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11/28/07: PILE ON PART 2






Jack chases Billie as she leaves the hospital. Billie rolls her eyes when Jack grabs her and says he just wanted to make sure she was ok. She has been acting strange since she was rescued earlier and he is worried about her with everything that has happened. Billie insists she is fine. Jack says that he and Abby saw how upset she was with Kate and how she disowned her. Billie says that's right and that is her business. She tells him to take Abby home and to leave her alone.

Jack says Forrest took her home because she was tired and admits he is stunned by her attitude and flying off the handle. He knows something is wrong. Billie finally loses it and tells him to back off and to stay out of her life and away from her. She wants nothing to do with him. Billie then stomps off, leaving behind a stunned and confused Jack as the scene shifts to...

Lucas and will sit by Sami's side, praying for her recovery. Will can't believe he may lost his mother again just as he has gotten her back. Lucas tells him not to give up. His mother is a fighter and they need to believe she will get through this. She needs their strength too. Will then kisses his mother's forehead and says he loves her while also telling her they need her to come back to them. Lucas gets up and prepares to walk out. Will asks where he is going. Lucas assures him he will be back.

Lucas walks outside where Maggie is waiting with Alice, Doug, and Julie. Lucas is stunned that Alice is still there as mostly everyone else went home to change and get some rest since it's late, except Roman and Marlena, who are in the chapel praying. Maggie tells Lucas they tried to get Alice to go home but she refused. She wanted to be there for him and Will. Lucas smiles. Maggie asks how he and Will are doing. Lucas just shakes his head and says it's hard and that he can't help but blame himself. Sami took that bullet for him.

Maggie tells him it's no one's fault but Orpheus' and that he needs to remember that. Lucas then says he thinks he will go outside and get some air. Ss he grabs his jacket, a note falls out. It's the note given to him earlier by a nurse. Maggie asks what that is. Lucas says that he was needed at Roberts, Inc. for something but it's not important. Maggie tells him to go ahead. She can keep an eye on Will and it may be important or something to do with his harassment case. It also may help him take his mind off. Julie agrees, saying there is nothing he can do with Sami just lying there.

Lucas reluctantly agrees to go but asks that they tell Will where he is and that they call if anything changes. Julie and Maggie agree and embrace Lucas before he leaves. Once he is gone, Julie asks if Alice wants anything to eat or drink. Alice says she would love some coffee. Julie asks Doug if he wants to come with her. They can talk along the way. Doug shakes his head and says that wouldn't be a good idea. A saddened Julie nods and then says she will be right back. Alice and Maggie both stare daggers at Doug, who asks what is wrong.

Maggie tells Doug that everyone can see he still loves Julie and that he can't bring himself to leave Salem for that reason. Doug cites Hope being MIA and all the family troubles as the reasons why he is still there. Maggie tells Doug to keep trying to convince himself and then adds that regardless of that, he is stringing along Julie. He needs to make a move, whether it's leaving town or not. He is giving her flase hope. Maggie then says she is going to check on Will and walks off as Doug turns and looks at Alice, who says that Julie is right.

Doug then turns and walks off to a corner in the waiting area and tells himself that they are right and he does have to make a move. He just wonders what that move is exactly. The scene then shifts to...

Lexie, who comes out of Stefano's room and tells Tony, Anna, Lincoln and Cassie that Stefano can see visitors now. Lexie goes back into the room where an awake Stefano takes her hand and says that Rich told her she saved his life. He kisses her hand and thanks her for what she did. He tells his daughter he will never forget it. Lexie says it's her job. Rich says he would like to talk to her about that and feels that while what she did was risky and wrong considering she isn't practicing medicine, he thinks it's a sign in a way. Lexie says it did feel right. Rich tells her he would support and endorse her if she considered applying for reinstatement at University Hospital. Stefano thinks that would be a splendid idea. Tony does as well. Lexie smiles and says she will think about it.

Rich tells Lexie to get back to him and says that Stefano will make a full recovery, thanks to her. Lexie smiles and Rich leaves. Anna then tells Tony she is going home to change. Tony asks if her staying so long and acting as if she is coming back is a sign. Anna smiles and urges him not to read too much into it as she may not be back. Anna then walks off, leaving Tony smiling. Stefano asks Lexie if it is known who shot him. Tony mentions that it appears he got caught in the mix of gunfire and that the police are saying Orpheus shot him. Lincoln adds that Orpheus was the only one aiming in his direction.

Stefano is shocked that his own son would shoot him again. Tony urges him to keep in mind this was the only time he knew Stefano was his father, not that it makes a difference. Cassie and Lexie remind Stefano to keep calm as he is still recovering. Stefano insists he is calm and tells Lincoln to find Orpheus and bring him to him. Lexie thinks that is a bad idea as Orpheus despises him. Stefano says he needs to see Orpheus and that nothing else matters. Lincoln nods and walks off as Lexie and Cassie say they hate this idea of his. Stefano insists he needs to his son, no matter what the risk. The scene then shifts to...

Maggie, who enters Sami's room. Maggie fills Will in on where Lucas went. Will doesn't like his dad being alone and says he worries about him when things like this happen, especially after how he fell apart when he thought his mom was dead. Maggie understands but assures Will that Lucas is strong and seemed fine when he left, given the circumstances. Will hopes that is the case. The scene shifts to...


Lucas walks by the receptionist desk and is shocked to see no one there and no light on. He wonders what is going on. He sees his office light on in his office and enters to find a smiling Joelle standing up against his desk and saying she has been waiting for him. The scene shifts to...


Caroline brings some food out to Belle, who is holding Claire. Belle thanks her grandmother for making a meal for her so late with everything going on. Caroline says it's good to keep busy and she knows with everything that happened they hardly anyone had time to eat. Belle smiles and thanks her, saying she just needed to get something for Claire. Caroline says no problem and bids her good night. Belle does the same and leaves, running right into Philip. Claire says hello to her daddy and Philip kisses her and says it right back.

Belle asks if he is following her. Philip smiles and says so what if he is. He knows tonight has been rough for her and wants to make sure she is ok. Belle insists she is fine and she doesn't need him to comfort her. She has family and friends for that and asks that he backs off. She bids him good night and walks off as Philip smiles and says he is both family and a friend. He's her husband.

Meanwhile, Caroline is her room above the pub and is going through some old things, saying how comforting it is. She ends digging through some of Shawn's old things and begins to get emotional. Just then, an envelope falls out of a pile of books and it is addressed to Roman. Caroline wonders what it could be as the scene shifts to...


Nicole and Orpheus enter and Orpheus closes the door behind them. Nicole says he better hope he stashed the car in the right place. Orpheus thinks they are safe. He then asks Nicole what she wants in return for helping him since there has to be a price, of course. He then adds that he really didn't need her help. Nicole says yeah right and reminds him they made great partners once and she would like to revisit that, saying she feels they both need each other. Orpheus smiles and says he thought she hated him after Eric died on the ship. Nicole says she has decided to forget all that since Orpheus can make things up to her if he agrees to this partnership. Orpheus tells her to go on.

Nicole says she came across an interesting scene tonight at the Salem Towers Ball. Orpheus asks what she means. Nicole says she saw Hope Brady and Steve Johnson having sex in an office. Orpheus is stunned and wonders how that came about, figuring it must have something to do with their past. Nicole asks what past. Orpheus tells Nicole there is quite alot she doesn't know. Nicole urges him to share and, in return, she is his. She then puts her arms around him and whispers in his ear...

Nicole: All yours...I will be at your disposal...for anything.

Orpheus pushes her away, smiles and contemplates the offer. Nicole approaches him, holds out her hand and asks if they have a deal and if they are partners again. Orpheus looks down at her hand and then back up, thinks for a moment, and then smiles as he takes her hand and shakes it, saying they have a deal as the scene freeze frames on them shaking hands and then fades to black.




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