Kendall OR Greenlee...
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As a new day dawns in Salem, Nicole sits in her suite, looking at old pictures of her and Eric. She fights back tears and wonders to herself how things went so horribly wrong. She pours herself another glass of champagne before her phone rings. She gets up and answers it. She asks the person how it's possible they couldn't find them. She then tells the person they are fired and hangs up. She then tells herself she will have to find another private detective to help her. She vows that she is not going to give up until she finds Carrie and Evan. She already lost Eric and she is not about to lose "her" son.
Jean asks Alyson if she has reconsidered going to Salem. Alyson tells her mother she just doesn't think it's worth it. Eric is dead and she doesn't feel like going to a place full of strangers and giving them news like she would have to give them. Jean tells her it's joyous news and it's what is best for her. Jean begs her to think about herself and Samuel's future. Alyson just doesn't want to cause trouble. Jean pledges her support and says she will be there every step of the way. She also points out that she would be doing what is right for the Brady's too. They would want to know what she has to say and they have a right to know. Alyson sees her point but worries she has waited to long. Jean assures her it will work out. She just has to have the courage to make a go of it. Alyson thinks about Jean's words while looking at a picture of Eric.
Steve is holding on to Hope's arm as she dangles over a bottomless put below her. Steve struggles to hold on to her. Tony tries to help pull her up but she is slipping from Steve's grasp. Tony searches the passageway for something to help them as Steve begs Hope to hang on. Hope tells Steve to tell Bo, Shawn, JT, and the rest of her loved ones that she loves them. Steve orders GINA not to talk like that. He assures her that she will make it. Hope tells Steve he just called her Gina. Steve is speechless.
Tony rushes back with curtains he pulled off a window in the hall outside. Tony and Steve tell Hope to grab on to the curtain. She holds on to Steve while grabbing hold of the curtain using her other hand. Steve asks Hope if she has it. Hope nods and then yells out she does. Steve and Tony then pull her up and, eventually, after a short struggle, they pull her up to safety. Hope falls into Steve's arms, crying out in relief.
Steve: I'm glad your alright. I don't know what I would do without you, sweet thing.
Hope: You saved my life, Steve. You too, Tony. Thank you both.
Tony: No problem, dear.
Hope (gets up off the floor with Steve's help): Well, let's get moving.
Steve: Wait, you nearly died and you just want to get moving.
Hope: Yeah. I'm fine. Your both fine. Is there a problem?
Steve: Still the feisty little thing you always were, huh?
Hope: You bet. Let's go.
Steve: A real hand full that one is...
Tony: I've dealt with worse.
Steve: Ah...the infamous Anna?
Tony: Yeah. Anna...well, let's get a move on.
Tony and Steve follow Hope deeper into the passageway.
Roman and Bo walk off the nurses station balcony and back into the hospital. Bo tells him he is glad they talked. He begs Roman to watch his back and to not get in over his head. Bo adds that he could learn something from his little brother this time by remembering what he went through this past winter. Roman assures Bo he will be fine. Bo then gets a call from Abe, telling him to get down to the Salem Towers right away. He needs his help with Greta's hit and run. Bo tells Abe he is on his way and hangs up.
Roman asks if there is any news. Bo reminds Roman he isn't a cop anymore. Roman snickers and tells Bo he is fine with being left out of the loop. Bo caves and says Abe didn't tell him anything but he gets the feeling something is up. Bo tells Roman he has to go but tells him to call if he needs anything and to be careful. Roman nods and wishes him luck. Bo wishes Roman the same before entering an elevator, which closes seconds later. Once Bo is gone, Roman enters the hospital staircase and makes a phone call, telling the person he is calling they need to discuss a few things before going any further.
Meanwhile, Victor and Maggie get off an elevator with Nico. Maggie is trying to calm him down. Nico tries to do the same but Victor won't have it. He reminds them that Stefano is probably the reason why his daughter may lose her life. Maggie and Nico both understand where he is coming from but remind him he doesn't know that for sure. Victor thinks it's obvious. Maggie asks for some time alone with Victor. Nico goes to check on Greta and orders the two bodyguards nearby to keep an eye on Victor and Maggie.
Maggie reminds Victor that Stefano always appeared to like Greta. He also thought he was her father at one time. Victor doesn't care and thinks he is behind it. Victor vows to destroy Stefano before he hurts another one of his loved ones and, this time, he intends on making good on that promise. Maggie begs Victor to leave it alone for now until they know more. A frustrated Victor reminds Maggie of her promise to stay out of his business dealings. She points out that this is not business, it's life.
Maggie: This is all one dangerous game of cat and mouse and I don't want to see you or anyone else dead. This thing has gone on long enough.
Victor: It's war, Maggie. Stefano started it and I am going to finish it. Same goes for Orpheus. That bastard will meet his maker soon enough.
Maggie: There is no talking you out of this, is there?
Victor: You should know me by now. (takes Maggie in his arms) I'm sorry to get harsh with you. This is just something I have to deal with. I can't shy away from it. It's too personal.
Maggie: I know. I know I was supposed to stay out of these aspects of your life but it always seems like I get drawn in somehow.
Victor: Well, maybe you need to find something to keep busy. Open up another restaurant or something.
Maggie: I thought about it but I kind of want to handle something new. I believe if there is something for me out there, it will fall into my lap, just like you did.
Victor: True.
Maggie: Look at me. Your a mess and Greta is near death and here I am talking about my life.
Victor: It's ok. I need a distraction every once in awhile.
Nico then returns and announces that Greta is out of surgery but it appears she is in critical condition. Rich said it could go either way and her chances are still on the negative spectrum of things. Maggie tells Victor he should go see Greta. Nico notes that no one is with her as Frankie and Kayla just left her. Maggie tells Victor to go to her before it's too late. She tells him she will see him at the mansion. Victor nods and then orders Nico to take Maggie home. Nico agrees and tells Victor a car will be sent for him. Nico instructs one of the two bodyguards to keep an eye on Victor while the other leaves with him and Maggie. Victor and Maggie kiss and embrace as she tells him she is praying for him and Greta. Victor thanks her and they both profess their love.
Cassie enters the living room where Stefano is sitting right at his chest board. Cassie asks if he is ok. Stefano tells her that he is fine. He knew how Victor would react and he is more then capable of handling the situation. Cassie apologizes for messing things up. Stefano is silent. Cassie asks if he is going to say something. Stefano tells Cassie it is not a good time for them to be talking. He has much to think about and he is done discussing the situation with her for the night. Cassie thinks they don't have time to waste as they could both end up in trouble. Stefano laughs and points out he won't be in any trouble. Even if he is, he will get out of it. However, she is a different story. Cassie asks what he means and then asks if he is going to help her. Stefano looks at her and then back down at his chess board, saying he hasn't decided yet.
Cassie breaks down in tears and begs him, reminding him that he called her "granddaughter." Stefano points out she is not a Dimera by blood and she has failed him greatly. He saw so much potential in her and now all she is bringing him is more problems then he needs. Cassie promises Stefano she will do better and that she will make up for her actions. She notes that she can't do that if she goes down for Greta's hit and run. Stefano shrugs his shoulders and finished his game of chess. He then gets up and tells her they will talk but he is tired and needs some time. Cassie asks again for assurance he is going to help her in some way. Stefano doesn't answer and walks upstairs. Alone, Cassie breaks down in tears, certain she has lost her chance to be a part of the Dimera family and that she has punched her ticket to prison.
Bo shows up at the scene of Greta's hit and run and meets up with Abe. Abe tells Bo they collected some headlight and windshield glass a few yards away and they have a witness who gave a pretty decent description of the car. Abe tells Bo that they are putting all the info together and then they can see if they can trace the car back to any of the suspects they have in mind right off the bat. Bo thinks this is a big break. Abe agrees, saying that he thinks it won't be long before they have the person who hit Greta in custody.
Victor enters Greta's room in ICU. The color from his face drains when he sees Greta hooked up to countless machines, along with most of her face being bandaged. He surveys the rest of her as tears well in his eyes. He then sits down and gently takes her hand.
Victor: I guess this is why we kept our secret, huh? Of course, you were in enough danger as a princess. (looks at Greta lovingly) I'm so sorry this happened to you. I was afraid this would happen once someone found out you were my...my....daughter. I guess that is what happened or maybe it was something else. I don't know (fighting back tears). What I do know is you have to fight! You have to show that strength of yours. I know you have it. You've been through so much already and came through...you can do this. I...lost my Isabella. I lost that chance to be a father to her. I don't want...to...lose this one. We haven't had any time, Greta. No time at all. I want to hear you talk about what you've done, where you've been, what goals you have...my God, most of all, I want to see that sweet smile of yours. The one that lights up a room when you grace it with your presence. I don't know what all of us...what I...would do if I didn't see that smile...if I didn't see you...alive and showing that vibrant spirit of yours. Your so giving and loving. You have so much more love and kindness to share. This can't be it, Greta. YOU HEAR ME?! DON'T LEAVE ME!!! (breaking down in tears) PLEASE!! NOT NOW!!!
Victor then wipes his tears and looks up to the heavens.
Victor: Isabella, I know you are up there, watching over us. (looks at Greta) I missed my chance to be a true father to you. I feel guilt and sorrow for that everyday of my life. Not a day or moment goes by where...I don't...think about you. (wipes away tears) I don't know what you can do, if anything, but...see what you can do about Greta. I can't lose another daughter. I can't lose another chance. I can't lose her. Please...help your father, Isabella, if you can. (looks at Greta and kisses her on the forehead over her bandage) You listen, your a Kiriakis. You don't give up. You can't. I know you are going to...you have to. YOU HAVE TO, GRETA!!! (breaks down in tears and kisses her hand repeatedly) You have to, my sweet Greta. My beautiful, sweet Greta...
The camera then pans up above to show Victor as he rests his head on Greta's right side as the sounds of his cries for her can still be heard.
Maggie is in the back seat when a loud noise is heard and the car comes to a screeching halt. Nico orders Maggie to stay insider but she doesn't listen. She gets out and sees that the engine is smoking. Nico and the bodyguard look it over and can't seem to fix or figure out what is wrong. Nico calls AAA as Maggie leans on the car, hoping it doesn't take long as she wants to meet Victor at the mansion when he returns. He figures to be upset. Nico tells her she will as it's likely Victor hasn't even been picked up yet. Maggie looks around and notices all the old buildings around her, some still in fair condition and others in horrible condition. She notices the building directly next to the car and remembers it as the old SALEM CLUB. She remembers how it used to hop on weekends and was the place to be in Salem. She then looks at the building and thinks it's a shame as it has potential. It just needs alot of work.
Nico announces that AAA is on its way. He tells the bodyguard to be on the lookout and asks Maggie if she is ok. Maggie nods. Nico then looks at the building and notes how rundown it's become. He says he can't believe it's the same place that used to be the Salem Club. Maggie says she can't either but thinks it can be great again with a little work and the right people taking over. Nico agrees but wonders who would want to take on fixing a dump like that. Maggie looks at the building and remembers what she said to Victor earlier about how if there is something out there for her, it will drop in her lap. She studies the building some more and wonders to herself if this could be it.
Nicole hangs up the phone, frustrated that she can't find any private detectives to help her immediately. She looks at a picture of Evan and promises she will see him soon before taking another sip of her champagne.
Jean waves her hand in front of Alyson's face, asking where she is as she seems like she is a million miles away. Alyson shakes her head and apologizes, saying she was thinking about what she said and all the factors that are at play. Jean asks if she has come to a decision. Alyson nods and tells her she thinks she has. She wants to go to Salem and meet with the Brady's. She thinks it's time to knew about her and Eric. An overjoyed Jean embraces her, assuring her she won't regret this. She only wishes she had done it sooner. Alyson hopes she doesn't come to regret it and just wants it all to go smoothly. Jean thinks it will and can't see how it won't. She promises to be there to help in any way. Alyson thanks her. They embrace. Jean then says they should get packing and motions to Alyson to follow her. Alyson does and they both go into their bedrooms and begin to pack.
Hope, Steve, and Tony make their way down the passageway. Later, they reach a dead end. Tony knows there must be a secret door or something as these passages go on for miles, at least the ones connected to the old mansion did. Tony, Steve, and Hope look for a latch or something that may open a secret entrance of some sort. Hope whispers to Steve that he never did explain why he called her Gina earlier when she was hanging over the pit. Steve says he doesn't know. It just came out. Steve looks at Hope and notices she seems worried. He asks what is wrong. Hope says it's nothing. Just as Steve is about to push her to tell him what is going on, the wall in front of them opens. Tony has pushed a cement block on the wall in, which opened the secret door.
Tony, Steve, and Hope enter and find another passageway. They walk down it and find a room to the left. They can't open the door so Steve tries to break it down, to no avail. Tony asks if Steve has the key he gave him earlier for when he encountered secret rooms and passages. Steve pulls it out. Tony places the key in the lock and turns it, opening the door. Hope thinks it may be there lucky day. Steve smiles and reminds her of the pit drama earlier. Hope hits him on the shoulder as he snickers. Tony, Steve, and Hope enter what appears to be an old study. They look around. Tony begins to realize he has been in the room before. When he was little, his mother used to bring him down there for quiet time. She knew he enjoyed reading and it was also an escape from the world for her as well. Tony also mentions how the key that was used to open the door was given to him by his mother so he could have a way of breaking away from the real world, something she couldn't do as much as she wanted. She knew he could find peace in some of the secret rooms and passages.
He wonders if the answers he seeks may lie in the room since it was special to him and his mother. Hope thinks it's worth a shot to look around throughly. Hope, Steve, and Tony continue to search the room. Tony looks through a shelf of several of his favorite books, opening them up to see if another message from his mother is in one. Hope walks over to a old fashioned globe and studies it. She then turns it around to look it over. Steve asks what she is doing. Hope tells him anything is possible and Daphne may have hidden something inside the globe so she is checking it out for anything unusual. Steve wonders how she would do that. Hope then notices something odd about the part of the globe where Italy is located. She asks Tony to come over. He sees it too. Tony recalls him and his mother looking at the globe and talking about all the great places to visit. They often lost track of time and spent hours talking about adventures they wanted to go on around the globe. Hope thinks they will have to smash the globe to open it up. Tony understands.
Steve then takes the globe and begins tossing it around like a basketball. It doesn't bust. Hope suggests a pocket knife. Steve pulls his out and begins cutting in to the globe. Hope and Tony watch as Steve guts the globe, revealing that the globe is stuffed with bird feathers. Tony, Steve, and Hope are confused until she notices a steel box in the middle of the globe's feather stuffing. Tony pulls it out and thinks this may be what he is searching for. Tony, Steve, and Hope study the box as the scene fades to black.
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