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Ninety minutes later, after leaving the Kiriakis mansion, Bo and Roman walk into Victor’s room. Bo asks how he’s doing and a bandaged Victor says it hurts like hell but other than that. He then asks if Greta is ok. Bo says she’s doing fine. But, they had to stop her from getting out of her bed to come and see him. Victor thanks Bo and Roman. Roman says that he has to go check on some people and he’ll be right back. After he leaves, Bo sits down for a moment, saying that he guesses the war with Stefano and Orpheus is put on hold. Victor says it is..........for now. Once this Myers business is dealt with, then the DiMeras get dealt with and, as the scene fades on Victor........

It goes to an arriving Stefano, who storms right up to Abe in one of the outer hallways. He demands to know how all of this has happened. Abe tells him to ask the D.A. and the judge who let Myers out. As the men walk into the main waiting room, Stefano wants to know what Abe will do about it. Abe says first, he will walk away from Stefano...........before he forgets he’s a cop and, second, he’ll find Myers and bring him in,............dead or alive. As Abe leaves a steaming Stefano, Cassie and Alyson walk around the corner. Stefano and Cassie hug as he asks if she is ok. Cassie says she’s scared but other than that, she’s fine.

Alyson gives Sam to a nurse and asks if they can look at him. He seems as though he’s burning up. The nurse takes Sam and leaves for the ER as Caroline walks in and hugs Alyson. Jean follows in as well and they both ask how everything is going. Alyson tells them that Myers has done some serious damage. People are either dead or injured. Steve then walks in and confirms what Alyson said. Caroline asks if Kayla is ok and Steve says she is, although she won’t admit how scared she is right now. Stefano says everyone is frightened, to which Steve responds that he’s surprised Stefano isn’t behind this. A shocked Stefano wonders how Steve could think of such a thing and Steve says for him to look at himself and Roman. Two men he tried to control.

Before Stefano can respond, Bo wheels a groggy Hope out into the hallway. Everyone is happy to see her ok. She says she has Roman to thank. If it wasn’t for him, she might be dead. She then asks if anyone knows where Myers is. Bo says they left him for dead at the mansion but they were wrong about that. Steve then looks at Stefano and asks him how he would have felt if Hope would have been killed tonight. Stefano has had enough and lunges at Steve, who has to be held back by Bo. Lucas, Lincoln, Roman and Abe all run in and separate the men, with Lucas saying that they can resume their fight after Myers is caught. Lincoln agrees, saying there will be more than enough time for everyone to kill each other. Steve and Stefano stare daggers of hatred at each other.

At that moment, out in the parking lot, Jack and Billie get out of her car and look toward the hospital. They see all the guards and news crews in front, reporting nationally on Myers’ escape and his rampage thus far. Jack thanks Billie for the lift and says this will be a huge story. Billie looks at him, shaking her head and saying that now is not the time for that. She’s surprised he hasn’t rushed over to see how Elizabeth is doing. As Jack looks at her, both Elizabeth and Alex drive up in his Lambourgini. As they get out, Billie throws up her hands, telling Jack..........

Billie: Damn. Do they have me bugged or something?!

The duo tell Jack that since they saw the news reports, they both figured it would be safe at the hospital. Jack agrees and so does Billie, reluctantly. The group then walk toward the hospital........

As a dark figure stalks toward the back entrance. As The Shape slowly makes his way to the entrance......

Jack, Billie, Elizabeth and Alex push past the police officers and into the hospital. National Guard troops are ordered to the police station. Roman and Abe come downstairs and stop the group, with Abe saying.......

Abe: There’s no story yet, ok, Jack?
Jack: Abe, come on now. A mass murderer is loose in Salem, people are turning up dead, one forth of your officers were killed tonight, Myers hasn’t been caught.........and you tell me there’s no story. Be real, Abe.
Abe: I am, Jack! And I don’t have time for this.
Roman: And also.........do NOT interview anyone inside. Just be a friend right now, Jack. Not a reporter.

Alex looks at his father and admires what Jack says next........

Jack: Then take this for right now (Handing Abe his notepad) and point me in the right direction.

Roman tells them where family and friends are and the group separates as the scene shifts to..........

Marlena, who walks in the hallway outside her office with the officer Roman assigned to protect her. The officer says they need to get going or her husband will have his hide. Marlena looks at him and tells him everything will be ok. At that moment, they both hear something down the hall. The officer tells Marlena to wait near the elevators as he goes and checks it out. As Marlena walks down the hall, she does not notice the huge figure standing perfectly still as she passes him. Michael looks at Marlena as she goes toward the elevators........

And then turns the other way and slowly walks down the hallway...........toward the police officer. Moments later, the officer slowly walks down another darkened hallway. He turns a corner and sees.........nothing. Just a unused gurney. He walks into one of the empty operating rooms and looks around. He then walks over to a light and flicks it on...........not noticing Michael standing inside the room with him. Michael then reaches up..........and turns the light back off. This makes the officer’s blood run cold with fear as he slowly turns around to look toward the doorway. He doesn’t see Michael, who disappears into the cover of darkness. As the officer slowly walks over to the door, he turns his back to Michael...........and knocks over a tool tray. He bends down to pick it up and, when he stands back up, he places the tray on the desk beside him. He then turns the light back on.........

And comes face to face with Michael Myers!!

On the other end of the hallway, Marlena keeps looking down the hall, waiting for the officer. She then decides to go down the elevator by herself. As she pushes the button, she hears a loud crash that makes her jump and grab her heart with fear..........

As the scene shifts to the outside,..........where the police officer has just been thrown through the window. He sails down to the ground below and hits a parked car, blowing out every window on the vehicle in a loud explosion. The dead officer’s eyes are still open as blood runs from open wounds on his body.........

Especially his cut throat. The scene then shifts quickly back..........

To Marlena, who starts to slowly walk down the hall. She starts to head toward where the crash came from. She clutches her purse as she slowly steps down the hallway. As she reaches the end of the hallway, she turns...........and sees the window that the officer was thrown through. She slowly walks over to the window and looks out,..........only to see the dead officer laying on top of a car. She gasps in horror at the sight and turns to run............

And stares cold terror into the blackened eyes.............of Michael Myers!

Michael reaches out and tries to grab Marlena but she ducks his deadly grasp. She then crawls along the ground and screams at the top of her lungs as she kicks her shoes off and runs down the hallway towards the elevators. Once she makes it there, she bangs on the buttons, trying to get the door to activate. Michael then turns and stalks down the hallway toward Marlena. She is using all of her strength now, crying and screaming for the damn door to open. Michael is close to her and, as he nears a terrified Marlena...........the door opens...........

And in slow motion, out steps one Stefano DiMera, brandishing a gun!

Marlena grabs onto Stefano as he takes his deadly aim........and fires at point blank range at Michael, once again, sending him down to his knees and then backwards,........as he collapses to the floor. Marlena faints in Stefano’s arms and he picks her up and carries her onto the elevator.

Once the doors open to the ER floor, Stefano carries an unconscious Marlena to a gurney, calling for help. Doctors and nurses rush over and Marlena’s family and friends rush over to see what has happened. Roman and Abe walk in and Roman asks what Stefano did to his lady. Stefano simply says.....

Stefano: I saved her life, Roman. That maniac was about to kill her. I was on my way up to look for Cassie when I heard her screaming.
Roman: You expect me to believe that?
Stefano: I don’t give a damn WHAT you believe.

Roman walks over and stares directly into Stefano’s eyes. Abe then slowly walks over and stands next to him, followed by Steve and a returning Bo. Stefano is joined by some of his men........

And Orpheus, of all people, who stands behind his newfound father. Everyone stares at each other and, after a few very tense moments,..........Roman nods his head at Stefano, who accepts his thanks by nodding back. At that moment, Tony, Anna and Max walk into the hallway. The men slowly disperse and Orpheus disappears around the corner. Abe says that Michael is in the building. Bo sees that and, as Hope is wheeled out into the hallway, he turns and tells Lucas that he has to get the women out of harm’s way.

Lucas says he’ll take Maggie, Alice and Caroline out of Salem until they find and stop Myers. At that moment, the Commander of the National Guard Division that is in Salem walks in, telling the group that his men will evacuate as many people as possible. Abe thanks him and the Commander orders his Colonel to snap to it and get it going. The Colonel gets on his radio and starts ordering his men to start evacuating the hospital. Hope is wheeled out and her and Bo hold hands. They look lovingly into each other’s eyes...........because they know this may be the last time they see each other. After Hope is pulled away, Marlena is brought out. Roman walks over and kisses her on the forehead and she is then taken away. Kayla is wheeled out and sees Steve, who walks over to her and simply says......

Steve: You take care, Sweetness. And know this..........I love you so very much.
Kayla: I love you too, baby. I’ll see you soon.

The nurse wheels Kayla away as Jean runs into the hallway. She is looking for Alyson, who then comes around the corner. Both she and Cassie are crying as Stefano runs up and grabs Cassie. He asks both girls where they have been and Cassie calms down long enough to answer........

Cassie: Well, we got on an elevator and got off on the wrong floor. I had to go back up to my room, and Alyson went with me. We were walking in the dark........when we saw this huge man with a white mask walking down the hall. We ducked into a room and closed the door. The man stopped at the door.........and tried to open it. He opened it a little ways......and then must have heard something because he let the door close and walked away. Oh, Grandfather.........we were so scared........

Stefano grabs Cassie and holds her while Jean goes and takes Alyson into her arms. She tells Alyson that they have to get out of Salem until this man is caught. Alyson agrees and Jean starts over to the elevators. Alyson walks close behind her but, after she pushes the button, the door opens.........

And reveals a bloody Michael Myers standing in front of Jean!

Jean lets out a scream as Michael grabs her by the head........and throws her against the elevator wall behind him. The door slowly closes as Michael grabs Jean’s head........and starts smashing it against the wall. Alyson lets out a ear-piercing scream and the men come running towards the door........but the door closes. Roman orders his men to get to each elevator opening and, as he pulls his gun and takes off running, Alyson collapses into Cassie's arms.........

As the scene slowly fades to black.




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