11/21/07: DOOMSDAY
Kendall OR Greenlee...
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Lucas and Will come racing up to the barricade and try to force their way through. The police stop them both and tell Lucas that he can't go anywhere. He says that his fiance is in that building but the officer stands firm. As Will and Lucas try once again to go past the officer,......he pulls his gun, and threatens to arrest them if they don't listen to reason.
The officer then looks at both men, saying that he feels exactly the same way they do. But.....neither of them is trained for this type of action. The men agree and thank the officer as they walk away.
As they go to another part of the police line, they go and stand by Marlena, who holds out both her hands for them. Will and Lucas take each hand.....and silently pray that their nightmare could be over....
Once and for all.
Abe walks over to the three men and asks them what they have decided. Victor and Stefano agree to exchange themselves for Sami and the others. Abe nods his head as Roman walks over and thanks Victor. He then turns and looks at Stefano........and walks away. Maggie walks over to Victor, looks at her man with sadness, and tells him.....
Maggie: I didn’t think I could love like this again after Mickey.
Victor: Neither did I.
Maggie: You come back to me........ok?
Victor: Yes, my darling. If I should not return.......
Victor takes off a locket that Isabella gave him before she died........
Victor: Make sure Greta receives this. (Getting emotional) She’s my little girl, and......
Maggie: You be strong, now. And you’ll get this when you come back.
Victor: Thank you, my darling. Bye.
Victor and Maggie gently kiss and he takes one last look at her before turning and walking away. Maggie starts to cry as Hope runs over and holds her. Maggie rests her head on Hope’s shoulder.
Victor then sees Nico and tells him to use his best judgment when the stuff really kicks off. Nico nods his head......and, in front of everyone, the two old friends hug each other and shake hands. Victor tells Nico to look after his family for him.....and Nico looks at his Godfather and simply says....
Nico: As always, Victor.
And, as Nico and Victor separate.....
Roman and Marlena walk off to the side of the crowd and have a private moment......
Roman: I don’t know what to say.
Marlena: Just say what’s in your heart.
Roman: (After a pause) Ok. The face....... is different........but my heart..... will always be yours.
Marlena: Oh, Roman.........
Roman: Forgive me.......for all my mistakes.
Maggie, Hope, Victor, Bo and the others watch this loving exchange......
Marlena: We have been through so much......
Roman: Yes. We have.
Marlena: (Starting to cry) You remember one thing, Cop.
Roman: What’s that, lady?
Marlena: The sleeping bag will always be there.......for you. Come home to me.
Roman: And I’ll bring our little girl back as well.
Roman takes off his wedding ring. It’s the ring he’s had on since he first found out he was Roman Brady and places it in Marlena’s hand........
Roman: For you.
Marlena: Oh.......
He then looks into her beautiful eyes and kisses her on the lips. Marlena grabs and holds him tightly. They pull away as he tells her.....
Roman: You tell our children.......they mean the world to me. Bye, Doc.
Roman turns and walks past Stefano on his way to the S.W.A.T. unit as the women walk over and comfort her. Stefano stops him and tells him to make sure not to shoot him. Roman looks at him, smiles ever so slightly, and walks away. Meanwhile, Marlena clutches Roman’s ring in her hand and, as she starts crying.......

Alice and Doug sit in front of the television, watching the hostage scene unfold. Alice tells Doug to have faith. Doug says he doesn’t know how they are going to get out of this one. Alice looks at him and simply says........with love and faith. That’s all any of them have ever had. As Doug turns his attention back to the television, Alice closes her eyes and says a small prayer.....
Alice: Tom......I know you are listening. Here my prayer, my darling.......and bring them all home safely.
Alice opens her eyes and watches the television......

Stefano sees Lincoln walking up to him. He approaches him and, as they talk, he tells him to place their men into position. He then orders that they open fire if any shots ring out. Lincoln agrees.........and both men shake hands. Stefano then looks at the building and tells Lincoln.....
Stefano: So many regrets, my friend. So many.
Lincoln is stunned to see this side of Stefano as he walks off toward the S.W.A.T. team. Cassie tries to walk up to him but he holds her back. He then smiles, kisses her on her cheek and forehead, and quietly tells her that, even with the mistakes she’s made, she has been a gift and a joy to have in his life. She starts to cry, telling her “Papa” not to leave her. He says he must go.....but for her to continue to become the fine woman she is and to listen to her father. He’s a good, good man and she is lucky to have him.
Roman and Victor turn and see this scene........as Stefano gives Cassie his gold money clip, that was given to him by his father, Santo. He then kisses her again......and walks off before he starts getting emotional. He reaches the truck and regains his composure, saying to the small group of men....
Stefano: The Phoenix never cries........don’t you know that?
Roman and Victor can’t help but smile. As the scene shifts, Bo looks at Hope. It is their turn to say what they feel and Bo wastes no time....
Bo: Well.........you know the play.
Hope: I sure do.
Bo: I guess the scene is reversed now. When Ernesto had you in that cage,........I knew that was it. I had to say goodbye to you. I can’t seem to do that now.
Hope: It’s not goodbye, Bo. Just so long.....for a little while.
Bo: Ok. But........I have something..........
Nico runs up with Bo’s black leather jacket, gives it to him, and he wraps it around Hope, saying.....
Bo: This will keep you warm, Fancy Face. Always.
Hope: (Crying) Oh, Bo....
Bo: Bye, lady.
Hope: Be safe.
They kiss as well. Bo then turns and walks off. Steve and Kayla see this and Kayla looks at him, asking him if he is going to join them. Steve says......
Steve: Family needs me, Sweetness.
Kayla: I don’t want you to go......but, people are in trouble. (Starting to cry) You just remember one thing, ok?
Steve: What’s that, baby?
Kayla: You are the finest man........I’ve ever known. I love you so much.
Steve: (Kissing her gently) Bye, Sweetness. Tell Stephanie..........to be a good girl.
He walks off as well, readjusting his eye patch, as the women then gather behind the police line and watch their men walk off as a group to get ready.
Inside the suite, Miranda looks on as Sami starts getting on Kate’s nerves. She is asking so many questions to her and Billie that Kate yells out for her to shut up. Sami tells her that she already has gotten the taste slapped out of her mouth once tonight.....would she like to go for double or nothing? Orpheus tells them to be silent.......as the helicopters land on the roofs across the street and deploy S.W.A.T. team members.
As he orders his men to start taking positions..........
Tony walks over to the group of men as they get ready. He says to Stefano that he has done it again. Stefano tells him to keep quiet and to watch after Cassie. Tony says that’s what he means. Because of his tie to Orpheus, none of them are safe. Roman asks what that mean.......and Stefano tells him to mind his business. Roman and Stefano almost come to blows as they are separated, with Victor telling them they should be ashamed acting like this now.
Tony bids Stefano farewell........then admits that, after all the hell he’s put him through, he’s kinda hoping this IS the last time he sees him. Tony then stares at the man who raised him.......and spits at his feet. He turns and walks away as Victor and the others just shake their heads, with Steve saying.......
Steve: Your award for Father Of The Year is back at the Pub.
As he walks away, Abe joins them and starts putting on his gear. Alexandra stands off to the side, smiling. Abe turns and sees this........and walks over to her. They look at each other.......and then join in a very loving embrace. They then kiss each other gently and, without saying a word, she walks back over to the police line and he walks back over to the team. Stefano looks at Abe with disgust and Abe looks back at him, saying......
Abe: One word, old man.........and I’m beating the living [!@#$%^&*] out of you.......right here, right now, ok?
Abe smiles and continues to put on his gear......while the other men chuckle at the exchange.
At that moment, Jack, Frankie and Max run up to the team, wanting to join in on the raid. Abe tells them that it is not safe for them. Frankie says that their niece is in there and Max then asks if they don’t have the right to bring her home. Bo then walks over and says that the adopted [!@#$%^&*] stopped years ago. They are Bradys and as Bradys they need to be down on the street with the women right now. Max takes this as a chance to be near Abby as Frankie agrees with them.
Plus, Roman adds......does any of them have any police or hostage training? The men are silent. Jack then tells Steve to be careful.......and to make sure everyone, including Billie, makes it out safely. Steve looks at his brother, walks over and ask him......
Steve: How deep is it, Billy Jack?
Jack: It’s deep, Steve.
Steve: That’s great to hear, man. Jennifer would be happy.
Jack: I think so. She’s a good woman, Steve.
Steve: I know......and she’ll be brought back to you. I promise.
The two men shake hands and then Steve once again rejoins the group. As the men finish preparing, S.W.A.T. team members, Victor’s men, and Stefano’s men start taking their positions. Victor then looks off to the side.......and nods his head in approval as he sees Hawk, dressed in S.W.A.T gear, sneaking into the back of the building.
The women watch the men take positions and Jack holds Abby.......as Forrest and Max watch from a distance. Upstairs, Sami and the others are lead into separate rooms as Orpheus pulls out his gun and loads it. Down on the street, men are running everywhere, locking and loading their weapons. Stephanie holds Kayla, Hope holds onto Maggie, and as Julie holds Belle as Philip stands behind her, Lucas and Will hold onto Marlena. They all are locked onto the scene.....
As the men place S.W.A.T. helmets on their heads. Abe looks at all the men and tells them......
Abe: No matter what........I’m not losing anyone tonight........is that clear?
The men look at each other as Roman says.....
Roman: You got it, partner.
Abe orders the men to lock and load as Stefano and Victor close and button their coats. In the suite, Orpheus sees that the men are ready. Sami gets down on the ground.....and, in another room, Kate, Miranda and Billie sit against a wall. All three women forget their anger for one another right now....
And grab each other’s hands. They all close their eyes and pray silently.......
As Roman, Bo, Steve, and Abe shield Stefano and Victor, they start toward the building. The women and the other men look on in dread......and, as they reach the building....
Orpheus picks up his walkie talkie........and orders his men to.........
Orpheus: Open fire.
Shots ring out, and, in slow motion, glass starts shattering everywhere. Marlena screams and tries to break the police line, as do the others, and Abe gives the order to open fire as well. Men from rooftops start shooting and, inside the building, Hawk makes his way up to the penthouse in Orpheus’s private elevator.
Bullets fly everywhere....... and team members fall as Roman, Bo, Abe and Steve try to protect Victor and Stefano. At that moment, both of them reach into their coats, pull out their own weapons.......and open fire at Orpheus’s men as well. And, as death reigns down on the streets of Salem.....
The scene suddenly goes black, with the echoes of gunfire and screams fading off into the distance.
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