Julie shows up to meet Doug and apologizes for being late. Doug says it's ok. Julie tells him she has waited so long for this and is so happy he is giving her a chance to talk things out with him. Doug tells Julie he would like to ask her a few questions first if that is ok. Julie says it's fine and they sit down. Doug asks if she regrets the lies she told him. Julie says she does everyday. She knows what she did was wrong but she also knows that she was protecting Maggie, who was a mess at the time. She tells Doug she regrets the lies from the standpoint of lying to him and breaking the trust between them but not from the standpoint of protecting Maggie. She would do anything for family. Doug says he knows. That is why he fell in love with her.
Doug then asks if Maggie or some other family member were not involved and it was someone she knew but not that close to, would she do the same thing? Julie says she isn't sure. It would depend on the circumstances, who the person was, and how it all came to that point. Doug then asks if she would do it all over again, would she do it the same way? Julie nods, saying she would because it's Maggie. It's her family. It doesn't mean she doesn't love him. Doug says he has one more question. Can she promise him she will be honest with him from this point forward for the rest of their lives? Julie tells him that's not fair. Everyone tells white lies and sometimes a lie is necessary. Doug tells her to answer the questions. Julie says it would depend on but then Doug cuts her off, telling her to just answer his question. Julie sighs and says she can't make any promises. She has no idea what life could throw her way. No one does. Circumstances often times determine the action so it's unfair to make her answer a question like that.
Doug gets up and walks away. Julie asks why he is asking all these questions. Doug tells her he was testing her. He needed to see if her answers were what he could accept and if they were in line with what he has always known and thought about her. He tells Julie he doesn't like what he is hearing nor does he think he really knows everything he should about her, despite all their years together. He knows she was quite the troublemaker in the past but he thought she was past being underhanded and falling into those ways. Julie says she is and that she did what she did for Maggie and her family. She doesn't understand where Doug is coming from at all. Doug says Julie may never understand and admits he really doesn't either. He is just going on how he feels and, right now, he feels they are through. He tells her they're over and that he has to leave Salem. He can't deal with her, the memories, and everything else. He tells her it's time and that it's the end.
Julie begs Doug to just talk with her some more and to be reasonable. Doug says this is how he feels and he feels this is right. He pushes a distraught Julie away from him and says goodbye. A crying Julie races after him but he grabs her and tells her to stop this and to just leave it be. He tells her she just needs to accept it. She can't change how he feels about what she did or how he feels in this moment, right now. He tells her that he will have a lawyer in touch. Julie then lets out a shrieking "No!!" and falls to her knees, begging Doug not to do this. Doug gently brings her to her feet and puts her on a bench. He tells her to stay put and then says goodbye again and leaves as Julie breaks down in tears, begging Doug repeatedly to come back. She then gets to her feet and races off in tears after him.

Celeste comes downstairs and says that Theo is taking a nap upstairs, mentioning he must be tired from spending the night with his mother . She then asks when he is going to work. Abe doesn't answer. Celeste asks what's wrong. Abe hangs her a packet of papers and an envelope and says that Lexie acts fast. Celeste looks over the papers and asks if they just arrived. Abe nods. Celeste sits down and comforts him, telling him it's going to be ok. There is a still a chance at convincing her not to do this. Abe shakes his head, telling her it's over. He called to speak with her and she altered her voice mail message to tell him she doesn't wish to see or speak with him or Celeste until the divorce hearing.
Celeste tells Abe she isn't giving up on her daughter and he shouldn't either. Abe says he doesn't want to but he can't help but think this is it and that papers are forthcoming regarding going to court over Theo. Abe tells Celeste he can't believe it's come to this. Celeste embraces him and tells him they will get through to Alexandra together and that she will be there for him. Abe thanks her and says he is going to need all the help he can get.

Tony enters the main lobby and bumps into Anna, who is heading up to her room. Anna says that she should look into staying at another hotel. Tony tells her she can't keep avoiding him and mentions to her that he knows they had a breakthrough last night. He could tell she still cares about him. Anna says she will always care about him and that she also appreciates him saving her life but she just can't go down this road with him. Too much has happened. Tony thinks they just need to talk things out. Anna shakes her head and tells Tony to just stay away from her, for both their sakes. Anna walks away, leaving behind a frustrated Tony.
Meanwhile, Alyson and Jean are in their room. Jean comments on what a nice day it is and suggests going to the park for a stroll. Alyson hates the idea, asking if she remembers what happened yesterday. Jean says she does and tells Alyson she can't live in fear. In fact, she wouldn't have to if she had pressed charges. Alyson tells Jean she wanted to give Nicole the opportunity to back off first. She sees some good in her and, obviously, she is right because Eric would never love someone as cold and calculating as she seems.
Jean thinks she is making a big mistake. A frustrated Alyson then explodes and asks Jean when she plans to just let her run her own life. She tells her she wouldn't be in this situation if not for her. She was perfectly happy away from Salem when no one knew about this child except the two of them. Jean tells Alyson that Eric's family had a right to know. Alyson tells Jean that she isn't stupid. She knows the only reason why she gave a damn about coming to Salem and telling the Brady's about Samuel was because she wanted stature and was hoping to get something out of this for herself, whether it be money or something else beneficial. Jean denies that, saying she just wants what is best for her.
Alyson then tells Jean that she will decide that, personally, from now on. She will act on her own for herself and her baby. It's her life and she is not letting anyone dictate it anymore. Jean mentions that Alyson is letting Nicole do that right now by letting her go free after yesterday and now deciding not to leave the room with Samuel. Alyson tells Jean to get Samuel ready. They will be going to the park. Jean nods and goes to get Samuel but Alyson stops her, telling her she is doing this because she wants to and not because Jean suggested it. Jean says that's fine and then Alyson goes on to tell her:
Alyson: I gave Nicole one chance but I will not give her any others. If she slips up, her baby snatching ass will be behind bars. That, I promise you.
Jean nods and walks away. She goes into the other room to get Samuel and wonders what on earth got in to her daughter. Meanwhile, Alyson puts her shoes on and says she is sick of being a doormat for everyone, including mom. It's been that way for too long and that is going to change. She then says if Nicole pushes her, she won't know what hit her.

Outside Greta's room, Caroline exits the room only to be greeted by Nicole. Nicole smiles, saying she was told at the Pub that she could find her there looking after the royal answer to Swiss Miss for Frankie. Nicole admits she was hoping she would come out of Greta's room. She isn't in the mood for Salem's beloved princess to kill her with sweetness today. Nicole says she was so much more tolerable in a coma. Caroline raises her hand to slap her but restrains herself. Nicole mocks her, saying that she thought the Brady's used their words and not violence to solve disagreements.
Nicole then thinks for a minute and says that is just another thing to add to the hypocrisy of the Brady family. Caroline asks her what she wants. Nicole says she is truly sorry for the incident with Alyson and Samuel and says she will continue to stay away from both of them. Caroline says that's good. Nicole says there is a catch and it's something she just thought of late last night. Nicole tells Caroline she will be sure to keep away from Alyson, Samuel, and the whole Brady family for that matter if Caroline grants her one request and that is for her to call Carrie and ask if she can visit with Evan.
Caroline defiantly says absolutely not. Nicole tells her she might want to think about that. Caroline tells her she might want to think about honoring the agreement she made with Alyson before she ends up in the slammer. Nicole says she knows Eric would want that baby with her and not some girl he had a fling with. She also knows that Evan belongs with her. Carrie gave him up willingly. Caroline tells her this isn't finders/keepers. Nicole agrees, saying it's doing what is right. Caroline thinks she is deluded and says this conversation is finished. Caroline warns her to stay away from her family but, especially, Alyson and Samuel.
Caroline asks if that is understood. Nicole says it's crystal clear. Nicole then gets in Caroline's face and tells her to remember that anything that happens to her family, they brought on themselves and that includes her. Nicole smirks and tells her to have a nice day before walking off, leaving behind a frustrated and somewhat worried Caroline.

You've watched them fall in love. You've watched their love grow in spite of interference. Now...watch their love reach new heights with the creation of their miracle child.
The scene then shifts to another end of the hospital as Billie arrives in the conference room and greets Alice and Maggie. She asks where Julie is. Maggie says she went to meet Doug. Alice says they are praying that things work out for them. Billie tells them she hopes things do too. Maggie asks if she has talked to Jack. Billie shakes her head, saying she hasn't seen or talked to him since he left Greta's room to meet Elizabeth and alex. Kate then walks in and asks her why she is just standing there. Billie turns and asks what she means. Kate tells Billie if she is having problems with Jack falling prey to another woman she just needs to fight like hell to keep him. Maggie says she is staying out of this and helps Alice walk over to Lucas.
Billie reminds Kate that she has said she was trying to change. Kate says she still is but that doesn't mean she can't still encourage her children to fight to be with the person they love. She just won't be interfere personally. Billie rolls her eyes, saying that should be hard for her. Kate says it will be but she has no choice. Kate puts her arm around Billie and tells her not to give up. If she loves Jack, she just needs to fight with all she has because it will be worth it. Billie says it's not easy. Jack loved Elizabeth and probably still does deep down and Alex is his son and is in the middle of it all.
Kate tells her none of that matters, unless she feels Jack may have feelings for Elizabeth that potentially surpass his feelings for her. Billie shakes her head, saying she can't be sure of anything right now. Just then, Philip walks by and greets and embraces Billie. Kate says hello to him too and Philip reluctantly says hello back and walks over to Lucas. Billie tells Kate she is sorry to see that things are still bad with her and Philip. Kate says they are bad with Lucas too. She tells Billie she is all she has right now. Billie smiles and says:
Billie: Lucky me.
Kate: Ha ha. I'm going over to attempt to talk to Lucas.
Kate leaves Billie and heads over to Lucas, who is talking to Philip. Philip offers Lucas whatever help he needs, telling him he has alot more power at Titan now and will use whatever means necessary to him to help. Lucas smiles and thanks him, saying having the Kiriakis family on his side can't hurt. Kate then comes up, saying it could with all of the violence that is going on. Lucas asks what she is doing there. Kate reminds Lucas she is his mother and she came to support him. Lucas tells her that he doesn't have the energy to fight with her and just tells her to stay out of his sight. Lucas walks off, as does Philip, leaving behind a heartbroken Kate.
Meanwhile, the mysterious figure once again watches Lucas from the hallway outside the conference room and then moves away upon hearing someone coming. Will then walks quickly down the hall. He then stops before entering the room and sees a distorted shadow on the wall in around the corner. Suspicious, he walks slowly around the corner and sees nothing. He then turns and enters the conference room, embracing Lucas. Lucas assures him it's all going to be ok as Joelle arrives with Patricia, while the mysterious figure watches from outside the room once again.

Dr. Dobbs wonders why Miranda wants to talk to Abby. Forrest says he knows. It's because she is going to try to convince her to stay. Just then, Abby opens the door to her room and says that's exactly right and she is going to stay. She tells Forrest it's not just because of Miranda, although her words helped verify things and made her sure she was doing the right thing. She tells Forrest she remembers all that he did for her and how he has treated her. She also tells him that his story affected her. She was just caught off guard and thought he had an agenda, especially with her resemblance to Sylvia. She tells him she knows that isn't the case now and that he just wants to protect her and to help.
Dr. Dobbs goes to call Miranda to tell her what Abby has decided. Forrest thanks him and then tells Abby that he wants to bring his brother down too. Abby says she wants to as well, especially given what he did to her Uncle Steve and her mother. She tells Forrest she wants him to stay and that she plans on staying. She promises to do whatever she can to help and to follow his orders. Forrest asks if she is sure. Abby nods, saying she is sorry for how harsh she was. Forrest embraces her, saying it's alright and he understands. He is just sorry for lying to her. Abby tells him it's in the past and all that matters now is completing this mission of his. Forrest nods, saying it should be easy with her on board. Abby says she hopes so to which Forrest agrees, saying it has to be easy...for all their sakes.

Orpheus enters Sami's room. Sami is watching Joelle and Lucas's meeting at the hospital on the surveillance camera. Orpheus asks her she isn't eating. Sami says she doesn't see a point in living. Her family and friends need her. Lucas needs her. She tells him she is through living for nothing but remaining in captivity. Orpheus orders her to eat. Sami says she won't eat. She may as well be dead anyway if all he is going to do is keep her locked up and she knows he plans to kill her and her family so she is dead no matter which way. She tells him it may as well be now. Orpheus loses it and grabs Sami forcefully by the arm, ordering her to eat or Lucas and Will will have bullets in their skulls within the hour. Sami is frightened of Orpheus and his rage and caves in, saying she will eat. Orpheus lets her go. Sami tells him she has never seen him like this. He is usually calm and sure of himself. He is always mocking her and enjoying torturing her but something is different. Sami points out she heard him screaming and tossing things around all last night. Orpheus tells her to mind her own business and to do as she is told before leaving. After he leaves, Sami wonders what is going on with him. She then returns to watching what is happening onscreen. Meanwhile, outside Sami's room, Orpheus clutches his head and asks why this had to happen and why his life was full of nothing but lies.

Lucas and Joelle are arguing at their meeting as Frankie and Patricia interject. Patricia says that Joelle's demands for a $12 million dollar settlement or a piece of ownership in Roberts INC, along with complete funding for her mother's medical treatment is reasonable. Lucas doesn't think it is. Patricia then mentions a promotion along with a $6 million dollar settlement. Lucas says he isn't settling because he didn't do anything. Frankie tries to calm him. Patricia says that it looks like they will be seeing him in court then. She tells Joelle to come on. There is nothing more for them to do or say. Joelle tells her to wait and tells Lucas to remember the shape her mother is in. She tells him she is uncomfortable in the hospital and needs top notch care to come back from her recent setback. She knows Lucas is a good guy and begs him to at least provide funding for her mother's medical care up front. She promises to be more lenient on him. Lucas tells her he will provide funding for her mother's care if Joelle drops th case.
Joelle says she can't do that. Lucas then says that he can't give her mother what she needs. He tells Joelle he feels sorry for her mother and her son but he knows he is innocent and so does she. Patricia says they will see about that. Patricia drags Joelle to the door, while Joelle warns Lucas that if her mother's condition deteriorates or worse, she will make sure he loses everything. She tells him this isn't just about her. It's about her son and mother too and she won't have them suffer because he is in denial concerning what he did. Lucas shakes his head in frustration as Joelle and Patricia leave, as the mysterious figure watches from afar.
Lucas embraces Will, who is worried that they are in trouble. Maggie and Alice comfort them and Frankie assures Lucas he will do all he can. He thinks his case could go either way but tells Lucas that is good odds right off the bat. Lucas nods and thanks Frankie. Philip embraces Billie and says he will seeing her. An upset Kate walks over and watches him leave. Billie asks Kate if she actually expected Philip to say goodbye to her. Kate says she doesn't expect anything anymore, from anyone really. Meanwhile, Sami is watching everything on the surveillance camera footage on the monitor in her room. She touches the screen as Lucas has appeared on it hugging Will and tells them she wishes she were with them. She says she isn't sure what is going on and that she is sorry she isn't there. Sami wipes tears from her eyes as she tells Lucas and Will she loves them and that she isn't giving up. She will come home to them. She promises.

Tony walks in to find Stefano sipping brandy at his chess board. Stefano tells Tony he has been expecting him and tells him to get right to telling him all about his recent quest to find the missing Dimera. Tony says it will be his pleasure. Stefano points out to Tony that he knew he was up to something. He had heard of his misadventures with Hope and Steve at Maison Blanche but could never learn anything concrete. Tony tells Stefano he must be slipping in his old age. Stefano tells Tony to just tell him how all this transpired. Tony gives Stefano the folder of information from Liz that proves Orpheus is Stefano's son and tells Stefano all about how Daphne gave Orpheus up because she feared Stefano's influence on him and how she did it by going into hiding during the pregnancy. He then explains how she kept it a secret and how she made sure he was the only one that learned about, at least at first.
Stefano is stunned, saying he can't believe he never picked up on more being behind her disappearance all those years ago. He also says he must give Daphne credit for the way she kept it hidden and how difficult she made it to learn the truth. He would've never expected her to use clues and to use Liz Curtis as the secret keeper was inspired. Stefano adds that she was more like him then she thought, at least in some ways. Tony tells him he is sadly mistaken and that Daphne wanted him to know first because he is her son and she knew this secret could potentially destroy Stefano. At the time of her death, she knew that he would know what to do with such a goldmine like this. She wants him to rise up and destroy Stefano and his empire of evil. Tony adds that she was right to trust him with it and that he plans to use this as the vehicle to end Stefano's reign of terror for good, something he will take great satisfaction in. Meanwhile, Orpheus watches all this unfold on one of his surveillance cameras, clenching his fist in anger and frustration as he watches.
Stefano laughs, saying he can't destroy him nor will this secret have any affect on him. Tony tells him he is wrong. Orpheus has already shot him and nearly wiped out half of Salem. He hates Stefano and Stefano hates him. Tony says that all the makings are there to end this dynasty of terror. Tony gets in Stefano's face and tells him he knows it's true and that it will soon be over for him and all that he stands for. Stefano throws his drink against the wall, takes Tony by the collar, and throws his body against the wall, telling him:
Stefano: Don't you ever get in face again! You bastard! No one talks to Stefano Dimera like you just did and gets away with it. You'll see how wrong you are, as will your mother from her grave. I used to give a damn about you, Tony. Not anymore. You've disrespected me and this empire too many times. I've lost hope for you ever being someone of promise. Your nothing to me now. In fact, if you unwisely decide to stand in my way, you will be an enemy to me and to this family. Think about that, you fool!!
Stefano then tosses Tony to the ground and walks out of the room. Once out of the room, Stefano says:
Stefano: Nothing will deter me from my plans. Not Daphne. Not Tony. Not even my newfound son. The day of reckoning for all my enemies is close at hand. Much closer then they all think.
Stefano laughs as the scene freezes on his face and then fades to black.
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