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WICKED: Episode 39




Zander's limo --

"Right away, sir." Marcus replied and pulled the car out into the street, heading towards the penthouse.

In a few minutes, Marcus pulled the car up to the curb and parked. He climbed out of the driver's seat and rushed to the other side to open the back door for Zander.

"Stay with the car. I'll be down in a few minutes." Zander instructed before walking into the apartment building.

Marcus noticed Zander ignoring the pain he was feeling from his injuries, and he just shook his head in disbelief, as Zander walked off. He too, didn't understand Zander's motives for doing what he was obviously going to do. The only reason Zander would want to stop by the penthouse would to pick up his weapon, Zander was going into battle with Morgan, and there wasn't anything anyone could do to stop him.

The elevator stopped on the penthouse floor and the doors opened up. Zander stepped off the car and walked to his penthouse. Unlocking the door and stepping inside, he slid the keys back into his jacket pocket and went to his desk. He opened up the top drawer and found the black box where he had kept a loaded spare 9mm. He removed the box from the drawer and set it on the desk, staring at it's shape and size, he opened it up. He was unaware that he had company inside the apartment.

The Penthouse --

"I figured you would be showing up sooner or later." the voice said from the shadows and Zander grabbed the gun from the box quickly to defend himself from darkened figure.

"Yeah and I thought you were in lock up." Zander replied as he held his weapon on Lorenzo.

"Yeah well, I have a good attorney." Lorenzo smirked.

"What are you doing here, Lorenzo?"

"I heard your warehouse got blown up. I just wanted to let you know that it wasn't me who ordered it."

"Yeah I know, Morgan was behind this last one."

"This last one? All of them, Zander. Morgan's been blowing up your warehouses all over the waterfront. You thought I was to blame for that?" Lorenzo chuckled.

Zander starting now to piece a few things together as he stood with his 9mm drawn on Lorenzo. If Lorenzo wasn't blowing up his buildings and it was in fact Morgan, then where did Greg fit in to all this.

"I take it you have a handle on the Greg situation? He's not to smart is he? He missed taking you out a few times." Lorenzo said knowing that by the look on Zander's face he had no clue that Greg was behind the attempts made against he and Emily.

"Don't you worry about Greg, he's none of your concern .....anymore." Zander finally piecing it all together and his hands tightened around his weapon.

"Yeah I guess once I showed him the door, Greg went elsewhere with his ideas."

"And what might they have been?" Zander asked keeping his focus on Lorenzo, now knowing he was the one who had hired Greg.

"To take you down and out. Personally, there's too much heat right now, but Greg knew best." Lorenzo shrugged. Still not arming himself with the weapon he kept in a shoulder holster underneath his suit jacket.

Zander making it aware to Lorenzo that he finally realized Greg's plans. "Ah I see, so Greg left *your* employment and went looking elsewhere .... finding Morgan to pick up where you had left off."

"Yeah something like that. Greg was more of a liability to me then an asset." Lorenzo devilishly smiled. "I guess Greg figured Morgan because he's been the one taking the shipments all this time ....."

"And you just make attempts to take me out, along with my wife!" Zander replied finishing Lorenzo's thought. "Greg probably double crossed you, I mean someone had to send those financial records to the DA's office."

Zander's cell phone ring could be heard coming from his jacket pocket and he reached in slowly to answer it, his attention never leaving Lorenzo.

"Yeah ...." Zander replied.

"Just wanted to let you know, boss, that Morgan's on his way up. He slipped passed me somehow."

"That's alright Marcus .... I'm ready for him when he gets here."

Zander flipped closed his cell phone and stuffed back in his jacket pocket. "We have company coming."

Lorenzo raised his eye brow, implying he wanted to know who would be attending this little impromptu meeting.

"Morgan's on his way up, he should be here ...." Rapping on the penthouse door interrupted Zander. Zander turned his weapon on the door, and Lorenzo then drew his from inside his jacket.

Zander opened the door slowly, Lorenzo was revealed to Morgan as the door opened farther and farther. "Come on in Morgan .... join the party." Zander said as he stepped out from behind the door, his 9mm pointed at Jason.

A storm in the distance made itself known as the thunder rolled across the sky as Jason stepped inside the apartment and Zander closed the door. The three of them now realizing the end of their war was near, some one was going to die tonight. As the rain storm was brewing outside, there was a storm of different sorts brewing inside that apartment.


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