11/9/07: NOW AND THEN PART 2


Hope is finishing up reading another diary entry of Gina's.
Hope: I have to try to admit what I'm feeling to him. He seems hesitant to say anything and I'm hesitant. This is no good for us. After we stopped things from going further a few nights ago, it seems all we did was more harm then good. We're at a stalemate and I think he is afraid of overstepping. I'm afraid of overstepping. I think I am going to have to say something. We can't continue like this. Our connection is stronger then ever. I can feel it. This has turned into something...magical. Something surreal. I have to say something or this will eat both of us arrive. Too bad saying I will and actually doing it are two different things. I have to do it, though. I can't continue this way. We both can't.
Hope then turns the page and looks at Steve, who nods and tells her to go on. Hope takes a deep breath and continues:
Hope: Finally. Patch and I laid everything out in the open. Tonight was the most magical night of my life, at least that I can remember. There was a beautiful summer-like breeze. I could smell the scent of the beautiful flowers from outside in the garden. I was thinking about a way to bring up the way I feel to Patch so we could finally talk about what is going on between us. I was trying to get the courage to just go for it and bring up the subject. I then heard this wonderful music playing and turned around to see that Patch had put a record on. He told me he found out in one of the drawers. It was one of the albums I had not listened to in a long time and he thought it was fitting on a night like this. I didn't understand what he meant.
As Hope continues to read, her and Steve both flashback to that night many years ago...
Gina/Hope: I don't understand. I mean, it's a gorgeous night but you make it sound like tonight is special for some reason.
Patch/Steve: It is. There is something on my mind and has been for awhile.
Gina/Hope: Funny you should mention that because...
Patch/Steve: Please, Gina. Let me talk.
Gina/Hope: Ok. Go ahead.
Patch/Steve:I have feared talking about this since the night I was hurt trying to escape with you and feared it even more after what happened a few days ago here. I know we just, sort of not talked about and shooed it away as a mistake but I think that may be wrong to do. I think what is going on here is something that can't be ignored and I don't think it's going away. I'm taking a risk here because I don't want to hurt you or to cause problems between us. Your special to me. Hell, your all I have. I just thought it was wrong to keep going on like nothing happened. I just had to say something and...
Gina/Hope: I'm glad you did because I was going to. I feel the same way, Patch. What is between us is...
Patch/Steve: Dance with me.
Gina/Hope (laughs): What? Now?!
Patch/Steve: We have a beautiful waltz being played and it's a perfect night. Why not?
Gina/Hope: But, we were talking....
Patch/Steve: I think we said enough between the two of us. We agreed and we both know where we stand. We don't have to fear what is going on anymore. We're in sync here, I think. So, come on. Dance with me. I think I can do this fancy-type dance.
Gina/Hope: Well, alright. Since you asked nicely.
They both laugh and begin to dance. Gina/Hope helps Patch/Steve with the form for the waltz.
Patch/Steve: How do you know how to do this so well?
Gina/Hope: Guess it's something I knew how to do before losing my memory.
Patch/Steve: I guess I just suck no matter what.
They both laugh and dance the waltz around the room, smiling and laughing some more, their eyes locked on each other's. With every turn, they move closer together as the passion and closeness is evident. After a few minutes, Gina/Hope stops and says:
Gina/Hope: Are you feeling what I'm feeling?
Patch/Steve: What I'm feeling is what we talked about.
Gina/Hope: I know but...what, exactly, are you feeling? I mean, I need to know so that I don't push my luck.
Patch/Steve: We already went through that. We know where we stand.
Gina/Hope: I know. I just think we should talk about what we are feeling.
Patch/Steve: I feel an overwhelming amount of joy...and comfort. I feel a loneliness...an internal pain...continuing to fade away . I feel...
Gina/Hope: A rush...of peace and fulfillment. I feel like...
Patch/Steve: I've found the missing piece...
Gina/Hope: Of a puzzle. Nothing else matters...
Patch/Steve: But you and me...in this moment. The past and future...
Gina/Hope: Are of no importance, unlike the here and now.
What I'm feeling right now...it's...surreal. It's...
Patch/Steve: Strong..undeniable...(moves closer to Gina/Hope)
Gina/Hope (moves closer to patch/Steve): It's...irresistible...so strong...
Patch/Steve (slowly raises his hand to Gina/Hope's face and gently touches it): So...right.
Gina/Hope: So...right.
Gina/Hope and Patch/Steve's faces slowly move in until they finally meet to share a passionate kiss. They begin to pull away and then look into each other's eyes and then pull each other into a kiss again, only this time it's more intense then the first. They then pull away again as Gina/Hope says:
Gina/Hope: What I'm feeling...I think it's love. I love you, Patch. I love you.
Patch/Steve: I love you too, Gina. Your everything to me. I love everything about you.
Gina/Hope: I need you. I don't think I can live without you.
Patch/Steve: I know I can't live without you.
Patch/Steve then leans in and kisses Gina/Hope. They move closer to the bed as they continue to kiss. They then fall on the bed and slowly take each other's close off as they passionately make love. The flashback then ends as we return to Hope and Steve in the present, as she is finishing reading the entry.
Hope: The passion was overwhelming. Tonight I learned I'm in love. I have a man who loves me. Nothing else matters. Where we are. What we are doing. The past. The future. Nothing. As long as I have Patch, I have all I need. I love him. I love Patch with everything that is me.
Hope and Steve then look each other. Hope wipes tears away from her eyes and sees Steve doing the same. Steve then takes Hope's hand and they then lock eyes. After a few moments, they both lean in and kiss passionately and then, after a few moments, fall back on to the bed and begin to make love. The scene then shifts to...

Forrest has finished telling Jack and the others the truth. He tells them he was simply protecting Abby and all of them. He was working with the ISA to bring Lawrence down. Jack notes that Forrest mentioned a Sylvia when discussing his life during the years everyone thought him dead and that she resembled Abby. Jack mentions that Forrest seemed to go out of his way to deny that had anything to do with this over and over again, almost like he was trying to convince himself. Forrest says that Jack is wrong and that Sylvia's resemblance to Abby has nothing to do with this. Miranda, even though she suspicions about this herself, defends Forrest and adds that if anyone needs assurance on any of this, they can contact the ISA. Dr. Dobbs vouches for Forrest too.
Billie wonders if they should call Shane. Miranda says he isn't allowed to work on cases yet but he could probably vouch for them and get some ISA contacts to as well. Billie tells Jack they have seen Miranda's badge and they have enough information to prove this seems like it's on the up and up. Jack agrees. Miranda then gets a phone call and excuses herself. Frankie, Jack, Billie, and Stephanie apologize. Forrest says it's fine and that he doesn't blame them. He hates it all had to go down this way. Miranda then returns and says she has news. Lawrence seems to have changed his flight plan and their intelligence says he is on his way to the tropics. Forrest asks if she is sure. Miranda says they have 100% confirmation on that and that now there is no reason to go on with the wedding it seems.
Forrest is shocked and then agrees, although reluctantly, which Miranda notes. Jack and the others are pleased and hope that means the danger has passed. Forrest shakes his head, saying the danger will not have passed until his brother is stopped.
Meanwhile, Abby tells Max he shouldn't be there. Max says she shouldn't be either. Abby says he doesn't understand. Max tells her to explain everything to him then. She says she can't and not to ask anymore because she has her reasons. She adds that he should just leave. Nothing he can say can stop her from marrying Forrest. Max then says:
Max: You know, I've always had trouble settling down. I fed off of playing the field. I'm not good with the mushy stuff. The whole talking about your feelings bit. Expressing one's love and all that. Sometimes, though, things happen and you realize that maybe you have to. So you can be true to yourself and to the person you care about. The whole time I was on the plane over here, all I could think about was you and getting to you. I needed to find you and take you in my arms and know you were ok.
Abby: I don't have time...
Max grabs hold of Abby and holds her in his arms.
Max: You and I were always friends but life, fate, whatever you want to call it. It made us more. The island, your mom's death...
Abby: Chelsea and I rebelling and you trying to help us, you saving our lives from the sinking car...I know. It helped you realize you cared about me. But, then, you turned around and chose believing Cassie over me.
Max: You know I regret that and I have tried like hell to show you how sorry I am. I was a mess then. My unborn child had just died.
Abby: I don't want to rehash this. I need to...
Max: I want you to think back to before that. Christmas. New Year's. We had so much hope. It was all so perfect. We both realize we really cared about each other and that it was more then just the typical friendly "I care about you" vibe that people get. We were starting a relationship, Abby, which you know is not easy for me. I hated relationships, especially after what went down with me and Chelsea. That alone should tell you how I feel about you.
Abby: Max, just let me go.
Max: When you were missing, I was lost. When you almost died on the cruise ship, my heart stopped. The last few weeks when you were gone, I knew something was up. I looked crazy but I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.
Abby: So?! What are you getting at? What are you saying?
Max: I LOVE YOU!! Alright? I know we hardly dated, at least not officially, but I love you. I think about you all the time. I think about what it would be like spending the rest of my life with you. I've never felt like that about any girl. Abby, I love the way you talk. I love the way you laugh. I love you even when your pissed at me. I just love you. Maybe it was love at first sight because the first time I saw you, life just seemed more exciting. Colorful. Even when we were just friends, I still felt that way. I guess I just never realized how much I cared about you until we went through all that we have in the past year or so. I mean, I think it's only made the way I feel stronger.
Abby wipes tears from her eyes and says she has to go. She then pushes Max away and tells him to just leave her alone. She races off as a shocked and dejected Max watches. The scene then shifts back to inside the chapel. Miranda gets a phone call and goes to answer it. Abby is now in the back of the chapel and sees Jack. She calls out:
Abby: Daddy!
Jack turns and races over to her, taking her in his arms, kissing and hugging her repeatedly. Frankie then comes over and embraces Abby, saying he is happy she is ok. Abby thanks him. Frankie says he made that promise to Jennifer to protect her and watch over her and JJ. He will always be there for her. Abby embraces him. Billie comes over and embraces her, saying she is so happy she is alright. Alex watches from a distance, beginning to show hints of jealously.
Max then appears and Frankie asks what happened. Max says he doesn't want to talk about. Frankie fills him in on Forrest working with the ISA and what he told them. He tells Max the wedding is off. Max says that's good. Frankie asks Max if Abby rejected him in some way. Max tells Frankie he poured his heart out to her and she just ran off. He doesn't know what she is thinking or how she feels. Frankie tells him to give her time. Her rehab is nearly complete and, once she gets her life together, things may get better. Max says he won't hold his breath. He screwed up with the Cassie thing and he may regret it for the rest of his life.
Stephanie and Abby embrace. Jack notes that Abby is only walking with a cane. Abby says she is nearly ready to walk on her own. Jack looks at Dr. Dobbs and Forrest and says he is grateful for what they have done for his daughter. Forrest and Dr. Dobbs nod. Jack then pulls Forrest aside and tells him that he is still going to watch him and, if he thinks he is doing anything that suggests him doing more then protecting Abby from Lawrence, he will wish he were still thought to be dead. Forrest says he understands. Jack walks away as Miranda returns.
Forrest asks Miranda if something is wrong. She tells him she was told she has to work on another case on top of this Lawrence one. Forrest is surprised. Miranda says she will still be working with him but the ISA needs her help on the Orpheus case. It's a bigger deal now that he has been revealed as Stefano Dimera's son. She then asks if he is upset the wedding is off. Forrest says he isn't. Miranda tells him she saw the look on his face when she brought up calling off the wedding. Forrest tells Miranda she is reading too much into it again. Miranda says she hopes he is telling the truth or they may have a problem.
Jack explains to Abby that she doesn't have to marry Forrest. Abby is overjoyed and tells Jack that Forrest is a really good guy. Jack embraces her, saying he just wants to take her home. Abby isn't so sure that can happen. Forrest and Dr. Dobbs come over and say it can happen since everyone knows what is going on now and she is close to completing her therapy. Dr. Dobbs tells her he will go back to Salem with her to finish up. Abby thanks them both and embraces her father once more, just as he gets a phone call. He doesn't want to answer at first but Billie reminds him he is expecting news. Jack finally remembers Alex and looks over at him. Jack pulls out his phone and doesn't recognize the number. He answers it. it's the medical examiner at Salem University Hospital, who tells Jack the test results are in.
Jack tells everyone what is going on. Billie fills Abby in. Jack asks what the results said. The medical examiner tells Jack they did additional research as well and learned that Elizabeth had her birthmark removed via surgery several years ago. Jack is a bit surprised but tells the medical examiner to go on. The medical examiner then says:
Medical Examiner: We learned that Elizabeth's sister, Bridget, died several years ago in a skiing accident. Most of the family was deceased and, given the fact that the family disowned her anyway....it was never made a major deal of it seems.
Jack: So, wait, what are you saying?
Medical Examiner: The women that was murdered was Elizabeth. Dental records and various other tests proved with 100% accuracy that the body they have in the morgue is Elizabeth Dawson.
Jack is shocked and can't get any words out but a crackling "thank you." He then hangs up. Billie asks what is wrong. Jack regroups a bit and mentions how Elizabeth had her birthmark removed and how her sister died many years ago. He looks over at Alex and says he is so sorry that he was given false hope. Jack says he really believed that she wasn't gone. Alex doesn't understand and asks what Jack is saying. Jack says that the women that died was Elizabeth Dawson. The tests showed it with 100% accuracy.
Alex shakes his head and denies it repeatedly, eventually breaking down in tears. Billie moves to comfort Jack but he races over and attempts to comfort Alex by embracing him. Billie watches as Abby comes over to her and outs her arm around her, laying her head on Billie's shoulder as they watch the emotional scene of Jack comforting a distraught Alex as the scene shifts to...

Hope and Steve are on the brink of making love when she stops and pushes him off her. Steve asks what is wrong. Hope is an emotional wreck and tells him she knew this would happen. She warned him. Steve looks around and puts his face in his hands, saying he doesn't know what happened. Hope says she does. They revisited the past, the emotions and feelings came rushing back, and they both lost control. She knew it would happen and it did. She says they never should've come back to Maison Blanche. They should've left everything alone.
Steve thinks they had to do this and is glad they did. Hope tells him to just shutup and take her home to Salem. They know they slept together and that Chelsea is his daughter now. They can go. Steve tells her there are a few more entries to read. A tearful Hope adamantly tells him again to take her home...NOW!! Steve tries to persuade her to finish the last entries of the diary but is interrupted when Hope loses it and screams out:
Hope: You either take me home or I leave here on my own. Either way, I'm going home tonight. We're through here, Steve. I'm done with the past. Done. I WANT TO GO HOME!! PLEASE!! I DON'T WANT THIS TO HAPPEN AGAIN!! WE CAN'T LOSE CONTROL AGAIN!!
Steve: Hope...
Steve: Ok, ok.
Steve goes to comfort Hope but she backs up. Steve then says it's over. They'll go home. As she tries to calm down, Hope tells him thank you. Steve nods. The scene then freezes on a split screen of Steve and Hope and then fades to black.
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