Adrienne comforts Stephanie in a waiting area. She tells Stephanie she is sorry for yelling at her but just thinks it's not the time or place to be lashing out at Hope and her father. Stephanie nods, apologizing and admitting she lost her cool. Stephanie agrees to drop what her father and Hope did until she knows that her mother and unborn sibling are ok. Adrienne smiles and embraces her, assuring her she is doing the right thing.
Meanwhile, a stoic Marlena returns to Hope and Steve, who are outside Kayla's room, telling them the news about Frankie isn't good. She tells them Fr. Jansen has been called and Frankie's brain activity has slowed considerably. Hope and Steve are shocked. An emotional Hope falls into Steve's arms, saying they did this, just as Adrienne and Stephanie enter to witness the scene...
Outside Frankie's room, Mike and Lexie are explaining Frankie's condition to Jack, Billie, Abe, Celeste, Max, Abby, Bo, Kim, Victor, Maggie, Greta, and Caroline. Carrie and Belle arrive, wheeling Sami. Caroline is glad they are there, saying the family needs to be together right now. Mike tells Caroline Frankie has nearly no brain activity at all due to the severe blow he took and blood is having a hard time getting to his heart. Lexie adds that it's only a matter of time. Bo and Kim comfort Caroline as she breaks down. Abby comforts Max. Abe goes to call the station to fill Roman in.
Victor kneels down near Greta and tells her he is so sorry. Greta asks what he's sorry for. She tells Victor defiantly that Frankie is going nowhere. Everyone looks at Greta and they begin to realize she is in denial. Greta tells them all she still believes Frankie is going to make it, especially once she tells him what she needs to. Mike interjects and thinks they should all begin to say their goodbyes as they wait for Fr. Jansen.
Caroline tells Carrie, Sami, and Belle to go in first. The girls enter. Carrie takes Frankie's hand, telling him she used to have the biggest crush on him when she was growing up. She admits being embarrassed by it. Sami and Belle are stunned and smile slightly. Sami tells Frankie she wishes she got to know him better and spent more time with him. Belle agrees, saying she promises to not make that mistake with Max. Sami agrees.
Jack and Billie walk in as Carrie, Belle, and Sami move to the side. Billie is fighting back tears and tells Frankie she only wishes she had known him longer then the past few years. He is a great guy, a great friend, and adds that she enjoyed working with him to investigate the cloaked figure last year.
Billie: Your going out the hero, Frankie. You were always the good guy...right up...until now.
Billie begins to cry as she takes Frankie's hand and kisses it, saying:
Billie: Goodbye, my friend.
Jack then steps forward and tells Frankie:
Jack (smiling slightly): It's not fair you get to see Jennifer first. I guess I can spot you a win, though.
Jack and everyone else laughs.
Jack: All the times I cheated death and I'm still here and you...something seems wrong with this picture, Francois. Seriously, thank you, Frankie. I've never had many friends but you...were one of a kind. I will never forget all that you did for me, Abigail, Jack Jr...and...for Jennifer. Not to mention all that you have done lately for Billie and I...your one of a kind. We'll meet again, my friend. Say hello to Jennifer for me.
Jack pats Frankie on the shoulder and walks off, seemingly fighting back tears. Bo and Kim then walk up. A crying Kim takes Frankie's hand. Bo stands behind her and puts his hand on Frankie's shoulder.
Bo: I always knew how you and Max felt...not being blood Brady's. It was harder for you both, though. I grew up thinking I was a Brady by blood but you two had no trouble fitting in. You were Brady's from the start. Always have been, always will be.
Kim: Bo is right. I never thought of you as anything but a brother to me. You don't know how much you will be missed, Frankie. We love you...so much.
Bo: We're losing a good man. And don't you worry about Max. We'll all take care of him.
Kim: And be there for him.
Bo: We'll miss you, man. Goodbye.
Kim: Goodbye, Frankie.
Kim kisses Frankie on the cheek as Bo wheels her away. Caroline, Max, and Abby walk in to say their goodbyes but Abe then announces that Fr. Jansen has arrived. Fr. Jansen walks into Frankie's room and apologizes to Caroline, Max, and everyone in the room for their loss. Greta wheels over to Fr. Jansen, saying she is glad he is there. Frankie could use prayers and a blessing to give him the strength to fight through this. Everyone looks at Greta with great concern. Fr. Jansen takes Greta's hand, smiles, and nods. He tells Greta it's always good to have hope. She smiles.
Fr. Jansen then approaches Frankie's bedside. Mike suggests Fr. Jansen begin as there may not be much time. Fr. Jansen says he understands and announces it's time to begin...as the scene shifts back to...
Hope and Steve, who are stunned to see Adrienne and Stephanie there. Hope backs away from Steve. Marlena interrupts the tense moment and fills them both in on the news about Frankie. Stephanie is devastated. Adrienne comforts her. Rich then comes out of Kayla's room and says that Kayla's blood pressure is stable. He then adds that he heard about Frankie and advises them not to tell Kayla anything about that yet. Steve wonders what they should do as Kayla would want to mourn her brother and would hate not knowing about it. Rich tells Steve it's up to all of them but any stress right now could cost Kayla and the baby their lives. Rich's words stun and worry everyone as the scene shifts back to...
Frankie's room, as Fr. Jansen has finished the Last Rites and Caroline is thanking him for coming so quickly. He wishes Caroline the best and tells her to remember Frankie will be with God. Caroline nods. Everyone else then says goodbye to Fr. Jansen and thanks him. Mike looks at Frankie's monitors and says it should not be long now. Caroline tells Max and Abby to go ahead. They walk up. Abby takes Frankie's hand and says:
Abby: It's not fair. First, mom. Now, you. We've all been through so much. You know, mom is probably going to be angry at you when you see her. You promised her you would be there for me and JJ.
Jack smiles and laughs.
Abby: She'll probably get over it though. She always does. At least, now, she will have another friend with her. She'll like that. We'll miss you, though. JJ will miss the way you read him bedtime stories with those wacky voices dad always tries to do but sucks at.
Jack and everyone else laughs.
Abby (beginning to cry): I'll always regret the way I treated you at times. I was a brat, Frankie. All because you were taking care of my mom and it wasn't fair. Your a good guy. You didn't deserve it and you certainly didn't deserve this. I just want you to know...that I love you. And thank you. Thank you for being there for me. And for JJ. And for my mom and dad.
Abby then looks at a stoic Max and embraces him before he sits down next to his brother.
Max: This isn't right, man. I know we have the Brady's but you and I...it was always us. Frankie and Max. I can't remember how many times you protected me or saved my ass, especially when we were on the streets. I don't know what I will do without you. Giving me advice, telling me how stupid I am...poker nights.
Max begins to break down after trying to fight back tears.
Max: Damn, Frankie. This isn't right. It's not your time. It's too soon. You haven't even had a chance to be happy. Always worrying about others. I don't know...I mean, making it without you is something I don't think I can do. I've always had you in my corner but now...I can't believe your doing this, bro.
Abby puts her arms around Max.
Max: I love you, man.
Max then gets up and walks off in frustration, wiping his tears as Abby comforts him. Caroline then looks back at Greta, who says she isn't saying goodbye. She knows he isn't going anywhere and they have all the time in the world. Victor reminds her of what she wanted to tell Frankie. Greta says she knows he is going to be ok and that Frankie will hold on...for her and the people he loves. Victor tells Caroline to go ahead. Caroline sits down and takes Frankie's hand, saying:
Caroline (wiping away tears): I may not have given birth to you or Max but you both were always my sons. In every way. And your pop and I could not have been more prouder of the both of you. Nor could we have loved you anymore then we did. I know you are going to be with Shawn now. He will happy to see you, although he won't be happy it's this soon. You tell him we all miss him, along with all the other loved ones we've lost.
Caroline breaks down. Bo comes over and comforts her.
Caroline: I hope you realize how loved you are and how much you will be missed. You had so much more love left to give. So much more kindness and joy. The world needs more people like you and is a worse place without you in it. I know there is a spot in heaven for you, my son. You earned it. The perfect angel. Your someone to look up to. The perfect role model. Just know, that I love you, my Frankie. Your mother loves you. Your mother loves you.
A crying Caroline gets up and kisses Frankie on the forehead as Bo embraces her and walks her away. Everyone then looks at Greta. Maggie kneels down and suggests Greta say what she has to say to Frankie, just in case. That way she has no regrets. Greta looks at Maggie and then at Victor. She then looks at Frankie and agrees, saying she is only doing this to help Frankie fight this. Greta wheels over as everyone watches.
Abe and Lexie look at Celeste, who is shaking and in tears. Lexie asks if she is ok. Celeste tells her the time is near and that the heartbreak is just beginning. Greta, with tears in her eyes, wheels over to Frankie, takes his hand, and tells him:
Greta: I refuse to think this is it. Not now. Not like this. We finally have something in here and God knows we both have been unlucky in love. Unlucky in our lives with all the heartache we have experienced. I think that is why we were brought together. It just seemed...meant to be.
Greta begins to cry.
Greta: I will always regret how long it took me to realize what was going on between us. I told you that I didn't want to jinx anything, based on my past and all. That is why despite you telling me how you felt, I just couldn't tell you until I felt ready. I had planned to tell you after the wedding in a special way. A romantic evening, candlelight...but, instead, you saved my life and ended up here. Fighting for your life and my God, Frankie, that is why you can't die. You wouldn't want me blaming myself. I know you. I'm already blaming myself. You wouldn't want me feeling guilty. That just isn't you.
Mike looks at the monitors. Frankie's heart rate is dangerously slow.
Greta: I will always feel horrible about what happened. I will always be thankful for what you did. Reaching out, taking my hand, wrapping your arms around me as we crashed through the skylight and were falling...I will never forget you telling me you loved me as we were nearing the ground.
Greta breaks down.
Greta: I have faith in you. I have hope. You can do this. Fight, Frankie. Come back to those you love. Come back to me. We can both finally have the happiness we always wanted. Please...we have so many more memories left to make. This is only just the beginning. Please...Frankie...
Frankie's monitor's start going off as he flatlines. Everyone in the room looks on in horror as the medical team races in. Tears are still being shed. Lexie and Abe look at Celeste, who puts her head down and turns away. Mike and Lexie tell Greta she needs to move but a hysterical Greta refuses, saying she isn't leaving him. Victor, Maggie, and Jack try to get her to back up but she won't do so. Mike and Lexie begin CPR and pull out the defibrillator. Lexie does compressions and Mike uses the paddles and charges them. Greta back up a bit so the doctors can work.
Everyone notes how tragic this is as they realize Greta finally told Frankie how he feels but it's too late. After a few more moments, Mike and Lexie stop and tell the team it's over. Caroline breaks down as Kim and Bo comfort her. Abby comforts Max. Abe and Celeste look on in sadness. Jack comforts Billie. Victor and Maggie try to console Greta, who asks why they are stopping. Mike looks at her, as does Lexie, who turns away, fighting back tears, and tells Mike to make the call. Mike reluctantly then says:
Mike: Time of death...16:36 PM.
Loud screams of horror and agony can be heard as Greta is a hysterical mess and wheels over to Frankie, begging him to wake up and ordering Mike and Lexie to keep trying. They both apologize and tell her it's over. Frankie's gone.
Greta then breaks down on Frankie's chest. The camera then pans up to show an overheard shot of Greta lying on Frankie as everyone looks on, in mourning, as the scene fades to black.
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