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Episode 14



It's a very sad time in Springfield. Most of the town is at the church. Mourning the death of Cassandra Layne Winslow.

The Church: Reva and Jeffrey are sitting in the church, "I just can't believe she gone Jeffrey."

"Yeah I know sweetie."

"I mean, we fought a lot latley but I still loved her." Reva cries, "What am I going to do without my little sister."

Josh walks in with Olivia. Olivia can see he's upset, "Hey you okay?"

Josh's mind is somewhere else, "Huh, oh yeah I guess. RJ is on his way with Blake. He took the news really hard."

Josh walks over to Reva and gives her a hug, "How you holding up?"

"I'm okay Joshua. Is Marah coming?"

"I'm not sure."

Spaulding Mansion: Natalia and Gus are at the door getting ready for the funeral. Alan walks over, "Oh wait, we'll go in my car."

Gus stares at him.

Alan is confused, "What?"

"You can't be serious. You ruined Cassie's life. You made her the way she was. She hated you Alan. You murdered her daughter. If you come to that funeral I'll shoot you on spot."

Alan looks for help from Natalia but she just stands there.

The Church: Dylan and Harley show up. Dylan walks over to Reva. Harley sees Blake looking at pictures, "Hey sweetie." The two share an emotional hug.

"I can't believe this Harley. She was our best friend."

"Some friend I was. I haven't talked to her in weeks. I only went to visit her once."

"You feel guilty? I used her to get Jeffrey, pushed her with Josh and humiliated her on that stupid website."

"You know what? We shouldn't be doing this. We need to be strong for the kids. How's RJ?"

"Oh he is very upset. He doesn't want to talk to anyone."

Bauer House: Rick and Beth are in the kitchen getting ready, "You okay sweetie?"

Beth is just looking at the baby, "Oh yeah. I just remembered this was the outfit Cassie bought her." Beth fights back tears.

Rick hugs her, "Honey it's okay to cry. She was a really good friend."

Beth looks at Baby Bertha, "Yeah, a really good friend." She remembers the last time she saw Cassie. When Cassie told her about the test switch.

The Church: Mallet and Dinah walk in. Mallet holds Dinah's hand, "You okay Babe?"

"I just can't believe this. I didn't expect our honeymoon to end like this."

"Yeah I know."

"Do you think it's wrong that I'm here?"

"What? No."

"Do you think people might get offended? I mean before I met you, I wanted this."

"No don't talk like that. You and Cassie forgave each other."

Vanessa and Billy come over to Dinah, "Hello. How are you?"

"I'm fine Mom. How are you doing Billy?"

"I'm hanging in there. I'm gonna go check on Reva."

The guest take their seats.


The Church: Jeffrey and Josh are talking, "How are you doing Josh?"

"I'll be alright. I just wish I could have stopped this you know."

"Josh it was out of our hands. Cassie was sick."

"Well maybe if I had been there more after Tammy's death..."

"Josh... it started before Tammy's death."

"What are you talking about?"

"Everything that happened with Edmund, Dinah and Jonathan was a lot for her to handle. I mean Edmund hurt her, Dinah and Jonathan hurt her, Alonzo took Will, Danny and Michelle left with Hope, Cassie wasn't the same."

"I didn't notice."

"Josh, you remember all the crazy things she did to keep Jonathan and Tammy apart. Then after we broke up she changed again. She was less tough, more senstive. Then after Tammy died she fell apart but I wasn't around her then."

"I didn't know."

Josh looks over his relationship with Cassie. He notices the change in her personality.

Spaulding Mansion: Alan is in his office by his desk. Natalia walks over, "Hey how are you?"

"Natalia. What are you doing here?"

"I'm keeping you company."

"You mean you're keeping an eye on me."

"No. Gus tried to get me to go. I didn't know Cassie so I didn't think I should go. He should comfort Harley."

"So you decided to stay with me instead of Gus? Interesting."

"Well we are going to plan the Christmas party."

"Natalia I don't do that. We hire people to do that."

"Well Rafe is coming and I want this place to have more personal touch."

"What did you have in mind?"

Natalia brings in a box full of decorations.

The Church: Billy is sitting with Reva. She is very upset, "Oh Billy! I promised Mama that I would protect her!"

"Reva darling this isn't you're fault. Cassie loved you. You were a great sister and I won't let you say anything different." Billy hugs Reva.

Josh is trying to talk to RJ, "You know you're Mom loved you."

RJ just sits there.

Josh tries again, "RJ, I know how hard this is but we need to get through it as a family."

"Just leave me alone!"

Remy walks over, "Josh, I'm taking Blake home. I'll take RJ too."

"Thanks Remy."

They walk out.

Everyone has arrived and takes their seats, Reverand Ruthledge speaks, "Cassie Winslow was a great woman. A woman that left her mark on this town....."

He later invites people up to speak:

Reva goes first, "Cassie wasn't just my sister, she was the best friend I ever had. I know that she is...." Reva breaks down. Marah walks up, "I think what Mom was trying to say was that Cassie is at peace now with Grandma Sarah, Hart, Richard, and Tammy. And she is always going to be looking after RJ and everyone in Springfield. Because she loved all of us." Marah walks her mother down.

Josh goes on to talk about his relationship with Cassie.

Harley tells stories about her Blake and Cassie.

Jeffrey speaks about Cassie.

Olivia goes up, she thanks Cassie for helping her protect Emma all of those years ago.

Beth steps up, "Cassie was a great woman. She did care about children as Olivia said. She was great to me. I wish she could have met the baby that she did everything to protect..." Beth is having a hard time. She keeps remembering what Cassie did, "Uh.. I'll miss her very much." Beth steps down.

The Beacon: Mallet took Dinah home early. They are packing their stuff to move it to the house. He is in the shower. There is a knock at the door. Dinah answers it. Julie is standing there,"Oh hey Julie."

"Hello Dinah. Were you at a funeral?"

"Yes for Cassie Winslow."

"Oh. Really? Hmm. So where's Tony?"


"Oh sorry. Mallet."

"Oh he's in the shower. So I don't think we've really met before."

"No but I've heard some things."

"Like what?"

"Well I know you killed Hart. A man I loved."

"Oh well I've changed since then."

"I'm sure. Well tell Tony I'll be back later."

Julie leaves. Dinah already doesn't like her.

The Church: Josh, Billy, Jeffrey, Rick, Bill, and Gus carry the casket out. The rest of the room follows. Reva looks back at the room. She remembers the moment when Cassie and her first realized they were sisters.

"Good bye Sis. I'll never let anyone forget you. I love you Cassie." She walks out.


Springfield celebrates Christmas

Dinah gets a big surprise

The Lewis family tries to enjoy the holiday

Harley gets a mysterious phone call

Alan comforts Natalia

Ashlee learns news about Lizzie

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