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Kendall OR Greenlee...  

51 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Character Do You Prefer?

    • Kendall
    • Greenlee




In the cafeteria, Frankie walks up to the table that Billie is sitting at. He looks at her and she motions him to sit down. After he does, he asks her why she has been acting strange lately. Billie says that her life is really upside down right now and she just doesn’t know where to turn. Frankie tells her that she should turn to Jack. After all, he loves her to death. Billie says that is the biggest problem she has right now.

Frankie then says that Jack’s a good guy and will be there for her. She looks at him for a moment and then asks in a defiant tone if Jack put him up to his little visit. Frankie stares at her wide eyed, saying that he came over there on his own, thinking she needed a friend. Billie then tells him that all she needs right now is to be left alone......

And that if Jack sends him around again, both of them will be sorry. Billie then stands up and storms off, leaving an incredulous Frankie to wonder what is going on.

Upstairs in Greta’s room, Jack walks in with roses and a huge smile on his face. Greta thanks him for the flowers and, as he places them in a vase, sits down next to her. He asks how she’s doing and Greta says better than he is. Jack says he thought he was always good at hiding what’s bothering him. He was with Jennifer. Greta says she’s not Jennifer........and neither is Billie. Jack agrees but says in some ways she is.

When Greta asks in what way, he says that she is just as stubborn as Jennifer ever was. Billie walks up to Greta’s door and slightly opens it........but stops when she hears Jack. Jack then says to Greta that, with Billie acting the way she is, he is going to give her some space and head to Switzerland with Alex. Greta says that may be what the doctor ordered. She then tells him not to give up on Billie........and, with her listening, he says he will never do that. Billie smiles slightly and walks away.

Then Jack tells Greta she is one to talk. Frankie should be the one sitting there and is nowhere in sight. Greta turns her head away and Jack says that Frankie is one terrific guy. He doesn’t deserve this. Greta says that they are doing it to each other. She tells Jack that they are both scared of what may come. Jack says that sometimes people have to take a leap of faith. Greta then says that faith may not be enough right now.

She then says that they will figure it out and Jack tells her to do that. And, as he gets up, he then says for her to do it soon....

Before she loses out on the best thing she ever had. He then bends down, kisses her on the cheek, and leaves her to think about what he just said.


Victor sits at his desk as Nico walks into the study. Victor asks if all the preparations are going well and Nico says that not only are they wonderful, his friends from the old country will be arriving soon. Victor asks how his dinner plans are going and Nico tells him the cook has prepared something special. Victor thanks Nico for all of his hard work in such a short time. He then tells Nico that Nico’s father would be proud. Nico smiles, saying he hopes so.

One of Nico’s men then walks in with a message and whispers in Nico’s ear. Nico looks concerned as he thanks the man and, after he leaves the room, Nico tells Victor that he has reason to believe that Orpheus is reorganizing his people and is ready to make a strike against them. Victor shakes his head, saying that it is high time someone wipes him out and everyone connected with him. Victor then gives Nico an order......

To get their people on it......and to find out if Orpheus has any children. Nico asks if that is wise and Victor says that he just wants information. Orpheus has tried to kill his son on more than one occasion, Victor says,.......now it’s time to find out what would happen.....

If one of his children were threatened with death. Nico obeys and leaves the room, leaving Victor to walk back to his desk, sit down, and continue writing.


Nicole gleefully tells Hope and Steve that she knows everything.....the daughter they share, the affair they’re having, and the lies they are telling. As Nicole walks to the balcony, Steve and Hope follow, asking what she wants. Nicole turns and says that she wants the both of them to not only convince Carrie to come home with Evan but for then to convince Alyson to give up Sam, saying that Alyson is in no condition to care for him in her emotional state and with her mother in a coma.

Hope looks at her like she’s crazy, saying that Alyson is fine. Nicole doesn’t care. She says that either they convince them to do it.........or they lose everything. Steve looks at Nicole and says, matter-of-factly......

Steve: You are one silly ass bitch if you think we are doing that for you.

As they both turn and walk away, Nicole yells at them that if they don’t do it.....they will lose everything. Steve and Hope ignore her and leave as Nicole stands on the balcony.....with an evil smile crossing her lips.


Kayla asks Bo where Steve and Hope are. Bo says he doesn’t know but intends to get to the bottom of all of this. He then says that neither one of them is stupid and Kayla agrees. She says that this constant leaving and coming back with these weird explanations is going to end. As both of them sit in a booth.....

Victor calls Bo on his cell phone. When Bo asks Victor what’s up, Victor says that they need to sit down and have a business meeting. He then tells him that they have received word about Orpheus and need to discuss their plans for him. Bo agrees and says he’ll be over soon. Victor tells him it can wait until tomorrow night. Bo asks if Victor is sure and he says he is. Victor then tells Bo to dress nicely......and in a black suit. Bo asks why and Victor says that he is having some people over before they meet and he wants to show Bo off. Bo smiles, agreeing to his terms, and they both bid each other farewell.

Kayla asks what that was about and Bo says he doesn’t have a clue....but intends to find out. The scene then shifts from the Pub.....


Lucas is being brought in. As his family stands by him, Abe tries to defend him to Patricia, saying there is no evidence to support Joelle’s claim. When he then says that nothing was found at Roberts Inc., Patricia lashes out, saying that Abe needs to remember that he is an officer of the law and to stop trying to protect someone who is obviously guilty.

This statement makes Will lash out, saying that Patricia is truly nuts if she thinks that. Patricia looks at Will with scorn but Maggie tells her to push her eyes back into her head and to stop with the scare tactics. Marlena agrees, saying that they have powerful friends and influence in Salem. Patricia asks what is that supposed to mean and Doug then pipes in, saying that Michael Myers has still not been caught, Orpheus is running loose, the mafia war is still going full tilt.......and all she can do is hold some damn vendetta against an innocent man with no proof.

Philip, Belle, Alice & Julie all agree. Lucas says he didn’t touch Joelle and she says that if he didn’t do it........who did? Lucas says that he honestly has no memory of what happened last night. When he walked into his office.........Joelle was there. Joelle then asks where the cut on his forehead and the bloody paperweight came from and Lucas can’t answer. She answers for him, saying that she used it to beat him after he raped her. When Doug tells Lucas not to say another word, Maggie goes out into the outer office.....

To call Victor and Marlena follows her out, calling Kate. Lucas is then told by Abe to sit down in a seat and asks that everyone else wait out in the outer offices.

As Lucas sits in the chair, with the magnitude of his predicament hitting him hard........

The scene then shifts to...


A man stands on the balcony of a beautiful hotel. He gets a phone call and walks back into his room to answer the phone, saying to the person on the other end....

Man: Yes? Hello. I know. Look, we are searching for the briefcase. (Pause) Even though Roman Brady’s name was on it, he doesn’t know what was in it.......nor does anyone else. I’m sure of it. We have every available person on it, including our contacts in the F.B.I., C.I.A. & the I.S.A. No.......no, I don’t feel it has been compromised but, we better find it, and soon.........

Before Roman Brady or someone else opens that briefcase.

The man hangs up the phone, pours a glass of wine, and walks back out onto the balcony. The scene then shifts to a view of the Eiffel Tower as it illuminates in the beautiful night sky........

And the scene slowly fades to black.




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