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11/16/07: HAVING A BALL PART 2






As a storm begins to move in outside, Kate and Sami look at each other in shock. Orpheus orders his men to take Sami back to her room. Sami tries to fight them off and screams for Kate to help her. Kate is speechless. Orpheus' men try to subdue Sami but are struggling. Orpheus gets involved to try to help as Kate feels her cell phone vibrate. She looks at the caller ID and sees that it's Billie and answers it.

Billie, who is still with Anna at the pier, tells Kate what Anna told her and asks if she is ok. Billie then asks what all the noise is. Kate whispers for her to nevermind that and tells Billie Orpheus has a very much alive Sami. Billie is stunned and asks if Kate is sure. Kate says she is and that has no time to explain how she ended up with Orpheus. She tells Billie she seems to be in a penthouse. She looks out the window and sees a DoubleTree East Fountain Park Hotel around the block and tells Billie. She gives her a description of the building she is in and says it's right next to her a highway.

Billie says she thinks she knows where that is and that it's only a little bit away. Kate tells her to get help and fast. She is afraid of what Orpheus will do to her now that she has seen Sami. Kate says she has to go as Orpheus is coming back and hangs up. Billie puts her phone away and tells Anna to contact the Salem PD and the Brady's to tell them what is going on. Anna asks what she is going to do. Billie says she is going after her mother and tells Anna to just do as she says. Billie runs off as a worried Anna dials Roman on her cell and gets no answer. She tries calling Marlena and nothing and figures they have their phones off at the ball. Anna realizes she is not that far away from the Salem Towers and decides to race over their on foot to save precious time as it begins to rain heavily.

Meanwhile, Orpheus returns to Kate and says she wasn't supposed to see that. Kate asks if he has had Sami there the whole time. Orpheus tells Kate he isn't answering any questions and tells her to keep her nose out of his affairs. Kate says fine and says she will just leave then. Orpheus tells her she isn't going anywhere as lightning strikes and the scene shifts to...


As a storm begins to rage outside, Maggie and Victor on are onstage delivering a speech as the audience is applauding.

Victor: We thank you all so far for your contributions to University Hospital and the new children's wing that will pay tribute to the memory of both Eric and Samantha Brady. Eric was a fine young man with a splendid future ahead of him.
Maggie: And Samantha was a young woman just entering the prime of her life. She had finally made great strides in turning her life around and, sadly, she never got to reap the rewards of her efforts.
Victor: We hope that this new wing will pay homage to the fine individuals these two were and to the Brady family.
Maggie: You should be very proud of the way Eric and Sami turned out. The Kiriakis and Horton families hope that this new memorial wing and tonight's charity ball will serve as a proper tribute to them and that will aid in the moving on process. I think Eric and Sami would want us all to live on and enjoy life.
Victor: Now, we would like to have all the Brady's come up and join us to help us cut this ribbon up here and to unveil the plaque that will be seen right outside the wing at the hospital.

Caroline, Roman, Marlena, Hope, Bo, Steve, Kayla, Belle, Lucas, Will, Max. Frankie, and Stephanie all come up on stage and help in the unofficial ribbon cutting and in the unveiling of the plaque as cameras flash around the ballroom.

Marlena (wiping tears from her eyes): We want to thank Victor, Maggie and both the Kiriakis and Horton families for this lovely tribute to our children. We also thank all of you for coming and for your generous contributions.
Roman: I know Eric and Sami are feeling pretty loved right now. They are greatly missed by all of us and this helps us to keep their memory alive in a wonderful way. My family and I do appreciate this. Thank you.

Roman and Marlena embrace and comfort each other and then do the same with the rest of the family on stage as a video montage of pictures of Eric and Sami plays on the big screen in the stage background and the scene fades back to...


Billie pulls up in her car outside the penthouse and sees a suspicious man outside the main entrance as the storm worsens. She notices him talking into something and thinks it may be a wire. She looks around and thinks she has the right place. She gets out of the car with her umbrella and slowly moves toward the building. She sees what appears to be guards dressed in plain clothes at every entrance. Someone then taps her on the shoulder, frightening her. It's Miranda, who asks Billie what she is doing there. Billie fills her in on her mother and Miranda is stunned to hear about Sami. Billie says she was too and adds that she has to get inside. There is no telling what Orpheus will do to her mother.

Miranda assures Billie that Orpheus won't hurt her mother. Billie asks how she knows he won't. Miranda tells her to trust her and says she has an idea. They are both trained ISA agents so suggests teaming up to get inside, adding that she told her partner to remain outside in case she doesn't come out. Billie is all for it and asks if she called for backup. Miranda nods but thinks that they can get more accomplished by going in ahead. They may stand a better chance at being able to get her mother and Sami out unharmed. Billie asks how they are going to get inside. Miranda pulls out a black bag, calling it her bag of tricks, and says she is already ahead of her.

Meanwhile, Kate asks Orpheus what he is going to do with her. He smiles and says he isn't going to kill her if that is what she's worried about. He asks Kate if she has forgotten their history together. Kate says she could never forget and then asks why he won't let her go then. Orpheus tells her she knows too much and that she is going to stay put...with him. The scene then fades back to...


A frustrated Anna is outside the building, trying to convince security to let her in, especially since they are in the middle of a storm. The officer tells her that only invited guests are allowed in. Anna says she saw Stefano Dimera on his admitted list and asks how he got in. The officer says he was invited. Anna rolls her eyes and says she doubts that and asks how big the check was. The officer tells her to leave or she will be forcefully removed. Anna begs him to let her inside. It's an emergency and she needs to talk to Abe Carver and Roman and Bo Brady. She asks him to at least radio in to them. The officer tells her to stop playing games and just leave. Anna shakes her head in frustration as the scene shifts to...

Inside the ballroom, Caroline walks over to Doug and embraces him, saying she is happy he is there. She asks if he has seen Julie yet. He says he ran into her but didn't say anything, nor does he want to. Caroline tells Doug he has to at least speak with her before leaving or making any other hasty decisions. She asks if they considered counseling. Doug tells Caroline he appreciates what she is trying to do but she isn't helping. He just came to support loved ones and to say goodbye. Caroline tells him that he is lying to himself. If he wanted to leave, he would've by now. Caroline walks off as Alice, who is sitting behind Doug, says that Caroline is right.

Doug tells Alice that he only stayed in Salem because of what Myers did to Hope and because Hope kept taking off. Julie then appears and points out that Hope is back and he is still here. She tells him she thinks he is having doubts and begs him not to lie to himself. All she asks is that they sit and at least try to work things out and that will take more then one meeting. Doug looks at Julie and then turns and looks at Alice. He then turns back to Julie and remains silent, seemingly contemplating what to do as the scene shifts to...

Lucas and Will, who are mingling with some hospital board members. Will suddenly turns around and gets the feeling he is being watched again. He asks to talk to Lucas and they both excuse themselves. Will tells Lucas he has that feeling they are being watched again. Lucas looks at the bar and sees Joelle and tells Will it's probably just her. If not her, they are at a ball so people are going to watch them, especially tonight. Will apologizes if he is overreacting but admits he has had this feeling for days now. Lucas thinks it's just paranoia setting in with everything that has happened and assures him it will get better. Will says he hopes so as Joelle watched from the bar, staring daggers at Lucas and Will and promising that she will destroy Lucas and everything he holds dear. A short distance away behind the stage, the mysterious figure once again watches Lucas, Will and Joelle as the scene shifts to...

Max, who is talking to Stephanie about Abby and asks if she would talk to her. Stephanie reminds Max she has talked to abby before on his behalf and it didn't work. Max thinks things are different now and begs her to try to convince Abby to at least talk to him. Stephanie agrees and goes over to Abby, who is talking to her father about Alex. She tells him he just needs to give him some space, especially since they just learned they were father and son a few weeks ago. Jack looks at Alex at the bar and says he disagrees. Alex is a lost soul right now and needs his father. Jack goes to walk over to him as Stephanie joins Abby and says they need to talk...about Max.

Jack goes over to the bar and, before he can even say a single word, Alex tells him to just leave him alone. Jack thinks they should talk. Alex says there is no need. He has nothing to say to him. Jack asks why he came to the ball then. Alex says he called someone to meet him there. Jack points out that Alex is new in Salem just as Alyson shows up and takes her seat next to Alex at the bar. Jack is shocked. Alex says she had an invitation to, thanks to her connection to the Brady's. and that they decided to meet and just enjoy the evening to help forget about their problems. Jack thinks that is nice. Alex says it would be nicer if he left them alone. Jack says he gets the message and tells him and Alyson to have a good night. After Jack leaves, Alex turns and smiles at Alyson, who smiles back at him.

Meanwhile, Stephanie and Abby are talking about Max and Abby tells her she has nothing to say to him nor does she want to see him. Stephanie warns Abby that good guys like Max don't come around everyday. Abby tells Stephanie to go back to Max and to tell him to stop using her. Abby walks off as Stephanie turns back toward Max and shakes her head while Abby walks to the food serving station and sees Forrest nearby on his cell phone, seemingly upset. She goes over to him just as he is hanging up. She says the look on his face tells her that something is wrong. Forrest nods. Abby says she wants to know. She can handle it. Forrest says he knows and tells her the ISA has lost track of Lawrence and his movements. They have no idea where his brother is. Abby is stunned as the scene shifts to...

Celeste, who tells Abe they have to keep trying to talk to Lexie. Abe doesn't think it will make a difference. Lexie is walking back from the food serving station and overhears their discussion, saying that Abe is right. She isn't going to change her mind. She's fed up and not going to take it anymore. They both hurt her far too deeply. Celeste reminds Lexie that Stefano did too. Lexie says she knows that and she isn't even that close with Stefano anymore. This is about her taking charge of her life and part of that is divorcing Abe and having her son with her. She tells Celeste it will be a new chapter of her life now...with her and Abe not in it. She walks off, leaving behind a heartbroken Abe and Celeste as the scene shifts to....

Stefano and Cassie. Stefano tells Cassie he has noticed she is upset and asks what is wrong. She says she is worried about the hit and run and wonders when Greta is finally going to talk to the police. Stefano assures her she has nothing to worry about as he heard she wasn't going to talk to the police until she was far enough along in her recovery that she would be comfortable doing so. He also tells her that she doesn't seem to remember much about that night, from what he hears.

Meanwhile, Tony and Patricia, who are now back at the bar, talk about Greta's hot and run. She reminds Tony he never did answer her questions earlier. Tony admits he wouldn't put anything past Stefano. Tony then realizes this could be an opportunity to bring Stefano down, whether he is responsible for this or not, and tells Patricia he would like to offer her his assistance in this matter. He points out he knows the Dimera empire and Stefano and that, at the very least, he could help her get evidence to bust Stefano for the crimes they know he committed. Patricia likes the idea and says she could use all the help she can get. She holds out her hand and says Tony has a deal. They both shake on it. Patricia then turns and sees Stefano comforting an upset Cassie and says she thinks they should get going on this right away. Tony agrees as the scene shifts to...

Steve, who walks over to Hope and tells her that everyone is wondering about her, especially after she walked off so abruptly earlier. Hope tells Steve she explained that to Bo and told him she was a bit lightheaded from not eating all day so she went to get something. Steve points out she has been distant and people have noticed. Her trying to avoid him is starting to become noticeable. Hope says she doesn't give a damn and orders him to go back to Kayla and to leave her alone. Hope walks off and Steve gives chase.

Meanwhile, Kayla is fixing herself a plate of food when Bo comes over and asks if she has noticed something wrong with Hope. Kayla says that she seems distant and distracted. Bo agrees. Kayla looks around and asks if he has seen Steve. Bo shakes his head and says he doesn't see Hope either and she told him she was going to get a drink. Kayla says their spouses disappearing like this is getting frustrating and it tells her that there is more going on with them. Bo agrees, saying he thinks they are keeping something from them...

Steve catches up to Hope near the elevators. She asks him why he keeps doing this when he knows this is upsetting her. Steve says that what she is doing isn't right and he won't give up until he shows her that. She is only making things worse and their loved ones are noticing. Both of them do not notice that a mystery person is watching and overhearing their conversation from around the corner. A frustrated Hope puts her hands over her face and says she has to get out of her and orders Steve not to follow her. She then boards an elevator but Steve jumps on. Hope tries to get off but the doors close and Steve then stops the elevator mid-floor. Hope asks him what he is doing. He tells her she can't run away this time and that they are going to lay everything out, right here and right now. Hope says the hell they are and pust the elevator back in motion.

Steve tells Hope she is making this worse. Hope says he is and that if he doesn't stop, he is going to destroy all their lives. Just then, a loud bang is heard and the lights go out, stopping the elevator. Upstairs, in the ballroom, everyone tries to move about in the dark. Victor's voice can then be heard as he tells people that lightning appears to have struck a transformer and that the emergency lights will turn on soon while they wait for the generators to get going. Back in the elevator, Hope can't believe this is happening. Steve says it was the storm and it must have been fate wanting them to finally work this out. Now she has nowhere to hide or to run to. A desperate Hope begins to bang on the door repeatedly for help as the scene shifts to...


Billie and Miranda are making their way through an air vent. Billie points out this brings back memories and asks how they are going to get out of the vent without making their presence known. Miranda tells her they will probably have to take on some of Orpheus's men but thinks if they do it quietly, they will be able to get some disguises and further access into the building. Billie hopes this all work out. Meanwhile, Kate begs Orpheus to just let go. She reminds him that she hates Sami and she won't tell anyone about her being alive and with him. Orpheus says he doesn't trust her one bit. He knows her all too well. He knows the way she plays the game and he isn't taking no chances. Kate, realizing she is trapped, turns on the charm and puts her arms around Orpheus, asking if he would possibly let her go for old times sake. Orpheus puts his arms around her and laughs, saying he wondered how long it would take until she began using her powers of seduction.

Just then, the power goes out. Orpheus continues to hold Kate tightly in his arms and tells her not to move. He asks one of his men what happened. One of his men says there have been several lightning strikes in the area and the wind has picked up too. It looks like they contributed to the loss of power. Orpheus orders his men to handle the situation now. Kate then comments on how they used to have some fun in the dark. Orpheus tells her to give it up. Kate tells him to stop pretending like he isn't interested. Orpheus says he knows she is trying to kiss his ass to get out of there. Kate says:

Kate: So what if I am? Why not take advantage of the situation?

Kate then kisses Orpheus passionately as the emergency lights come on. Orpheus breaks from the kiss and says that brought back alot of memories. Kate smiles and then, suddenly, her smile turns to a look of shock as she sees Billie and Miranda standing in front of her in the room, holding guns. Orpheus turns and asks how they got in there. Miranda says they used the vents and the power outage gave them the distraction needed to get out of the vent and they ended up here. Billie asks what Kate is doing kissing Orpheus and why he said it brought back alot of memories. Kate is silent. Miranda says:

Miranda: Isn't it obvious, Billie? Your mother seems to be back in the saddle. Some things never change.

Billie looks at a stunned and worried Kate and demands she explain as Orpheus' men jump her and Miranda and disarm them. Kate looks at Billie as Orpheus' men take hold of her and Miranda. Kate asks Orpheus to let her daughter go. Orpheus says no can do. Miranda asks her why she just doesn't use her sexual advances, they seem to be her answer to everything. Kate tells her to shutup and Billie interjects and demands an explanation right now. She asks Miranda why it seems she knows stuff about her mother and then asks Kate if she shares a past with Orpheus.

Billie says she wants answers and she wants not now. Miranda, Orpheus, and Kate all look at each other as a confused and worried Billie looks on and the scene then suddenly fades to black.




Clip of Hope and Steve in a elevator leaning in for a kiss.


Clip of Billie with Orpheus, Miranda, and Kate.

Billie: I want answers and I want them NOW!!


Clip of the Salem Towers in the middle of the storm.




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If Kate knows what's good for her, she better high tail it out of Orpheus's sight. Come on how dumb can she be? Well...I guess that could be answered by taking many trips down memory lane. Awesome plot!

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