Police officers, National Guardsmen and Illinois State Troopers run throughout the building, searching for Michael Myers. Kate runs into the hallway and demands to know where Lucas is. Max stops her and tells her that he took most of the women out of Salem until Myers is caught........or killed. Kate says that she has been hearing reports that Myers has been injured but, for some reason, he keeps escaping. Billie then walks up and says they need to get out of the hospital now. It’s a madhouse.......and the police know that Michael is in the building.
Kate, Billie and Max turn to walk out and Jack sees this. He stops Billie and asks if she will be ok. Billie smiles and then steps toward Jack. They look at each other as she leans in.......and gently kisses him. They then both hug each other warmly and Jack tells her that they need to sit down and talk when this is over. Billie smiles, as a tear rolls down her face. Jack wipes it away, like the gentleman he is, and then both women are lead out by a NG trooper.
The scene shifts to a darkened hallway as Roman runs about, checking rooms. He then gets a phone call. It’s Belle and she asks her father.......
Belle: What’s going on, Daddy?
Roman: Listen to me, baby. Where ever you are........I want you to get Claire and get in your car, leave Salem, and don’t come back until you hear from me or your mother, ok?
Belle: But Daddy........
Roman: Just do as I say! I...........I would never be able to forgive myself if anything happened to you, ok?
Belle: (After a pause) Ok, Daddy. I’ll go. You please be careful. I love you.
Roman: I love you too, baby.
They both hang up and, at that moment, the elevator stops on Roman’s floor. He turns to see the floor light activate and then slowly walks over to the elevator, with his weapon drawn. As he reaches the door, he aims his gun and, with a steel determination, watches as the door slowly opens........
To reveal the unconscious body of Jean. Blood is everywhere and her eyes are still open. Roman is aghast, so aghast that he doesn’t see The Shape walking behind him. Michael stops for a second, turns, looks at Roman, and then heads around the corner and slowly stalks down the hallway.
Roman walks into the elevator, bends down and looks into Jean’s eyes. He then gives the sign of The Cross and asks God to grant her peace. As he stands back up, he radios downstairs and tells Abe that Jean is coming back down. He found her barely alive. He then turns suddenly.......and is shocked and scared out of his pants by the sight of Tony DiMera in front of him. He demands to know.....
Roman: What the hell are you doing here, Tony?!
Tony: Thought I could lend my former brother a hand. Where is this foul creature?
Roman: Somewhere in the building. Which is where you shouldn’t be.
Tony: You need all the help you can get.
Roman: I can arrest you.
Tony: No, you can’t. You’re no longer a police officer. Besides..........it’s all over the country that this Myers person killed many of Salem’s finest tonight.
Roman: And you think you can help stop him.
Tony: Somebody has to.
Roman starts to tell Tony to get out of the building when they both hear a noise from around the corner. They both turn and then look at each other. Roman radios down that he just heard a noise and is going to check it out. He then tells Tony to stay behind him. Tony agrees, saying......
Tony: I’m brave........but not that brave.
Both men start through the waiting area and then slowly start down the hallway. As the two men walk deliberately down the hallway, they look into each room on either side of the hall. After a few very tense moments, they start getting close to the end of the hallway......but neither sees that Michael has walked out of one of the rooms Tony just looked in and is now walking behind them. When they stop, he stops. When they walk, he walks. It’s almost like a game to Michael now.
As the men make it to the end of the hallway, they both look at each other and breathe a sigh of relief. As they turn..........they both see Michael standing in front of them. Roman aims his gun and fires, hitting Michael, but it doesn’t faze him once again. Michael takes three huge steps forward and grabs both men by the throat. He lifts both men off the ground, showing his incredible strength. He then tilts his head to the left.......and then to the right, almost as if he’s admiring a painting. Michael then looks at Tony......
And with one mighty heave, sends him crashing through a glass window, onto a operating table, and then falling down to the floor, bloody..........and unconscious. Michael then turns his attention back to Roman as he starts to squeeze his throat with a vice-like grip. Roman fights for dear life and starts to lose consciousness. His eyes start to roll into the back of his head............
When Steve, Bo, Abe and Nico come around the corner. All four men pull weapons and take aim. Michael hears them and turns around........with a choking Roman in his hands. Abe orders them not to fire and then Michael looks at the men, then back at Roman..........
And sends him crashing through a glass window on the opposite side of the hallway. An unconscious Roman falls onto a operating table and then slowly falls to the floor.
Michael then turns and briskly walks to the stairwell as the four men give chase. Michael reaches the stairwell and closes the door behind him.........and then breaks the door knob off. He then punches the doorknob until the door is basically sealed. The men reach the door but can’t get through. Bo looks through the door to see Michael slowly walk down the stairs.........and disappear.
Nico and Steve say they are going after him as Abe radios downstairs about the situation. Bo goes into the operating room to check on his fallen and injured brother. Bo gets him to come to and Roman’s voice is very hoarse from the choking he just received. Roman can barely move and Bo goes and grabs a towel and holds it on his bleeding wound on his back. Roman tells Bo that they have to find Myers before he kills someone else. Bo knows that but says the best thing to do now is get the hell out of the hospital. Bo knows he can’t take Myers on by himself. Roman agrees and Bo gently picks his brother up as they both head out the door and back down the hallway.
Meanwhile, Elizabeth walks outside the hospital. Alex comes up behind her, frightening her. Alex says he’s sorry and Elizabeth tells him to never do that again. Alex then tells her that he got a state trooper to do him a favor and take her to a safe house for now. Elizabeth says she will not leave him in Salem alone. Alex reminds her that, thanks to her, he’s there with his father. They will look after each other. The trooper comes by and asks if she is ready. Mother and son look at each other........and then hug warmly. Alex looks at her again and simply says.......
Alex: See you soon, Mother.
Elizabeth: Ok, my son.
The state trooper whisks Elizabeth off, puts her in the front seat of a squad car, gets in himself, and they both drive off into the night as Alex watches the car leave. He then turns and sprints towards Jack and Billie, who are standing by her car. He tells them both that his mother is safe. Jack thanks him for getting Elizabeth out of town and then he turns to Billie before she can react and says to her.......
Jack: Now it’s time to get you to safety.
Billie: No..........I’m not leaving you. Not now.
Jack: Dammit, Billie........
Billie: NO........Jack. I..........I care about you too much, ok?
Jack looks at her for a few moments and then smiles. He then hugs her, looks at her again......and gently kisses her on the lips. He then opens her car door and, reluctantly, Billie gets in. She then starts up her car, looks at both men for the last time.........and drives off. Jack and Alex look at each other and then jog back towards the hospital. As they reach the door, they see Bo bringing an injured Roman out of the hospital. They run up to them and ask what happened. Bo says Michael Myers is what happened. He then says that Tony is still inside, upstairs in one of the operating rooms, and both Jack and Alex run into the hospital. As the scene watches the men run into the building, it shifts to.........

Sami is watching MSNBC. She is terrified at what is happening in Salem and, as Orpheus walks into her room, she asks him if this Michael Myers has been caught. Orpheus looks at her........and tells her no. She then sees that for the first time, he seems very worried. She asks him if this man CAN be stopped and Orpheus doesn’t answer her. He then turns and tells her that state troopers, local police, Stefano’s men, his men and Victor’s men are all out looking for him and, if he has anything to say about it, Myers will be brought in.......
Alive.........or dead. With that, Orpheus leaves Sami alone in her room. Sami then goes and sits back down, watching everything as it unfolds........and praying for her family.

The state trooper drives Elizabeth out of town. He looks at her and smiles, saying that she is in good hands and that she has nothing to worry about. As Elizabeth smiles back at him, she then asks if he left something in his back seat. When the trooper asks why, Elizabeth says that something back there is hitting on the floor. The trooper then looks at Elizabeth, back at the road, and then at her again. When Elizabeth turns her head to see what it may be.......
Michael Myers sits up in the backseat, grabs Elizabeth by each side of her head, and pulls her into the backseat with one motion. The state trooper tries to stop Michael and drive the car at the same time but it is all for naught. As Elizabeth struggles to free herself from this monster, Michael looks at her........and jerks her head to one side, snapping her neck, and killing her instantly. He then opens the back car door..........
And pushes her out of the moving vehicle. After he closes the door, he turns his rage toward the screaming state trooper.........
As Billie comes driving down the same road. She looks down the road and the sight she sees makes he gasp. She slams on her breaks, jumps out of her car, and sprints down the dark, moonlit road...........to see Elizabeth’s lifeless body laying on the pavement. She bends down and checks her pulse but can tell from the looks of her that she’s dead. She then gets on her cell phone and calls Bo and all she can say is.........
Billie: Bo? Billie. I just found Elizabeth dead in the middle of the street. I'm on Route 14. You better tell everyone...........Michael got out of the hospital and, if he isn’t caught soon..........
Then NO ONE is safe in Salem.
The scene then freeze frames on Billie’s shocked face as she kneels over Elizabeth and looks down the road..............
As it slowly fades to black.
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