11/23/07: DOOMSDAY PART 2
Kendall OR Greenlee...
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The gun battle rages on at the entrance to the tower. Team members and I.S.A. agents shield Stefano and Victor...as dead men fall everywhere. The citizens watch in horror at the death before them. The team members, police and agents are starting to lose the battle....and, as Abe tells the men to fall back, something happens that finally tips the scales into their favor.......
When a fleet of helicopters comes up from the other side of the building across the street and opens fire into the windows of the tower. Orpheus’ men start to fall as Stefano and Victor’s men, along with other team members, wipe out Orpheus’ muscle in the lobby and on the street in front of the tower. One of the helicopters lands on the street and, when it opens up,.....a person wearing a black helmet steps out, brandishing a machine gun. The person walks up to the group of men and, when this person removes the helmet....
It shows the face of the I.S.A.’s new Chief Of The North American Bureau.....Shane Donovan! Roman and the others shake Shane’s hand as he tells them...
Shane: No time to waste. Get up there and bring those people home.
Roman: I don’t know what to say.
Shane: No matter what.....we’re still family, Roman. You’ll have backup. Now.....snap to it.
Abe looks at the group and orders....
Abe: You heard the man........LET’S MOVE!!!
The men then storm the entrance to the building as the patrons on the ground watch......and pray.....for everyone’s safe return.
Roman, Bo & Steve make it upstairs to Orpheus’ penthouse. Men from across the street, on rooftops, train their weapons onto every window of the apartment as the three men, along with S.W.A.T. team members and I.S.A. agents, make their way inside. Men and women fan out all over the building and Roman looks around frantically for his little girl.
Miranda then kicks the door open, weapon drawn, and the men aim at her in a split second. No one opens fire but, as Stefano and Victor walk into the room, she identifies herself as Kate and Billie come running out of the room. Team members take both women out of the room.......as Billie stops and stares at Stefano. He looks at her confused and Kate walks back over, takes Billie’s hand, and leads her out as Stefano and Victor watch them leave.
As men look for Orpheus, Roman yells for his peanut......
Roman: SAMI!!! Sami, it’s me! Are you alright?!
At that wonderful moment, Roman hears a voice he knew was silent for the rest of his life. A voice that says just one simple word............
Sami: Daddy?
A crying Sami slowly walks out of a side room as Roman turns and sees her. Tears flow from his eyes as he runs up to her........and father and daughter embrace warmly as the others look on. Even Stefano smiles as everyone hears the exchange between the two......
Sami: (crying) Hi, Daddy.
Roman: (crying) Hi, Peanut.
Sami: He had me the whole time, Daddy.
Roman: (hugging Sami) Yes. Yes, I know. But......you’re safe now, ok?
Sami: Ok.
Roman: Your mother and everyone is down on the street waiting to see you. We all thought you were gone......forever........
Sami: I know. I tried to get away. I really did.
Roman: I know, peanut. I know. Orpheus kept threatening you, didn’t he?
Sami: Yes. He said he would kill all of you.
Roman: Well............I’m about to deal with him, ok? You go with the officers........and I’ll be back directly.
Sami: No, Daddy.......come with me, please.
Roman: Peanut..........he has to pay. He went too far, baby. You just........you just tell your mother.....that I love her, ok? Will you do that for me?
Sami: Ok.
As Sami starts to walk away,......Orpheus comes out of the shadows,......dragging a dead officer with him. He points a gun at Roman............as Roman shields Sami to the elevator so she can escape. Miranda stays behind and, as the door opens,.........Shane takes Sami and listens as Roman tells him to get her out of there. Shane grabs Sami’s hand as the door closes in front of them........
And the stand-off between these two hated enemies now reaches a fever pitch....
Orpheus: (dropping the dead officer) Looks like you have saved your little girl. Splendid. Too bad your life ends here......
Roman: My life? You bastard.......how dare you act arrogant? Guess we’ll have to do something about that......
Roman pulls out a device. After he activates it,.......he tells Orpheus......
Roman: Time to show you how truly serious I am.

Roman then presses two buttons......and, in the warehouse district, four huge warehouse structures explode in huge fireballs. The people in front of the building can hear the explosions as, back in the penthouse, Orpheus demands to know what just happened.....
Roman: Oh that? Those were four of the warehouses you store weaponry in. $60 million dollars of equipment....gone. I’ve had a lot of time on my hands since quitting the force and, when my daughter was......killed, shall we say......it gave me time to.....
Orpheus drops his gun ever so slightly, enraged at this insult, and tells Roman.....
Orpheus: You..........disgusting little man. I must commend you though.......guess I didn’t hide them as well as I should have.
Roman: Guess you didn’t.......old friend.
As the Salemites wait down on the street,........they see people starting to run out of the building. Jack sees Billie and breaks the police line and they run toward each other and embrace. Lucas and Will see Kate and, as the crowd cheers, they run up to her and the three of them share a warm reunion. Cassie, Marlena and the others look toward the entrance....but don’t see anyone else emerging form the building. Police and team members hurry Billie and Kate to waiting ambulances....
As the tense stand-off in the tower continues......
Stefano tells Orpheus to end this. He and Victor have agreed to his terms....so why must he continue? Orpheus says that as long as Roman Brady lives.....his life is meaningless. Stefano tells him that is not true and Orpheus tells him not to buddy up to him now. He then has one of his men bring out a briefcase.....with Roman’s name on. He says that it holds the secrets to what happened to him the two years he was gone. Roman is silent.......and Orpheus says that no matter what their connection is........he knows what’s really important. Victor asks what does that mean and Bo, Steve & Roman look at Orpheus, waiting for an answer. But, before he can say a word.....
Hawk steps up from behind him and places the barrel of a .357 Magnum directly on his temple. This move causes all the men in the room,......including Orpheus’ men, to pull their weapons. Orpheus’ right hand man, Michael, steps from the shadows and points his gun at Victor while Victor points at Orpheus. Lincoln then slowly walks up toward Hawk and both men put weapons at each other. Orpheus, in turn, points his weapon at Bo’s head, who is pointing his gun at one of Orpheus’ men. Stefano points at Roman and Steve points at Stefano and Lincoln at the same time.......while Roman aims his gun directly at Orpheus’s right eye, saying........
Roman: If my brother is shot,......we all die here tonight.
Orpheus: More threats. So, so boring.
Bo and Roman look into each other’s eyes as Bo tells him.....
Bo: Don’t listen to him, bro. Take aim and blow his [!@#$%^&*] head off!!!
Orpheus: I wouldn’t do that, Roman.
Roman: Well, little brother,.....you’ve gotten yourself into a fine mess this time, haven’t you?
Both men chuckle as Bo tells Roman.....
Bo: Do me a favor. Tell Hope........tell her, she’s the world to me. Ok? Will you do that for me, bro?
Roman: You can tell her yourself.
Victor: Orpheus,.....if you harm one hair on my son’s head, I’ll.......
Orpheus: Keep your cool, Victor. So, I guess this is the part in the movies where the bad guy says.......so touching. But......I’m tired of this. Time to end it......here, and now.
Roman: With pleasure, Orpheus........
And then, in slow motion, Bo ducks down and fires his gun at Orpheus’ man as Roman takes deadly aim at Orpheus.....
And everyone on the street looks towards the top of the tower as they see flashes of light going off in the penthouse. Marlena screams out loud as Sami and Shane come out of the building. Marlena turns and looks toward the entrance of the building and, as the shooting stops in the tower,.........Sami and Marlena lock eyes.
Marlena steps under the police tape and starts walking slowly toward Sami, who is crying heavily as she walks toward her mother. Marlena, clutching Roman’s wedding ring, then takes her coat off and runs toward her baby girl as Sami runs into her arms.....
And mother and daughter, reunited, embrace.....
Marlena: My baby......my baby.......
Sami: Hi, Mom. How are you?
Marlena puts her coat around Sami as police surround them both........
Marlena: I’m fine now, baby. God has answered my prayers........you are alive........
Sami: But, daddy is still up there.
Marlena refuses to tell Sami about the gunfight that just occurred in the tower and tells Sami.....
Marlena: Your daddy can handle himself. Trust me, Sami, ok?
Sami: Ok.
Marlena holds Sami tightly as the police rush them past the police line and to a waiting ambulance.
The scene shifts to twenty minutes later......and there still isn’t any word from the tower. As everyone kisses and hugs everyone else,.......there is a palpable tension in the air. Cassie paces back and forth. Alexandra holds tightly onto her coat as Hope and Kayla hold onto one another. Jack holds Billie’s hand.......as she stays in shock over being a member of the DiMera family. Frankie, Max, and Stephanie comfort Caroline. Tony comforts Anna. Philip tries to comfort Belle but she backs away.
And Lucas and Will look around for Sami. They know she’s out there but haven’t been able to find her. Just then, an officer comes running past the crowd.......and goes up to Shane. He tells him some news that makes Shane’s face drop with sorrow. Shane then pats the officer on his shoulder and, as the officer races off,.....Shane gathers everyone around, to deliver the news.......
Shane: I have just received word.......that a man is down in the tower. At the present time,.....we do not know the identity of this man. That is being efforted as we speak. Please, stay calm......and when I find out, I will let you all know.
As Shane walks toward the tower, citizens panic over his news. At that moment, Lucas turns around........and locks eyes with Sami. Lucas then grabs Will and turns him around.....so he can see his mother once again. Tears flow from Lucas’ eyes and, as he starts walking toward Sami.....
She takes off Marlena’s coat and starts walking toward Lucas. Will stands still, crying, as he gives his mother and father this wonderful moment.......and, as they get closer to each other, Lucas tells Sami....
Lucas: My lady.........I have missed you.
Sami: I never left you, my darling. Never.
As they get closer, Sami smiles at Lucas.......and then her smile slowly fades away and it is replaced.....with utter horror. Sami stares at Lucas’ chest.....and sees a red dot right on his heart. She turns to see someone pointing a scope at Lucas.......and, as the scene zooms into the window, a bloody Michael, Orpheus’ man, takes aim at Lucas......
In slow motion, Sami races toward Lucas, pointing at his chest. Marlena and everyone turns after Sami yells at Lucas. Lucas looks down, sees the dot pointing to his heart, and looks toward the building. At that moment, before Lucas can even move.......
Sami turns.............and jumps in front of Lucas. A shot rings out and everyone hits the ground. Sami falls into Lucas’ arms and they both collapse to the ground. Once he sits up, holding Sami, he tells her to wake up. Officers, team members and agents fire at the window were the shot came from.....
And Lucas looks down at Sami. But.......she is unconscious. Lucas tries to wake her........and then sees the blood coming from her chest. It takes moments for it to sink in and then Lucas screams.....
Will and Marlena run toward the couple as Lucas cries, holding Sami tightly. Paramedics rush over to help and all Lucas can do is hold a lifeless Sami.......
As the scene freeze frames while he kisses her forehead.......and then slowly fades to black.
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