m sorry. I really am.
(looking at Nate)
You will be.
Sky exits Ava’s room, slamming the door behind her. The slam makes Ava shiver a bit. Nate looks at her.
Look I just want to be alone. Please respect my decision.
Nate takes her hand and rubs it. He smiles at her to show her that he agrees with her. Nate lets go and exits, leaving Ava to be alone.
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To get his mind off of Mika and to make it look like he’s truly dead, Will moves into a new apartment on a different side of campus. He begins to lodge into his new room. It was just what he needed, a change in scenery. Will was also dawning a somewhat new look, his hair was shorter, and he had died his hair burgundy red. Just in case a member from the Yakuza were looking for him but to them he was dead.
Just what I need. A new change of scenery.
Will opens the door of the lobby to go back outside for more stuff but instead runs into an attractive female. She smiles at him and he smiles at her.
Can I help you?
Sure you can get out of my way.
You’re Australian?
Yeah what gave it away mate? I should’ve thrown a boomerang at you.
You’re funny. My name is Will Pazner. And you are?
From upstairs one of Will’s neighbors walk down the steps. Will begins to size him up.
I’m Jace Broyeau. Nice to meet you Will.
I take it you’re a neighbor?
Yeah we are but I won’t be asking for sugar anytime soon.
Jace makes his way towards Alicia and begins to hold her in his arms.
I get that from this one.
I’m his girlfriend. Alicia Amberson. And we don't live together so don't get that thought in your head.
Not yet at least.
(to Alicia)
What part of Australia are you from?
(to Will)
Do you need any help moving in?
No I think I’ll be just fine. It was nice meeting you and I’m sure we’ll be hanging out soon.
Yeah we’re going to turn this into a huge party house.
Just look out for Jace when he drinks, he can become a wild one.
Jace snickers at his girlfriend’s comment.
That’s my kind of drinking buddy.
Jace motions for Alicia to follow him upstairs. She does. Will watches them walking away, hoping for Alicia to look back at him. Will laughs it off and continues to unpack in his apartment.
Boyfriends mean nothing to me.
Will begins to laugh in an evil way. He turns around and runs into Lenvy.
- - -
John walks back to his room from an early class. He looks at the mail that he retrieved from his mail box. Nothing really seemed to interest him. John pulls out his keys to open his door. Until he notices that the door was open.
What the hell?
John slowly opens the door to investigate the scene. His room was just the way he left it. Maybe he forgot to lock his door he thinks to himself.
I must be losing my mind.
Before sitting down on his couch to relax, John is startled by a girl walking around in a towel from his bathroom.
Oh my god! Marissa?
John you’re back!
What are you doing here? Are you using my shower?
Yeah, I hope you don’t mind. I got in and needed to take a hot one. But I think I might’ve used up all of the warm water. Sorry.
How did you get into my place? I thought that I locked it.
You did but you know me. I’m able to pick any lock.
You’re lucky that you’re my sister. That’s called breaking and entering.
We’re family. Besides I thought that you knew I was on my way. I told Guy to inform you.
He did inform me. He just didn’t tell me when.
You’re okay with me staying here for a few days?
Yeah sure. It’s just going to be a packed room. What with my girlfriend and L.J.
Oh yeah I forgot all about that. I’m an aunt. Where is she?
She’s with my sitter who helps me when I’m in classes.
John gets a knock on his door.
That should be her right now.
Cool, let me get it.
Marissa answers the door. The sitter is surprised to see a woman in a towel. Marissa takes baby L.J. from her.
(to the sitter)
Don’t worry we won’t be needing your services anymore. You’ll get paid as soon as possible. Thanks.
Marissa shuts the door with her other hand and smiles back at John who is dumbfounded.
(looking at L.J.)
She’s beautiful. It’s because she’s a Snaldry.
I- You- But-
Hey you're big sis is here to help. Instead of staying a few days, I think it will be best if I stay for a few weeks. You’re going to need help raising this little girl. We’ll be one happy family. I’m sure your girlfriend will understand that too. Can’t wait to meet her.
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At The Palace Café, Dylan and Carrie go up to the counter to order drinks. They are happy to see Ginny who looks like she’s been having a long day.
What can I get you two?
Just a small coffee for me.
Same. You look like you need a break.
Oh I do. We’re short staffed and they’re thinking about bumping me up to manager.
You truly deserve it.
Thanks guys so tell your friends if you know anyone who needs a job. It’s fun and it pays okay. Okay?
Will do.
Ginny hands them their drinks. The two find a table.
Maybe I should start working here. I feel like I have way too much time on my hands.
I thought you were worried about leaving town.
Do you really want to follow me to Lexington? Deal with Juliana and Victor?
Honestly, after everything that happened. No…not really.
I kind of need a break from them too. I’ll call Juliana later and break the news to her. Now I think I’m going to apply for that job.
Dylan and Carrie stand up. Dylan winces in pain after he feels a shooting pain near his stomach.
Are you okay?
Dylan winces again. He places his hands near his stomach.
I guess. I just felt like my stomach was hurting. I’m sure it was nothing.
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Bryan gets a phone call from Nan. He begins to talk to her while taking the glass elevator to The River Teal.
All I have to do is convince Lanoi and Benjamin to accept my offer then the school’s mine.
Good luck. Just remember that I’m dead but that can all change.
Believe me, I’m putting all of the blame on you.
I'll come back and kill you myself if you do. See you soon.
Bryan hangs up with Nan and makes his way to the table. He puts the fakest smile on his face that he could.
Lanoi, Benjamin, it’s so nice to see you. Thank you for coming.
There are still a few loose ends that we need to tie with up with you Bryan.
Like what happened with the explosion.
That was just a misunderstanding. I had no idea that Nan was going to do what she did. Besides she’s long gone and I felt threatened. I felt like no one was on my side so that’s why I wanted to take a break from this place.
You’re saying that you didn’t try framing Blake?
Am I really capable of such a thing?
No. The answer is no. We all know that Hammerton wanted a lie to get me out. It’s politics and he fights dirty.
We were also give wind of the fact that you were in his office recently. From Mister Colby.
Again another Hammerton pusher. Dylan threatened me. I’m sure he left that part out though.
We weren’t aware of that. Please Bryan just state your business.
Bryan throws his check in the amount of ten million dollars out on the table.
This is for you two. You can split it however you like. All you have to do is have me replace Hammerton. He’s been away for so long that I don’t think he cares about the school anymore. Unlike me. This is a very legitimate and very legal way of doing things. Hell I’d call it professional.
Benjamin and Lanoi look at each other.
The choice is yours.
- - -
In France, Blake gets ready for a romantic evening with London. While he gets ready in his hotel room, he’s on his cell phone talking to Alexia.
I know I’ll miss you too. I hope that you, Owen, and you’re family are okay. Yeah. It’s a miracle that she’s alive. Stop in and say hi at anytime. You’re the best at what you do, I’m sure you’ll get hired for some sort of party. Take care.
Blake puts his phone in his pocket and begins to leave. He opens the door to find Alley with a stoic look on her face.
Hey what’s wrong?
I think you need to sit down for this.
Actually I can’t I’m getting ready to see London. This time I’m going to convince her to come home.
That’s what I need to talk to you about.
I saw London earlier.
For a moment Alley could see how much in love he still was with the idea of London being alive.
You look nice Blake.
I know when you’re stalling. Just spit it out. What’s wrong with London?
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Late at night in Carlos’s room. Carlos gets ready to sleep yet again by himself. Before he goes to bed he makes a phone call to Jenny. Knowing full well that she wasn't allowed calls, he left a message for her that he knew she would receive.
Hey chica. I miss you and just wanted to say that I love you. Sleep well okay? Bye.
Carlos hangs up the phone and takes off his shirt before slipping into bed. He then gets a knock at his door. He answers it but is not happy when he finds C.C. before him dressed in a white trench coat.
What are you doing here?
I figured you’d be lonely. Do you maybe want to watch a movie or something? We could order a sexy thriller that I starred in.
You’re ridiculous. Get out of here.
No! I want you to admit that you want me.
I’m admitting nothing to you. My heart is with one girl and because of certain circumstances I can’t be with her. Now go before I call the cops.
Carlos turns around to slam the door in her face. She quietly opens it and lets herself in his room. He doesn’t hear her but punches him in the back of the head. Carlos falls down. C.C. begins to drag him to his bedroom.
Fine have it your way. We’ll do things kinky.
Carlos wakes up a few minutes later and finds himself tied to his bed. He then sees C.C. dressed in a shiny black dominatrix outfit.
Let me go!
Not until you give me what I want.
With her whip in hand she slowly inches her way towards his crotch.
Looks like someone’s waking up.
You’re so sick!
Sick in love.
C.C. straddles Carlos and begins to kiss him. There really wasn’t much he couldn’t do to avoid her. All of a sudden the door is busted into and Jenny pushes C.C. off of Carlos.
Get your slutty hands off of my boyfriend you murderer!
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