ORPHEUS SECRET PALATIAL HOME(on the outskirts of Salem)
Nicole walks into the living room. The door was left unlocked and she sits her purse down. She still can’t believe that after all they have cooked up and all that he put the Brady's through....that he could be dead. As she walks through the darkened house, she turns several lights on, wondering if he pulled a DiMera and survived the crash. As she looks around for Orpheus.......
She comes upon a door in the very back of the home. She slowly opens it and, once inside, the room is illuminated by the light from a group of monitors. They cover everything......Sami’s room at the hospital, Stefano’s home, Roman and Marlena’s home, Victor’s home........and some other points around
Salem. Nicole starts smiling evilly and then starts laughing, feeling that she finally has the upper hand on the Brady's.

Maggie walks Julie in while Doug wheels Alice in. Max is overseeing the construction and says that everything should be done by February. Everyone is shocked by how far everything has come and how nice it’s shaping up. Alice then asks, out of the blue, if he plans to give up on Abby. Max smiles but is silent and Alice says no sense beating around the bush. She just wants a straight forward answer. Max says that he won’t make the same mistake twice. Doug agrees, saying that Abby is a fine girl. Julie says that she knows what it’s like to almost lose the love of your life.
Maggie tells Max that maybe it’s time to go back to work and, as he smiles and walks away, he takes out his cell phone........and calls Abby. He gets no answer and wonders if it's even worth it trying anymore. The scene then shifts to........

In his suite, Tony comes in with breakfast on a fancy tray. Anna sits up and, as Tony sits it in front of her, they both kiss. Tony smiles, telling her that he didn’t know the death of his brother would bring him so much happiness. That........and getting her back. Anna tells him once again how sorry she is for almost ruining everything. Tony says he almost did that years ago.........when he almost chose Renee over her.
Anna starts to cry and Tony tells her not to do that. He has his lady back..........and things are looking better than ever. As Tony leans in once again and kisses Anna gently, the scene fades into.......

Carrie walks in with Evan. Steve, Kayla and Stephanie walk over and hug her as Steve takes Evan and says how big he’s grown. Everyone then sits down as Caroline brings out drinks and Kayla asks where they have been. Carrie says that she is doing work for Mike in Israel but they traveled Europe, which did her a world of good. She is still shocked, though, that news of the all the violence in Salem reached all the way over there. She then asks if they have found this Michael Myers yet and Steve says no. Everyone hopes that was his first and last visit to Salem.
Carrie then says that Mike is coming home for Christmas. Stephanie says she’s never met him and wonders if he has any children. Kayla says yes.........a son, Jeremy. Stephanie hopes he comes to Salem too, which makes Steve groan. After everyone chuckles, Carrie asks about her mother and Caroline tells her what has happened. Carrie is glad she’s fine..........but doesn’t care to see her. Kayla says she won’t push the issue but thinks she at least should say hi to her and Tony while she’s home. After Carrie says she’ll think about it, Caroline suggests they head to the hospital........to see Sami.
As they all get up to leave, the scene then fades to........

In the master bedroom, Hope walks out of the bathroom.....and drops her towel. Bo looks over, like a little boy in a candy store, and tells her that they have some unfinished business. Hope says she is shocked that he still has the stamina after last night and Bo says she shouldn't be. Not after all these years. As Hope climbs into bed, she says that, with Orpheus dead, hopefully Stefano and Victor can put an end to this feuding and they can finally have some peace in their lives.
The phone then rings. Bo answers and it’s Kayla, saying that they are headed to the hospital, with Carrie. Bo asks how she and Evan are doing and Kayla says great. But, on Caroline’s orders, he and Hope have to come to the hospital and say hi. Bo says he and Hope are in the middle of some catching up and will see them all later. After saying good-bye, Bo relays the news and Hope, surprisingly, says she wants to go now. Bo asks why and Hope remembers what she has to do and says it will be nice to see Carrie. They can catch up all they want later.
Bo calls Kayla back and says they are on their way. Hope is already up and getting dressed and Bo reluctantly gets up, as the scene shifts to.......

Roman and Marlena walk into Sami’s room. Roman and Lucas shake hands and Marlena asks if there is any change. Lucas says no but Roman tells him he got a response last night. Will says that sounds great. He tells Lucas that Sami can feel them around her and she’s fighting. Lucas then tells everyone what happened between him and Joelle. He then tells everyone that it was all Orpheus’s idea originally to involve her. He paid her to do that [!@#$%^&*] to him and it brought this all on. Roman says that maybe what he did was a good thing, then.
Lucas thanks him for killing Orpheus. He says that the man made everyone’s life a living hell. Marlena says he’s right. They are all sitting at that hospital room because of him. But, Marlena says, what makes her proud........is that Sami didn’t even think twice before jumping in front of the gunshot. She knew that, through all the bad things she did, that she had it in her. Marlena kisses Sami on the forehead......and several of the monitors start jumping. Sami doesn’t move but continues to fight to return to her family.
Roman then says that maybe they should turn Joelle in. Lucas says that even though she basically said he didn’t touch her, they have no proof. Marlena says how sorry she is for all of this. If she had done more to stop Orpheus on the ship........Will then says the one that was on the river. Everyone turns and looks at him and Will just says he was wondering how a cruise ship got that far, that’s all. Everyone shakes their heads and Roman turns to Marlena, saying that she shouldn’t blame herself.
As Roman holds Marlena, Carrie walks in, asking if she can join the party. Everyone lets out a big cheer as she hugs everyone and gives Evan to Roman, who says his grandson looks more and more like a Brady everyday. As Roman plays with Evan, Lucas asks how she’s doing and Carrie says that Austin will always have her heart.......but she knows he’s not gone as long as she remembers him.
At that moment, Bo and Hope also come into Sami’s room and Will says they may have to take this somewhere else soon. Bo takes Evan from Roman and holds him, saying that this is good for Sami. As Roman thanks Bo for the doctors who have been working on Sami, Hope tries to pull Carrie to the side. At Orpheus’s penthouse, Nicole sees everyone in Sami’s room on one of the monitors......and sees Hope trying to pull Carrie to the side. She thinks to herself that Hope wouldn’t be that stupid.......
But Hope can’t get a word in edgewise to get Carrie’s attention. As Nicole grabs her purse and takes off toward the hospital.......
Roman goes out into the hallway and calls Barbara. He tells her that Marlena is feeling guilty again and Barbara says she’s in the hospital. She’ll be up there soon. Twenty minutes later, as Roman drinks a cup of coffee at the nurse's station, Barbara walks over and asks where Marlena is. Roman says she’s in Sami’s room and when Barbara peeks her head in to say hi to everyone, she asks if she could speak with Marlena for a moment about some paperwork she hadn’t finished. As they excuse themselves, Barbara tells Marlena that she needs to continue her treatment. Marlena thanks her for covering for her and says that she will do what she has to.
Barbara says that she needs to do that.......and soon. As Barbara leaves, Marlena thinks about what she said.......with Roman watching her from the door.
Back in Sami’s room, Carrie says that heard about Lucas’ troubles and tells him that she is behind him, all the way. Lucas thanks her and, after they hug, the room grows silent as Carrie walks over to Sami’s bed. She leans down, looks at Sami, wipes tears from her eyes, and says........
Carrie: Well........my sister has finally seen the light. I miss you so much, Sami. Come back to us.
Carrie then bends over and kisses Sami on her forehead........and the monitors start jumping once again. Carrie looks at Marlena and Will says that is the second time that’s happened today. Bo goes out and searches for the doctors as everyone stands by, hoping for a miracle.
Caroline wonders if she should call Anna and tell her that Carrie is in town and Hope says that may not be a good idea. Steve agrees, saying that it really is none of her business. If Carrie doesn’t want to see Anna......leave it be. As Steve and Hope go off to the side, Caroline says that maybe Steve is right. When Carrie is ready, she’ll go to her mother.
Kayla then looks around and sees Steve and Hope talking and wonders what that is all about. As she walks over to Steve......Hope goes over to Carrie, who is now sitting Evan down. She asks to speak to Carrie outside and Carrie says sure. Both women walk out the door.......
And Carrie and Hope come face to face........with an angry Nicole! Nicole says that she has some nerve coming back into town and Carrie says she’s right. And now, she would like to tell Nicole how sorry she is for upsetting her. Carrie slowly walks over to Nicole, smiles at Nicole as Nicole crosses her arms ..........
And swings a roundhouse right cross at Nicole, connecting with her jaw, and sending her over the couch in the waiting area and onto the floor. Hope stands by, shocked, and Carrie and Nicole stare at each other with hatred......
As the scene split screens and then freeze frames on them both......before fading to black.
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