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Joelle and Lucas both walk up to her apartment door. She thanks him again for doing this. She is just so afraid with that killer rapist on the loose in the Midwest and the fact that she heard suspicious noises last night. It really has her worked up. Lucas says it's fine. He reminds her that he is ok with being friends and business associates but there can be nothing more. Joelle smiles and says she knows. She then opens her door and they both enter the apartment.

Lucas looks around and notices the place is somewhat dreary but notices that it's not that bad of a size. Joelle apologizes for not cleaning up beforehand. Lucas says it's fine and tells her that her place is pretty nice. Joelle thanks him and says it serves the purpose. Just then, a young boy (played by Jake T. Austin) runs out of one of the back rooms and comes racing down the mini-hallway. Joelle introduces the boy as her son, Joseph. She calls him Joey for short. Lucas puts out his hand to Joey, who shyly shakes it, and tells him it's nice to meet him. Joey asks if he is his mom's boss. Lucas and Joelle both laugh and Lucas nods, saying he is but that he won't bite.

Joelle asks Joey why he was running. Joey says he heard her come in and grandma needs her. She has been sleeping since a little after he got home from school and she is having trouble waking up. Joelle's face turns to one of worry. She then walks quickly to her mother's room, which is the second room on the left side of the mini-hallway. Lucas follows. Joelle enters the room and kneels down near her mother's (played by Kathryn Joosten) rocking chair. She gently nudges her and calls out to her to wake up. She doesn't stir.

A frightened Joelle then looks at Lucas. Lucas gets the feeling Joelle doesn't want to frighten Joey so Lucas tells Joey to go out into the living room so he and his mother can help his grandma. Joey asks if grandma is hurt or sick. Lucas tells him that his grandma probably is just very tired. He tells him to just go out to the living room. Joey looks at Joelle, who smiles and nods. Joey then leaves. After he leaves, Joelle panics and tells Lucas that her mother's breathing is shallow and she isn't waking up. Lucas thinks they should call an ambulance. Joelle seems hesistant. Lucas asks her what is wrong. Joelle shakes her head and says it's nothing. Her mother needs help. She tells Lucas to make the call. Lucas starts dialong 911 on his cell as Joelle holds her mother's hand, begging her to be ok.



Kayla is at the Nurses Station when Bo walks up. Kayla tells him that Alyson has a sprained ankle and is going to be fine. Bo says that's good but they need to talk. Kayla doesn't like the sound of what Bo has to tell her. Bo takes her aside and says Hope called. He explains that the phone reception was bad but she said that her and Steve are fine but she didn't say where they were and the phone went dead. Kayla doesn't think that sounds comforting. She asks Bo if he thinks the phone just died or if something else caused it. Bo thinks it likely just died since the quality of the call was poor but he does admit being worried.

Bo notes that it seems Hope is avoiding telling him where her and Steve are. Kayla admits that is a cause for concern. She confesses she has had a bad feeling about this since they both called and told them they took off. Bo regrets telling Kayla since now she will worry nonstop. Kayla tells Bo she has a right to know and she is glad he told her. She asks him what he is going to do. Bo isn't sure but thinks he will use a few contacts to see if he can maybe track them down. If they find them, he knows Hope and Steve will be upset but he just wants to know they are ok. Kayla agrees. Bo tells her it's going to be alright and embraces her. Kayla tells him she hopes he is right.

Elsewhere in the hospital, Caroline walks in Alyson's room and asks how she is doing. Alyson says she just sprained her ankle and will be ok after a few days. Jean, who is with Alyson, tells Caroline she is grateful that is all it was. Caroline apologizes for what happened. Jean tells her it wasn't her fault but, rather, that Nicole woman who is to blame.

Caroline nods in agreement and mentions that Nicole is a loose cannon and has been behaving worse then usual since Eric's death. Alyson tells Caroline that Eric told her all about his relationship with Nicole while they were in Washington, D.C. together. Eric had gone there to photograph a charity benefit and she was his date. Caroline, realizing Alyson's connection to Eric now, says it's lovely to meet a friend of Eric's. Caroline then adds that neither Alyson or Jean knows what Nicole has done since she returned to Salem. Caroline fills them in on Eric nearly dying last year and on how Nicole kept Carrie's baby, Evan, from her for months.

Jean and Alyson are horrified. Caroline then mentions how Nicole's actions led to Eric's demise and fills them in on the cruise ship debacle. Caroline tells them that she has never been a big fan of Nicole's but the whole family gave her the benefit of the doubt early on and even did so again this time around. They can never get past what she's done now. Jean tells Caroline she can't blame her. Jean then sees Nicole hanging around outside and, rather then upsetting Alyson, Jean decides to handle her on her own. Jean then excuses herself and says she will be right back.

Outside Alyson's room, Nicole looks in and tries to eavesdrop. She sees Jean coming and tries to make a run for it but Jean stops her and calls out to her. Nicole turns and asks what she wants. Jean says she wants Nicole to stop stalking them before she calls the police.

Jean: I know all about your history. All your lies and schemes....impressive. Very impressive. However, there is nothing you can do to deter me so, if you ever do anything to my daughter, I will not hesitate to take the proper action I deem necessary.
Nicole: Now, what in the hell do you mean by that?
Jean (smiling): You better hope you never find out.

Jean then turns and returns to Alyson's room as a bewildered and somewhat shocked Nicole looks on.

Meanwhile, on the balcony near the ER, Stefano asks Marlena what she would like him to do about Roman. Marlena says she doesn't know. Belle watches Marlena and Stefano talking from the waiting area while talking to Roman, who asks her if Marlena is with her. Roman notices she seems worried about something and asks if she is ok. Belle says she is fine. Roman asks her again if Marlena is at the hospital. Belle nods and says they came together because mom wanted to check on Cassie. Roman says he figured as much.

Roman is about to turn around when Belle stops him, asking him if he wants to go get some coffee with her. It's been such a long night and they haven't spent much time together lately. Roman agrees and is happy to see that she isn't angry with him after the last time they saw each other. Belle tells him she still hates what he is doing but life is too short and there is far too much going on to act like that all the time. Roman is happy to hear that and says it's time to get that coffee. Roman and Belle walk off as Belle looks back at Marlena, who is still on the balcony with Stefano.

Anna then appears as she comes down the hall and passes the nurses station. She sees Marlena on the balcony with Stefano. She wonders what they are discussing. On the balcony, Marlena tells Stefano she just wants Roman to back out of this war and to just focus on rebuilding their lives and helping the family move on past all the tragedy. Stefano laughs saying:

Stefano: Your husband would never domesticate himself like that. The man is like a rabid dog. He will not back down no matter what you have me do or no matter what you have someone else do.
Marlena: Wow...the great Stefano Dimera is letting the chance to have his so-called Queen of the Night indebted to him slip away? Are you sure your not ill?
Stefano: Marlena, there is nothing I can do. Do you really think Roman will listen to me or stop what he is doing because of something I do? Haha. Are we still a bit delusional?
Marlena: I know you two hate each other. Your a creative man. Think of something. Think about this Stefano. You help me and I will owe you. Anytime. Anywhere.
Stefano: Anything?
Marlena (taking a deep breath): Any....anything.
Stefano: Hmm...I can tell by your eyes that you are serious. Your determined to do this.
Marlena: I have to do something. No matter what I have to do or sacrifice. My family can't take much more.
Stefano: There are no limitations to this, no?
Marlena: No limitations. So, what do you say, Stefano? You help me and I will owe you a favor. No matter what that happens to be. Do we have a deal?

Marlena holds out her hand. Stefano looks at it and seems to be mulling over the offer. He turns away and contemplates some more before turning back around and gently shaking Marlena's hand.

Stefano: We have a deal, my dear.
Marlena: Alright then. You come up with some way of handling Roman and just let me know when you do whatever it is you have to. Just don't hurt him. Please don't hurt him.
Stefano: Not to worry, Marlena. I won't harm Roman and I will be in touch.
Marlena: Not a word about this to Roman or anyone else either. Do you understand?
Stefano: Of course. Not a word.
Marlena: Ok then. I must be going. If you see Cassie, tell her I will drop by in the morning.

Stefano grabs Marlena's arm.

Wait, Marlena.

Stefano then gently takes her hand and kisses it. Stefano then smiles at Marlena, who looks at him coldly.

Stefano: Sealed with a kiss. Now our pact is official. Good night, Marlena.
Marlena: Good night.

Marlena goes back inside the hospital as Stefano stands alone on the balcony, smiling. As Marlena walks past the nurses station, Anna comes out from behind a corner, not wanting Marlena or Stefano to see that she was listening and watching. Anna sees Stefano come back inside and decides it's time to approach him. Anna walks over and calls out to Stefano, asking if she can have a word with him. Stefano tells her it's not a good time and that he isn't in the mood to deal with her. He needs to meet Alexandra in Cassie's room. Anna tells him it won't take long but Stefano is adamant and tells her to leave him alone. Stefano then walks up, leaving behind a frustrated Anna, who is determined to talk to Stefano.



An ambulance arrives at Joelle's just as she has finished explaining to Joey what is going on. Joey says he knew grandma was sick. Joelle promises him it's going to be ok. Grandma just needs some medicine and she will be ok. Joey thinks she is lying to him. Joelle's eyes well up with tears as Lucas interjects and tells Joey that his grandma just needs a little help and then she will be fine. Joey tells Lucas he isn't a little kid. He can see his grandma is very sick. Lucas and Joelle don't know what to say.

An EMT comes over and tells Joelle they need her. The EMT tells Joelle they think her mother had a minor stroke. Joelle is devastated. Lucas comforts her as the EMT tells her they need to get her to the hospital fast. Joelle nods in agreement, wiping her tears. She asks Lucas if he would take Joey next door to the neighbor's. Lucas nods and then tells her he will meet her at the hospital. She shouldn't be alone. She thanks him as the EMT's place her mother on a gurney and begin to transport her. Joelle accompanies them and looks back at Lucas, who is left behind with Joey. Lucas pats Joey's shoulder and tells him it's going to be alright and then takes him next door to the neighbor's.



Jean returns to Alyson's room. Alyson asks where she went. Jean says she just had to make sure when she could be released tomorrow. Caroline asks about the news they had concerning Eric. Jean looks at Alyson. Alyson shocks her by saying she thinks it may be best if she waits until tomorrow. It's alot to take in and she isn't sure she is up to dealing with explaining it all tonight. Caroline understands and tells her to call when she is ready. The family would very much like to hear what she has to say. Jean thanks Caroline, as does Alyson. Caroline bids them goodnight and leaves.

Jean asks Alyson why she did that. Alyson says she needed to stall things so they had enough time to leave Salem. Jean is confused. Alyson tells her hearing what Nicole is capable of and also hearing about everything else going on in Salem has made her rethink what she is doing. She isn't going to say a thing and she wants to go home...tomorrow!! Jean is stunned.

Meanwhile, outside Alyson's room, Nicole paces and thinks about what Jean said. Caroline sees her and asks her why she just won't stay out of their lives. Nicole tells Caroline she is Eric's widow and will always be in there lives. A frustrated Caroline turns around and walks away in a huff as Nicole laughs. Nicole then looks in at Jean and Alyson and wonders what the story with them is.

Elsewhere, Kayla tells Bo she needs to get back to work. Bo tells her he will keep her up to date. Kayla thanks him and leaves as Abe walks off the hospital elevator. Bo turns and sees him and asks what he is doing there. Abe says he came to inform Stefano that the fire from the explosion remains is out and to update him on the investigation. He hates Dimera but it's protocol. Bo wishes him luck but says he must be going. Abe tells him to wait and reminds him of what they discussed earlier.

Abe: You can't have it both ways, Bo. You've been on the opposite side of the law and you've also been on the right side. Now, I have no clue what you are doing but you have to pick a side. You can't have it both ways. Think about it and choose wisely, my friend.

Abe then walks off, leaving Bo behind to contemplate his words.

Nearby, Belle and Roman return to the waiting area where they were previously. Belle looks out on the balcony to see that her mother and Stefano are gone. Roman looks at Belle and asks who she is looking for. She tells him nobody. She just was daydreaming. Roman laughs and says he won't take offense. Belle laughs and says that's good. Roman tells her he enjoyed spending time with her and it was a nice distraction from everything. Belle agrees.

Just then, Marlena returns and tells Belle she has been looking for her. Marlena is stunned to see Roman. Roman tells Marlena about his and Belle's little coffee date. Marlena thinks that is wonderful and is happy to see Roman finally thinking of something else besides revenge and destroying Orpheus and Stefano. Roman gives Marlena a cold look and tells her that was a nice dig. Marlena says it wasn't a dig but Roman won't hear otherwise. He tells her he saw the look on her face that went with the words.

Roman gives Belle a kiss and embraces her, telling her he loves her and will see her later. Belle begs Roman not to leave like this. Marlena tells Roman not to do this but it's too late as he has already turned his back on her and is hitting the elevator button. The elevator opens as Marlena and Belle give chase but Roman has already boarded and closes the door immediately. In the elevator, Roman sighs heavily and says:

Roman: Damn. Why the hell did I just do that? (pounds wall of elevator with fist) Damnit!!

Meanwhile, in the waiting area, Marlena feels bad about what she said. Belle tells her not to blame herself. Marlena says she does and hopes that the deal she made with Stefano works. Belle hates that she did that but Marlena says she had no choice.

Marlena: I won't stand by and watch your father get himself killed. We've all lost enough. I will do what I have to do...to protect our family.

The scene then freezes on a determined Marlena as Belle looks on from behind and then fades to black.




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