Roman runs downstairs to answer his phone, having just gotten out of the shower. He is still nursing his jaw from his fight with Abe and when he picks up the phone.......Victor tells him that he has to get to the airport. Roman is stunned, asking why. Victor tells him to turn on the television. When Roman does, he sees the scene at the airport. Roman asks what is going on and Victor tells him that Orpheus has both Julie and Anna held hostage and will not let them go until he meets with Roman face to face.
Then, Roman says, that’s exactly what he will give him. Victor tells Roman to be careful and Roman tells Victor to look after his family if anything should happen. They bid each other good-bye......and Roman then runs downstairs to get his gear.

Everyone starts to converge in the main terminal. Steve walks in, followed by Marlena and Maggie. At Victor’s mansion, Alice is being watched over by Nico as Bo and Abe give their men their instructions.

Roman comes back upstairs. He’s now dressed in black battle gear and carrying several weapons. He has a double holster on, filled with two Glock 47 handguns, and is also carrying a bow and arrow with armor piercing tips. He starts to load up when the phone rings.......
Roman: Yeah. Brady here.
Marlena: Roman......don’t do it. Don’t come near this airport. Let Abe and Shane handle Orpheus.
Roman: Can’t do that, Doc. He called me out........besides, he has a lot on the books to answer for.
Marlena: I know that. (Starting to cry) But you may not walk away from this.
Roman: (Pausing) Then just know........how much you mean to me. Know how special you have made my life. Know how much I cherish our children..........and know, that I’m doing what I have to do.
Marlena: But Roman.......
Roman: After tonight.........Orpheus will be in the past. I made a promise of what I would do the next time I saw him........
And I keep my promises, Doc.
Marlena: Roman, wait........
Roman: I love you so much, Marlena. Good-bye.
Marlena: NO! DON’T HANG UP!!!!
Roman hangs the phone up and looks at it once more.........before walking over to the dining room table and setting it down. The phone starts ringing again as Roman goes over, grabs his gear, walks to the door, looks around one last time, looks at the phone, turns off the light.........
And heads to his car. He gets in and speeds off into the night.

Marlena hangs up her phone and, while being consoled by Maggie...Abe, Shane & Bo go over the plans they have to take the hanger back. Stefano and Victor then walk in.......together. Abe demands to know what they are doing there and Stefano says he has his reasons. Victor then says that he has full confidence in his son to do what is necessary.........but will not sit at him while Bo puts his life on the line. Bo smiles at this response and Victor and Bo shake hands. Stefano asks Shane what they are doing about the hostage crisis and Shane says that he has Miranda taking a team into the woods next to the hanger to take positions.
Stefano says that his soldiers will join them, to which Abe refuses. Stefano asks why and so does Marlena, who just walked over. Abe says there is no way he is trusting Stefano not to give his men the order to shoot whoever is near the hanger. Tony and Doug then walk up, saying that they both volunteer to be the ones to try and bait Orpheus out. Both Abe and Shane won’t allow it and Bo says that it is crazy to think that way........but what folks don’t see is Bo winking at Tony.
Tony then changes his tune, saying that he sees what they mean. He just wants to help in any way he can, with Anna and Julie in danger. Doug looks at him puzzled and, before he can say anything,.....Tony takes him by the arm and leads him away. Bo says he will go and calm them down as Victor smiles. Lincoln then walks up and pulls Stefano and Victor to the side, saying that their men are getting in place. Hawk then walks up from the opposite direction, dressed in all black, as Victor tells him to be careful out there......
And to make sure nothing happens to his son. Hawk tells Victor that's what he’s paying him for. Hawk then heads off with Lincoln and the other men as they prepare to take out the hanger.

Roman walks into Sami’s darkened room. He slowly walks over to her bed and sits down next to her. He takes her hand and looks at his daughter, saying to her in a quiet voice....
Roman: Well, peanut.........I have to leave you now. Orpheus has Julie and Anna held hostage and he has called me out.......
Roman looks at Sami, hoping that she hears what he is saying.......
Roman: And I have to go. Innocents are in danger and it’s been past time that he pays for what he’s done.......to all of us. (Pausing) I just wanted to let you know......that no matter what has been said......or what we have been through.......you are my baby girl and I love you so much, honey.
Roman stands up and, with a tear rolling down his cheek, bends over and kisses Sami on her forehead. As he stands back up, he tries to walk away........but Sami has squeezed his hand. She is still unconscious but Roman now knows that she is fighting to come back to them. He kisses her hand, runs his hand through her hair, and then heads out to the airport......
And his battle with Orpheus.
No one sees Roman head out. As he walks past the waiting room, Lexie and Cassie, who are on their way to see Stefano and have just found out he left, sit with other people and watch the drama unfolding at the airport. Steve calls Kayla from the airport and tells her that everything is breaking down........but he is being kept back this time. Kayla asks why and Steve says that apparently, from what Victor said, Orpheus wants to meet Roman.......alone. Kayla knows this may be what Roman has been waiting for. Steve agrees but says that unlike the shootout at the penthouse, only trained personnel are getting close to this one. Kayla still tells him to be careful and Steve says he will before they both hang up.
Meanwhile, Bo is fitting both Tony and Doug with bullet proof vests. He also tells them that they better not interfere with what the agencies are doing near the hanger. They understand but Tony then says that if Hope were out there......what would he do? Bo says the same thing they are doing. He leads both men off with Hawk and Lincoln walking behind them as Stefano asks Victor......
Stefano: Do you think this is it?
Victor: Maybe. Orpheus has done way too much.........to all of us. Time to stop bull shitting with him....and let him know where WE stand.
Stefano: (Pausing) I guess we can agree on some things. I just hope, for once, that Roman can end this.
Victor: I have every confidence in him. Besides........with Sami laying in a coma, this is the best chance he has to find Orpheus.......and stop him once and for all.
Stefano: Well then......who is your money on?
Both men look at each other........silently and then turn and look back out the window towards the hanger, not saying a word.
The scene then fades to 30 minutes later and, as Orpheus talks with his men,.........a dark figure is seen stalking in the woods near the airport. The figure looks through night vision binoculars and sees several of Orpheus’ men securing the area. The figure then pulls out a bow set, then pulls a steel tipped bow out, prepares his weapon, takes aim.........and fires the arrow, killing a man instantly. The man falls silently to the ground and no one notices him as the figure stalks toward the hanger.
Two more men, who are closer to the hanger, talk between themselves.......when one of them hears a noise in the wilderness. He goes and checks it out while telling his partner to stay focused. As he slowly walks into the woods, he looks around.....but sees nothing. He looks back and forth once more but, before he can turn around,......the figure grabs him, covers his mouth with his hand.......and cuts his throat with a large hunting knife. The man slowly falls dead at the figures feet as his eyes roll into the back of his head.
The figure then takes out a handgun and places a silencer on the end. He then sees the other henchman, who is coming to check on his partner, coming close to him. The figure takes aim.......and shoots the other henchman in the right eye, killing him instantly. The figure then places the gun back into his holster and stalks off once again toward the hanger.
Twenty minutes later, Julie and Anna are asking to speak with their husbands. One of Orpheus’ men says that he is under orders to not let them speak to anyone.......until they are in the air. The women look at each other with abject fear, hoping that they will be rescued soon. Meanwhile, back in the terminal, a phone call comes in...........from Orpheus. He says that the hanger doors are going to open and the jetliner is coming out. If anyone decides that heroics are in order........both of the lovely ladies that he has will end up on the runway, dead. Shane, having answered the call, tells Orpheus that he will not be harmed. Orpheus hangs up the phone and gives the order to taxi onto the runway.
Moments later, after the huge hanger doors open, the 747 starts up to slowly taxi onto the runway. Victor and Stefano’s men, along with Bo, members of the S.P.D., F.B.I. and I.S.A. watch as the plane fires up it’s engines. News crews from local and national television report the tense moments that are going by as the plane is readying to leave Salem. Doug and Tony, who are with the agents and other officers, ask to speak to their wives one more time. One of Orpheus’ men denies the request, saying that they are safe......and will remain so, as long as no one storms the hanger.
On board the plane, Orpheus tells the women that everything will be fine. No harm will come to them.......as long as he gets what he wants. Julie tells him that he won’t get away with this and Orpheus responds, telling her she has been watching too many action movies. He then picks up a handgun and walks toward the cockpit, telling the captain to start taxiing onto the runway.
But........no one responds. Orpheus gives the order again and still........nothing. He then grows very angry, demanding to know who would disobey his orders and, as he walks into the cockpit.......
He starts back out of it with his hands raised.........while Roman has a gun pointed to his head! The captain, Roman tells him, is dead. Orpheus commends Roman on his training. Michael, Orpheus’ right hand man, then walks slowly into the main cabin, telling Orpheus that he has just gotten a report of many of his men.....dead. Roman smiles, saying that it was not a problem at all. Orpheus smiles as well, saying......
Orpheus: Well, I have to hand it to you, Roman,.........the darkness that I always knew you had IS inside you.
Roman: Well, when some bastard like you thinks they can play God with the lives of my family and friends......I take that.....kinda personally.
Orpheus: Really?
Roman: That’s a fact.
Orpheus: Well, looks like we’re at a stalemate. What happens now, old friend?
Roman: Now, we settle our business.........
Once........and for all.
The scene then goes to quick shots of Julie.......Anna.......Michael........and then splits screens, with Orpheus on one side.......and Roman on the other. The scene then freeze frames as these two deadly adversaries stare hatred at one another......
And the scene slowly fades to black.
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