11/29/07: WORDS
Kendall OR Greenlee...
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Jack sees Billie in the parking lot. He runs up to her and tries to stop her but she ignores him and keeps walking toward the hospital. Jack raises his voice, demanding to know what the hell is wrong with her. Billie stops, turns around and says........nothing is wrong with her. She is here for Lucas and Will. Jack tells her that is BS. She has been acting strange ever since the hostage crisis last night.
Billie tells him that she is just fine and would like for him to just leave her alone. Jack says he can’t do that and Billie tells him he sure didn’t have a problem with it when Elizabeth came to town. Jack is silent and Billie breaks the silence by saying she has to go.......her brother needs her. Billie then walks off, leaving a stunned Jack in the parking lot, wondering what to do next.

Alex walks Alyson to a hotel room in the early morning hours with a happy Alyson leading the way. As he closes the door, she thanks him for a splendid evening and.....for getting her mind off of her mother, for just a while. He smiles, saying it was his pleasure. The smile then disappears when he tells her he may go back to Switzerland and pack up her things. Alyson says that may be what he needs right now.....to just get away. Alex agrees, saying that Salem is not the city he thought it would be.
As he bids farewell, Alyson walks over to him. As they look at each other, she leans in.....and kisses him on the cheek. He smiles again and then she asks if she can give him some advice. He says sure and then she says..........that he should try to get along with his father. Jack and Abby are all he has as family and he doesn’t want to waste that. He looks at her, nods his head.....
And then bids her good night. Alyson closes the door and smiles as she leans against it, thinking about the wonderful man she just spent time with.

Victor walks in with Nico. Caroline walks over and they both hug. Victor asks if there is any change with Sami and Caroline says no. But, she thanks him for sending in the team of doctors to work on her condition. Victor doesn’t accept her thanks. He says that it is the least he can do for her family. He then walks past her and sits at one of the booths. Caroline sits down and asks him what’s wrong.
Victor grows reflective, saying that with all that has happened, he knows there is less time ahead of him than behind him. As she listens, Victor says that he’s been thinking a lot of his children, the life he’s led......and the mistakes he’s made. Caroline pats his hand as he smiles at her and then he says he wants to do something that will.......push his life forward. Hopefully to a time where there is much peace and love in his life. Caroline asks what that is and Victor says......
He wants to ask Maggie to marry him.
Caroline thinks that is wonderful and gets to give him a hug and a kiss. Victor asks if it is ok with her. Caroline says that what they had in the past......is in the past. It gave them a wonderful son and it is something she will never forget. But, like she had Shawn.......Victor must have Maggie. She’s a wonderful woman, Caroline tells Victor, and she will make him a splendid wife.
Victor is very happy and thanks Caroline for her warm words. He then says he has to go to make arrangements and both of them hug as he leaves with Nico. Caroline then thinks about the letter for Roman......and goes upstairs to make a call.

Cassie walks in and sits down. Stefano is watching the news reports of the hostage crisis on MSNBC and Cassie askS how he’s doing. He says sore but better as he pats her on her cheek. She then askS if it was wrong to confess for Greta’s hit-and-run.......and that is when Tony comes from behind the curtain. Stefano is startled to see him and admonishes him for sneaking in his room. Tony asks if this is just another family secret. Stefano says Tony shouldn’t care, having wished death on him.
Tony says it’s the least he could do. Stefano scornfully looks at him as he then says that Cassie should confess to the accident. Stefano tells him that the truth is one’s worst enemy. Tony says he ought to know. Stefano demands that he not speak to him in such a fashion and also tells him to treat Cassie with some respect. Tony says that she will get it when she earns it and she can do that by going to the police. Cassie then pipes in, telling both men to stop arguing. She then gets up and walks over to Tony........
Telling him that if he doesn’t protect her, then he will have no daughter. Tony looks at her with sadness, then walks past her to stand next to Stefano’s bed. He asks him if he put her up to this and Stefano says that if he can protect outsiders like Steve Johnson and Hope Brady........he shouldn’t have a problem protecting his own daughter. Tony just shakes his head and leaves......as Cassie smiles. Stefano tells her to sit down and then takes her hand, telling her how proud he is of her standing up to Tony.
As she hugs Stefano, the scene then fades into.............
Sami's room, where Will tells Doug, Julie, Maggie and Alice that he is worried about his father. Alice tells him it will be alright. Everyone is going through a lot right now. Will says he knows that but says with his mother in a coma......why did he run off right now? Everyone looks at one another as the scene shifts to..........

Lucas demands to know what she wants. She says that he owes her and she wants to collect.....before his life is ruined. Lucas says with what is going on with Sami, she would do something like this now? She says he rebuffed her.....now it’s time to pay for it. Lucas says the harassment suit wasn’t enough? She smiles, saying that he may not have a company when she is though.
Joelle starts laughing and Lucas tells her to stop it. She asks through the laughter what he’s going to do about it? He says if she doesn’t stop.......he’ll show her. She then tells him to stop trying to be the big man and that’s when Lucas walks over, grabs her......and starts shaking her. She tells him to let her go and he starts shaking her more violently, saying that she deserves what she’s about to get.
When she asks what that means.......Lucas says maybe it’s time to see just how serious he is. He then throws her up against a wall and, as he walks closer and closer to her, she demands that he leaves. He gets closer and she says she’ll scream and, when he grabs her again.......
The scene then goes black. When it fades back in.........Caroline is walking towards the front door at the...

Caroline hears the doorbell ring and is going to answer it. When she does, Roman is blowing into his hands, trying to keep them warm. As he comes in, he asks why she wanted to see him. Caroline says to him that she knows more than anyone how tough it has been for him and Marlena these last few months. Roman walks past Caroline, hiding his face, and not wanting her to see the pain that he is going through.
She then pulls out the letter Shawn wrote him and tells Roman......
Caroline: I found this while I was cleaning out some of your father’s things.
Roman turns around and sees what she has and she continues......
Caroline: He wrote this to you right after your first birthday. He was very sick then and we thought he wasn’t.........going to be with us much longer. I never knew he wrote it until today.
Roman: And........it’s for me?
Caroline: Yes, Roman.
She walks over to him and hands him the letter. As she places it in his hands, she hugs him and looks into his eyes, telling him..........
Caroline: I think this is the time that you should read it. And remember.........that you were his first baby, and he was very, very proud of you.
Caroline starts to cry as she leans in and kisses Roman on his cheek. She then leaves before she breaks down and, as Roman watches her, he then goes to sit down. He starts to sit in Shawn’s chair but stops, looks at it, then looks around........and sits on the couch next to it. He then opens the letter and starts reading...........
Dear Roman,
As I write this......I know I may never see you again. I hoped to have many children to follow in my footsteps but.......that will not happen now. So, I pass the torch to you. The future of our family and the Brady heritage is now in your hands, son. I know you are too young to understand this now, but, in time you will. There are certain things that I hold true and I past them on to you.
Any man can win when things go his way. It’s the man......who overcomes adversity, that is the true champion. And when your back is against the wall, remember......that a corner animal is the most dangerous. Keep your enemies close.......but your family, and your friends, even closer. And when things look darkest..........remember your history and your heritage. Never stop trying.....and never, let those bastards get you down.
The Brady name, and our family, can’t stop with me, or you. Perhaps, with God’s Grace, I may be back to stand beside you. As one day you will stand beside your son, and pass the torch to him. Should that not happen, I want you to know one simple thing.....
That I love you, and I will.......forever.
Your Loving Father,
Roman looks at the chair and then slowly stands up. He goes and looks at a painting of Shawn that was given to the family by Victor after he died and says.......
Roman: Thank you, Pop. I love you too........And I'll never let those bastards get me down.
The scene then freeze frames on Roman, standing in front of Shawn’s painting.....
The scene then fades to black.
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