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Episode 101: Faux Me Once (Season Finale)

Matt P.


Previously on Point Palace:

- Blake and Alley booked a flight to France where they found London alive thanks to a French couple who nursed London back to life after she suffered from the Sleeping Beauty Syndrome and loss of memory. Plus she beat her bleeding disease. Alley is still weary to how it happened and informs John about it, who was getting upset that she was spending time with Blake.

- Bryan returned to the school board and Dylan wasn’t happy to see him. Bryan tells them that he can be cleared of all charges since Nan was the one who did it, not him. Bryan also informs them that he has enough money to buy the school back.

- Alexia and Tanisha sneak their way into the hospital where Owen is. Both girls become reunited with Owen but are kicked out before he can tell them who paid Ivory to put him there.

- Detective Miltner arrests Jenny for confessing to Nick’s murder. Carlos begs her to take it back but she feels as if she’s protecting him, since he is the prime suspect. Later, C.C. pays Jenny a visit to taunt her that she’ll be closer to Carlos.

- Carrie gets an important phone call from Juliana asking her to return to Lexington so that the two can become a family.

- Sky informs Ava about Nate’s STD.

- Will calls Mika to plan a date but along the way, Mika gets instructions from Tjin Tao to eliminate Will. Mika is hesitant since she admits to being close to the subject. From her periscope gun, Mika shoots Will.

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Episode 101:

Faux Me Once

(Season 4 Finale)

Executive Story Consultant & Creator:

Matt Politylo

Logo Designer:

Mary Zimmerman

- - -Mika100.jpgTjin100.jpgWill100.jpg

(Mika frantically runs to Will’s lifeless body and begins to cover him up so that no one else will see. Tears begin to pour out of her eyes and onto Will while kneeling down to hold him.)


I’m sorry Will. Please forgive me.

(From a distance, she hears faint footsteps and knew who it was. She gets up and faces Tjin Tao.)


There I did what you wanted. I killed someone that I really felt something for. Are you happy? Are you happy that I have been turned into a lifeless killing machine?

Tjin Tao:

This had to be done Mika. We both know that. You’re wrong about the lifeless part, you have emotions…you’re showing them now.


I want out. That’s what I’m showing. You’ve done so much for me and my family but there comes a time when-

Tjin Tao:

It’s not possible.

(Mika pulls out a katana blade from her thin backpack. Mika points her blade at Tjin Tao who stays calm.)

Tjin Tao:

Mika, the student never surpasses their master!


We’ll see about that.

(Tjin Tao pushes her arm down to the ground and pushes her back. She regains her composure and stands back up. In a quick motion, Mika slides her sword into stomach.)


You win.

Tjin Tao: (scared)

Mika! NO!

(Mika falls to the ground, next to Will’s body. Tjin Tao shakes his head until he pulls out his phone to make a call.)

Tjin Tao:

Yes they’re both dead. I repeat Will Pazner and Mika Tomukuzai are dead. I will dispose of the body.

(Tjin Tao hangs up and proceeds to handle Mika’s body. Until she gets back up alive.)

Tjin Tao:

What the - ?


I wanted out! This is the only way! You just told them that I was dead so I’m dead to them.

(Mika takes her katana and goes after him. She tries slicing him but Tjin Tao blocks her every move. He goes to kick her until she grabs his leg and throws him against the wall. He becomes aggressive with her and tries punching her. Mika grabs him by the neck and with her sword she stabs Tjin Tao in the neck. He gags blood until keeling over. She then throws his heavy body into the garbage dumpster next to him.)


Do you think you’re being watched?

(Will rips off his fake stained bullet proof vest.)


No. They think we’re dead so I’m officially out of the Yakuza.

(Mika smiles and kisses Will.)

- - -John100.jpgGuy100.jpg

(John sits at The Palace Café, sipping on his purchased drink. He looks at the phone thinking that he should call Alley but shakes his head at the thought. He gets a call and quickly answers it before looking at the caller ID.)




Hey bro.

(Guy talks with John while walking the streets at his local college in Ohio.)


Guy it’s been a while since we last spoke.


Yeah what can I say, I’ve been busy.


How’s mom and dad?


They’re good. How are you doing?


The usual I guess. Found out that my dead ex-girlfriend is alive and that my current girlfriend is being her bitchy ole’ self.


You lead such the interesting life. Dude London’s alive?


Yeah who knew.


That’s great news. I actually wanted to give you a heads up on something.


What’s that?


You’re sort of, kind of going to be getting a visitor.


A visitor? Is mom or dad coming? Why? What did you tell them?


I didn’t tell them anything. It’s not them. It’s our big sis Marissa. She wants to see you.


Great. That’s just great. More added stress in my life. One woman at a time!

(John hangs up with Guy and shakes his head in frustration.)

- - -Bryan100.jpgDylan100.jpg

(Bryan settles his way into Dylan’s office when he isn’t there. He roots through his files until he finds the one that he needs, a form signed with Blake’s signature. Bryan quietly moves into a more private area where he observes the signature.)


Just one fine work of a pen and the school belongs to me.

(Bryan proceeds to copy the signature to a letter that Bryan had typed up claiming that the school will belong to him.)


What are you doing?

Bryan: (jumpy)

Oh Dylan. You scared me.


Great to know. You didn’t answer my question.


I’m just going over a few files that’s all.


Really? I hope you don’t mind me looking at these files.


Actually yes I do mind. I mind very much. Someone like yourself should value some sort of means of privacy.


Then that means that you’re up to no good. Which isn’t an assumption when it comes to a slimy toad like yourself.


Maybe you should become a detective and let the school board’s politics be handled by the big boys.

(Byran playfully smacks Dylan in the face. Dylan takes him by his collar and forcefully pushes him against the wall.)


You listen to me and you listen good. There’s no way in hell that myself or those board members are tricked by your snake ways. Just wait until Blake gets back because he didn’t forget how you tried framing him. Do I make myself clear?

(Bryan throws Dylan’s hands off of him.)


You have quite the temper. Maybe next time you could learn to assault me better because your threats are meaningless.

- - -Carlos100.jpgJenny100.jpgAgatha100.jpg

(During her visiting hour, Carlos walks in with Agatha who looks distraught after seeing Jenny. Jenny smiles at her for reassurance. Jenny picks up the phone on her end as does Carlos.)


Somebody wanted to see you.


I’m glad she’s here.

(Carlos hands Agatha the phone to speak to Jenny.)


Oh Jenny. I can’t believe you’re in here. Did you really kill him?


I don’t know…I mean, yes, yes I did kill him.

(Carlos shakes her head.)


Nick changed so much. After hearing what had happened, I told him off until he fired me.

(Jenny’s eyes connects with Carlos to make sure he’s hearing the same thing.)

Jenny: (bating her)

Seriously? You talked to him again?


I left him a nasty message but calling him wasn’t enough. I wanted him to know how I felt!


Did you go back to his office?


I did.


Hey if you don’t mind I need to speak to Jenny in private real quick.


Of course.

(to Jenny)

For some reason I can’t see a caring soul like you doing something like this. But if you did, then the more power to ya.

(Agatha goes off to the side to give the two privacy.)


Are you thinking what I’m thinking?


Yeah she was acting so strange. You don’t think she could be a suspect?


Actually I do. It’s very possible that she could’ve done it. Because I know it couldn’t be you and I just wish you would stop protecting me because I’ll find out if I did it or not. I couldn’t have been that drunk.

- - -Blake100.jpgLondon100.jpg

(On the other end of the world, Blake walks around the streets of Paris with London. He can’t keep back the constant smile on her face.)


What else do you want to know?


Tell me more about L.J.


She’s growing up so fast. Everyone comments on how much she looks like her mother.

London: (sarcastic)

Yeah since I’ve been in her life for so long.


Let’s not worry about that. You’re here and we’re here.


What about my family?


They don’t know yet but they were truly devastated.


I’ll fix that. What about the school? How’s that been?


It’s been quiet, which is surprising.


Maybe when I return I’ll become more hands on. From a distance, it was always something I wanted to do.

Blake: (weary)

Really? I never got that feeling.


Then let’s not worry about that.

(Blake stops and looks at her. Under the Eiffel Tower, he leans in and passionately kisses London.)

- - -tanisha100.jpgAlexia100.jpgOwen100.jpgChristina100.jpg

(In Raleigh, Alexia pulls up to a cozy looking home. Both girls get out of the car.)


This is where you live I take it?


Yeah but that’s not why I’m making this a homecoming.

(Alexia and Tanisha proceed to the door. Instead of knocking on it, Alexia opens the door to find Owen sitting on the couch. Christina comes down the steps to give a hug to Alexia.)


I’m so happy you’re here.

(to Tanisha)

And you must be?


Tanisha Jones. Owen’s girlfriend.


Yes I’ve heard a lot about you.


Nice to meet you too.


It was you. You were the one who paid Ivory to take Owen back to Raleigh.


Yes it was me. Why are you so surprised?

(Owen stands up and takes Tanisha by the hand.)


Let’s give them some time.


Of course.

(Both exit into the kitchen.)

Alexia: (upset)

Maybe because for the last couple of weeks we thought that Owen was kidnapped and we’ve been on a wild goose chase to find him. The whole time…he was here because of you.


Well how do you think I felt when I found out that Owen was in the hospital? Or what about the explosion that made him deaf? I found out those things from the news so I decided to teach you a lesson.

Alexia: (shocked)

What? What kind of lesson could you possibly be talking about?


You never tell me anything so I was one step ahead of you. It hurts to not know what’s going on with your family, doesn’t it?


Yes. It does.


Plus you lied to me. Maybe if you would’ve told me the truth, then I would’ve told you what I had done.


Mom, I’m sorry for lying. I really do mean that. I have been so worried about you and how Owen’s disappearance would have affected your health.


And the good news is that I’m going through remission with my cancer. I appreciate you caring about me.

(Alexia hugs her mother.)

Alexia: (tearing up)

That means the world to me to hear you say that.


Look I know your semester is winding down and I really want to be family. You can help me take care of your brother, who doesn’t need that much help, but I always need you here.

(Tanisha walks back into the living room.)


You should do it. Point Palace will always be there but your family should come first.


I miss you sis.


Yeah I kind of do think that I want to come home.

Owen: (to Tanisha)

What about us?


I don’t know if I can settle for a long distance relationship.


Come on, you could work it out.


Yeah praise the moment.


I guess that I can stay for a few more days.

(to Christina)

If that’s okay with you.


Of course it is.


Now this is how I wanted to picture my family. All together as one.

(Tanisha kisses Owen on the cheek and Alexia hugs Christina again, while smiling at what felt like a picture perfect moment.)

- - -Dylan100.jpgCarrie100.jpg

(After coming back to his room from a hard day in the school board, Dylan smiles to find Carrie making him dinner.)


Glad to see you’re up and about.


Couldn’t think I was young forever.


You were too much to handle.


I could imagine. Look I got a call from Juliana the other day and she said something that sort of stuck to me.

Dylan: (sarcastic)

What that she ordered a hit on me?


No. She asked if we maybe wanted to move to Lexington.


Are you kidding me? Why? What possible reason would we have to go back there for?


As much as I hate it, Juliana’s my mother. Maybe it would be nice if I could be her daughter.

(Dylan shakes his head.)


The decision’s up to you and whatever you choose, I’ll support you.

- - -Will100.jpgMika100.jpg

(Later that night, Will secretly walks the streets of Cody, with a disguise. He walks to the building where Mika had previously sniped him from. When he gets to the rooftop, he finds Mika looking over the edge.)

Will: (joking)

Don’t jump!


Freefalling is a great escape.

(Mika turns around to face him. The wind rustles through her now dyed hair.)


Why did you ask me up here?


Because I wanted to thank you for everything.


I have a lot to thank you for too. You didn’t kill me and you got me over my first love.


Glad to help but –


Are you breaking up with me?

(Mika is silent.)


Your disguise looks nice. Very distinguished and sexy.


That doesn’t answer my question.

(Mika walks up to Will and strokes his face. The two lean in for a romantic kiss.)


Goodbye Will.

Will: (desperate)

Mika wait! Please don’t leave me. Whatever it is that we can do to be together, I’ll do it. Don’t go. Not like this.


I’m sorry Will. This is the only way.

(Mika runs towards the end of the balcony and jumps off. Will runs to grab her but watches her fall. She blows him a kiss before disappearing into the darkness.)

- - -Sky100.jpgAva100.jpgNate100.jpg

(The next day, Ava paces nervously around her dorm until Someone knocks on her door. She answers it to find Sky. Sky walks in and kisses her on a cheek.)


Hey you.


It’s nice to see you.


Guess what? Tonight I was thinking that you and I could go check out this really hot lesbian club that my friend told me about.


Interesting. Yeah I’m down.

(Ava gets another knock on her door.)


Let me get it.

(Sky opens the door to find Nate but she tries slamming it in his face. He makes his way into Ava’s room.)


Ava I need to talk to you.


This should be interesting.


Um…okay what’s up?


You really need to find out what kind of a girl you’re going out with. She’s a bully!


He’s just mad because you like what I have. Guess he can’t handle it what with his disease.


Sky’s that uncalled for.


The truth is, I do have something but I don’t like you for that reason.


You like me?


Wasn’t it obvious? It was practically poking out of his pants.


Yes I do and I can only hope that you see how bad you really have it, girl or not, Sky isn’t worth it.


You got some balls!


Stop it both of you!


You know what? Let’s end this right here and right now. Ava who do you want to be with? Do you want to be with me or do you want to be with Nate? The decision’s yours, even though I know who you’ll choose.

- - -DetMiltner100.jpgAlan100.jpg

(In the forensic lab at the Cody Prescient, Detective Miltner goes through more evidence that he found in Nick’s office. Officer Wendell passes by to talk to him.)

Officer Wendell:

Must be fun to play C.S.I.

Detective Miltner:

Yeah it is Alan.

Officer Wendell:

Thought the case was over. Didn’t someone confess?

Detective Miltner:

They did but it was purely a confession. Deep down inside, I think they are trying to protect someone.

Officer Wendell:

And if someone else confesses…

Detective Miltner:

Then there’s no case. Basically I have a fake confession, a killer still out there, and some piece of evidence which I hope will end it.

Officer Wendell:

Good luck. We’re heading off to drink if you’re interested.

Detective Miltner:

I’m waiting for something important. Have fun.

(Officer Wendell exits. Another forensic expert walks in to the room.)

Detective Miltner:

Did you get what I needed?

Forensic Expert:

Of course. Took all traces of DNA that we could find, and came up with a few traces of red hair.

Detective Miltner:

The main suspect has red hair!

Forensic Expert:

Yes but does she wear a wig because it was prosthetic.

(Detective Miltner begins to go deep in thought.)

Detective Miltner:

Fake red hair.

Forensic Expert:

With John Doe’s blood stains on them.

(Detective Miltner stands up out of his chair and runs out in a hurry.)

Detective Miltner:

Get me a warrant for an arrest. I know who did it. I’m pretty damn sure I know who killed Nicholas Quarr!

- - -Alley100.jpgFernec100.jpg

(Leaving Blake behind at the hotel room, Alley goes on her own quest to talk to London. She has problems trying to go to Fernec’s home until she hands the taxi driver an address. She pays the driver and knocks on Fernec’s door.)


Hey Fernec, I was wondering may I speak to London?


Yes of course. She’s upstairs.


It’s a little bit of a surprise so don’t tell her I’m here.


Of course.

(Alley walks up the steps to London’s room. The door is partly open. Alley opens it to get her attention.)


Listen we need to ta-

(Alley is shocked to find a wig and chunks of fake skin on the dresser drawer. Alley looks at the culprit who was partly dressed as London and as themselves.)

Alley: (shocked)

Oh my god. It’s you!

- - -

Who will Ava choose: Sky or Nate?

Will Carrie and Dylan leave for Lexington?

Who killed Nick?

Who's been impersonating London?

Find out when Point Palace returns for its fifth season in early 2008


Recommended Comments

  • Members

So this was the finale. Wow I am glad London isnt really alive. Wonder who's imperosnating him. I liked what Christina did to Alexia.

Mika is gone.

I bet CC killed Quarr.

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  • Members

AWWWWW - who is that woman - IS LONDON dead or ALIVE ? What's impersonater AFTER? - Nice ending - Will difinetly turn in next season - MIKA is is very BRAVE... She is my favorite girl - can wait to see what's the next chapter of her life will bring....


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