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WICKED: Episode 41



The power still out, once in a while the lightening dimly lit up the room. Marcus and Zander were coming up with a plan of their own. Zander was grateful to have Marcus with him, he hadn't expected Lorenzo in this fight, so he was glad for the back up. Marcus peered out from behind the cabinet, where he had been taking cover and saw a dark shadow move across the floor. It was either Lorenzo or Morgan, Marcus didn't care which, and he fired at the moving target. A loud thud could be heard as the body hit the floor.

"One down, one to go." Marcus replied. "We just might get out of this alive." he added.

Gunfire returned from across the room, Marcus ducking behind the cabinet just as the bullet whizzed on by him. The coffee pot shattering from the bullet's impact.

"Morgan .... show yourself, dammit!" Zander called out from behind the cabinet.

"So you can kill me?!"

"That's the general idea ... yeah! You tried to kill me more then once, you crazy son of a bitch!"

"Lorenzo was the one who tried to kill you, Zander!"

"I guess the last attempt on Emily was Lorenzo too, huh?! You could of killed her and your nephew!"

"Zander, what are you talking about?! I'd never go after Emily!"

"You did take a shot at Emily at the hospital earlier?"

"For the last time ... No! The order didn't come from me, Zander!"

Zander now confused as to who would of ordered a hit on his wife, if it wasn't Jason or Lorenzo. Marcus equally drawing a blank.

"You don't think Greg did, do you?" Marcus asked.

"Greg? I thought you guys took care of Greg?"

"We did ... but he may have had time to hire someone to do it. He knowing he didn't have long for this world."

"Yeah but that's just it, why would he, if he knew he wouldn't be around to enjoy the comforts of what it would get him?"

"No else in town is there?"

"Not that I know of." Zander answered before calling out to Morgan once again.


"Still here and still bleeding!" Jason replied.

"Is Lorenzo dead?"

"I don't know, why don't you come out here and find out!" Jason suggested.

The power in the penthouse suddenly came back on and Jason peered up from the corner he was hidden. He was holding his shoulder with his hand to add pressure to his wound, as he got up and went to the couch. His gun still tightly held in his hand, as he sat down on the couch. Marcus looked up from behind the cabinet and saw Jason sitting on the couch. He nudged Zander and Zander took a look.

"Giving up, Morgan?"

"Not till you're dead! What the hell did you shoot me with, a damn cannon?!" he replied as he checked out his wound.

Marcus peered out from behind the kitchen cabinet, cautiously and noticed Jason sitting on the couch. He slid back down quickly to get out of sight as an other shot was fired in their direction. Zander heard the front door open and another shot fired, breaking the glassware that sat on the bar.

"Put it down Morgan!" Ric said as he stepped into the apartment, holding a gun on Jason.

Jason put the gun down on the table in front of him as Zander and Marcus emerged from the kitchen, their guns still drawn on Jason.

"What the hell happened here?" Ric said as he walked towards Jason on the couch.

"Just a little misunderstanding." Zander replied as he got up from the floor after checking Lorenzo, who laid lifeless behind the door.

Jason got up from the couch and went to Zander. "You could of killed me, why didn't you?"

"You can thank Emily for that. She'd never forgive me if I killed you, Jason."

Police officers were standing out in the hallway, and were allowed in to arrest Jason.

"Take him down town, but after he's looked at for that wound in his shoulder." Ric replied.

"So what about Lorenzo?" Ric added as he saw Lorenzo lying on the floor.

Zander knelt down next to Lorenzo and rolled Lorenzo towards him.

"Payback's a bitch, Lorenzo."

Out of no where, a finally shot was heard .... Zander fell back against the couch ...

Jason grinned from the doorway holding a police revolver in his hand. "Yeah .. but I'm last one standing."


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