Kendall OR Greenlee...
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Steve and Hope arrive at the station. Kayla is there with Bo, asking if he has any leads on their spouses. they turn and see Steve and Hope. Both couples share a tearful reunion that is followed up with questions as to why they took off again. Hope and Steve back up what Tony explained to Bo and Kayla and assure them it's the truth and promise for sure this time not to leave again like they have been. Bo and Kayla say they believe them,but also say they have heard that before. Bo and Kayla tell Steve and Hope about the ball tonight and then Bo remembers Doug and how worried he and the rest of the family has been. Bo says he has to call Doug and let him know what's happening. Kayla says she call Stephanie as well. As they go to call, Kayla asks Bo if she buys what they are saying. Bo says he will...for now. But, he still has a feeling there is more. Kayla agrees, saying she can't shake that feeling either. While alone, Hope ask Steve to convince Kayla that they shouldn't go to the ball. Steve asks why, and Hope just ask him to do what he can. Steve says he'll try but Kayla is a doctor and the ball is in honor of Sami and Eric. It's for her family. Hope tells Steve to just try.
Later on, at the cop shop, Doug walks in, after having been called by Bo to come down. Doug and Hope share a tearful reunion. Hope tells Doug they have alot of catching up to do and says they can do it at the ball. Doug says he isn't sure they have the time for that or the ball. He’s leaving Salem for good tomorrow. After a few moments, Hope asks him to reconsider. Doug says his mind is made up. What Julie did he can’t forgive. Bo then reminds him that the huge party tonight is to honor Sami and Eric and that everyone will be there. He asks Doug to at least say goodbye to everyone before he leaves. Hope says that is the least he can do.
Doug walks over to the office window and looks out as Bo and Hope wonder what he’s thinking about.

Marlena calls Roman on his cell from her office and asks him if he is going to the ball tonight. In her bedroom, she sits down on the bed waiting for Roman’s response.......
Marlena: So? What’s it’s going to be?
Roman: I told Victor that I would do some work for him while he went to the party. Stefano made a move on his business holdings and it took everything we had for Victor not to go crazy on him. Sorry, Doc.
Marlena: Sorry. That’s all you can say.
Roman: You expect me to put on a smile and just move on, huh?
Marlena: No, Roman. I expect you to honor your children. It would have made both of them so proud.
After a few moments, Roman tells her........
Roman: Ok. Ok, Doc. For them............I’ll change my plans and be there in ninety minutes. And don’t take so damn long either. You take showers for a year on party nights.
Marlena: Got to be fresh for my baby.
Roman: ANYway........talk to you soon. Bye, Doc.
Marlena: Bye, Cop.
The hang up the phone as Roman run upstairs in the Kiriakis Mansion to get ready. He then remembers something and disappears into another room.
Ninety minutes later, a very beautiful Marlena comes out of the kitchen as the doorbell rings. She smiles as she puts on her earrings and walks to the door. When she opens it,............she sees her very handsome husband in a black tuxedo and a long, black coat smiling at her in a black and silver evening gown and saying........
Roman: Damn! Convince me more often to take you out.
Marlena: Thank you, my love. I will.
Roman tells her he has a surprise for her..........
Marlena: Flowers? You still remember.
Roman: No. Not flowers. Just something that I want to show you........to let you know how I feel about you.
Roman bends down and what he picks up and shows Marlena makes her gasp with happiness and she tries her best not to cry. Roman smiles as he walks past her.........
Carrying the sleeping bag he first used the night he slept on her floor during the Salem Strangler case. He walks over and silently sets up on the floor near the dining room table, making Marlena giggle. He then turns to her and says......
Roman: I may be a very stubborn man with a lot of problems right now.........but, I love you, Doc. Ok?
Marlena: Ok. For tonight..........let’s just be lovers. Ok?
Roman: You bet.
Roman steps over his new bed, walks over to Marlena, puts her coat on.........and gently kisses her. She returns the kiss and, after a few passionate moments, reminds Roman that they need to go. They are the guests of honor. Roman smiles as they both walk to the door and he turns off the light as they leave.

Bo and Hope walk in dressed in spectacular evening wear and Caroline walks down dressed as well. Roman and Marlena then walk in followed by Lucas and Will. Belle then comes in and most of the Brady family are all together and ready to go. Caroline announces that it’s time to show what this family is made of as they all leave and walk to their respective limousines together.

Maggie oversees everything as Victor walks in. Maggie tells him to stop looking so angry. Victor says that he will kill Stefano for what he did. Maggie says that he can plot Stefano’s destruction later. For right now,........he needs to be a gracious host. She then kisses him gently on the end of his nose as she rushes off, leaving Victor to seethe with rage.

On the boardwalk nearby, Miranda and her partner stake out Orpheus’s restaurant. She is shocked when Kate walks in and, inside the restaurant, Kate demands to know where she can find Orpheus. When no one tells her, Kate says she’s not leaving until she sees him. One of his employees then calls Orpheus and arranges a meeting with Kate. She is then given a location to go to after the worker gets off the phone and tells her to meet him there. Kate rushes off and, as Miranda sees her leave, she decides to tail her.
As her and her partner jump into their car and take off, the scene then fades to Orpheus’s apartment.

Orpheus sees Sami, under guard, walking through his apartment and she remarks how nice it is,.......even though her place has that homey feeling. Orpheus tells Sami to shut up. He then says that there is a huge party that evening........and it seems like the right time to tell her family hello. Sami tells him not to touch any of them and Orpheus says that it is not her choice. He then orders his men to take her upstairs and guard her while he goes out.
After they leave, Orpheus calls his man in Italy and asks him what is happening. The man says that so far, they can’t find anything to prove that what the DiMera woman wrote is a lie. Orpheus then demands that he find something to disprove it...........or he’ll be looking at the inside of a casket, until the day he really dies. He then slams the phone down and thinks to himself.........
Orpheus: It just can’t be. No way am I that bastard’s son. No way.
The scene then freeze frames on his face as it slowly fades to black.
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